Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • mocap
    Vlad9425 wrote: »
    Lol why? There’s plenty of difficult content out there why not keep the overworld as a chill zone? Also there are some world bosses out there which are quite difficult to defeat
    only repeatable dungeons and trials compared to 2k+ overland quests. Plenty...
  • RattusMortus
    Soul Shriven
    typical elitist cry - I get so sick of the "Oh xxx is easy" with the subtone that if you don't find it easy you're either a noob a *** or a waste of oxygen.

    ESO is a GAME. People like me play it to get away from the hard things in life. There is challenging content if you want it and enough chill factor if you don't.
  • Smasherx74
    typical elitist cry - I get so sick of the "Oh xxx is easy" with the subtone that if you don't find it easy you're either a noob a *** or a waste of oxygen.

    ESO is a GAME. People like me play it to get away from the hard things in life. There is challenging content if you want it and enough chill factor if you don't.

    Even noobs find this content easy
    Master Debater
  • CipherNine
    A way to keep the game balanced for both kinds of players. ones that like it the way it is and the rest of us that would like things not to be a faceroll.

    Have a Normal mode which keeps things the way they are. Or a Challenge mode. that buffs all the overland content and makes it more of a challenge. You can set your game to whatever mode you prefer.
    Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Argonian Necromancer - Healer
    Breton Warden - Healer
    Nord Necromancer - Tank
    Argonian Templar - Tank
    Nord Warden - Tank
  • Noblis01
    How about an instanced pre-Undaunted training ground? Where you can spawn mobs of the difficulty you're looking for to get the kind of preparation for hardcore content you're talking about. Surely, that's better than socking it to that part of the player-base that happens to include me. Why do so many people seem to be against relaxation gaming?

    And I still back my solution of personalised stat sliders, that centre around players' characters, and not the environment. You farm the best gear that you can find, then fine-tine your sliders to hit that sweet spot.

    And, as I've said before, I'm glad that ZOS leans towards safeguarding overworld gameplay for the far more casual player over the hardcore variety.

    The difficulty slider on each toon seems very reasonable. It puts the player's enjoyment of the game in their own hands.

    Most people mod single player games to affect the difficulty level.
    But, this being an MMO, some don't realize that "making things more enjoyable" for one person could make
    things too difficult for another player. Everyone should have a good time.

    Once again, the difficulty slider concept is a good idea. And some yahoo will try to shoot it down.
  • Minyassa
    Not everyone comes to this game from WoW or other MMOs. Some of us never played video games at all until recently, believe it or not. There are actually people who have never seen WoW or any of the shooters or whatever else is out there.

    I actually have never owned a console. Ever. Just couldn't afford it, so I played PC games, and the PC games I played were not MMOs.

    I started with DDO a few years ago, which anyone who's played knows is a weird sort of MMO with everything instanced and strictly level-specific--if you aren't high enough level for it, you get help doing it OR you just go fight trash mobs until you are higher level and you try again. That was experience 1, and completely different from ESO. Combat system, type of skills, game physics, everything different. No comparison.

    Next was LOTRO. That one has leveled zones; if you're a new player you stay in the new areas or you die, period. The higher level zones even increase aggro range for lowbies to make SURE you die if you stray into the big dogs' area. It's very level dependent. However, once you have leveled past a zone you have literally outleveled it because mobs no longer aggro on you at all unless you start a fight with them. You can wander around in a zone you've outleveled and never be touched. There are only a small handful of zones that remain on-level for capped toons. Also, different combat system, different class sets, skills, etc. Nothing really in common with ESO.

    ESO was my 3rd MMO and my FIRST playing anything in this particular style. It took me the better part of a year and a half to learn my way around the mechanics. I couldn't even figure out bar swapping as part of a rotation for a year, it was just a foreign concept. The way you use skills is different from either of the two other games I played. The way you build a toon is different. With no background in WoW or anything similar to this, this was ENTIRELY a new experience, and I found it more than challenging enough. I even got frustrated a few times...there were delves I could not solo for a long time until I figured out how to start getting my dps up, and I couldn't even solo a dolmen for a long time. Overland is *necessary* to learn these things.

