Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • RavenSworn
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Linaleah
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • LennoxPoodle
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    I really don't think the earlier mentioned increase in mob strength by 10-15% would hurt everyone capable of applying basic common sense.
  • Aireal
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    I really don't think the earlier mentioned increase in mob strength by 10-15% would hurt everyone capable of applying basic common sense.

    So mobs increase by 10-15% each.... not over all?

    So at high levels if you aggro two groups of mobs.. no problem.. probably wont even break a pixelated sweat.. 3 might be a challenge.. what about a lower level player?

    That might become a problem.
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • sentientomega
    I'm playing a game to relax, common sense should be absolutely the last thing I should be exercising, thank you very much!

    But seriously, I am against any arbitrary difficulty increases and other impositions of challenge increases that are going to affect everyone.

    I don't see how, for one, a *player*-focused difficulty slider couldn't work, especially if you tackle mobs alone, even if that's not always possible with other players in the vicinity. Various degrees of change in damage dealt, damage received, and so on, that could make for an interesting experience!

    Ultimately, no one playstyle group should be disadvantaged in favour of another, but I am biased, and it's a difficult balance to strike, but it may well be a safer investment for the devs to err in favour of casuals rather than hardcores and elitists. The latter two are not necessarily mutually inclusive, of course.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    there are way better single player RPGs out there then this
  • Aireal
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    there are way better single player RPGs out there then this

    And your point is? So now everyone has to group? Wow...

    Actually what fantasy RPG has the Lore, the size, is expanding adding really large areas with more over world content, more quests, more delves, trials.. The ability to play with a friend or group of friends...

    I'd say Skyrim...only the Multi player for that is a mod that is very hit and miss. ..Skyrim isn't made for multi player.

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Wifeaggro13
    Aireal wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    there are way better single player RPGs out there then this

    And your point is? So now everyone has to group? Wow...

    Actually what fantasy RPG has the Lore, the size, is expanding adding really large areas with more over world content, more quests, more delves, trials.. The ability to play with a friend or group of friends...

    I'd say Skyrim...only the Multi player for that is a mod that is very hit and miss. ..Skyrim isn't made for multi player.

    no thats not my point .
  • Grandesdar
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Kolache wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Kolache wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Kolache wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    the reality of the challenging games is that it just takes a moment to figure out the flow of the combat and timing and get used to it and then execute it. and harder games don't leave you much margin for error. kinda like DLC veteran dungeons. which most ESO people oh so love /sarcasm. the other truth is that most people NEED that margin for error. without it the game becomes impossible for them.

    Everyone makes difficulty tuning sound so binary... it either has to be easy enough for the lowest common denominator or it has to be too difficult for the majority of the players? Personally, I think most of the game should live in the space between learning how combat works and small margins for error.

    I don't think we should expect most players to ever get to vet DLC dungeon difficulty (or want to). I don't think that means expecting everyone else to never grasp combat 101.

    its not the understanding. its the execution of said understanding. and it is. that. binary. you either have someone who CAN execute and execute quickly and for them, the moment they learn - it stops being challenging. or you have people who have trouble with execution and need that margin for error, for the fights to be forgiving. the fact that these fights are so forgiving is quite literally the main part of "its too easy" complaint

    Difficulty in an ARPG (or whatever you want to call it) like this doesn't just come down to reaction times. For example, at what level do you think a player should learn when to eat food or drink a potion? At some level, should the difficulty should be tuned assuming that the character has eaten food and is carrying a potion? If so, how long do you think a new player should take to figure this out (assuming proper tutorials)... if not, what exactly is the problem with expecting people to use consumables in ESO if they need help?

    and how do you propose to tune that? enforce eating food or drinks that have health component? not all of them do. enforce enchanting for health? we already get potions as rewards, but not a ton of them, so are we enforcing crafting or buying those potions now? are we going to start enforcing minimum health now? a knowledgeable player just gets more health and all the challenge is gone for them. just. like. that.


    meanwhile someone who doesn't have a crafter available to get those potions/food going - are stuck.

