My motivation is for the integrity of the game. I can appreciate that some people have fun logging in with a faction in order to mess with it. I bet they laugh themselves silly while they do it. But it is not a playstyle that is good for the game, and it needed to be shut down.josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »All you care about is you, you, you. You don't give a damn if anyone else in this game has fun.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »My motivation is for the integrity of the game. I can appreciate that some people have fun logging in with a faction in order to mess with it. I bet they laugh themselves silly while they do it. But it is not a playstyle that is good for the game, and it needed to be shut down.
Interstingly enough, there is a thread advocating an "ESO Classic", so there would be others interested in this. I'm not saying I am, however. The game has evolved a lot since then, and not all of it was good, especially One Tamriel. For all of the things it fixed, there remains some heavily borked things that have remained in disrepair to this day. The presentation of the main storyline is one such issue.Siohwenoeht wrote: »I'm afraid the only way you'd find what you are looking for is to go backwards to pre 1t. And you'd be the only one playing that version of ESO....Options are good, that's what the devs realised when they implemented 1t. We shouldn't advocate for the game devolving.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Interstingly enough, there is a thread advocating an "ESO Classic", so there would be others interested in this. I'm not saying I am, however. The game has evolved a lot since then, and not all of it was good, especially One Tamriel. For all of the things it fixed, there remains some heavily borked things that have remained in disrepair to this day. The presentation of the main storyline is one such issue.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »A lot of predictions have been made about what will happen to Cyrodiil after the implementation of Faction Lock. Opinions have ranged from Utopia to Ragnarok. Also, a lot of observations have been made about the current state of the map(s), and the population levels. For reference purposes, here is a snapshot of Cyrodiil, 10 days after Faction Locks.
Taken on 5/30/2019 at 10 PM EDT on PC NA:
Population Levels: all factions locked
Map holdings: EP 30% AD 50% DC 20%
Score (k): EP 35 AD 30 DC 28
Population Levels (bars): EP 2, AD 2, DC 3
Map holdings: EP 20% AD 40% DC 40%
Score (k): EP 35 AD 29 DC 27
Population (bars): all factions 1 bar
Map control: EP 40 AD 40 DC 20
Score (k): EP 10 AD 10 DC 6
At the time of the survey, we can make some observations:
1. EP is winning all campaigns by score
2. EP does not have majority population in any campaign
3. EP does not control the majority of the map in any campaign
4. 30 Day CP campaign has a high population, 30 Day No-CP has a medium population and 7 Day (no faction-locks) has a low population
Personally, my three takeaways are:
A ) Faction locked campaigns are popular while the Faction unlocked campaign is not.
B ) The situation on the map is competitive. No one is getting "gated".
C ) EP is dominating score-wise, but not on the ground during prime time. They also do not have the most combined boots on the ground.
All in all, things are looking pretty good in Cyrodiil.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »A lot of predictions have been made about what will happen to Cyrodiil after the implementation of Faction Lock. Opinions have ranged from Utopia to Ragnarok. Also, a lot of observations have been made about the current state of the map(s), and the population levels. For reference purposes, here is a snapshot of Cyrodiil, 10 days after Faction Locks.
Taken on 5/30/2019 at 10 PM EDT on PC NA:
Population Levels: all factions locked
Map holdings: EP 30% AD 50% DC 20%
Score (k): EP 35 AD 30 DC 28
Population Levels (bars): EP 2, AD 2, DC 3
Map holdings: EP 20% AD 40% DC 40%
Score (k): EP 35 AD 29 DC 27
Population (bars): all factions 1 bar
Map control: EP 40 AD 40 DC 20
Score (k): EP 10 AD 10 DC 6
At the time of the survey, we can make some observations:
1. EP is winning all campaigns by score
2. EP does not have majority population in any campaign
3. EP does not control the majority of the map in any campaign
4. 30 Day CP campaign has a high population, 30 Day No-CP has a medium population and 7 Day (no faction-locks) has a low population
Personally, my three takeaways are:
A ) Faction locked campaigns are popular while the Faction unlocked campaign is not.
B ) The situation on the map is competitive. No one is getting "gated".
C ) EP is dominating score-wise, but not on the ground during prime time. They also do not have the most combined boots on the ground.
All in all, things are looking pretty good in Cyrodiil.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »
Unfortunately he's hell-bent on taking us backwards instead of forwards. Faction lock is only good if there are equal campaigns for those who don't want it either. No-cp players are definitely hurting.
The argument has been made that there isn't enough pvp population to support 2 locked and 2 unlocked campaigns but having that many at least for a month or two would be the only legitimate way to determine which is more popular. I've a sneaking suspicion that some of these posters that border on zealotry are deeply afraid they may be the minority.