    If the game had been much, much harder, like enough to pose a challenge for veteran, capped, endgame-geared toons? I would've quit after a month. I don't play games to not get anywhere for the entire duration of my play time. Spending a couple of hours getting past a challenge? Sure, that's play. Spending days on the same thing and not managing it? Screw that, I'll go read a book or watch Netflix instead, that doesn't leave me at the end of my recreational time all pissed off.

    You people who played WoW and nineteen other MMOs have no idea what it's like to be a new player anymore. For YOU, just being new to a *game* is not being a new player. It's playing a different flavor of the same thing and other people do NOT have your same experience or skillsets in video games in general. You have unlocked all three levels of the Video Game Player passive. While I can understand your frustration at things becoming easy for you, do not for a minute think that the average new player is like you. Or me. There are so many different experience levels. You just cannot assume it to be the highest potential tier of skill or you are going to absolutely kill off the newbies that aren't just testing their hundredth MMO.

    Edited by Minyassa on July 2, 2019 10:32PM
  • Kawall
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    Will you people ever learn?

    No company, in their right mind, wants to follow down that road to nowhere.

    Star wars the old republic.

    Biggest budget in gaming history ever. Made by mighty Bioware. Every class had its own story and voice actor. Every scene had cutscene. Instead of summons it had companions with unique personalities and quests. Every role player's wet dream and very casual friendly. And still failed miserably.

    P.S. tedius =/= challenging
    Edited by Kawall on July 2, 2019 11:17PM
  • Sylvermynx
    Minyassa wrote: »
    Not everyone comes to this game from WoW or other MMOs. Some of us never played video games at all until recently, believe it or not. There are actually people who have never seen WoW or any of the shooters or whatever else is out there.

    I actually have never owned a console. Ever. Just couldn't afford it, so I played PC games, and the PC games I played were not MMOs.

    I started with DDO a few years ago, which anyone who's played knows is a weird sort of MMO with everything instanced and strictly level-specific--if you aren't high enough level for it, you get help doing it OR you just go fight trash mobs until you are higher level and you try again. That was experience 1, and completely different from ESO. Combat system, type of skills, game physics, everything different. No comparison.

    Next was LOTRO. That one has leveled zones; if you're a new player you stay in the new areas or you die, period. The higher level zones even increase aggro range for lowbies to make SURE you die if you stray into the big dogs' area. It's very level dependent. However, once you have leveled past a zone you have literally outleveled it because mobs no longer aggro on you at all unless you start a fight with them. You can wander around in a zone you've outleveled and never be touched. There are only a small handful of zones that remain on-level for capped toons. Also, different combat system, different class sets, skills, etc. Nothing really in common with ESO.

    ESO was my 3rd MMO and my FIRST playing anything in this particular style. It took me the better part of a year and a half to learn my way around the mechanics. I couldn't even figure out bar swapping as part of a rotation for a year, it was just a foreign concept. The way you use skills is different from either of the two other games I played. The way you build a toon is different. With no background in WoW or anything similar to this, this was ENTIRELY a new experience, and I found it more than challenging enough. I even got frustrated a few times...there were delves I could not solo for a long time until I figured out how to start getting my dps up, and I couldn't even solo a dolmen for a long time. Overland is *necessary* to learn these things.

    If the game had been much, much harder, like enough to pose a challenge for veteran, capped, endgame-geared toons? I would've quit after a month. I don't play games to not get anywhere for the entire duration of my play time. Spending a couple of hours getting past a challenge? Sure, that's play. Spending days on the same thing and not managing it? Screw that, I'll go read a book or watch Netflix instead, that doesn't leave me at the end of my recreational time all pissed off.

    You people who played WoW and nineteen other MMOs have no idea what it's like to be a new player anymore. For YOU, just being new to a *game* is not being a new player. It's playing a different flavor of the same thing and other people do NOT have your same experience or skillsets in video games in general. You have unlocked all three levels of the Video Game Player passive. While I can understand your frustration at things becoming easy for you, do not for a minute think that the average new player is like you. Or me. There are so many different experience levels. You just cannot assume it to be the highest potential tier of skill or you are going to absolutely kill off the newbies that aren't just testing their hundredth MMO.

