The state of Cyrodiil, 10 days in to Faction Lock

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  • bulbousb16_ESO
    SilverPaws wrote: »
    Faction locks shows only how Zenimax and faction loyalist are clueless about everything. It's like they don't even play game, but just create threads to troll. :smiley:
    Sure, you can have that opinion. It's totally your right. The point of this thread is to demonstrate that claims such as yours are factually incorrect.

    Lethal zergling
  • Miriel
    SilverPaws wrote: »
    Faction locks shows only how Zenimax and faction loyalist are clueless about everything. It's like they don't even play game, but just create threads to troll. :smiley:

    mhmmm, and as we been saying, this can only be fixed by the pop, as it did in the past... faction locks is to stop faction hopping within campaigns, its there to make it harder to abuse emp and ap... as for the pop imbalance, that up to the pop to fix at the end of campaigns

    PS, as for fixing the night capping, the only way to fix that would be to merge EU and NA, and alternate where server was, ping be worse for some at times, but thats bascially what aussies and most oceanic play with... but atleast it even out the pop around the clock

    As for getting gated and being the underdog, i take that all and every day, atleast i have fights wourth fighting...
    Edited by Miriel on May 31, 2019 4:50PM
  • Mintaka5
    I love it. The gameplay feels more balanced, and the minimal number of elitist crutch-build PvPer 1v1 gankers who faction hop is great. The zerg balls have gotten worse, but I just avoid them like I avoided 1-shot gankers.
  • Tsuriel
    EP nightcaps, that's why they're winning.
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    At no CP NA, the campaign is dead except primetime. EP colours the whole map very late at night and the situation is like that until close to primetime. DC pop is somewhere between 2-8 players. Capping resources. How long will that be interesting I wonder. Last 2 days even EP hasnt been present. If this is what OP think is healthy, how would you rate a disease like ebola? Btw. Trump needs guys like you.
    When primetime starts, its good fights for some hours, lets say 4 to be fair (and thats a very generous estimation). Then its back to watching paint dry again.
    I moved to no CP NA around december. The off hours were pretty nice, not zergy at all, but a decent level of activity. EP were already capping everything, but usually youd find a group and have some nice fights. Somewhere around april DC pugs just quit. ;arch was a particularly toxic period, where ep would gatecamp DC (and ad too) and I could observe day by day how the numbers decreased, until as mentioned some day in april no pugs were left. Yes theres the occational pug still entering trying to find a non-existant group, for some days, then to give up. I cant relate this situation really to the faction locks, because the major *** happened a month before that. But to expect the culprits for ruining the campaign apart from some hours at prime time, to do something to even put the faction balances is a waste of time. EP has been winning by double the points to number two since xmas, and thats why DC pugs left, combined with gatecamping. I just have a feeling now theres zero action at off hours, the victory was a hollow one, and I predict it will take a very long time to get pugs back into the lakes with the faction lock system.
  • Tsuriel
    Also rerolled EP after that faction locking, I can see many following the same road after that 30 days campaign.
  • Qbiken
    No, absolutely incorrect. Faction lock opponents predicted that faction lock would result in a Doomsday scenario of one alliance overwhelmingly dominating and destroying the balance of PvP. Clearly this is NOT happening. You are completely backpedaling now.

    How is a 5k score lead after only 10 days for two of the campaigns not showing imbalance to you???
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    How is a 5k score lead after only 10 days for two of the campaigns not showing imbalance to you???
    It's not a tie across-the-board, but it's not a slaughter either. A lot of what we are hearing is that off-hours activity is skewing the scoreboard. That's a legitimate concern, but it's not really a concern that relates to faction locks. The solution to people painting the map one color overnight is definitely not to allow people to play all sides of the campaign.

    Lethal zergling
  • Davadin
    A lot of predictions have been made about what will happen to Cyrodiil after the implementation of Faction Lock. Opinions have ranged from Utopia to Ragnarok. Also, a lot of observations have been made about the current state of the map(s), and the population levels. For reference purposes, here is a snapshot of Cyrodiil, 10 days after Faction Locks.

