Faction lock is not fair

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  • SKYICE01
    I love that you guys think ZoS cares.
  • Zer0oo
    They do not care till they get are real big public outrage and at that point they do some damage control.

    So the more negative posts here on the forums and everywhere else the higher the chances they will act. Maybe they will do more than just a written statement about how bad their communication was, they are sorry about [*insert problem] and they will try to improve [*insert problem].
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • Heimpai
    I understand not playing on other alliances but they realize that we spent money and time on characters that are no longer playable 🤔

    They obviously don’t care and hope you spend more money grinding the same char again

    And no i don’t enjoy this games pve
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Heimpai wrote: »
    I understand not playing on other alliances but they realize that we spent money and time on characters that are no longer playable 🤔

    They obviously don’t care and hope you spend more money grinding the same char again

    And no i don’t enjoy this games pve


    How many characters have had real money dropped on crowns for horse speed / stamina upgrades only to not be able to play that toon in PVP anymore (when that was the original point of it) on the thirty day campaigns? There are no unlocked 30 day campaigns (either CP or noCP).

    No matter how upset, no matter how invalidated they feel their pvp experience, no one has the right to demand that characters that have had good, RL money spent on them be completely unplayable in their chosen environment.

    Lose the campaign, get farmed, etc. At least you can still log into that toon and zone into Cyrodiil to play with the friends and guild mates you want to play with.

    Faction locks are completely against the whole concept of One Tamriel, prevent people from playing with their friends, and in many instances prevent people from playing with toons that have had crowns spent on them, making them more reluctant to purchase / spend crowns on new characters in the future as there is no telling when they may get to play them in pvp.

    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Gilvoth
    Faction Lock is hurting exploiters that can no longer cheat the leaderboard for 10+ 30-day rewards. FTFY

    Everyone else is fine because they play on only one faction for leaderboard rewards like a correct person. If you want to play with your friends on another faction, go to another campaign - AP is AP. The only reason why you'd complain is because you're after the leaderboard so you can exploit it. You can't cheat anymore - get over it.

    well said
    all truth
  • msalvia
    LarsS wrote: »
    I like the faction lock people do care more about the Campaign. The argument about not beeing able with friends is stupid, its easy to create a new char.

    Is it easy to collect a million skyshards, clear dungeons for skill points, grab lorebooks, level psijic and undaunted, etc? No, it's not as simple as "just make a new character." The easiest and best solution (mentioned by the OP) is alliance-change tokens.

    I love the idea of faction lock, but think it's ridiculous that I have no way of making my 2 year old PvP toons the same faction now that I suddenly can't play them all at once (because let's be honest, 7 day campaigns are garbage).
  • tonemd
    Perhaps the hoppers should show ZOS how important this is to them by creating new accounts.

    Everybody Wins!
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    tonemd wrote: »
    Perhaps the hoppers should show ZOS how important this is to them by creating new accounts.

    Everybody Wins!

    And grind 810 CP again?

    Are you mad?

    How about instead we communicate how much less likely we are to purchase character upgrades or changes from the Crown Store for newer characters, since we have no idea if we'll get to play them on a regular basis or not.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Gilvoth
    only need level 50, not 810
  • TBois
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    only need level 50, not 810

    They are speaking about new accounts, not new characters on an existing account.
    T-Bois (Stam Sorc since 1.4) - AD
    An Unsettling Snowball (Templar) - AD
    Bosquecito (Stam Sorc) - DC
    Peti-T-Bois (Stamden) - AD
  • IronWooshu
    amir412 wrote: »

    Cuz its dead, thats why no1 want to move there.
    Either way, its still not a solution, why do i need to wait x amount of days to play a char i made, specifically for pvp, when the pvp on my main faction is unpleasant,

    If you want to PVP and not wait there are BG's
  • master_vanargand
    Why did CP 7 day campaign dead?
    That's because the anti faction lock players is not effort.
    Why are you not doing anything?
    It is up to you to revitalize the CP 7 day campaign.
  • Hexquisite
    The CP 7 day died off a long time ago due to being unbalanced,. That was the Emp swapping campaign at some points.,...that should've been the faction locked one.
    Edited by Hexquisite on June 19, 2019 3:53AM
    PC NA
    ~Ethereal Traders Union~
    ~Spicy Economics~
    ~Tropic Thunder~
    ~Us Ghosts~

  • Gilvoth
    if you faction hop it should let you be flaggable and killable by ALL!
  • KillsAllElves
    Too many nerds whining about the wrong things in eso.