    I agree with you completely. Yes, I played WoW (for 7 years) and RIFT (for 3 years) - on gimped satellite internet, so THEY weren't easy for me either (until I had max level toons and could go back and do quest lines where I really wanted to see the story.... or clear lower level instances for gear - and sometimes.... those weren't easy either because early satband was only a small step up from decent dialup).

    The first 11 months I played this game on that same gimped satband. Now I've got remarkably better satellite (HughesNet instead of Wildblue - Exede couldn't offer me an upgrade to their higher speed - "not available in your area sorry"). So now I'm actually learning how to play. I'm working on LA weaving (it's easier every day); next I'm going to work on bar swapping. My reflexes aren't as good as when I played WoW, so I have to work out exactly what to do when....
  • Adernath
    Minyassa wrote: »
    You people who played WoW and nineteen other MMOs have no idea what it's like to be a new player anymore. For YOU, just being new to a *game* is not being a new player. It's playing a different flavor of the same thing and other people do NOT have your same experience or skillsets in video games in general. You have unlocked all three levels of the Video Game Player passive. While I can understand your frustration at things becoming easy for you, do not for a minute think that the average new player is like you. Or me. There are so many different experience levels. You just cannot assume it to be the highest potential tier of skill or you are going to absolutely kill off the newbies that aren't just testing their hundredth MMO.

    Oh yes I know very well how its for a new player: The current difficulty is just right for most of them (some find it too easy though). That does not mean that the entire solo content should be like this.

    The game needs clear starter zones with easy content, but generally harder overland zones with more challenging delves, public dungeons and even some adjustments of group dungeons. On the same hand the rewards (i.e. furniture drops etc. should be increased). It is currently simply not attractive to me to travel anywhere.

    Fact is that solo content and overland content in general is incredibly boring for players with a little bit more experience. How about you recognize that not everyone is a noob and still want to enjoy the solo content? I've made my decision now. I am not any longer spending money for pre-ordering yet another zone which -- besides of nice stories and landscapes- - simply has nothing exciting to offer for me.
  • Iccotak
    Nixxiom echoes the same sentiment that over land content is FAR too Easy but he enjoyed the game greatly
  • Wifeaggro13
    Pr0Skygon wrote: »
    Noblis01 wrote: »
    I have said it once, and I will say it again : Don't wait for the devs to make the game "more difficult"
    for you. Refund ALL of your CP and equip green gear. Then the game may be balanced.
    If the devs add more HP to every mob and/or add greater resistances to every mob and/or introduce
    a new NPC AI, the new and casual players will find another game. Then ESO closes. No more debate
    over "this game is too easy."

    Better yet, has anyone everdone HM Ruins of Mazzatun in all geen gear with only base game skills
    (no caltrops, no horn, etc.?)

    I have a level 4 Necromancer with 0 CP with a rag on my body, and it's almost impossible for a human NPC to kill me. How is that any fun? If anything, this sucks out any kind of immersion I'd love to have as a "new player" coming into the game, seeing how you literally cannot die while being impaled with a sword.

    Its not like level 4 char = 160cp 50 lvl char ( well , not quite but close )
    Level to 30 with 0 CP and a rag. And then try some action.

    It's slightly harder at 30. But they underlying theme is you get weaker as you level with tam one scaling system. At the end of the day the progression system really does nothing to teach you about roles how to make a build . That and end game being so frigging dps focused with twitch based combat metrics , like weave, animation canceling , while playing dance dance revolution. The game lost all of its original group dynamic it once had. Trials are fun and challenging as are the four man dungeons but again you only need 1 tank and a heal the rest is dps meta.for a lot of the four man's averagely good dps can get by with self heals.overland though is so mind numbingly boring I played necro to 30 then realized I dont want to go and level all those stupid frigging guilds and collect shards for points . And I sure as *** wont throw money at this travesty to buy them
  • Jeremy
    typical elitist cry - I get so sick of the "Oh xxx is easy" with the subtone that if you don't find it easy you're either a noob a *** or a waste of oxygen.

