We got you fam.
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »
DC Guilds...
- Phałanx
First week of Xbox NA CP 30 day standard is a framerate issue in huge fights. but beyond that it is busy and all three sides are pop locked most of the time(new update and all).
So far fights are decent. One time so far a yellow player ran a yellow scroll to blue. Easier to create alt acconts on XBOX.
The only thing I have noticed is way less fighting in zone chat not counting the night I previously mentioned with the scroll issue.
Sandman929 wrote: »How many days in before the bickering over faction locks stops?
Hexquisite wrote: »Next Campaign on 30 Day CP PC/NA there will only be 2 Factions instead of 3. It is just frustrating to be DC right now on this campaign whether you are trying to play the map, or small scale. Just so outnumbered. After tonight many people in my time slot are taking a break from pvp. I am a West Coast player.
We tried to go to 7 day hoping to find some good fights, but hardly anyone was there.
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »
DC should try and convince LoM to leave the no-cp campaign and come over to the main campaign. They are the best chance for DC to start getting a group that can rally DC durning primetime.
IL, BoD, and GoD all try but they have been really struggling the last few months.
DC Guilds...
- Legions of Mordor
- Iron Legion
- Blood of Daggerfall
- Guardians of Daggerfall
- Some new "Dragon" one.
- Fengrush Inc (Orc Army)
- Vanquish
- Cry Havoc
- Order of the Candle
- Rats
- Vivace
- Innocents abroad IA
- The Nights Watch
- Ghost Division
- Bashu
- Warband
- TY for the Donation
- Phałanx
This is why some AD diehards were so jaded for a year or two. It sucks when the weakest faction gets piled on every night.Hexquisite wrote: »Next Campaign on 30 Day CP PC/NA there will only be 2 Factions instead of 3. It is just frustrating to be DC right now on this campaign whether you are trying to play the map, or small scale. Just so outnumbered. After tonight many people in my time slot are taking a break from pvp. I am a West Coast player.
This is why some AD diehards were so jaded for a year or two. It sucks when the weakest faction gets piled on every night.
But that 1-2 year really bad period for AD began after faction locks were completely removed and we started to bleed experienced players to other factions.
"If you can't beat em, join em" applies aptly to ESO PVP players, with or without faction locks.
It was a gradual slide that was masked by events such as VE's brief switch to AD -- so they could win campaigns on all three factions. Also, campaign wins do not necessarily correlate with faction strength.Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »When I started on NA AD were winning a lot of campaigns and EP didn't win for like 1y. Was without faction locks.
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »
DC should try and convince LoM to leave the no-cp campaign and come over to the main campaign. They are the best chance for DC to start getting a group that can rally DC durning primetime.
IL, BoD, and GoD all try but they have been really struggling the last few months.
DC Guilds...
- Legions of Mordor
- Iron Legion
- Blood of Daggerfall
- Guardians of Daggerfall
- Some new "Dragon" one.
- Fengrush Inc (Orc Army)
- Vanquish
- Cry Havoc
- Order of the Candle
- Rats
- Vivace
- Innocents abroad IA
- The Nights Watch
- Ghost Division
- Bashu
- Warband
- TY for the Donation
- Phałanx
jimijac0me wrote: »
Rats (of Tobruk) have been absent excepting 2 nights and a couple of drunken runs since new camp started.
We are for faction locks and enjoy being outnumbered so the few times we've run we have had a blast and enjoyed all of the fights we've come across. New patch pushed our ping consistently over 400 (we are an aussie/nz guild) however, so struggling to keep motivation within the ranks to continue in Cyro and I've personally been sick for the last week so I haven't been leading cyro groups. ZOS silence on the Akami routing for oceanic is deafening. I have no doubts the game is losing most PvP focused oceanic players that attempt to be competitive...
I understand the frustration for DC being outnumbered and playing for the score isn't really an option due to EP's lead after the first few days. Definitely plenty of good fights for DC though! Stick it out guys, new camp is not too far off and may see a different climate so use this time to sharpen your group comp and skills. Keep the faith DC!