    Who needs a crafter to get food/potions? People practically throw them away, especially lower levels ones on the guild trader assuming you don't have plenty from just looting the scenery. So you demonstrate that it's not just about reaction times that people can't overcome.. it's about any slight inconvenience that anyone is unwilling to even try to overcome, like learning anything at all about the game or choosing to apply what you've learned.

    You make this newbies sound like a real miserable group of layabouts! I'm more optimistic--I think that most people are capable of getting better at this game and having fun doing it, there's just not good incentive to do it. People end up as DPS in dungeon groups only spamming bow light attacks in heavy armor with magicka self heals because there's really no reason not to before then.

    I'm sure there are some poor souls who need as much consideration as you would give them, but I personally haven't been exposed to players so delicate that they had no hope of improving. There's no point in deciding what sort of difficulty increase would be trivial for veterans if any difficulty increase at all is off the table. (This is also assuming that it's impossible to have separate difficulties like we do in the rest of the game).

    1. its not merely about improving. its about creating unnecessary discouraging obstacles
    2. it fascinates me that rather then save yourself some gold and play overworld without potions and food, you'd rather force newer players who are still figuring things out and don't have gold reserves to just go around shopping guild traders for potions and food, hoping that there is something available pre lvl 50 they can use.

    1. A MINOR DIFFICULTY is not “”unnecessarily discouraging””. In fact is encouraging players to use the tactics that were taught to to them. To use the resources throw at them at every moment.
    2. You’re pulling this out your rear end. The game throws potions, poisons, exp scrolls, and soul gems at players for free every month, on top of being thrown at them any time they loot enemies. Potions and glyphs are easily obtained jut by killing things, food is literally sitting on tables free for the taking in just about any human-populated delve.

    You really are just dead set against any kind of challenge. Anything that might threaten the visual novel questing we have right now. Why do you want the whole of questing to be effortless and boring? What good does it do? Do you really think players are so bad and lazy that they wouldn’t use the tools provided to them when it would actually give a needed boost?

    I'm still amused that you would rather make potions and food a requirement than just... not use them yourself. its fascinating.
    and I'm dead set against YOUR IDEA of what baseline level of challenge should be.

    and for the record I'm not against OPTIONAL harder content. you want delves you can select difficulty for? fine. go for it. I'm against what some of you want here - increasing overall BASELINE requirements to succeed in overland.

    Listen to yourself

    You’re saying using tools given by the game isn’t how someone should play? You’re a very dedicated troll, I’ll give you that

    If using the baseline, most simple aspects of the game makes the questing dull and unsatisfying in its complete lack of challenge, then the game was poorly designed
    - basic mechanics like block, bash, and dodge
    - wearing any armor
    - using a weapon
    - using skills
    - allocating attributes
    - using potions, food, or enchants the game gives you for free

    Players that use none of these absolutely, 100% should be dying to quest bosses. Not overland trash maybe, but quest bosses should force people to use the basic game tools given to them

    to your bolded. they. DO. die. already. that is the POINT.

    also. don't put potions and food into the same category as skills and weapons. and please stop complaining if you are maxing out your character and then finding the game easy. I've personaly been playing without food and potion use most of the time and surviving a dragon with 10k health is a heck of a lot more challenging than with 17k. you have in game tools to make the game a bit more engaging. you refuse to use them, becasue you think the game should be tuned to what... max level character that is using personal raid buffs?

    and you call ME a troll. heh

    This paragraph is the only answer OP needs.
    Edited by Grandesdar on June 8, 2019 11:41PM
    Main: The Charismatic StamDK DD
    Side: A Handsome Warden Healer
    Side: (upcoming) Stam Necro DD
    CP: 680
    EU PSN: Style3513
  • BrooksP

    Grandesdar wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Kolache wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Kolache wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Kolache wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    the reality of the challenging games is that it just takes a moment to figure out the flow of the combat and timing and get used to it and then execute it. and harder games don't leave you much margin for error. kinda like DLC veteran dungeons. which most ESO people oh so love /sarcasm. the other truth is that most people NEED that margin for error. without it the game becomes impossible for them.

