- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
I understand not playing on other alliances but they realize that we spent money and time on characters that are no longer playable 🤔
They obviously don’t care and hope you spend more money grinding the same char again
And no i don’t enjoy this games pve
Vercingetorix wrote: »Faction Lock is hurting exploiters that can no longer cheat the leaderboard for 10+ 30-day rewards. FTFY
Everyone else is fine because they play on only one faction for leaderboard rewards like a correct person. If you want to play with your friends on another faction, go to another campaign - AP is AP. The only reason why you'd complain is because you're after the leaderboard so you can exploit it. You can't cheat anymore - get over it.
I like the faction lock people do care more about the Campaign. The argument about not beeing able with friends is stupid, its easy to create a new char.
Perhaps the hoppers should show ZOS how important this is to them by creating new accounts.
Everybody Wins!
Cuz its dead, thats why no1 want to move there.
Either way, its still not a solution, why do i need to wait x amount of days to play a char i made, specifically for pvp, when the pvp on my main faction is unpleasant,
KillsAllElves wrote: »Too many nerds whining about the wrong things in eso.
Zos should have made multiple 30 day and 7 day campaigns both locked and unlocked, this might have a good impact on server performance, players would spread out instead of stacking in one campaign.
I understand the emp situation but there have been absolutely zero good arguments for 30 day locked campaigns.
Eso tamriel unlimited should be renamed to eso tamriel limited.
Oh and design better skins.
I understand not playing on other alliances but they realize that we spent money and time on characters that are no longer playable 🤔
They obviously don’t care and hope you spend more money grinding the same char again
And no i don’t enjoy this games pve
TriangularChicken wrote: »
Exactly, locking the 7 day campaign would have been an interesting experiment. The faction loyal zerglings don't want to fight (without sieges..you know..skills - the symbols that you find on your action bars next to snipe) anyway - 7 day PvDoor for the queen/king is exactly what they need.
This is not logical train of thought.
Put something on a server where no one plays and see if it works.
No one wants to play there, everyone wants to play on the most populated server.
So putting it into an undesirable server doesn't prove anything not anything at all.
And what people want isn't exactly the case here is it..
this. let me explain this.
I DO NOT LIKE faction lock.
however i think there should be faction lock because players cannot control themselves and be responsible with freedoms.
meaning if there is a way to exploit a privilege they do so. And so the few rotten apples ruin the whole bushel.
Now when i would log into cyro in the past during free faction, i would play where i was playing, and play to win. I would not make fake call outs, and harass one team, with the intent to disrupt and make them lose. I did not hold and one factions best interest in mind. This is an example of responsible game play in a free faction model.
Now, having a pvp guild that can log a earthgore ball group into any faction at anytime, while creating massive disruption trolling and toxic behavior in chat, and using said ball group to sway the course of battle to the best interest of said pvp guilds favored faction. (which was a thing, dont even argue it, i seent it with me own two eyes) This is an example of irresponsible game play in a free faction model.
And thus this is why it was implemented. In the interest of fairness.
So to say faction lock is not fair. Well that is just 100% false.
fact is, it is exactly fairness.
What it is, is unfortunate that players force such things, players cheat, players troll, players spread toxicity. These are the things that the bad part of the community do, and in the interest of fairness, as a game dev you try to curb these behaviors and protect your game community for such badness.
Agreed. I can't even predict their outcome on this one, sometimes they make appeasements (and would add a campaign) other times they just leave it as a "this is how it is now" and people have to suck it up.
I honestly don't understand why there wasn't a locked and unlocked 30 day campaign. I guess the issues though is how many various types of PvP they need to appease now. Locked/Unlocked and CP/No CP
The argument against making a new toon is pretty thin. Necromancers only came out a month ago and look how many there are in Cyrodiil now.
"No one is on the 7 day campaign" - well if all the unlock whiners shut up and went there, they might have enough for some battles. Instead they are treating this forum like a campaign.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »oh joy another thread on Faction lock..........at least it wasnt a poll i guess