Magicka Necromancer's PvP-offense is really mediocre on live, but is essentially getting gutted in this first PTS patch. If my reading of ZOS' math is correct, the Skeletal Mage will do even less damage than it did before increased by 90% last patch, but the current damage is getting cut in half. I can trigger the Necropotence set with my Mender, so the Mage's value really plummets; there hasn't been any announcement of the magicka cost going down, duration going up, or any passive skills changing. Sure, the extra penetration is nice and whatnot, but what exactly am I going to apply it to? An extremely unreliable Blastbones and a spammable? As though that's going to get kills against players that aren't terrible.
This is the exact same predicament Magicka Necromancer was in prior to the Scalebreaker patch, but worse (since the Colossus' Major Vulnerability will never take effect against opponents you'd actually need it against, and the Mage's damage will be even lower than before). Magicka Necromancer just doesn't have a worthwhile offensive toolkit available to it; the only way I can see us having any chance at success against halfway decent players is by playing a really gimmicky burst setup relying on 3x Harmony Jewelry with Avid Boneyard + Blastbones + Meteor + Vamp Drain, while crossing your fingers that the Blastbones actually does what he's supposed to during the midst of your burst attempt. And if it fails, you've got a 20 second cooldown on the synergy and obviously need to rebuild all your ultimate.
Even with the current (live) version of the generic Magicka DOTs, Magicka Necromancer's offense is really bad against decent Battlegrounds teams with healers.
While it's good to hear that ZOS recognizes that Mystic Siphon doesn't function properly, that skill won't be useful in PvP unless it's at least partially redesigned. Having a ground-based DOT with bad damage, a corpse requirement, and an incredibly obvious telegraph just isn't going to cut it (especially since the corpse location often won't be where it would be most beneficial).
Your suggestion would leave the ultimate in a state of uselessness for PvP. It would be far better for either the Major Vulnerability to take effect on the first hit of the ultimate, or remove that debuff entirely and replace it with something else. I'm tired of the class being utter garbage in PvP just so it's not "too strong" in scripted PvE content.What they have done is make stacking necros MORE NECCESSARY to get major vuln.
They achieved the OPPOSITE of adding variation. Instead of average guilds getting away with 2-3 necros, now they'll need more.
They needed to make mobs IMMUNE to major invuln for X seconds after it was used once. This way, you could only use 2-3 necros and adding more would not give you more uptime.
Here is what colossus should do:
- Applies major invuln on last hit, it lasts for 5 seconds, or 7 seconds, or whatever.
- Enemies afflicted with major invuln cannot be afflicted again for the next 10 seconds, or 15 seconds
The seconds of uptime vs immunity would balance eachother. Longer duration = longer immunity.
We’re aware of the frustrating nature of attempting to use these abilities, which is why we have added a small stop-gap measure in the meantime until we can properly solve the issue.
Your suggestion would leave the ultimate in a state of uselessness for PvP. It would be far better for either the Major Vulnerability to take effect on the first hit of the ultimate, or remove that debuff entirely and replace it with something else. I'm tired of the class being utter garbage in PvP just so it's not "too strong" in scripted PvE content.What they have done is make stacking necros MORE NECCESSARY to get major vuln.
They achieved the OPPOSITE of adding variation. Instead of average guilds getting away with 2-3 necros, now they'll need more.
They needed to make mobs IMMUNE to major invuln for X seconds after it was used once. This way, you could only use 2-3 necros and adding more would not give you more uptime.
Here is what colossus should do:
- Applies major invuln on last hit, it lasts for 5 seconds, or 7 seconds, or whatever.
- Enemies afflicted with major invuln cannot be afflicted again for the next 10 seconds, or 15 seconds
The seconds of uptime vs immunity would balance eachother. Longer duration = longer immunity.
I had already ditched the Colossus as an ultimate in PvP, mostly due to how easily it gets avoided in most cases - one dodge roll generally means that my 225 cost ultimate did 0 damage and applied 0 debuffs. The only class skills that are worthwhile for offense on the live servers are Blastbones and the Skeletal Mage, and the impending damage nerf for the Mage will remove it from that "list." And since Blastbones is so unreliable, it barely deserves a slot...if there were basically any other alternative for burst, Blastbones would also go on the trash heap.
Having the Major Vulnerability apply on the first Colossus hit would leave it at least quasi-useful, at least for premade groups with good coordination (and a cooldown on the debuff would be fine, IMO). But frankly, I'd rather it just be changed to something else, so that the ultimate could actually be more useful in PvP, while not encouraging "class stacking" in PvE.