    ESO is a GAME. People like me play it to get away from the hard things in life. There is challenging content if you want it and enough chill factor if you don't.

    I'm far from elitist and it's too easy even for me. Most of the enemies pose no threat what-so-ever, die in seconds (not even that most of the time) and makes questing/exploring a snooze fest

    I understand people like to chill when they play games (I like to as well) but the enemies need to at least be challenging enough to where fighting them is interesting and fun. They could add an optional veteran version of each zone for high level characters who actually want to be challenged while questing without affecting players like yourself. But something needs to be done. Otherwise I'm going to lose interest in this game. There is challenging content out there, sure. But if the meat of the game is so pathetically easy that I can't enjoy it that's not going to suffice.
    Edited by Jeremy on August 10, 2019 2:57PM
  • Kiralyn2000
    Smasherx74 wrote: »
    typical elitist cry - I get so sick of the "Oh xxx is easy" with the subtone that if you don't find it easy you're either a noob a *** or a waste of oxygen.

    ESO is a GAME. People like me play it to get away from the hard things in life. There is challenging content if you want it and enough chill factor if you don't.

    Even noobs find this content easy

    When I got Morrowind last year (with Summerset pre-order) and went through the zone on my Warden, I repeatedly saw comments in chat from new players talking about how hard it was and how often they were dying. And other people replying to agree with them.

    So.... /shrug

    (and show me one single 'mainstream' MMO where the zone content is challenging for endgame players. Haven't played WoW in quite awhile, but I definitely remember that when a new expansion came out, the raiders & pvp-lords plowed through everything ignoring all the quest rewards because nothing they got until they hit the new cap would come close to being an upgrade. The new zones had to be balanced for players who hit the previous cap and had green/blue level quest gear - meanwhile, people who'd gone through 2+ tiers of raids and the pvp seasons were many times more powerful than them. On top of having better builds, better skill knowledge, etc.)
  • Vahrokh
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Smasherx74 wrote: »
    So with the new expansion, I decide to try something new. You know I'll just grind necro on a more min-maxed toon like redguard later, I just want to enjoy the story and experience casually like I would any Elder Scrolls game. (yes I'm weird like that). Sadly, this game is just too easy and I'm honestly tired of hearing people say the open world PVE isn't too easy. I have used 0 of my champion points, I also used no weapons or armor. Guess what? I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue. Since T1 scaled everything in this game, everything has just became far too easy. To the point I can't even take off all my CP, all my clothes, and go around bare knuckle boxing people, and I still feel like some overpowered god which ruins my immersion.

    I know ZOS is trying to make their game as easy as possible for people ot zoom right through as if they're speedrunning. But you know some of us, actually want a little bit of a challenge, we want to die to trash mobs if we aggro too many, ESPECIALLY in the overworld. Some of us want the bosses of quests or delves to be actually challenging, maybe similar to soloing a solo-able world boss. Aside from everything else, I'm not saying we need harder vet dungeons (we do, they're incredibly easy besides a few DLC ones), but I am saying we need a harder overworld.

    Hmm, so no Attribute Points, No CP, No Armor, No Weapon, Just basic skill points and class abilities.
    Have video to support this? Cause this gets claimed a lot with these threads, but no video evidence to support it.
    Not saying you're right or wrong in your claim, just might be more beneficial to your argument to show the naysayers proof of "how easy" it is, you know, burden of proof and all. Cause anything can be claimed, especially more so when one doesn't provide evidence of said claim.

    Just a thought.

    I've done full ESO beta, full ESO release at day zero, full ESO in 2015 (new restart).

    Beta and day zero were A-WE-SO-ME and hard. Starter area was full, complete, fun and questing involve some skill. Pulling 2 NPCs = hard time. Pulling 3 = dead. Most outworld bosses and public dungeon bosses were really challenging.
    Quests involving defeating X waves of increasingly hard NPCs were challenging.
    Infamous serpent boss was... infamous and claimed so many souls.
    Mannimarco and Molag Bal were a blast.

