From conversations I had with them they were not planning any kind of alliance change tokens or unbinding alliances from character creation. However with the constant feedback about how alliance change has impacted their "play with friends" I do wonder if they will change on that.
I could imagine the quick solution would be to just add a 30 day non-locked campaign.
The thing is when it wasn't locked we had a forum full of "bring back lock" threads, then when it was we started getting the "remove lock threads"
I would agree the 30 day unlocked campaign would be the easiest solution. However, one way or another Zos has a choice. Do something to rectify this or show complete disdain for players impacted by Zos' reversal.
The thing is when it wasn't locked we had a forum full of "bring back lock" threads, then when it was we started getting the "remove lock threads"
It's the same with what happened with Battlegrounds and CP/No-CP. ZOS either has to find a way to appease everyone (which I am not sure there is enough PvP population to do with offering all options) or make a choice, and stick to it. Which isn't ever going to be popular with the people it burns, but at least holds consistent.
Agreed. I can't even predict their outcome on this one, sometimes they make appeasements (and would add a campaign) other times they just leave it as a "this is how it is now" and people have to suck it up.So Zos really has two options. Two 30 day campaigns with one locked and one not or bite the bullet and overcome the technical hurdles and offer a limited time faction change. Otherwise they show clear contempt for those they have harmed. I do not see another way around that.
I could imagine the quick solution would be to just add a 30 day non-locked campaign.
Why don't you guys move to the 7 days one already? That would be the quickest and easiest solution.
- Assuming they added an unlocked 30 days campaign you would need to move anyway.
- Since you care only about fights and not the alliance doesn't matter if the campaign resets every 7 or 30 days.
- If you want greater rewards then make up your mind and choose an alliance.
Faction lock is great and should had been always like this.
I like the faction lock people do care more about the Campaign. The argument about not beeing able with friends is stupid, its easy to create a new char.
The problem is that the population is so small that only 1-2 campaigns are populated.
Why don't you guys move to the 7 days one already? That would be the quickest and easiest solution.
- Assuming they added an unlocked 30 days campaign you would need to move anyway.
- Since you care only about fights and not the alliance doesn't matter if the campaign resets every 7 or 30 days.
- If you want greater rewards then make up your mind and choose an alliance.
Faction lock is great and should had been always like this.
The problem is that the population is so small that only 1-2 campaigns are populated.
Against what some forumers might believe the majority of players doesn't care about faction-locks and just joined the 30day CP campaign as it's the new Vive or the 30day No-CP campaign as it's the new Sotha. So both "main" campaigns are faction-locked and the 7-day campaign continues to be as dead as ever.
If the 7 day campaign would be faction-locked and the 30 day campaign faction-free we would see the same thing: Everyone playing on 30 day campaigns and almost noone on the 7 day campaign.
You could make exactly the same argument to argue for removing faction locks.
If the majority of players don't care about faction locks then it's fine as it is since seems to be ok for them.
If people really want unlocked campaigns they can go to shor, even if unpopulated, so they can fill the bar and show to others that Shor is not dead anymore.
The 7 days campaign should never be the faction locked one. People who stick to an alliance despite of wining or losing should get greater rewards than those who keep switching.
You could make exactly the same argument to argue for removing faction locks.
1. You say you cant play with friends, strange just join the locked campaing on the same faction. If you dont have char on all factions agree on a faction on which all can play, or create a new char for the agreed faction. I cant see the problem. What I think you really arguing for, is the alliance jumping.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
Except the last point.
Here’s a simple solution. Faction lock the 7 day and keep the 30 day unlocked. Then you can really see if faction lock is so popular or not. Because locking the 30 day just screws most people due to the fact that most casuals will just dog pile into the 30 regardless if it has a lock or not.
Also EP is winning on PC-EU-30d-CP by a lot due to constant night cap. Players will stop caring soon again as they realise they have absolutely no impact on campaign scoring if they don't play during the night/morning.
Some of us grinded characters to play with our friends on the opposite factions,
or simply just got fed up with the behavior of our faction, morning cap, etc...
After faction lock made it to live, i literally do not login to my recent grinded char - Because simply most of my chars are AD,
So putting a home campaign on non-AD char is unreasonable.
Give us alliance change token, so our time of grinding wont go to waste.
Master_Kas wrote: »
I wanted to make a necro on EP this time round. Thought the locks just mean if you swap faction you lose your leaderboard AP which would be fine.
Then I was forced to make a EP dk to pvp with as I cannot play on my yellow one.
Sandman929 wrote: »I don't think ZOS sees it as giving you no choice or that you can't play with your friends. They have unlocked campaigns (except for the non-CP folks) and the choice is available(as far as they're concerned).
A lot of faction lock advocates are saying the same thing.
I play one faction only. I didn't particularly care if there were ever faction locks for everyone else, and the faction locked campaign is still unplayable during the hours that I normally play due to poor server I guess I really don't have a dog in the race, but I don't think the "I can't play all my characters or with my friends" thing is getting much traction because people absolutely can, but choose not to. ZOS could even say that the absence of an unlocked non-CP campaign still isn't limiting, because players can go to the unlocked CP campaign, so the option exists even if players choose not to take it.
Here’s a simple solution. Faction lock the 7 day and keep the 30 day unlocked. Then you can really see if faction lock is so popular or not. Because locking the 30 day just screws most people due to the fact that most casuals will just dog pile into the 30 regardless if it has a lock or not.