    Taken on 5/30/2019 at 10 PM EDT on PC NA:


    Population Levels: all factions locked
    Map holdings: EP 30% AD 50% DC 20%
    Score (k): EP 35 AD 30 DC 28


    Population Levels (bars): EP 2, AD 2, DC 3
    Map holdings: EP 20% AD 40% DC 40%
    Score (k): EP 35 AD 29 DC 27


    Population (bars): all factions 1 bar
    Map control: EP 40 AD 40 DC 20
    Score (k): EP 10 AD 10 DC 6

    At the time of the survey, we can make some observations:

    1. EP is winning all campaigns by score
    2. EP does not have majority population in any campaign
    3. EP does not control the majority of the map in any campaign

    4. 30 Day CP campaign has a high population, 30 Day No-CP has a medium population and 7 Day (no faction-locks) has a low population

    Personally, my three takeaways are:

    A ) Faction locked campaigns are popular while the Faction unlocked campaign is not.

    B ) The situation on the map is competitive. No one is getting "gated".
    C ) EP is dominating score-wise, but not on the ground during prime time. They also do not have the most combined boots on the ground.

    All in all, things are looking pretty good in Cyrodiil.

    FOR THE PACT!!!!!


    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • usmcjdking
    It's not a tie across-the-board, but it's not a slaughter either. A lot of what we are hearing is that off-hours activity is skewing the scoreboard. That's a legitimate concern, but it's not really a concern that relates to faction locks. The solution to people painting the map one color overnight is definitely not to allow people to play all sides of the campaign.

    I get what your saying - the beginning of the campaign was a phenomenon that will likely not be produced next cycle.

    Which is a totally fine theory as to why the score is the blowout it currently is. But if that's the case, since you simply have no control to compare it to, anything you say past that is not only irrelevant - but outright conjecture.

    The likelihood is that most players/daily PVPers play on EP and have since homed EP.
  • Tsuriel
    usmcjdking wrote: »
  • Tsuriel
    Or people are clogging EP like yours truly after the faction lock.[/quote]

  • dtsharples
    EP is population locked at 1-2am while the other factions are heading to bed.
    Not sure what time zone the current EP zerg logging in at that time are from, but I highly doubt that it is Europe.
    Either way, EP are winning ONLY because of this night cap of an almost empty map.
  • Katahdin
    Last night we watched an "AD" find Volundrung or however it's spelled and take it straight to EP and give it to them.

    So much for faction locks and fair "game play"

    From now on there will be no fair and even game play. AD an DC have no chance whatsoever. More people will roll over to EP because EP will win every campaign unless something is done to address population imbalance.

    Also so much for the IC population causing imbalance. Can't state that as an excuse any more.
    Edited by Katahdin on June 1, 2019 4:08PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Katahdin wrote: »
    From now on there will be no fair and even game play. AD an DC have no chance whatsoever. More people will roll over to EP because EP will win every campaign unless something is done to address population imbalance.
    What population imbalance is that? The numbers do not support that conclusion.

    Lethal zergling
  • zyk
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Also so much for the IC population causing imbalance. Can't state that as an excuse any more.
    Uhm, that wasn't an excuse, it is a fact that IC and Cyrodiil had a shared population and therefore more players in one meant less players in the other in poplocked conditions.

    It wasn't the only factor that affected combat parity in Cyrodiil, but it was a factor.

    There's a lot of revisionism in these threads. Just prior to the complete removal of poplocks, EP was actually at a low point on PC/NA and, if I recall correctly, the least popular faction.

    Each faction has taken turns being the most popular on PC/NA. First it was AD. Until 1.5, AD was the faction with huge queues and players from other factions rerolling to play for them. Within a couple of months of a prominent AD guild switching to EP, AD's queues were largely diminished and EP was the most popular faction.

    Around 2.0, DC gained the edge as VE and many other EP and AD players switched over. For a time, it was the most popular faction.

    So it's not a fact EP has always been the most popular AvA faction on PC/NA. However, history shows that ESO players as a group have always favored the path of least resistance based on their immediate individual short-term interests.
    Edited by zyk on June 1, 2019 5:53PM
  • Katahdin
    zyk wrote: »
    Uhm, that wasn't an excuse, it is a fact that IC and Cyrodiil had a shared population and therefore more players in one meant less players in the other in poplocked conditions.

    It wasn't the only factor that affected combat parity in Cyrodiil, but it was a factor.