    In 2017 all of this was already true garbage. Easy mode any bot could do hands off.
    I've tried restarting VV from zero too and it was abysmal. You just cannot die, unless you disconnect in the middle of a boss fight.

    And funny enough, PvP followed the same course. Back at release, PvP was fairly imbalanced (like... always is) but server performance was GOOD. PvP was fluid, diverse and fun.

    Enter Nerfmire and Nerfbreaker, everyone play the same dumb clone. No diversity, no fun, massive and unplayable lag.

    ESO: going downhill since 2014.
    Edited by Vahrokh on August 10, 2019 5:26PM
  • Jeremy
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Smasherx74 wrote: »
    So with the new expansion, I decide to try something new. You know I'll just grind necro on a more min-maxed toon like redguard later, I just want to enjoy the story and experience casually like I would any Elder Scrolls game. (yes I'm weird like that). Sadly, this game is just too easy and I'm honestly tired of hearing people say the open world PVE isn't too easy. I have used 0 of my champion points, I also used no weapons or armor. Guess what? I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue. Since T1 scaled everything in this game, everything has just became far too easy. To the point I can't even take off all my CP, all my clothes, and go around bare knuckle boxing people, and I still feel like some overpowered god which ruins my immersion.

    I know ZOS is trying to make their game as easy as possible for people ot zoom right through as if they're speedrunning. But you know some of us, actually want a little bit of a challenge, we want to die to trash mobs if we aggro too many, ESPECIALLY in the overworld. Some of us want the bosses of quests or delves to be actually challenging, maybe similar to soloing a solo-able world boss. Aside from everything else, I'm not saying we need harder vet dungeons (we do, they're incredibly easy besides a few DLC ones), but I am saying we need a harder overworld.

    Hmm, so no Attribute Points, No CP, No Armor, No Weapon, Just basic skill points and class abilities.
    Have video to support this? Cause this gets claimed a lot with these threads, but no video evidence to support it.
    Not saying you're right or wrong in your claim, just might be more beneficial to your argument to show the naysayers proof of "how easy" it is, you know, burden of proof and all. Cause anything can be claimed, especially more so when one doesn't provide evidence of said claim.

    Just a thought.

    I've done full ESO beta, full ESO release at day zero, full ESO in 2015 (new restart).

    Beta and day zero were A-WE-SO-ME and hard. Starter area was full, complete, fun and questing involve some skill. Pulling 2 NPCs = hard time. Pulling 3 = dead. Most outworld bosses and public dungeon bosses were really challenging.
    Quests involving defeating X waves of increasingly hard NPCs were challenging.
    Infamous serpent boss was... infamous and claimed so many souls.
    Mannimarco and Molag Bal were a blast.

    In 2017 all of this was already true garbage. Easy mode any bot could do hands off.
    I've tried restarting VV from zero too and it was abysmal. You just cannot die, unless you disconnect in the middle of a boss fight.

    And funny enough, PvP followed the same course. Back at release, PvP was fairly imbalanced (like... always is) but server performance was GOOD. PvP was fluid, diverse and fun.

    Enter Nerfmire and Nerfbreaker, everyone play the same dumb clone. No diversity, no fun, massive and unplayable lag.

    ESO: going downhill since 2014.

    I thought the overland was great fun in BETA as well - at least until you out-leveled it. But while on par - it was great. So were delves and public dungeons. I wish they would make a return to that level of difficulty.
  • Sevn
    I think the most likely scenario is that everyone will get nerfed. I can't believe all these long time gamers haven't figured out yet that companies will take the easy and less expensive route. Delusional to think they will completely redo overland for a much smaller group than the masses that brings zero income in.

    Nope, just nerfs. Say, aren't we going thru a nice round of nerfs now that might lower our stats? Imagine that...
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • preevious

    Let me translate that post for everyone, hmm?

    "Since I play well, I want the game to be hard so everyone else have a miserable time playing it ! Oh, how I delight in the distress of my fellow humans, especially when I dont have to suffer anything ! Really, only good players such as I deserve to play this game. For I, after all, am a member of the elite, not a noob like most other players. Praise me !".

