A skill which functioned similarly, but received a rework, is the Path of Darkness skill and its morphs from the Nightblade toolkit. Previously, one of the things that made Magblades outperform was the fact that one of their skills provided both high damage as well as healing (not only for themselves, but for their group). The skill has now been reworked so that Magblades have to choose between a morph that will either 1) Provide damage or 2) Provide healing. Not both.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »@WrathOfInnos the pets damage being only 9% is not the most surprising thing on that CMX, it is the fact that someone is using domihaus, what is up with that.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »
Good eye @Lightspeedflashb14_ESO, apparently it works pretty well in vSS because the ring hits the dragons reliably. I have not tried it myself, but it seems to be performing slightly better than Ilambris or mixed crit.
curse reach frag and fury... all the essentials of sorc burst (the same if you ran pet less) fit comfortably on the front bar even with double barring the matriach. Pelican one of the strongest mag sorcs on PC NA who was (afaik but i could be wrong) one of the earliest adopters of this build doesn't even bother to slot fury (you can find his build vid on YT).
I am not saying nerf the damage or nerf the heal.. I am saying one morph for each and you PICK.... one or the other... just you don't get to have both. For PvE doesn't matter, overland is a joke and in difficult content you have a healer, your dps will be fine. In PvP you don't need the extra dmg from the pet. The heal alone will make it worth it.
Also most sorcs won't just let you stroll up and kill their pet... usually if you target the pet they'll hit you with the above combination of skills while you are hacking away at the ward protecting the pet.
So it's either "broken and OP" or "nothing", balance not of interest, got it... smh
Are you really saying that mag sorcs can't push out plenty damage without the free damage from the matriach?
They just fixed Incap and Surprise Attack and rightly so, and all the SaltBlades said the class is now dead, guess what still plenty strong Stamblades out there packing people up.
Grothdarr hits the reliably as well...assuming the group is stacked properly.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »@WrathOfInnos the pets damage being only 9% is not the most surprising thing on that CMX, it is the fact that someone is using domihaus, what is up with that.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »
@ecru I still maintain that there is significant opportunity cost in running the pet, 2 bar slots and casting Curse twice as often. There’s a large difference in the complexity of a rotation with Curse every 6s (lining up with nothing else) vs Curse every 12s (lining up with Liquid Lightning).
You’re right about the pet being able to DPS while the Sorc is rezzing, but I don’t think we should be balancing classes around the ability to effectively rez allies. Otherwise Templar and Necro would be considered the best, and everyone would wear Kagrenacs.
Personally I don’t see the Matriarch doing more than 10% in PVE, but I suppose it could happen if events interrupt the rotation and prevent use of other skills. We’re getting to the point of debating within a couple % how much damage it can do, but I’ll post the best example I’ve seen. AFAIK this it the highest Mag Sorc single target on Yolnakriin HM. The Matriarch was 9.0% of his single target at 5740 DPS, and around 8% of overall AoE damage.
And for your final point, I don’t really see any group pressure to force all Magicka DPS onto pet Sorc. In my groups at least, they want everyone to be playing Stamcro. And I’m now the only one playing any form of Mag DPS.
IMO Magplar and Magsorc are actually pretty balanced right now, both in damage and utility. The only reason I don’t bring Magplar to more raids is the lack of Minor Prophecy. I do agree that the other Mag classes need some help though, and I don’t think nerfing Sorc pets would benefit them at all. More likely it would only make the Stam meta more mandatory.
Actually non-pet sorcs basically do not exist anymore in endgame PVE because of how strong they made pets. There are exceptions but if they took away the strength of pets without a buff somewhere else they would likely dip below MagDen in terms of damage and have reliability issues in dealing even that much.
I'd just like to see other mag dps to be able to reach that high ceiling petsorcs have set for all other mag dps in an actual trial scenario, not a dummy parse. Right now there's just too big of a disparity IMO.
Trinity_Is_My_Name wrote: »
Say what? My main Mag Sorc is a Non Pet Sorc. I've run all Vet DLC content with it just fine. I rarely see other Mag Sorcs in my Guilds with Pets.
vesselwiththepestle wrote: »I don't agree that the Matriarch is too strong.
It's the Tormentor which is too weak.
Betty_Booms wrote: »
This. Balance the matriach by buffing the tormentor...stop calling for nerfs...
Yet another nerf sorc thread...so sick of them...
Oh and stop comparing the skill to other skills that only require 1 slot...
You want to stop the damage on the matriach.. make it a 1 slot heal skill with the heal aspect only. That doesn't require summoning or cant be targetted...cause they are very easy to kill these days. They only have to be in aoe and they die...
What do you reckon about buffing the Templar's heal Breathe of Life by giving it a damage component, removing the directional based restrictions, increasing the overall heal, adding a LOS component so Templars can free cast from a distance (albeit with a weaker ranged arsenal) and finally reducing the cost to cast it by ~25%?
Betty_Booms wrote: »
Make it tied to a pet that takes 2 slots, is easly killed and has a 1+ second summon time that is detrimental if you need to heal and it dies...it comes with risk..sure.. have at it. Im curious what other skill are you sacrificing for this?
1) The difference in DPS between the Matriarch and Tormentor morphs is marginal (especially considering the Tormentor is only useful for targets above 50% health).
2) The burst heal from the Matriarch is one of the best in the game as it affects 2 targets, with a 360 degree hitbox, and can crit as high as 20k+ on non-healer builds.
Iron_Blurr wrote: »No it's not overpowered.
It takes up 2 bar slots. If you want to make the pet 1 bar slot fine make it a heal only then. You cant compare it to the dragonknight cauterize skill because that only takes up 1 bar slot.
If you want to take away its damage then you have to give it something in return to justify it needing to be slotted on both bars while things like breath of life do not need to be double barred.