    There's a lot of revisionism in these threads. Just prior to the complete removal of poplocks, EP was actually at a low point on PC/NA and, if I recall correctly, the least popular faction.

    Each faction has taken turns being the most popular on PC/NA. First it was AD. Until 1.5, AD was the faction with huge queues and players from other factions rerolling to play for them. Within a couple of months of a prominent AD guild switching to EP, AD's queues were largely diminished and EP was the most popular faction.

    Around 2.0, DC gained the edge as VE and many other EP and AD players switched over. For a time, it was the most popular faction.

    So it's not a fact EP has always been the most popular AvA faction on PC/NA. However, history shows that ESO players as a group have always favored the path of least resistance based on their immediate individual short-term interests.

    Bull patties on IC ever impacting the overall population and score. 5-10 people in IC will not cause an inbalance.

    And bull on EP being lowest before faction locks. EP always poplocked first and had the longer que, always.

    Yes waaaaay back at the start of the game other factions were dominant but it hasnt been that way since 2-3 years at least.

    The score says it all. The is the first time there has been more that a 1k difference in score in no CP 30 day campaign in a very long time and that after only a few days in.
    Edited by Katahdin on June 1, 2019 6:28PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Elong
    So, faction locking has done nothing to change the balance of the main 30 day campaign. Except for a 2 day blitz at the beginning by EP, this has been as balanced or running the same course of the majority of the last main 30 day campaigns.

    Obviously faction flipping had no ability to influence this campaign, so unlock it again.
  • Miriel
    Elong wrote: »
    So, faction locking has done nothing to change the balance of the main 30 day campaign. Except for a 2 day blitz at the beginning by EP, this has been as balanced or running the same course of the majority of the last main 30 day campaigns.

    Obviously faction flipping had no ability to influence this campaign, so unlock it again.

    Nope, you have a unlocked campaign, go there... i want a faction locked campaign
  • Elong
    Miriel wrote: »

    Nope, you have a unlocked campaign, go there... i want a faction locked campaign

    It's clearly made no difference, there's been the same amount of trolling with scrolls, the same populations, the same fights at the same times.

    It's almost as if what was said in the past, in that we don't influence the score, has proven true.

    The 7 day campaign, where all the flipping, trolling, boosting occurs, is what should have been locked, not the 30 day, and this is proving itself to be true.

    Just because "you want" though? Which is ironic as faction zerglings like you have constantly told us that we are selfish...
  • Miriel
    Elong wrote: »

    It's clearly made no difference, there's been the same amount of trolling with scrolls, the same populations, the same fights at the same times.

    It's almost as if what was said in the past, in that we don't influence the score, has proven true.

    The 7 day campaign, where all the flipping, trolling, boosting occurs, is what should have been locked, not the 30 day, and this is proving itself to be true.

    Just because "you want" though? Which is ironic as faction zerglings like you have constantly told us that we are selfish...

    ZoS locked the campaigns, and i like what they did, so do alot of other people...if you want to faction hope you can do that, in the campaign that isnt faction locked, problem solved
  • Elong
    Miriel wrote: »

    ZoS locked the campaigns, and i like what they did, so do alot of other people...if you want to faction hope you can do that, in the campaign that isnt faction locked, problem solved

    And we are requesting that the 7 day campaign be the locked one. People who want to play No CP cannot do that, as there isn't a 7 day No CP. How many damn times...
  • Miriel
    Elong wrote: »

    And we are requesting that the 7 day campaign be the locked one. People who want to play No CP cannot do that, as there isn't a 7 day No CP. How many damn times...

    Then ask for a new campaign, we want to keep the NEW 30 one, that ZOS made locked as it is...
  • Elong
    Miriel wrote: »

    Then ask for a new campaign, we want to keep the NEW 30 one, that ZOS made locked as it is...

    It's like you read nothing above, how is anyone playing multiple factions affecting you? There's been no change at all!
  • Sanctum74
    Elong wrote: »

    And we are requesting that the 7 day campaign be the locked one. People who want to play No CP cannot do that, as there isn't a 7 day No CP. How many damn times...

    How many times do we have to tell YOU lol! The 30 day should be locked for people that care about the score and have a basic understanding of objectives, and what Cyrodiil was actually created for. Playing the game as intended should offer better rewards so they locked the right campaign.