    Zos should have made multiple 30 day and 7 day campaigns both locked and unlocked, this might have a good impact on server performance, players would spread out instead of stacking in one campaign.

    I understand the emp situation but there have been absolutely zero good arguments for 30 day locked campaigns.

    Eso tamriel unlimited should be renamed to eso tamriel limited.

    Oh and design better skins.
  • master_vanargand
    Too many nerds whining about the wrong things in eso.

    Zos should have made multiple 30 day and 7 day campaigns both locked and unlocked, this might have a good impact on server performance, players would spread out instead of stacking in one campaign.

    I understand the emp situation but there have been absolutely zero good arguments for 30 day locked campaigns.

    Eso tamriel unlimited should be renamed to eso tamriel limited.

    Oh and design better skins.

    I love faction lock <3
  • Rittings
    Alliance change tokens and "Any race, any alliance" as default for everyone would probably help a considerable amount of the community.
  • amir412
    Heimpai wrote: »
    I understand not playing on other alliances but they realize that we spent money and time on characters that are no longer playable 🤔

    They obviously don’t care and hope you spend more money grinding the same char again

    And no i don’t enjoy this games pve

    Thanks for the reminder, i totally forgot i invested some money for the mount speed upgrades :(
    PC | EU | AD | "@Saidden"| 1700 CP|
  • Nermy
    The argument against making a new toon is pretty thin. Necromancers only came out a month ago and look how many there are in Cyrodiil now.
    Ex-Leader of The Wabbajack [EU EP PvP guild - Now stood down from active duty]

    Nermden - EP Warden, Nerm-in'a'tor - EP Dragon Knight, N'erm - EP Sorcerer, D'arkness - EP Nightblade, Nermy - EP Templar

    “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” ― Oscar Wilde

    "An Army is a team; lives, sleeps, eats, fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is a lot of crap." -General George S. Patton
  • jdamuso

    Exactly, locking the 7 day campaign would have been an interesting experiment. The faction loyal zerglings don't want to fight (without sieges..you know..skills - the symbols that you find on your action bars next to snipe) anyway - 7 day PvDoor for the queen/king is exactly what they need.



    This is not logical train of thought.

    Put something on a server where no one plays and see if it works.


    No one wants to play there, everyone wants to play on the most populated server.

    So putting it into an undesirable server doesn't prove anything not anything at all.

    And what people want isn't exactly the case here is it..
    this. let me explain this.

    I DO NOT LIKE faction lock.

    however i think there should be faction lock because players cannot control themselves and be responsible with freedoms.
    meaning if there is a way to exploit a privilege they do so. And so the few rotten apples ruin the whole bushel.

    Now when i would log into cyro in the past during free faction, i would play where i was playing, and play to win. I would not make fake call outs, and harass one team, with the intent to disrupt and make them lose. I did not hold and one factions best interest in mind. This is an example of responsible game play in a free faction model.

    Now, having a pvp guild that can log a earthgore ball group into any faction at anytime, while creating massive disruption trolling and toxic behavior in chat, and using said ball group to sway the course of battle to the best interest of said pvp guilds favored faction. (which was a thing, dont even argue it, i seent it with me own two eyes) This is an example of irresponsible game play in a free faction model.

    And thus this is why it was implemented. In the interest of fairness.

    So to say faction lock is not fair. Well that is just 100% false.
    fact is, it is exactly fairness.

    What it is, is unfortunate that players force such things, players cheat, players troll, players spread toxicity. These are the things that the bad part of the community do, and in the interest of fairness, as a game dev you try to curb these behaviors and protect your game community for such badness.
  • Hashtag_
    jdamuso wrote: »



    This is not logical train of thought.

    Put something on a server where no one plays and see if it works.


    No one wants to play there, everyone wants to play on the most populated server.

    So putting it into an undesirable server doesn't prove anything not anything at all.

    And what people want isn't exactly the case here is it..
    this. let me explain this.

    I DO NOT LIKE faction lock.

    however i think there should be faction lock because players cannot control themselves and be responsible with freedoms.
    meaning if there is a way to exploit a privilege they do so. And so the few rotten apples ruin the whole bushel.

    Now when i would log into cyro in the past during free faction, i would play where i was playing, and play to win. I would not make fake call outs, and harass one team, with the intent to disrupt and make them lose. I did not hold and one factions best interest in mind. This is an example of responsible game play in a free faction model.