    Maybe I exagerate a bit .. but when I read "XXX is too easy, make it harder" .. this is actually what I understand. Such a shame.
  • Rungar
    if you want a challenge in overland just just un-allocate your cp and dont light weave.

    should be fine for you then.
    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • Linaleah

    Kawall wrote: »
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    Will you people ever learn?

    No company, in their right mind, wants to follow down that road to nowhere.

    Star wars the old republic.

    Biggest budget in gaming history ever. Made by mighty Bioware. Every class had its own story and voice actor. Every scene had cutscene. Instead of summons it had companions with unique personalities and quests. Every role player's wet dream and very casual friendly. And still failed miserably.

    P.S. tedius =/= challenging

    it didn;t fail becasue overland was too easy. it stumbled because it had ZERO endgame at launch, rebounded for a while and then failed again when they replaced individualized stories with one size fits some narrative, replaced voice acting with old school text, took those unique companions away and when they were given back they were silent and entirely interchangeable with random nexu companion you could buy of cash shop. and last but not least - they again went back on a promise of end game and replaced loot grinds with pure rng grind of command crates.

    and meantime, swtor actualy has plenty of difficult content - solo or otherwise. every single chapter has veteran and now master mode. they introduced championship which is essentially malestrom arena. with KOTFE originally came out, it had these 6 mini dungeons that were meant for 2 man, but you were encouraged to solo, as there were unique achievements associated with soloing those. and they were NOT easy.

    I.E. swtor did NOT fail due to being casual friendly. it failed because it relied to much on RNG grind (you think farming your maelstrom weapon is bad? no imagine that every.. single.. piece of gear is even more rng dependant, because for a while, it ONLY dropped in command crates) while releasing little to no new group content. they just kept resetting max level so you had to regrind all your gear, and the same content you already been doing for years. at least in ESO we get 4 new dungeons and either 2 raids, or 1 raid and 1 mini something (shorter trial like AS, or arena like Black Rose prison) per year. guaranteed. and we get far more hours of story than swtor has been getting for years now.
    Edited by Linaleah on August 10, 2019 9:17PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Minyassa wrote: »
    Not everyone comes to this game from WoW or other MMOs. Some of us never played video games at all until recently, believe it or not. There are actually people who have never seen WoW or any of the shooters or whatever else is out there.

    I actually have never owned a console. Ever. Just couldn't afford it, so I played PC games, and the PC games I played were not MMOs.

    I started with DDO a few years ago, which anyone who's played knows is a weird sort of MMO with everything instanced and strictly level-specific--if you aren't high enough level for it, you get help doing it OR you just go fight trash mobs until you are higher level and you try again. That was experience 1, and completely different from ESO. Combat system, type of skills, game physics, everything different. No comparison.

    Next was LOTRO. That one has leveled zones; if you're a new player you stay in the new areas or you die, period. The higher level zones even increase aggro range for lowbies to make SURE you die if you stray into the big dogs' area. It's very level dependent. However, once you have leveled past a zone you have literally outleveled it because mobs no longer aggro on you at all unless you start a fight with them. You can wander around in a zone you've outleveled and never be touched. There are only a small handful of zones that remain on-level for capped toons. Also, different combat system, different class sets, skills, etc. Nothing really in common with ESO.

    ESO was my 3rd MMO and my FIRST playing anything in this particular style. It took me the better part of a year and a half to learn my way around the mechanics. I couldn't even figure out bar swapping as part of a rotation for a year, it was just a foreign concept. The way you use skills is different from either of the two other games I played. The way you build a toon is different. With no background in WoW or anything similar to this, this was ENTIRELY a new experience, and I found it more than challenging enough. I even got frustrated a few times...there were delves I could not solo for a long time until I figured out how to start getting my dps up, and I couldn't even solo a dolmen for a long time. Overland is *necessary* to learn these things.

    If the game had been much, much harder, like enough to pose a challenge for veteran, capped, endgame-geared toons? I would've quit after a month. I don't play games to not get anywhere for the entire duration of my play time. Spending a couple of hours getting past a challenge? Sure, that's play. Spending days on the same thing and not managing it? Screw that, I'll go read a book or watch Netflix instead, that doesn't leave me at the end of my recreational time all pissed off.