    Everyone makes difficulty tuning sound so binary... it either has to be easy enough for the lowest common denominator or it has to be too difficult for the majority of the players? Personally, I think most of the game should live in the space between learning how combat works and small margins for error.

    I don't think we should expect most players to ever get to vet DLC dungeon difficulty (or want to). I don't think that means expecting everyone else to never grasp combat 101.

    its not the understanding. its the execution of said understanding. and it is. that. binary. you either have someone who CAN execute and execute quickly and for them, the moment they learn - it stops being challenging. or you have people who have trouble with execution and need that margin for error, for the fights to be forgiving. the fact that these fights are so forgiving is quite literally the main part of "its too easy" complaint

    Difficulty in an ARPG (or whatever you want to call it) like this doesn't just come down to reaction times. For example, at what level do you think a player should learn when to eat food or drink a potion? At some level, should the difficulty should be tuned assuming that the character has eaten food and is carrying a potion? If so, how long do you think a new player should take to figure this out (assuming proper tutorials)... if not, what exactly is the problem with expecting people to use consumables in ESO if they need help?

    and how do you propose to tune that? enforce eating food or drinks that have health component? not all of them do. enforce enchanting for health? we already get potions as rewards, but not a ton of them, so are we enforcing crafting or buying those potions now? are we going to start enforcing minimum health now? a knowledgeable player just gets more health and all the challenge is gone for them. just. like. that.


    meanwhile someone who doesn't have a crafter available to get those potions/food going - are stuck.

    Who needs a crafter to get food/potions? People practically throw them away, especially lower levels ones on the guild trader assuming you don't have plenty from just looting the scenery. So you demonstrate that it's not just about reaction times that people can't overcome.. it's about any slight inconvenience that anyone is unwilling to even try to overcome, like learning anything at all about the game or choosing to apply what you've learned.

    You make this newbies sound like a real miserable group of layabouts! I'm more optimistic--I think that most people are capable of getting better at this game and having fun doing it, there's just not good incentive to do it. People end up as DPS in dungeon groups only spamming bow light attacks in heavy armor with magicka self heals because there's really no reason not to before then.

    I'm sure there are some poor souls who need as much consideration as you would give them, but I personally haven't been exposed to players so delicate that they had no hope of improving. There's no point in deciding what sort of difficulty increase would be trivial for veterans if any difficulty increase at all is off the table. (This is also assuming that it's impossible to have separate difficulties like we do in the rest of the game).

    1. its not merely about improving. its about creating unnecessary discouraging obstacles
    2. it fascinates me that rather then save yourself some gold and play overworld without potions and food, you'd rather force newer players who are still figuring things out and don't have gold reserves to just go around shopping guild traders for potions and food, hoping that there is something available pre lvl 50 they can use.

    1. A MINOR DIFFICULTY is not “”unnecessarily discouraging””. In fact is encouraging players to use the tactics that were taught to to them. To use the resources throw at them at every moment.
    2. You’re pulling this out your rear end. The game throws potions, poisons, exp scrolls, and soul gems at players for free every month, on top of being thrown at them any time they loot enemies. Potions and glyphs are easily obtained jut by killing things, food is literally sitting on tables free for the taking in just about any human-populated delve.

    You really are just dead set against any kind of challenge. Anything that might threaten the visual novel questing we have right now. Why do you want the whole of questing to be effortless and boring? What good does it do? Do you really think players are so bad and lazy that they wouldn’t use the tools provided to them when it would actually give a needed boost?

