Haashhtaag wrote: »False. Look at scoring DC is getting destroyed. We predicted this because the amount of EP and AD fan boys there are and it’s how it was in the beginning.
History is just repeating itself and “pro-lock” people are ignorant enough to not recognize it.
It's like you read nothing above, how is anyone playing multiple factions affecting you? There's been no change at all!
I think you assume a bit too much about my personal game play considering I only ever play one faction at a time for a considerable amount of time, ie 9 month blocks. I'm speaking for my friends, who play objectives on whatever faction they partake in.
You say the majority want to play the game "as intended", well firstly, prove it, secondly, the game has always been played as intended, people didn't hack their way into playing multi factions, ZOS gave us the choice to do so. They haven't stopped PVE from being multifaction, which miffs me.
Collectively, neither side is right or wrong. It's just personal preference.
The party responsible for the issues related to this change and all problems in Cyrodiil is ZOS.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
Nothing has changed, you all are just experiencing what has already failed before.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »It's not a tie across-the-board, but it's not a slaughter either. A lot of what we are hearing is that off-hours activity is skewing the scoreboard. That's a legitimate concern, but it's not really a concern that relates to faction locks. The solution to people painting the map one color overnight is definitely not to allow people to play all sides of the campaign.
That's what everyone thinks about every decision they don't like. Was ZOS also listening to the loudmouths when they removed the previous faction lock?Historically in MMOs the loudmouths are usually the ones behind these type of downfall changes and it won't get any better from here on.
Yes, a lot of unsubstantiated nonsense has been posted trying to refute the basic facts I have been claiming. The point of this thread is to provide data to back up my claims, and to irrefutably prove you incorrect. Feel free to post some data of your own, or just keep blindly saying that I am wrong because you have nothing.You're wrong. It's been explained to you numerous times why.
Last night we watched an "AD" find Volundrung or however it's spelled and take it straight to EP and give it to them.
So much for faction locks and fair "game play"
From now on there will be no fair and even game play. AD an DC have no chance whatsoever. More people will roll over to EP because EP will win every campaign unless something is done to address population imbalance.
Also so much for the IC population causing imbalance. Can't state that as an excuse any more.
IronWooshu wrote: »this is the perfect opportunity for ZOS to make faction swap tokens.
IronWooshu wrote: »this is the perfect opportunity for ZOS to make faction swap tokens.
I've made my point quite clearly, if you can't understand objective based gameplay and the sole purpose of cyrodiil then there's really no use going back and forth with you. Have a great night.
SilverPaws wrote: »
I must always laugh when zerglings say they play aliance war and for "objectives". Yet here on PC EU whole aliances are unable to deff keeps or have any tactical thinking. We are taking keeps and outposts regulary as 4 small group and no one comes to deff, because you all are busy fighting and chasing solo players or small scallers over map
All you do is stack on one place, because that is all you can do and then you create unnecesary lag and make game less pleasant.
SilverPaws wrote: »Every morning on PC EU it's yellow map, while ep and dc are gate camped. Nice actionThen dc or ep zergs map and gate camps AD. Huge imbalance in population at certain times. And of course faction locks didn't solved anything than making pvp even more flustrating.
SilverPaws wrote: »
I must always laugh when zerglings say they play aliance war and for "objectives". Yet here on PC EU whole aliances are unable to deff keeps or have any tactical thinking. We are taking keeps and outposts regulary as 4 small group and no one comes to deff, because you all are busy fighting and chasing solo players or small scallers over map
All you do is stack on one place, because that is all you can do and then you create unnecesary lag and make game less pleasant.
Nope. At least not on PC anyways. It's mostly the 'wanting to play with friends' types who send eighteen people to fight the two folks who've taken a resource.
And in case you think khajiit isn't being honest with you. They brought gifts to show they do indeed play for objectives, and do not in fact spend their entire time chasing one person with a 'zerg'.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPdnHyMVCNg&t=555s
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
I mean, chasing 4-5 isn't much more than 2 :P
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »All in all, things are looking pretty good in Cyrodiil.
That is false. Faction locked campaigns are popular because they are the only 30 day campaigns that we have. And 30 days campaigns were allways more popular. We could test faction lock popularity only if we had 4 30 days campaigns: two with and two without faction lock.bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »A ) Faction locked campaigns are popular while the Faction unlocked campaign is not.
Not yet. Gating emerged after some time when we had the faction lock for the first time. It emerged because new players were asking: "which faction should I choose?" And people were answering: "the one with biggest population".bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »B ) The situation on the map is competitive. No one is getting "gated".
If EP is pop locked, dominates score wise but doesn't have more keeps than other alliances then this could only mean that EP has more players who play off prime time and increase their score. This might be because EP probably has the biggest population of all alliances.bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »C ) EP is dominating score-wise, but not on the ground during prime time. They also do not have the most combined boots on the ground.
I can't play in Cyrodill with 25% of my characters and almost half of my chars are stuck in CP campaign that is not as enjoyable to me as noCP campaign. I wouldn't call that "pretty good". And before you say: "take your 25% chars to 7 day campaign" - it has not enough people to bother with. I go to Cyrodill to fight, not to explore a barren realm.bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »All in all, things are looking pretty good in Cyrodiil.