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The Next Chapter for 2020 Is Skyrim

  • haelene
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    haelene wrote: »
    I actually guessed this based on the fact that we've seen two of the original four return already (Tharn and Sai), so Lyris was bound to be next. Given the dialogue with Sai in the prologue, it kind of cemented that idea. I am willing to bet we'll see Varen again soon too.

    On top of that I'm sure ESO is going to coordinate the release of TES 6 Zone with the corresponding Zone in ESO so they can do some sort of crossover thing with rewards to boost sales on both sides. (Like : Buy TES 6 and get an exclusive mount in ESO and vice versa), so that means they need to capitalize on Skyrim before that.

    Saw this coming a mile away and honestly, I'm okay with it. Skyrim was going to happen at some point, might as well be next.

    Edit : Fixed Lyris' name. Stupid Auto correct

    Varen is never coming back, he himself even said so at the end of Orsinium. "Goodbye Vestige. We will not meet again."

    While that's true, ZoS has already pulled hand-wavery like this before. I don't see why Varen would be any different.
  • Gnortranermara
    I'd assume Skyrim is the yearlong theme, not just the Chapter.

    Winterhold is the Chapter, introducing Spellcrafting at the College of Winterhold. That's the reason behind all the huge combat changes (standardization, etc).

    Then we get the other holds and maybe Solstheim and/or Blackreach throughout the year.

    Edited by Gnortranermara on October 23, 2019 12:40AM
  • Sporvan
    Sai Sahan even drops the hint in the prologue that he would like to check in on Lyris later but he's been busy
  • Lapin_Logic
    2019: Year of the Dragon
    2020: Year of the Dragonborn.

    Dragon shouts skill line and a bards college for buff skills.

  • Elsonso
    Genuine question: how it it “too early” for a skyrim chapter?

    It came out in 2011, did these people play the game two years ago or something?

    My thinking is that the 10 year anniversary is very attractive to a marketing person, so 2021 is the Big Year. Whether they start that story in 2020 and finish it in 2021, or just do it all in 2021, that is yet to be seen.
    2021 is also the 15th aniversery of oblivion
    Like morowind released on the 15th aniversary of the morowind game

    Honestly, the only place to go for a tie-in for a whole year is Deadlands and Mehrunes Dagon, or Shivering Isles and Sheogorath. Cyrodiil is largely covered, and we know they will not be doing a PVP year. They would lose the interest of more than half of their player base, I think.

    Having a chapter set off-world in a fully fleshed out oblivion plane would be a nice change. Shivering Isles is probably the best DLC that BGS ever did. I certainly would not mind kicking around an ESO version of it. More than the Chateau or Cheesmonger's, at least.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Heatnix90
    Having a chapter set off-world in a fully fleshed out oblivion plane would be a nice change. Shivering Isles is probably the best DLC that BGS ever did. I certainly would not mind kicking around an ESO version of it. More than the Chateau or Cheesmonger's, at least.

    Hahahaha you would trust ZOS to not screw up a version of Shivering Isles? A mad lad you are.
  • Aliyavana
    Heatnix90 wrote: »
    Having a chapter set off-world in a fully fleshed out oblivion plane would be a nice change. Shivering Isles is probably the best DLC that BGS ever did. I certainly would not mind kicking around an ESO version of it. More than the Chateau or Cheesmonger's, at least.

    Hahahaha you would trust ZOS to not screw up a version of Shivering Isles? A mad lad you are.

    honestly zos has gotten the weirder realms right. if they did what they did with clockwork city, it would be in good hands
  • ProzTh3Almighty
    New class coming....Bard. Ult will apply major OP for 90 secs, nerfed to 85 secs Q2, then 45sec Q3, then changed to minor shuffle for 3 secs Q4. Rinse and repeat....
  • Siohwenoeht
    haelene wrote: »
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    haelene wrote: »
    I actually guessed this based on the fact that we've seen two of the original four return already (Tharn and Sai), so Lyris was bound to be next. Given the dialogue with Sai in the prologue, it kind of cemented that idea. I am willing to bet we'll see Varen again soon too.

    On top of that I'm sure ESO is going to coordinate the release of TES 6 Zone with the corresponding Zone in ESO so they can do some sort of crossover thing with rewards to boost sales on both sides. (Like : Buy TES 6 and get an exclusive mount in ESO and vice versa), so that means they need to capitalize on Skyrim before that.

    Saw this coming a mile away and honestly, I'm okay with it. Skyrim was going to happen at some point, might as well be next.

    Edit : Fixed Lyris' name. Stupid Auto correct

    Varen is never coming back, he himself even said so at the end of Orsinium. "Goodbye Vestige. We will not meet again."