    I'm still amused that you would rather make potions and food a requirement than just... not use them yourself. its fascinating.
    and I'm dead set against YOUR IDEA of what baseline level of challenge should be.

    and for the record I'm not against OPTIONAL harder content. you want delves you can select difficulty for? fine. go for it. I'm against what some of you want here - increasing overall BASELINE requirements to succeed in overland.

    Listen to yourself

    You’re saying using tools given by the game isn’t how someone should play? You’re a very dedicated troll, I’ll give you that

    If using the baseline, most simple aspects of the game makes the questing dull and unsatisfying in its complete lack of challenge, then the game was poorly designed
    - basic mechanics like block, bash, and dodge
    - wearing any armor
    - using a weapon
    - using skills
    - allocating attributes
    - using potions, food, or enchants the game gives you for free

    Players that use none of these absolutely, 100% should be dying to quest bosses. Not overland trash maybe, but quest bosses should force people to use the basic game tools given to them

    to your bolded. they. DO. die. already. that is the POINT.

    also. don't put potions and food into the same category as skills and weapons. and please stop complaining if you are maxing out your character and then finding the game easy. I've personaly been playing without food and potion use most of the time and surviving a dragon with 10k health is a heck of a lot more challenging than with 17k. you have in game tools to make the game a bit more engaging. you refuse to use them, becasue you think the game should be tuned to what... max level character that is using personal raid buffs?

    and you call ME a troll. heh

    This paragraph is the only answer OP needs.

    I too justify poor scaling, by ignoring all elements of the game and RP a skooma addicted Khajiit who runs around naked clawing at his enemies. Along with his disdain for pants and weapons, he also has a crippling fear of money, attributes, abilities, and dodging. Only then does Kat'head the Monk truly feel challenged... Unfortunately my immersion is shattered in that there isn't actually any skooma nor do Khajiit have claws...

    Seriously though the argument over "max level" character is misleading given you can get "max level" by just doing the main quest and like 2 main zones. Which means that majority of the game becomes filler as you have already outpaced the initial curve. If you have to rely on restricting major aspects of the game, simply to create some form of challenge, then that doesn't bode well long term as power-creep will inevitably create stagnation.
  • LennoxPoodle
    Aireal wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    I really don't think the earlier mentioned increase in mob strength by 10-15% would hurt everyone capable of applying basic common sense.

    So mobs increase by 10-15% each.... not over all?

    So at high levels if you aggro two groups of mobs.. no problem.. probably wont even break a pixelated sweat.. 3 might be a challenge.. what about a lower level player?

    That might become a problem.

    If every mob gets increased by that amount, the overall strength climbs exactly the same. That's kind of how percentage works. But really the solution for that is simple. Don't pull to many groups if you can't handle it. I guess every newbie would be capable of realizing that. Judging aggro ranges really is one of the easier things in the game.
  • Sylvermynx
    Aireal wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    I really don't think the earlier mentioned increase in mob strength by 10-15% would hurt everyone capable of applying basic common sense.

    So mobs increase by 10-15% each.... not over all?

    So at high levels if you aggro two groups of mobs.. no problem.. probably wont even break a pixelated sweat.. 3 might be a challenge.. what about a lower level player?

    That might become a problem.

    If every mob gets increased by that amount, the overall strength climbs exactly the same. That's kind of how percentage works. But really the solution for that is simple. Don't pull to many groups if you can't handle it. I guess every newbie would be capable of realizing that. Judging aggro ranges really is one of the easier things in the game.

    Not really. I was used to WoW and Rift and single-player aggro radius. I gave mobs a very wide berth - until a guy ran by me only about 5 feet from a mob and never had an issue.... Really, there are lots of things that aren't explained well by the tutorials, and many that aren't addressed at all. Adding to that, I have very high ping as satellite is my only connection. Now, it's materially better than it was a couple of weeks back as I finally got "up to my eyeballs" with wildblue and swapped to hughesnet - but it's still satband, and it's still 700 ms ping. So when I think I might not be in range of a pack of mobs (a pack to me is anything over three), I might actually be in aggro range because the ping is pretty extreme.