    You people who played WoW and nineteen other MMOs have no idea what it's like to be a new player anymore. For YOU, just being new to a *game* is not being a new player. It's playing a different flavor of the same thing and other people do NOT have your same experience or skillsets in video games in general. You have unlocked all three levels of the Video Game Player passive. While I can understand your frustration at things becoming easy for you, do not for a minute think that the average new player is like you. Or me. There are so many different experience levels. You just cannot assume it to be the highest potential tier of skill or you are going to absolutely kill off the newbies that aren't just testing their hundredth MMO.

    I agree with you completely. Yes, I played WoW (for 7 years) and RIFT (for 3 years) - on gimped satellite internet, so THEY weren't easy for me either (until I had max level toons and could go back and do quest lines where I really wanted to see the story.... or clear lower level instances for gear - and sometimes.... those weren't easy either because early satband was only a small step up from decent dialup).

    The first 11 months I played this game on that same gimped satband. Now I've got remarkably better satellite (HughesNet instead of Wildblue - Exede couldn't offer me an upgrade to their higher speed - "not available in your area sorry"). So now I'm actually learning how to play. I'm working on LA weaving (it's easier every day); next I'm going to work on bar swapping. My reflexes aren't as good as when I played WoW, so I have to work out exactly what to do when....

    glad you finally got an available upgrade.
  • Arahallris
    World Bosses need some attention as well. Would love to see mechanics added to them. Nothing too complex, but extremely punishing.
  • drkfrontiers
    I don't mind them keeping overland content as it is.

    What would be nice though is if they add some Super-bosses (optionals) to all dungeons, & delves.

    They do not have to be beaten to get the dungeon rewards or quests completion, but rather add some interesting bonus rewards like styled gear, motifs or such like. Like a mini-VMA

    Oh the dream.
    "One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
    ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Jhalin
    preevious wrote: »

    Let me translate that post for everyone, hmm?

    "Since I play well, I want the game to be hard so everyone else have a miserable time playing it ! Oh, how I delight in the distress of my fellow humans, especially when I dont have to suffer anything ! Really, only good players such as I deserve to play this game. For I, after all, am a member of the elite, not a noob like most other players. Praise me !".

    Maybe I exagerate a bit .. but when I read "XXX is too easy, make it harder" .. this is actually what I understand. Such a shame.

    Your translator is incredibly broken, let me help you get it right.

    “I’ve learned the basics of combat and no longer see any solo challenges being made available as I progress further. Every zone feels like a starter zone designed for levels 1-10, with nothing that requires engagement beyond the most simple mechanics of blocking and light attacking. Some quest bosses are incapable of killing me if I have bothered to eat food and wear armor. Can we please get content releases that offer more challenge for solo players, beyond the difficulty of a starter zone that everything but Craglorn is sitting at?”

    And then every against it: “Stop trying to make me think about pulling 20+ mobs at once to farm exp. I’m here to have fun, not follow basic game mechanics.”

    Did you know it’s actually impossible, literally, not possible, to die while fighting the necromancer you chase down after the dragon attack in Elsweyr? I left my character standing in one spot while I ate dinner, and just watched for 30 minutes while his heath bar casually drifted between 100% and 85%.

    Just because I felt like it, I tried to run away from the healer NPC’s ground AoEs to give the “boss” a chance. It still could barely outdamage the first ticks of the heals while I was running out of them and doing nothing else.

    It was pathetic and sad. I sure as hell didn’t feel any accomplishment for winning that fight when I finally started light attacking it, and killed it in four hits.
  • Sharee
    "I never player WOW so this is hard for me, only elitists think this is too easy"

    I had a cousing visiting with his family. Since he was a bit bored i fired up ESO so he can play. Never played any MMOs, made a new character, and played through summerset story until he was level ~10, without dying once.

