Great so you know what our Guild and a number of other would do. Stop complaining and go with your buddies to the 7 day campaing and prove your point to ZOS.
Ah but You know what number of other people and guilds think ? Come on You're just subjectivly presenting Your point of view same as everyone here on both sides when saying about majority of people because there is no reliable data to say what majority of people thinks so dont try to make Yourself smarter then others.
Also side question. If ZoS would make 7 days campaign faction locked and leave both 30 days campaign non laction locked or even made 7 days CP and no CP faction locked campaignss and left 30 days campaign non faction locked do You think that 7 days faction locked campaigns would become populated and those 30 day campaigns would start to loose popularity ?
There is a number of guilds incuding ours who are one faction only, those would go to the locked campaigns, so your argument is incorrect.
I know people in Guilds who are one faction only on all Alliances, so I know what I am speaking about.
May main point though is that zos looks at hard facts, for a long time there was no choises, now people can chose, locked or unlocked and the result is obvious. If you want to prove otherwise go populate the unlocked Campaign.
dtsharples wrote: »You have been given a campaign purely to cater to how you want to play, and yet you don't take it - what gives?
I used to play all different campaigns depending how I wanted to play that evening, and what our group was doing.
Now I play solely Kaal, as I prefer CP and I prefer faction lock.
The only issue here is that people won't break from the norm to go and fill up the unlocked campaign. And I presume a lot of that has to do with many people who want to play unlocked aren't actually all that social - i.e. don't have a large friend / acquaintance group in game who they can sway to follow them to unlocked.
If they did it would be flooded with like minded people by now, happily enjoying swapping to their hearts content - But that clearly is not the case, and you need to ask yourself why.
Maybe we can make some sort of poll where you can ask who would come to 7 day unlocked and you can invite the people who vote yes?
Theres a tonne of polls and posts about reversing lock, yet none about trying to get groups together for the unlocked campaign.
It seems there is a fundamental issue that people who want to play unlocked are not admitting to. So I'll ask again, what Gives?
If faction locks are supposed to allow noobs to PvDoor in peace, why not just lock the 7-day campaign, where most PvDoor (and emp/scroll trading/map flipping) takes part anyway?
And ofc stacking on an overpopulated faction isn't going to provide good fights, so turning against those pvdooring "noobs" - your words - is part of the fun, and helps balancing out the population, which is usually something beneficial for anyone but those who only want to pvdoor. And those can just go to the dead campaign, no matter whether it would be locked or not.
There are not enough players to fill more than 2 campaigns at primetime and not enough to fill even one outside of those few hours. And even if there were, the amount of organisation that would be needed to get everyone to swap at the same time - across all alliances and playtimes! - is not realistic.
Also there is no unlocked noCP campaign (and no, adding one isn't going to solve anything).
Nobody, who is against the locks wants to play on an unlocked campaign just for the sake of having no locks (unlike pro faction lock people it seems). No matter how you look at it, the 7-day campaign is not an alternative for players who want actual PvP and not just PvDoor, so please stop bringing it up as an argument.
dtsharples wrote: »Someone needs to give a good, valid reason as to why people who want to play unlocked, are not playing in the unlocked campaign - made specifically for them. Not once have I seen or heard a reasonable explanation.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »
Because it's EMPTY. There is nothing to do there. That explanation is given multiple times in every thread.
dtsharples wrote: »"It's empty" is not a valid argument!!! It's just the main one that losers have been using to avoid giving a real answer.
That is easily fixed if you just stop filling up Kaal - where apparently you are miserable - get off your lazy asses and go to the unlocked campaign.
WHY ARE YOU NOT GOING TO THE UNLOCKED CAMPAIGN? Give a real answer. I'll even accept "Because I want to farm potatoes"....but I don't presume that you'll be that honest or forthcoming, even to yourself
Regardless of which campaigns are locked and which aren't locked, the 7 day is probably always going to be the dead campaign.
dtsharples wrote: »They just don't want to admit that they get their kicks killing newbies to cyro.
No newbies are going to join 7 day, hence they won't move to 7 day.
Once they own up and admit it to themselves everyone will be in a better state.
Until then they will keep filling up the forum with whiny crying because they can't kill people in Kaal
Plently of the players in the 7 day campaign are newbies. Mostly because the players who want pvp instead of taking empty keeps will move to the populated campaigns.
dtsharples wrote: »"It's empty" is not a valid argument!!! It's just the main one that losers have been using to avoid giving a real answer.
That is easily fixed if you just stop filling up Kaal - where apparently you are miserable - get off your lazy asses and go to the unlocked campaign.
WHY ARE YOU NOT GOING TO THE UNLOCKED CAMPAIGN? Give a real answer. I'll even accept "Because I want to farm potatoes"....but I don't presume that you'll be that honest or forthcoming, even to yourself
dtsharples wrote: »They just don't want to admit that they get their kicks killing newbies to cyro.
No newbies are going to join 7 day, hence they won't move to 7 day.
Once they own up and admit it to themselves everyone will be in a better state.
Until then they will keep filling up the forum with whiny crying because they can't kill people in Kaal
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »
What does killing newbies have to do with faction lock? You can do that just as easily with or without it.
But I think this is an important accusation. It gets to the heart of the matter. You see multi-faction as a proxy for the underlying issue, which is players who are better than you that kill you.
You imagine faction lock as a way to "punish" them since you can't compete with them in PvP.
Killing newbies is related to faction locks because without locks, newbies tend to jump to the alliance that is dominating, where it's much easier for them to get kills with extra buffs and masses of other players that also jump to the dominant faction. The AP farmers know this and then jump to one of the underdog factions to farm said noobs, which is their bread-and-butter. All the 1-5vX pros thrive on the noobs, even if they won't admit it. Everyone says they want "good fights", when most of them really mean "wins", plus it looks really cool in their Twitch streams to win vs. superior numbers, and I'm sure the fawning comments from their fans can be a real ego boost.