    So I'm still compensating by staying farther away from packs of mobs than most people do. I can reliably kill up to three - bigger packs, no.
  • Linaleah
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    there are way better single player RPGs out there then this

    no literally, and? story quests are one time quests. are you honestly genuinely thinking that its a good idea to require grouping for story quests? seriously? think for a moment how much "fun" its going to be for someone catching up on quests or getting into the game... to realize that they cannot continue the story and finding a group to continue that story is damn near impossible becasue everyone is DONE with that story. think about how rough it can be already to find groups for DAILIES that are for world bosses and the like that happen to be located in older zones. heck half the time its difficult to impossible to find a group for world boss dailies in VVARDENFEL and SUMMERSET. and that's DAILIES.

    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    I really don't think the earlier mentioned increase in mob strength by 10-15% would hurt everyone capable of applying basic common sense.

    I wish some of you would apply some basic common sense and conciser the difference between a character who is just starting to level up their skill/weapon lines and so they have no passives, only the earliest skills that are not morphed, possibly even missing gear slots here and there, vs high level player with maxed cp and optimized gear/build. that 15% increase? high level player "looking for challenge" is not even going to feel it. for them? it will STILL. FEEL. TOO EASY. meanwhile you leveling player still trying to figure out the game? is going to struggle and leave. and in the end, that increase? HELPS NO ONE. not the challenge seeker and not the newbie.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Wifeaggro13
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    there are way better single player RPGs out there then this

    no literally, and? story quests are one time quests. are you honestly genuinely thinking that its a good idea to require grouping for story quests? seriously? think for a moment how much "fun" its going to be for someone catching up on quests or getting into the game... to realize that they cannot continue the story and finding a group to continue that story is damn near impossible becasue everyone is DONE with that story. think about how rough it can be already to find groups for DAILIES that are for world bosses and the like that happen to be located in older zones. heck half the time its difficult to impossible to find a group for world boss dailies in VVARDENFEL and SUMMERSET. and that's DAILIES.


    your putting words in my mouth . my point is the leveling process does not teach you how to play a role build your character or increase diffculty ever so often to encourage to actuallly play the game and its mechanics. it just lets you light attack naked from lvl 1 to max cp
  • RavenSworn
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Wifeaggro13
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.
  • Linaleah
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.
    Edited by Linaleah on June 9, 2019 3:34AM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Wifeaggro13
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.

    Its actually not fun for quite a big portion of the active player community .these threads are a dime a dozen layely
  • RavenSworn
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.

    Thats the thing, it will not only separate the harder and easier difficulties so to speak, it will separate the general population. Remember phasing? How it used to whack out questing? There's not much ZoS can do to give optional difficulties with the exception of phasing / instanced overland. Which will end up making new players question where are the population? I thought this game had opened up with 1T? Thats why I proposed a general increase of just 10-15% because we don't want dark souls overland, just hard enough that it makes it significantly easier to group but still solo able enough that all it requires is just updated gear and knowledge of mechanics.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Morgha_Kul
    It seems to me the problem really isn't the foes, it's the top end players. I'm nowhere NEAR the top end dps, and I can handle nearly anything in the game with relative ease. There are players doing FIVE TIMES as much damage as I can do. They run into a zone, gather up every creature in sight and then obliterate everything in less than a second. THAT is why everything is trivial. PLAYERS do too much damage at the top end of the scale.

    This is why I keep saying they need to apply diminishing returns on damage increases. At lower levels, it would be relatively easy to get more damage, but as you GET more damage, it would grow increasingly difficult to get even more.

    I would also increase mob damage slightly (say, 10%). As it is, there is no real threat from even a group of foes, not at any level. Note that's the basic mobs, not bosses or higher.
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • BrooksP
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.