    He is eight.
  • jarlragnar
    When the game was first released it was challenging, but then people who didn't know how to play or knew what they were doing complained. Then the nerd campaign began across the land of Tamriel, dungeons got nerfed, classes got nerfed, and all monsters got nerfed. For us better players the game became too easy and unrewarding. The only content that hasn't been nerfed is maelstrom
  • Adernath
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Did you know it’s actually impossible, literally, not possible, to die while fighting the necromancer you chase down after the dragon attack in Elsweyr? I left my character standing in one spot while I ate dinner, and just watched for 30 minutes while his heath bar casually drifted between 100% and 85%.

    You could make a time-lapse movie of this and post it every time someone still claims the game is hard for newbies :D

  • Kiralyn2000
    Adernath wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Did you know it’s actually impossible, literally, not possible, to die while fighting the necromancer you chase down after the dragon attack in Elsweyr? I left my character standing in one spot while I ate dinner, and just watched for 30 minutes while his heath bar casually drifted between 100% and 85%.

    You could make a time-lapse movie of this and post it every time someone still claims the game is hard for newbies :D

    Because if one story fight is rigged, clearly there is no other overland content that might kill someone.
  • Jagdkommando
    Smasherx74 wrote: »
    So with the new expansion, I decide to try something new. You know I'll just grind necro on a more min-maxed toon like redguard later, I just want to enjoy the story and experience casually like I would any Elder Scrolls game. (yes I'm weird like that). Sadly, this game is just too easy and I'm honestly tired of hearing people say the open world PVE isn't too easy. I have used 0 of my champion points, I also used no weapons or armor. Guess what? I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue. Since T1 scaled everything in this game, everything has just became far too easy. To the point I can't even take off all my CP, all my clothes, and go around bare knuckle boxing people, and I still feel like some overpowered god which ruins my immersion.

    I know ZOS is trying to make their game as easy as possible for people ot zoom right through as if they're speedrunning. But you know some of us, actually want a little bit of a challenge, we want to die to trash mobs if we aggro too many, ESPECIALLY in the overworld. Some of us want the bosses of quests or delves to be actually challenging, maybe similar to soloing a solo-able world boss. Aside from everything else, I'm not saying we need harder vet dungeons (we do, they're incredibly easy besides a few DLC ones), but I am saying we need a harder overworld.

    The overland is easy and you wanna make it harder???? No!!! No way!
    This game is EXTREMELY difficult and must be nerfed, and i dont want to play with 5 skills on 2 bars, i would like to have 1 skill on 1 bar, and that skill must be bound to right mouse button!!! Wtf are you talking about, easy pffff
    As a disabled player i want to play this game with only one finger!
  • Mayrael
    Ok... to the people saying we have enough hard content.

    I have created while ago new character on new account with 0 CPs, no gear, just 2 skills. Guess what? Killing overland mobs on lvl 3 was so easy that my hp bar barely moved... Now imagine what does it feel to be cp810 with full gear and skills. Literally I one shot overalnd mobs, I don't do any overland content anymore as it doesn't provide any challenge.

    I've said it many times, we need additional veteran zones. Same as the one we have now but like 3x times harder with a bit better rewards as a cherry on the top e.g. gear drops there always in Epic quallity, you get more gold from mobs there, and set items have higher chance to drop from every mob. Bosses and dolmens give double item sets.

    But boss instead of 2M hp will have 6 M, usual overland trash will have 60-90k hp. All mobs also should deal at least 2-3 times more damage. Just imagine being feared of quest because it may be to hard to do! I love it!
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Jhalin
    Adernath wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Did you know it’s actually impossible, literally, not possible, to die while fighting the necromancer you chase down after the dragon attack in Elsweyr? I left my character standing in one spot while I ate dinner, and just watched for 30 minutes while his heath bar casually drifted between 100% and 85%.

    You could make a time-lapse movie of this and post it every time someone still claims the game is hard for newbies :D

    Because if one story fight is rigged, clearly there is no other overland content that might kill someone.

    Well there’s two of then in Elsweyr on its own, granted one is the tutorial dragon so I gave it a pass, even if the original ESO tutorial actually did have a chance to kill you if you went afk against the Child of Bones.

    Regardless, there should never be a fight designed to never let the player die. There especially shouldn’t be a fight that is so noob-catering that you can’t even get yourself killed when you are intentionally doing everything wrong.
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