    While that's true, ZoS has already pulled hand-wavery like this before. I don't see why Varen would be any different.

    Well, the VA is completely retired now, due to Alzheimer's if I remember correctly. I don't think it's a voice they can readily replace either... (Poor Dumbledore).
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Genuine question: how it it “too early” for a skyrim chapter?

    It came out in 2011, did these people play the game two years ago or something?

    My thinking is that the 10 year anniversary is very attractive to a marketing person, so 2021 is the Big Year. Whether they start that story in 2020 and finish it in 2021, or just do it all in 2021, that is yet to be seen.
    2021 is also the 15th aniversery of oblivion
    Like morowind released on the 15th aniversary of the morowind game

    Honestly, the only place to go for a tie-in for a whole year is Deadlands and Mehrunes Dagon, or Shivering Isles and Sheogorath. Cyrodiil is largely covered, and we know they will not be doing a PVP year. They would lose the interest of more than half of their player base, I think.

    Having a chapter set off-world in a fully fleshed out oblivion plane would be a nice change. Shivering Isles is probably the best DLC that BGS ever did. I certainly would not mind kicking around an ESO version of it. More than the Chateau or Cheesmonger's, at least.

    There is still the colovian highland and soutern cyrodiil to visit but i woulnt mind a dlc in a plane of oblivion
  • Nemesis7884
    Will they once again lock the only decent looking motifs behind collector edition aswell? I bet they will.

    Did nord skyrim ever have any good motifs

    bloodforge is nice...

    but i do see a lot of skyrim motif options:

    wolf armor
    bear armor
    ancient nord
    skyforge steel
  • Nemesis7884
    Will they once again lock the only decent looking motifs behind collector edition aswell? I bet they will.

    eh in both chapters i felt the collectors edition styles were the weakest ones of all available

    compared to the skyrim dragon scale/plate armor, the eso one looks pretty bad imo...

    Taste vary
    I for one hate the dragon bone armor in skyrim (the scale one is nice tough) but i like the one give for elsweyr especialy in medium

    sure.. i also love the scale one amd the shield... skyrim dragonbone is a bit too bulky but eso dragonbone is way too flat and the weapons and shield look horrible
  • Nemesis7884
    i couöd see them - following elsw. - start with whiterun as major and winterhold, dawnstar and riverhold as minor locations for the first part of the chapter and the following with solitude and markarth in q4...
  • Beolund
    Will they once again lock the only decent looking motifs behind collector edition aswell? I bet they will.

    Did nord skyrim ever have any good motifs

    bloodforge is nice...

    but i do see a lot of skyrim motif options:

    wolf armor
    bear armor
    ancient nord
    skyforge steel

    A Vampire Style would be awesome!
    PC/EU CP1300+
    Sheldør--Mag NB (Main)
    Heimdall--DK Tank
    Thorin Winterschild --Warden Tank
    Rargnskar--NB Tank
    Wolowizard--Mag Sorc
    Hold my Bear--Stam Warden
    Darahes--Mag DK
    Nocturas--Mag NB
    Seinaru--Mag Templar

    Aldmeri for the win
  • Nemesis7884
    I could see them steer a skyrim chapter storyline into one of these directions:


    A) Winterhold / Mage guild centric – e.g. ancient evil is threatening the college;

    I think we could see falmer, dewmer and dragon priests


    B) Vampire / Dawnguard centric – I could even see them combining the companions and the dawnguard story;

    For a Dawnguard vs Vampire or Dawnguard/Werewolves vs Vampires storyline; might also allow a redesign of vampire/wwolf skill lines and push them a bit into the forefront – you could even combine this pvp wise by creating additional player factions in certain pvp modes, you fighting for either the vampires or the werewolves….


    C) Reach / Foresworn story – that could also be an option; but I think its too far west for the Q1 release and we might see it as a q4 release
  • haelene
    haelene wrote: »
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    haelene wrote: »
    I actually guessed this based on the fact that we've seen two of the original four return already (Tharn and Sai), so Lyris was bound to be next. Given the dialogue with Sai in the prologue, it kind of cemented that idea. I am willing to bet we'll see Varen again soon too.

    On top of that I'm sure ESO is going to coordinate the release of TES 6 Zone with the corresponding Zone in ESO so they can do some sort of crossover thing with rewards to boost sales on both sides. (Like : Buy TES 6 and get an exclusive mount in ESO and vice versa), so that means they need to capitalize on Skyrim before that.

    Saw this coming a mile away and honestly, I'm okay with it. Skyrim was going to happen at some point, might as well be next.