    Thats the thing, it will not only separate the harder and easier difficulties so to speak, it will separate the general population. Remember phasing? How it used to whack out questing? There's not much ZoS can do to give optional difficulties with the exception of phasing / instanced overland. Which will end up making new players question where are the population? I thought this game had opened up with 1T? Thats why I proposed a general increase of just 10-15% because we don't want dark souls overland, just hard enough that it makes it significantly easier to group but still solo able enough that all it requires is just updated gear and knowledge of mechanics.

    Since most major towns/cities are phased, separating or instancing the difficulty levels outside of hubs wouldn't cause much issue with perceived player base size. If anything it would be beneficial as players wouldn't be hindered by overcrowding or more skilled players steamrolling content before them, also it could allow players of similar skill level to naturally group up. 1T was a great idea, but poorly executed, as it threw any sort of curve or sense of progression out the window. Blanket buff would cause too much fuss and would be a band-aid fix for a looming problem. Optional and phased/instanced would allow for gradual increase and if done off of % per scale group, would negate power creep. Lastly with it being optional it allows for them to test/tweak the scaling without messing up the entire game.
  • Kamatsu
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves.

    ANet tried this with Heart of Thorns expansion for GW2. They upped the difficulty of the mobs, made them hit harder, use CC, etc all to encourage players to travel in groups to get around the map. They also added in more 'group only' type of events & encounters through the maps. Guess what the result was?

    They had a whopping 67% loss in revenue over the next 6 months as players left in droves because they HATED what had been done. They hated how a game had been turned into a "You can solo if you want, but it'll be easier to group up instead" game. ANet tried to 'promote' group play... by doing a lot of things I've seen ppl suggest in this very thread... and they lost a huge chunk of their player base as a result.

    As for the "These threads crop up a lot, so obviously a huge portion of the playerbase wants it harder" nonsense - guess what, very few players EVER visit a games forums, reddit, etc. You'll find that generally 15-20% of a games players will ever visit the forums/reddit/etc of the games... and these tend to be the more dedicated players - ppl really into the lore, the hardcore types, big roleplayers, etc.

    The vast majority of the players never touch an online forum or reddit for a game. Most MMO dev's who've spoken out about it have said that only around 15-25% of their players have ever visited the forums.

    Anecdotal comment - ANet's previous game Guild Wars 1 was a fairly good success, ended up with millions of individual accounts (although no idea how many were simply used as storage accounts... which did happen). Yet it's biggest community run forum (as ANet did not host their own forums back then) only managed to scrape up hundreds of thousands of users, and their activity was in the tens of thousands of users range.... they saw only a small % of the GW1's playerbase visiting them. (and yes, they were the largest non-european site. The next closest in size only had tens of thousands of users vs hundreds of thousands).

    What does this mean? This means that regardless of how many threads crop up here on these forums... the views expressed here do NOT automatically reflect what the majority of the players think. You might see 1,000 ppl here post that they want harder content, but that's 1K out of 1 million (#'s used as illustration purposes)....

    Question for those wanting it 'harder' - Just how do you propose to make it harder?

    Just increase a mobs hp & damage by 10-15%? How does that make the game harder... all it does is make fights last a small amount longer. And since you all know how to fight, that extra damage is pointless to you since you will dodge/block/use-a-skill to avoid/mitigate that extra damage anyways... so all that will effect your gameplay is the added mob hp... which will make you hit the mob 1 or 2 more times..

    and then what? You'll be back here complaining that the games still too easy, that the increased mobs 'difficulty' isn't enough, that you're still steamrolling through them, that you can still strip all CP off, all armor and kill everything with a lvl 1 white weapon like you can do now...

    The only way you can actually make the fights harder is to change the mob's ai & skills they use. However, how can you tune the mobs ai & skillset so that it's easy for those who don't like/want a challenge as well as offer a challenge to those who do?

    I'm honestly wanting to hear how you'd propose to maker the game harder for you, without the pointless use of hp/damage buffs, while not making it too hard for the majority of the casual player base.