    Now, having a pvp guild that can log a earthgore ball group into any faction at anytime, while creating massive disruption trolling and toxic behavior in chat, and using said ball group to sway the course of battle to the best interest of said pvp guilds favored faction. (which was a thing, dont even argue it, i seent it with me own two eyes) This is an example of irresponsible game play in a free faction model.

    And thus this is why it was implemented. In the interest of fairness.

    So to say faction lock is not fair. Well that is just 100% false.
    fact is, it is exactly fairness.

    What it is, is unfortunate that players force such things, players cheat, players troll, players spread toxicity. These are the things that the bad part of the community do, and in the interest of fairness, as a game dev you try to curb these behaviors and protect your game community for such badness.

    What it proves is faction locks don’t matter people want to play on the populated server. So reinstitution of faction locks is pointless cause it’s not splitting or reducing server loads. All it does it make 2 small portions of overall population mad.
  • KingExecration
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    if you faction hop it should let you be flaggable and killable by ALL!
    That would be a field day getting to farm our own faction. I’m down
  • yodased
    you know what I have been noticing a lot about these arguments?

    None of you are comparing the same thing.

    You have ps4,xbox and PC/NA leaning towards faction locks and pretty universally pc-eu leaning towards faction unlocking.

    I don't really have any other insight other than that, but its really interesting to me.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • idk
    Turelus wrote: »
    Agreed. I can't even predict their outcome on this one, sometimes they make appeasements (and would add a campaign) other times they just leave it as a "this is how it is now" and people have to suck it up.

    I honestly don't understand why there wasn't a locked and unlocked 30 day campaign. I guess the issues though is how many various types of PvP they need to appease now. Locked/Unlocked and CP/No CP

    Yes, I do not think anyone can guess what Zos will do because nothing they have done with adding faction locks makes sense. Yes, I know Zos said that people asked for this as their first reason for brining back faction locks and they have demonstrated nothing of value that they actually think not having faction locks was cauing real issues or they would not have left a campaign unlocked.

    So Zos went off the deep end and did not demonstrate logic. The best we can hope for is they actually think things through at this point and remedy it properly.

    What is funny is now some think Zos will cave in on anything which can only bring Zos a major headache. People have recently said all they have to do to get a GAH is keep asking for it and point to this as their reasoning. Zos deserves all the crap they get over this. Communication is so effective and Zos was loud and clear with this one.
  • amir412
    Nermy wrote: »
    The argument against making a new toon is pretty thin. Necromancers only came out a month ago and look how many there are in Cyrodiil now.

    No, its not thin, not all of us have the time to grind it all over again.
    I just want to play my damn char, is that too much to ask?
    PC | EU | AD | "@Saidden"| 1700 CP|
  • Mr_Walker
    Nogawd wrote: »
    "No one is on the 7 day campaign" - well if all the unlock whiners shut up and went there, they might have enough for some battles. Instead they are treating this forum like a campaign.

    On Xbox NA in off peak the population across all servers is often 1 bar in one faction in 30cp.

    Please do not make this ignorant suggestion again.
  • BloodBeast_ESO
    oh joy another thread on Faction lock..........at least it wasnt a poll i guess

    I feel you bro, every time i see one of these threads i think aw s*it here we go again.
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Do people really not understand that there are people who have friends who don't all play together, and thus are spread across the multiple factions?

    And not understand that going to an empty campaign is not a valid argument?
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Kelces
    I think I have seen enough of the "playing with friends" (aka mixed color faction stuff). :wink:.

    It's fine now, although some stilll cant behave properly in staying loyal. But at least a good step towards the right direction.
    You reveal yourself best in how you play.

    Kelces - Argonian Templar
    Farel Donvu - Dark Elf Sorcerer
    Navam Llervu - Dark Elf Dragonknight
    Aniseth - Wood Elf Warden
    Therediel - Wood Elf Templar
    Nilonwy - Wood Elf Nightblade
    Jurupari - Argonian Warden
    Kú-Chulainn - Argonian Sorcerer
    PC - EU
    For the Pact!
  • Royalthought
    Nerd nobility lol.

    Just give us a 30 day cp campaign without lock in addition to the 1 thats locked.

    That way people that believe they "gain" by having less options can have the lock that they want.


    People that dont want to lose access to characters they invested in can use them.

    Why have just 1 30 day cp?

    Its litterally brain dead to enforce a lock without the option to switch all existing toons to one faction. On the ONLY 30 day cp campaign.
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