    Edit : Fixed Lyris' name. Stupid Auto correct

    Varen is never coming back, he himself even said so at the end of Orsinium. "Goodbye Vestige. We will not meet again."

    While that's true, ZoS has already pulled hand-wavery like this before. I don't see why Varen would be any different.

    Well, the VA is completely retired now, due to Alzheimer's if I remember correctly. I don't think it's a voice they can readily replace either... (Poor Dumbledore).

    Really? I didn't know that! Still though - everything else I said holds up.
  • Rake
    No, no, we need to go to Black Marsh. Whole year of lizards!


  • SilverIce58
    Rake wrote: »
    No, no, we need to go to Black Marsh. Whole year of lizards!



    Very much yes. Argonians are in a 3-way tie of which race has the least areas (Nord and Imperial are the other two).
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • Lady_Linux
    Eraldus wrote: »
    Hopefully this Skyrim expansion will bring the Dawnguard and the Volkihar Clan again, and we'll meet Serana before she got stuffed in that coffin...

    I'd also love to see the Labyrinthian as a Trial/Group Dungeon and the Blackreach in ESO as well.

    Won't happen. cyrodil is already the seat of an empire. she was stuffed long before that.
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • Vicarra
    Skyrim? Blackreach? YES!!!

    Oh god yes, please Zos, yes. Give me ALL the Dwemers. Give me them now. Give me their animunculi. Give me their lore secrets. Give me tonal architecture. Give me books and other secrets written in Dwemeris to translate, like Calcelmo's stone. I have been itching for this for YEARS. Scratch that itch for me, baby!
    PAWS - Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff!

    Haakon Stormblade - Nord Illusionist, Dwemer scholar, Horse Whisperer, Bringer of Storms
  • LanteanPegasus
    Skyrim ??!!

    Let me add to the (apparently tiny) "Gods, NOOOOOOOOO !!!!" faction.

    Started playing TES with Morrowind and got hooked instantly. Loved Oblivion. Waited for Skyrim impatiently. And was sorely disappointed.
    It was boring, most NPCs I couldn't bring myself to care for, it had (for TES standards) awful story writing, that "radiant AI quests" sucked, the whole dragonborn thing sounded totally ridiculous and so on. I mean, come on, "Let's SHOUT people to death, because dragons do so !" Yeah, sure, because "real" words of power need to be shouted. Repeatedly. *facepalm*
    Considering it comes from dragons it's probably about killing people with bad breath, and some stupid Nord (with equally bad breath) thought it was about the noise. And that's supposed to incite any "nostalgia" for me ? No thanks ! It even makes me roll my eyes when the dragons in Elsweyr shout away.
    The graphics were nice, but, well, pretty pictures can be done with any other place in Tamriel as well.

    So, with Lyris as the most boring and uninspired of the four companions as the most probable "chum" for the adventure, and a whole lot of Nords who are just plain too stubborn and proud (that's Nord for dense and egoistic) to get anything right, ever, and need my help in consequence, that will be a chapter that saves me lots of money because I'll just skip it and do all the other stuff ESO has to offer.

    Cyrodiil, on the other hand, finally opened for something useful instead of PvP - say the word and I'll be there with my wallet ready !!
    Edited by LanteanPegasus on October 23, 2019 3:54PM
  • SilverIce58
    Skyrim ??!!

    Let me add to the (apparently tiny) "Gods, NOOOOOOOOO !!!!" faction.

    Started playing TES with Oblivion and got hooked instantly. Loved Oblivion. Waited for Skyrim impatiently. And was sorely disappointed.
    It was boring, most NPCs I couldn't bring myself to care for, it had (for TES standards) awful story writing, that "radiant AI quests" sucked, the whole dragonborn thing sounded totally ridiculous and so on. I mean, come on, "Let's SHOUT people to death, because dragons do so !" Yeah, sure, because "real" words of power need to be shouted. Repeatedly. *facepalm*
    Considering it comes from dragons it's probably about killing people with bad breath, and some stupid Nord (with equally bad breath) thought it was about the noise. And that's supposed to incite any "nostalgia" for me ? No thanks ! It even makes me roll my eyes when the dragons in Elsweyr shout away.
    The graphics were nice, but, well, pretty pictures can be done with any other place in Tamriel as well.

    So, with Lyris as the most boring and uninspired of the four companions as the most probable "chum" for the adventure, and a whole lot of Nords who are just plain too stubborn and proud (that's Nord for dense and egoistic) to get anything right, ever, and need my help in consequence, that will be a chapter that saves me lots of money because I'll just skip it and do all the other stuff ESO has to offer.