    Oh and to those who say "Well, they'll learn how to play better, make their build better, etc with a bit of difficulty"... guess what? It's been well shown and proven many, many times that isn't what happens. Vast majority of players play to relax and have a good time... they don't want to think about builds, strats, etc... they just want to load a game and play.

    So what happens if they hit a roadblock? They don't study, think, re-do builds... they leave the game and find something else to spend their limited time on.

    Why do you think pre-made build's by streamers, youtubers, etc are always so popular? Because they are an easy outline of what skills to use, what cp to get, what gear to get. No thinking required... just log into the game and level up towards that build and use it.

    One thing I will 100% agree with people here tho - the game does a very poor job of teaching players anything. It does very little in the way of teaching/showing players in a meaningful manner (ie short & to the point) about any aspects of the game, how builds work, what stats do, etc. A lot of work could be put into just trying to provide players with more information, decent (but short) tutorials on stuff, etc.
  • RavenSworn
    BrooksP wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.

    Thats the thing, it will not only separate the harder and easier difficulties so to speak, it will separate the general population. Remember phasing? How it used to whack out questing? There's not much ZoS can do to give optional difficulties with the exception of phasing / instanced overland. Which will end up making new players question where are the population? I thought this game had opened up with 1T? Thats why I proposed a general increase of just 10-15% because we don't want dark souls overland, just hard enough that it makes it significantly easier to group but still solo able enough that all it requires is just updated gear and knowledge of mechanics.

    Since most major towns/cities are phased, separating or instancing the difficulty levels outside of hubs wouldn't cause much issue with perceived player base size. If anything it would be beneficial as players wouldn't be hindered by overcrowding or more skilled players steamrolling content before them, also it could allow players of similar skill level to naturally group up. 1T was a great idea, but poorly executed, as it threw any sort of curve or sense of progression out the window. Blanket buff would cause too much fuss and would be a band-aid fix for a looming problem. Optional and phased/instanced would allow for gradual increase and if done off of % per scale group, would negate power creep. Lastly with it being optional it allows for them to test/tweak the scaling without messing up the entire game.

    Thanks for a different perspective. If there might be a good compromise between increasing general difficulty, phasing and etc, I would think that reducing player efficacy from the onset (at character creation page) would be a rather novel albeit weird idea. For eg:

    Veteran = reducing player stats by 15/20%

    It would of course just affect the player in overland, delves, public dungeons and solo instances. The player wouldn't need to take off cp, gear and such just for the sake of veteran levels. For those new players who want a bit of a challenge, this would be fantastic.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • MartiniDaniels
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    BrooksP wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.

    Thats the thing, it will not only separate the harder and easier difficulties so to speak, it will separate the general population. Remember phasing? How it used to whack out questing? There's not much ZoS can do to give optional difficulties with the exception of phasing / instanced overland. Which will end up making new players question where are the population? I thought this game had opened up with 1T? Thats why I proposed a general increase of just 10-15% because we don't want dark souls overland, just hard enough that it makes it significantly easier to group but still solo able enough that all it requires is just updated gear and knowledge of mechanics.

    Since most major towns/cities are phased, separating or instancing the difficulty levels outside of hubs wouldn't cause much issue with perceived player base size. If anything it would be beneficial as players wouldn't be hindered by overcrowding or more skilled players steamrolling content before them, also it could allow players of similar skill level to naturally group up. 1T was a great idea, but poorly executed, as it threw any sort of curve or sense of progression out the window. Blanket buff would cause too much fuss and would be a band-aid fix for a looming problem. Optional and phased/instanced would allow for gradual increase and if done off of % per scale group, would negate power creep. Lastly with it being optional it allows for them to test/tweak the scaling without messing up the entire game.