I say this as one who supports faction locks, but not as they are currently, and would much prefer incentives for faction loyalty instead.
Dc is only relevant during primetime. Most other times they’re 1 or 2 bar while Ep/AD is 3 or pop lockedvamp_emily wrote: »Has anyone else noticed the improvement of DC ( PC/NA )?
Before faction lock, It was common for me to log into Vivec around 6 p.m. est time and have Warden controlled by EP. AD had Ash so much that it was like their home keep. I never traveled to KC and very seldom ever went to Arrius or BRK.
Since Faction lock ( in Kaal), I log in around 6 p.m. est and it is common for DC to control Bleakers/Nik and it is more than like we have Chal or Roe, or Both. I'm also frequently visiting KC, Arrius, and BRK. Moreover, DC has been at 3 bars ( not poplocked ) most the time and still holding strong.
Overall, I think this faction lock was a good thing. I'm interested to see what the next campaign score will be like.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »A lot of predictions have been made about what will happen to Cyrodiil after the implementation of Faction Lock. Opinions have ranged from Utopia to Ragnarok. Also, a lot of observations have been made about the current state of the map(s), and the population levels. For reference purposes, here is a snapshot of Cyrodiil, 10 days after Faction Locks.
Taken on 5/30/2019 at 10 PM EDT on PC NA:
Population Levels: all factions locked
Map holdings: EP 30% AD 50% DC 20%
Score (k): EP 35 AD 30 DC 28
Population Levels (bars): EP 2, AD 2, DC 3
Map holdings: EP 20% AD 40% DC 40%
Score (k): EP 35 AD 29 DC 27
Population (bars): all factions 1 bar
Map control: EP 40 AD 40 DC 20
Score (k): EP 10 AD 10 DC 6
At the time of the survey, we can make some observations:
1. EP is winning all campaigns by score
2. EP does not have majority population in any campaign
3. EP does not control the majority of the map in any campaign
4. 30 Day CP campaign has a high population, 30 Day No-CP has a medium population and 7 Day (no faction-locks) has a low population
Personally, my three takeaways are:
A ) Faction locked campaigns are popular while the Faction unlocked campaign is not.
B ) The situation on the map is competitive. No one is getting "gated".
C ) EP is dominating score-wise, but not on the ground during prime time. They also do not have the most combined boots on the ground.
All in all, things are looking pretty good in Cyrodiil.
Hollerboller wrote: »
If there are so many anti faction lock people, why do they not play on the unlocked campaign? Is it because it is not a 30 day campaign? Is it because it is empty? Maybe the overwhelming masses of anti faction lock people should use the option they have. All i hear from them are excuses. Someone in this thread calls faction lock supporters crybabies, in reality anti faction lock supporters are the only crybabies i see in every thread involving faction lock. Again they have the option to play an unlocked campaign.
vamp_emily wrote: »Has anyone else noticed the improvement of DC ( PC/NA )?
Before faction lock, It was common for me to log into Vivec around 6 p.m. est time and have Warden controlled by EP. AD had Ash so much that it was like their home keep. I never traveled to KC and very seldom ever went to Arrius or BRK.
Since Faction lock ( in Kaal), I log in around 6 p.m. est and it is common for DC to control Bleakers/Nik and it is more than like we have Chal or Roe, or Both. I'm also frequently visiting KC, Arrius, and BRK. Moreover, DC has been at 3 bars ( not poplocked ) most the time and still holding strong.
Overall, I think this faction lock was a good thing. I'm interested to see what the next campaign score will be like.
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »During primetime, DC is basically ignored as their guilds have really struggled the last few months. They don't have the ability to fight back. So it mainly turns into a DC faction stack or pvdooring back keeps. I believe the 2-3 stacked raids of AP + the other EP guilds surfing them demoralized the primetime DC. DC doesn't have any guilds that can fight that mess, were as AD does have guilds that can.
vamp_emily wrote: »
Maybe you didn't understand what I said. Previously (vivec) we struggled to keep our tri keeps but now things are much better. I diagree with you on DC is basically ignored just a few minutes ago half the ep alliance was at ash and we took them down. right now 8:50 pm and the map is like this.
just a few days ago i was shocked and took this pic.
vamp_emily wrote: »When i play it is really hard to believe EP is ignoring DC for whatever reason because I always see 40+ EP zerging to bleakers. If we weren't a threat then why send 40?
vamp_emily wrote: »Like I said previously, faction locks created a new DC and I see them winning in the near future.
vamp_emily wrote: »As far and DC doesn't have the ability to fight back, that is funny because we just wiped Drac at ash. It took us a bit but we "pugs" did it.
vamp_emily wrote: »
Maybe you didn't understand what I said. Previously (vivec) we struggled to keep our tri keeps but now things are much better. I diagree with you on DC is basically ignored just a few minutes ago half the ep alliance was at ash and we took them down. right now 8:50 pm and the map is like this.
just a few days ago i was shocked and took this pic.