    That's why you have the 7 day, because you don't care about the score, objectives, or the sole purpose that Cyrodiil was created for. Anti faction lockers keep saying they are the majority, then how come you haven't filled up that 7 day yet? Hmm maybe because you are not the majority and most of us want to play the game the way it was intended.

  • usmguy1234
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    You can win battles but still lose wars. The wars are won in off peak. Prime time is just a sideshow.

    I read that as slideshow... either is true sadly.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • Elong
    Sanctum74 wrote: »

    How many times do we have to tell YOU lol! The 30 day should be locked for people that care about the score and have a basic understanding of objectives, and what Cyrodiil was actually created for. Playing the game as intended should offer better rewards so they locked the right campaign.

    That's why you have the 7 day, because you don't care about the score, objectives, or the sole purpose that Cyrodiil was created for. Anti faction lockers keep saying they are the majority, then how come you haven't filled up that 7 day yet? Hmm maybe because you are not the majority and most of us want to play the game the way it was intended.

    Why haven't we filled the 7 day one up? Well, because there isn't one for No CP? You also answered your own question as to why CP 7 day isn't full, and that's because of rewards. Another factor is that people are playing the faction locked campaign but are mightily unhappy., hence the reasons for posts like this.

    As pointed out repeatedly, multi faction players haven't influenced the scoring...what harm are they doing to you? Why are YOU so selfish to stop people enjoying a different way of playing? Do you stop other factions joining you in dungeons and trials? Of course you don't. You want your cake and you want to eat it too.
  • Sanctum74
    Elong wrote: »

    Why haven't we filled the 7 day one up? Well, because there isn't one for No CP? You also answered your own question as to why CP 7 day isn't full, and that's because of rewards. Another factor is that people are playing the faction locked campaign but are mightily unhappy., hence the reasons for posts like this.

    As pointed out repeatedly, multi faction players haven't influenced the scoring...what harm are they doing to you? Why are YOU so selfish to stop people enjoying a different way of playing? Do you stop other factions joining you in dungeons and trials? Of course you don't. You want your cake and you want to eat it too.

    I have no problem with adding a no cp camp, but let's be honest, it's still not going to fill up because most people want to play the game the way it was intended.

    As far as me being selfish, I think you have me confused with someone else, cough cough. You want all the rewards for not playing the objectives, so who's being selfish?

    They made the right decision, it's pretty simple. Play the objectives and fight for your faction and get better rewards or AP farm in the 7 day if you don't care and get less rewards.

    Zos was very generous to still give you that option so you have choices. Oh and btw I love cake <3
  • FleetwoodSmack
    Elong wrote: »

    Why haven't we filled the 7 day one up? Well, because there isn't one for No CP? You also answered your own question as to why CP 7 day isn't full, and that's because of rewards. Another factor is that people are playing the faction locked campaign but are mightily unhappy., hence the reasons for posts like this.

    As pointed out repeatedly, multi faction players haven't influenced the scoring...what harm are they doing to you? Why are YOU so selfish to stop people enjoying a different way of playing? Do you stop other factions joining you in dungeons and trials? Of course you don't. You want your cake and you want to eat it too.

    Because they're against making friends. :'(
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!
  • Elong
    Sanctum74 wrote: »

    I have no problem with adding a no cp camp, but let's be honest, it's still not going to fill up because most people want to play the game the way it was intended.

    As far as me being selfish, I think you have me confused with someone else, cough cough. You want all the rewards for not playing the objectives, so who's being selfish?

    They made the right decision, it's pretty simple. Play the objectives and fight for your faction and get better rewards or AP farm in the 7 day if you don't care and get less rewards.

    Zos was very generous to still give you that option so you have choices. Oh and btw I love cake <3

    I think you assume a bit too much about my personal game play considering I only ever play one faction at a time for a considerable amount of time, ie 9 month blocks. I'm speaking for my friends, who play objectives on whatever faction they partake in.

    You say the majority want to play the game "as intended", well firstly, prove it, secondly, the game has always been played as intended, people didn't hack their way into playing multi factions, ZOS gave us the choice to do so. They haven't stopped PVE from being multifaction, which miffs me.
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