    Cyrodiil, on the other hand, finally opened for something useful instead of PvP - say the word and I'll be there with my wallet ready !!

    Wow we get it, you hate skyrim.
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • deleted008293
    I've been talking about a possible Labyrinthian trial ages ago... just wait for it. At this moment we can only speculate. Ofc sooner or later we will go to Skyrim. Through it make much more sense to come 10 years after its launch and not next year. We will see.

    As for Skyrim? It will certainly bring some much loved snowy landscapes for housing, a wider amount of snow capped fauna. And I could go on. Blackreach? Hmm All I can think are luminoscent flora and ofc glowing mushrooms, plants and animals. :) Bring it already. :)
  • MLGProPlayer
    Do you guys think we'll hit 50k average (75-100k peak) concurrent players on Steam when this launches? I honestly think ESO might average a higher population than WoW for a month or two.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on October 23, 2019 8:19AM
  • OtarTheMad
    I actually fear them doing anything with Skyrim because of how Windhelm/Eastmarch and The Rift turned out. Also, I hope they keep in mind that Skyrim is split up into two different sides atm.
  • Ye_Olde_Crowe
    A Skyrim chapter would certainly warrant a combat halitosis skill. I for one wouldn't like to stand directly in a dragon shout's AoE.
    PC EU.

    =primarily PvH (Player vs. House)=
  • Elsonso
    Heatnix90 wrote: »
    Having a chapter set off-world in a fully fleshed out oblivion plane would be a nice change. Shivering Isles is probably the best DLC that BGS ever did. I certainly would not mind kicking around an ESO version of it. More than the Chateau or Cheesmonger's, at least.

    Hahahaha you would trust ZOS to not screw up a version of Shivering Isles? A mad lad you are.

    Never said that, although the latter part is true. :smile: I do think that it would be less obvious with a smaller, well contained, zone like Shivering Isles, than with something big and expansive, like Skyrim. ZOS does tend to do better on the smaller zones, and I think that is because the smaller zones more easily fit into what they are willing to spend for any given content. Zones like Morrowind, Summerset, and Elsweyr, while nice, are clearly larger than they budget for.
    Do you guys think we'll hit 50k average (75-100k peak) concurrent players on Steam when this launches? I honestly think ESO might average a higher population than WoW for a month or two.

    Maybe, on hype alone. I don't know about a month or two, either. Maybe a month? By the time this comes out, the characters will be nerfed to the point where the monsters die of old age. That probably is not going to hold anyone's attention, no matter what the IP is.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • LadyAstrum
    I'd prefer Cyrodil. The idea of Skyrim bores me. I guess Nord's don't do it for me, but maybe I'd be surprised.
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Vicarra
    If it is Skyrim, I don't know if the Bard class will be part of it, since (to my knowledge) we haven't actually seen any bard NPCs in combat. It's unclear what form of combat they will take - something like the bards from lotro? That would be fun, but not very original. Looking at the NPC classes that we haven't got yet, I'm thinking something like a shaman class (the ones that summon the green totems) would be the most likely since they don't have to code it from scratch.

    I think it's most likely that we'll have a year long campaign to remove the Despot of Markarth - perhaps starting off with one of the eastern zones (for example, something to do with the College of Winterhold in the spring - gaining allies for that push, maybe?) and moving westward, pushing out the Reachmen as we go, via Solitude (perhaps in the summer).

    However, if they're hinting at the Blackreach/red nirnroot though, it could be more Dwemer/Falmer focused. I for one would prefer not to have any of the Dwemer stuff locked behind a trial, simply because Blackreach is such an iconic location that I would want to be able to explore it without any time pressure. Blackreach would be an ideal story zone DLC like CWC was. An ideal location for a trial would be one of the Dwemer ruins that leads to the Aetherium Forge, which could provide us with weapons to use against the Reachmen.

    Oh, and I'd really love a little Dwemer cliff house in Markarth please. Not some grand palace or huge undecoratable space. It could be a reward for helping clear the Reachmen out. Just a little 2-3 room house would be fine by me.
    PAWS - Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff!

    Haakon Stormblade - Nord Illusionist, Dwemer scholar, Horse Whisperer, Bringer of Storms
  • HappyLittleTree
    Casterial wrote: »
    No love for Daggerfall Covenant Stories^^

    I'm DC die hard, I can't stand questing in EP or AD zones, so I haven't done any DLC related to them including chapters 😂

    I'm a EP diehard but i feel like DC is getting left behind.
    Thuu chakkuth lod Hajhiit c’oo? Hajhiit gortsuquth gorihuth thuu gooluthduj thdeitoluu!

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