When i play it is really hard to believe EP is ignoring DC for whatever reason because I always see 40+ EP zerging to bleakers. If we weren't a threat then why send 40?
I don't play in the morning except weekends but I can tell you from my point of view this faction lock has been nothing but good for DC. Less drama in chat, less people hiding just for AP gains from capturing keeps and more players showing up to defend. Like I said previously, faction locks created a new DC and I see them winning in the near future.
As far and DC doesn't have the ability to fight back, that is funny because we just wiped Drac at ash. It took us a bit but we "pugs" did it.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »I'm shocked, utterly shocked, by this notion. You mean to say that when Chalman and Roe are virtually empty you are able to take them?
Has anyone else noticed the improvement of DC ( PC/NA )?
Before faction lock, It was common for me to log into Vivec around 6 p.m. est time and have Warden controlled by EP. AD had Ash so much that it was like their home keep. I never traveled to KC and very seldom ever went to Arrius or BRK.
They are helping insure the most lop sided win I've seen in a long time for my faction on the main campaign.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
But, more seriously and less facetiously, the only things faction locks is preventing is people helping DC in off hours like used to happen in the past. Since the Xpack launched, this primary campaign has been more one sided than is typical.
What faction locking does do is legitimize AvAvA as the pvp mode that Cyrodiil was designed to be. It is a first step at creating a meaningful AvAvA experience.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
What does that even mean? It sounds like something that should be on a pamphlet, not here in the forum of a video game.
What is it that you do not understand, the concept of Alliance vs Alliance vs Alliance? That Cyrodiil was designed to be a large scale AvAvA game mode with objective based siege warfare? That faction hopping totally bastardizes the AvAvA aspect of Cyrodiil rendering that aspect meaningless? That faction locks set the team dynamics for AvAvA legitimizing it as such?
This isn't an esport, and therefore doesn't require the fidelity of one. This is more like a big paintball arena where you can come and go as you please.
It is an MMORPG that has various PvP aspects, dueling, small scale/battlegrounds, not sure how to categorize IC, and large scale/Cyrodiil. You seem to want to have small scale warfare in a large scale area with no loyalty to anyone but your clique. Nothing wrong with that per se, but that is not what Cyrodiil was designed to be. It allows that play style, but it is not made for that play style and should not cater to it. At least not if the intent is to be a legitimate AvAvA large scale PvP area.
A good, enjoyable experience in Cyrodiil is far more rooted in server performance, enjoyable mechanics, good class balance, and the ability to work with groups of fellow players. That latter has taken a hit due the locks, as people find themselves unable to associate at will or play with particular characters they may have grown attached to.
For faction hoppers in Cyrodiil, yes. If you have too many friends to get them all in the same faction, yes. In battlegrounds, no. In any PvE area, no. In IC, no. You can do any of these things at will with any character you want. In the one place where alliance is still supposed to mean something, yes.
There is no tribal loyalty that the factions are owed, as in reality they are arbitrary color designations for different teams in a game (ala Red vs Blue). I don't need my pick of "Red" as a color legitimized, nor defended. If someone decides to swap to Blue or Yellow it doesn't mortally offend me.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
So, when EP has an AD scroll in Arrius and both factions are going at each other without any attention paid to DC, they can push and gain some ground? I'm shocked, utterly shocked, by this notion. You mean to say that when Chalman and Roe are virtually empty you are able to take them?
But, more seriously and less facetiously, the only things faction locks is preventing is people helping DC in off hours like used to happen in the past. Since the Xpack launched, this primary campaign has been more one sided than is typical.
What incentive does the average player have to help out a floundering faction like DC? I have 7 different EP toons on my account. Why would I roll a DC and then lock my other 7 toons out from playing on the main campaign? Why would any typical player? Altruism only goes so far, and will not be in significant enough numbers to matter when players have to actively work against their own best interests in favor of a faction that doesn't like them (dirty faction hoppers!), appreciate them (we did it all on our own thanks to faction locks!), or care that they exist in the rare cases they do.
Let me be perfectly blunt and frank -- I am a faction loyalist and always have been. On top of that, I'm an EP player, and always have been (even when they were TUHRRIBLE back in the days of early Thornblade and on the pure DC buff server of Bloodthorn). Every toon, even my mule toons, are EP and I have no plans on changing that. Faction locks HELP ME. They make my faction stronger and weaken the others. They are helping insure the most lop sided win I've seen in a long time for my faction on the main campaign.
I am the target audience for this change.
That said...