I truly feel sorry for all the oceanic players and what they’re having to deal with to play this game. You guys are either hard headed or just enjoy slamming your head into a brick wall with yalls ping and ZOS being quiet about it so much in that 800 post thread.
jimijac0me wrote: »
Rats (of Tobruk) have been absent excepting 2 nights and a couple of drunken runs since new camp started.
We are for faction locks and enjoy being outnumbered so the few times we've run we have had a blast and enjoyed all of the fights we've come across. New patch pushed our ping consistently over 400 (we are an aussie/nz guild) however, so struggling to keep motivation within the ranks to continue in Cyro and I've personally been sick for the last week so I haven't been leading cyro groups. ZOS silence on the Akami routing for oceanic is deafening. I have no doubts the game is losing most PvP focused oceanic players that attempt to be competitive...
I understand the frustration for DC being outnumbered and playing for the score isn't really an option due to EP's lead after the first few days. Definitely plenty of good fights for DC though! Stick it out guys, new camp is not too far off and may see a different climate so use this time to sharpen your group comp and skills. Keep the faith DC!
I can't answer for them, but I can say as someone who has been in a lot of guilds and clans over the years, ESO has a very strange guild culture stemming from the multi-guild system. Not only is the casual multi-factioning odd to some, but playing for multiple guilds might be especially strange.ellahellabella wrote: »It kinda confuses me why the favour for locks with all that's happening to dc right now when you already have the guild rule: DC only. I Find that rule perfectly reasonable if you are focused on campaign score because you don't want one of your own members undoing your work. Those that won't play DC only will just not join your guild. Everyone is happy.
I can't answer for them, but I can say as someone who has been in a lot of guilds and clans over the years, ESO has a very strange guild culture stemming from the multi-guild system. Not only is the casual multi-factioning odd to some, but playing for multiple guilds might be especially strange.
In other games, players who hop between guilds and clans tend to have a bad rep as bandwagoners. ESO has the most relaxed PVP guild scene I've ever seen. It's really a very social game, I supposed, based more on hanging out than hardcore competition with rivals.
Personally, I've always enjoyed rivalries with opponents so it never felt right in this game when I had multifaction guildmates who were also in opposition guilds.
PC EU noncp - few days till the end, difference in points between all factions is ~1500 points. Looks pretty balanced to me.
I can see where you're coming from, but people who take on the burden of leadership often want to do it on terms they prefer. I enjoy leading in games, but I do not enjoy leading everyone. If I can't build the kind of team I want, I don't want to build it at all.ellahellabella wrote: »Still, History aside... Gotta see the logic here yeah?
Both sides of the argument would have campaigns to point to backing their arguments. In the PC NA CP campaign EP has a lead of over 10k I believe.
Hexquisite wrote: »
Last Check DC was in 3rd losing by 14K.--PC NA CP 30 Day.
The little that I’ve pvp’d this campaign, PC/NA/30 day CP DC has been a complete disaster. Plenty of population, but no idea what to do. There may be one person wrangling pugs in zone, but the rest of them are either standing around a front line keep with their thumbs up their as**s or pugging to a resource and getting farmed over and over again. It’s just pathetic.
InvictusApollo wrote: »I have predicted this issue before faction lock was implemented. It was obvious that the history will repeat itself.
I mean, I get how attractive faction lock is from the point of view of someone who only plays one faction like me, but.... DC was never going to come out as winner out of it lol. The hysterical 'wE aRe LosInG riGhT nOW beCaUSe oF fAcTIoN fLiPpers spAiZ' people in zone chat never really understood that the only strength DC has had lately was people pug-wrangling in the day, and that pugs aren't very solidly attached to a faction.
The DC guilds are largely a mess, be it because people a) don't want to zerg b) zerg, but in Sotha c) only zerg in Sotha when Fengrush is on or d) just don't want to collaborate much with each other because playing the map isn't seen as a valid objective because it's not that fun. We get what we deserve. I hope this will force us to bond a little bit together and to put a more serious effort, cause DC's been really lax in terms of assembling teams that can steamroll other large groups.