They are awful for the overall community. They remove options from players and take choices away that directly counteract the spirit of the One Tamriel initiative. At the very least there should be two equal length campaigns that have the option to either have locks or have no locks for both CP and NoCP (four 30 day campaigns total). But there's not, because ZOS knows there's not enough overall PVPers to warrant that, and instead have shackled everyone with this failure of a policy.
I can see the consternation and frustration these locks are causing to the veteran players who hate how out of whack this campaign has become, and how unfun of an environment this is, all while those who commonly 'faction hopped' over to the losing side to help out and then they are being told they are the problem.
Yes, there were will always be some bad actors out there in the community. Welcome to the human race. The proper response and reaction to this is for ZOS to enforce its own TOS that was already in place and action their accounts when they act like twerps, not to enforce collective punishment against the entire pvp community.
How casual do you want this game? the one tamriel is open for PVE, team up with whatever faction and stop the threat, locks should have never been taken off to begin with. Why even chose an alliance? because this is the way they wanted PVP to be experienced and how it began.Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
What does that even mean? It sounds like something that should be on a pamphlet, not here in the forum of a video game.
This isn't an esport, and therefore doesn't require the fidelity of one. This is more like a big paintball arena where you can come and go as you please.
A good, enjoyable experience in Cyrodiil is far more rooted in server performance, enjoyable mechanics, good class balance, and the ability to work with groups of fellow players. That latter has taken a hit due the locks, as people find themselves unable to associate at will or play with particular characters they may have grown attached to.
There is no tribal loyalty that the factions are owed, as in reality they are arbitrary color designations for different teams in a game (ala Red vs Blue). I don't need my pick of "Red" as a color legitimized, nor defended. If someone decides to swap to Blue or Yellow it doesn't mortally offend me.
IronWooshu wrote: »Veteran players seem to like the lock, the only griping about it is when coming to this forum by you and a select few. There are a few ways ZoS can counter problems you mentioned, factions with less population could be given an incentive for more/better rewards to earn at the end of a campaign for people to play them
Hollerboller wrote: »
If there are so many anti faction lock people, why do they not play on the unlocked campaign? Is it because it is not a 30 day campaign? Is it because it is empty? Maybe the overwhelming masses of anti faction lock people should use the option they have. All i hear from them are excuses. Someone in this thread calls faction lock supporters crybabies, in reality anti faction lock supporters are the only crybabies i see in every thread involving faction lock. Again they have the option to play an unlocked campaign.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »
I generally agree, but there is not an unlocked no-cp Cyro campaignn. Those folks truly have no choice.
This is simply not true. I can guarantee you that all top tier PVP guilds with oldschool players are against faction lock.IronWooshu wrote: »Veteran players seem to like the lock, the only griping about it is when coming to this forum by you and a select few. .
It's not about "being a threat" or anything like this whatsoever. It's about faction just zerging mindlessly one direction (e.g.Bleakers). There is no strategy behind it or any clever plans.vamp_emily wrote: »When i play it is really hard to believe EP is ignoring DC for whatever reason because I always see 40+ EP zerging to bleakers. If we weren't a threat then why send 40?
vamp_emily wrote: »I didn't say DC was the best, I just noticed DC improving.
Eeeeeh? Just to clarify: there was at least one DC guild there and like 40-50 pugs. Mb next time turn nameplates on :Pvamp_emily wrote: »As far and DC doesn't have the ability to fight back, that is funny because we just wiped Drac at ash. It took us a bit but we "pugs" did it.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
That's not true at all. There are a lot of players who hate the lock, and most of them aren't on the forums. I'm in several guilds, some have150+ players in each who are all highly against it.
I understand that you're on one side of this thing, and that's fine, but please stop putting us all in the same group. I've been playing since beta, and can list off, personally, probably over 100 players who are also here since beta who think this is stupid.
You're entitled to your personal opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts.
The forums are a very, very small sample of the players.
ok, why you lie?This is simply not true. I can guarantee you that all top tier PVP guilds with oldschool players are against faction lock.
IronWooshu wrote: »
I never said ALL veteran players like it and I too am in several guilds, some have 150+ players in each who are for it. Even before I joined a few of them the leader would say we predominantly play this faction or maybe you haven't noticed each guild has a faction symbol to represent it? Faction lock may have been lifted but this was never intended when designing the game and should only have been lifted for PVE, not PVP.
You're entitled to your personal opinion, but my own facts are from who Ive talked too and apparently a lot of people asked for faction locks or they would have never redid them, this also allows ZoS to bring back their vision of what Cyro should have been.
Now there are BG's for people who want to PVP with freinds in different factions
ok, why you lie?
I would like to hear from them. Most PVP guilds are catered more towards one faction.
Show me proof that ALL the top tier PVP guilds are against faction lock..
..... Why did it happen then?