    Thanks for a different perspective. If there might be a good compromise between increasing general difficulty, phasing and etc, I would think that reducing player efficacy from the onset (at character creation page) would be a rather novel albeit weird idea. For eg:

    Veteran = reducing player stats by 15/20%

    It would of course just affect the player in overland, delves, public dungeons and solo instances. The player wouldn't need to take off cp, gear and such just for the sake of veteran levels. For those new players who want a bit of a challenge, this would be fantastic.

    This won't help. Even removing CP and food doesn't give overland mobs and bosses any chance to kill you. They need to be faster and more active as for now, if you know their attack pattern you may kill them with wet noodle.
  • RavenSworn
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    BrooksP wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.

    Thats the thing, it will not only separate the harder and easier difficulties so to speak, it will separate the general population. Remember phasing? How it used to whack out questing? There's not much ZoS can do to give optional difficulties with the exception of phasing / instanced overland. Which will end up making new players question where are the population? I thought this game had opened up with 1T? Thats why I proposed a general increase of just 10-15% because we don't want dark souls overland, just hard enough that it makes it significantly easier to group but still solo able enough that all it requires is just updated gear and knowledge of mechanics.

    Since most major towns/cities are phased, separating or instancing the difficulty levels outside of hubs wouldn't cause much issue with perceived player base size. If anything it would be beneficial as players wouldn't be hindered by overcrowding or more skilled players steamrolling content before them, also it could allow players of similar skill level to naturally group up. 1T was a great idea, but poorly executed, as it threw any sort of curve or sense of progression out the window. Blanket buff would cause too much fuss and would be a band-aid fix for a looming problem. Optional and phased/instanced would allow for gradual increase and if done off of % per scale group, would negate power creep. Lastly with it being optional it allows for them to test/tweak the scaling without messing up the entire game.

    Thanks for a different perspective. If there might be a good compromise between increasing general difficulty, phasing and etc, I would think that reducing player efficacy from the onset (at character creation page) would be a rather novel albeit weird idea. For eg:

    Veteran = reducing player stats by 15/20%

    It would of course just affect the player in overland, delves, public dungeons and solo instances. The player wouldn't need to take off cp, gear and such just for the sake of veteran levels. For those new players who want a bit of a challenge, this would be fantastic.

    This won't help. Even removing CP and food doesn't give overland mobs and bosses any chance to kill you. They need to be faster and more active as for now, if you know their attack pattern you may kill them with wet noodle.

    I'm not too sure if that's the main point for now. Like I've said before, I don't want total hard veteran mode for overland, just hard enough for grouping and for new players to feel challenged enough but not to a point of 'must group'.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Linaleah
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.

    Thats the thing, it will not only separate the harder and easier difficulties so to speak, it will separate the general population. Remember phasing? How it used to whack out questing? There's not much ZoS can do to give optional difficulties with the exception of phasing / instanced overland. Which will end up making new players question where are the population? I thought this game had opened up with 1T? Thats why I proposed a general increase of just 10-15% because we don't want dark souls overland, just hard enough that it makes it significantly easier to group but still solo able enough that all it requires is just updated gear and knowledge of mechanics.

    and excludes newer or experimenting players. no. thank .you. literally 10 - 15% increase will NOT actualy make it more challenging for players that are bored now. it will not. they won't even feel it. but players who are still starting out, or may not be so good to begin with? its NOT going to encourage them to git good. players are simply going to leave for a game that's more welcoming.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.

    Its actually not fun for quite a big portion of the active player community .these threads are a dime a dozen layely

    yeah, they show up at least once a week like a clockwork. however - this is.. A portion of FORUMS community. how large is it in terms of actual game population? I don't know if handful of posters can be considered large.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Ydrisselle
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Khumbu wrote: »
    Cataclysm (WoW) spiked up its dungeon’s difficulty? Player dropoff.
    BFA? Tried to implement scaling, destroyed all sense of progression.
    Wildstar? Practically stillborn.
    EQ2? Nerfed from group overland mobs to a solo steamroll by 2005. Still didn’t stop the masses from migrating to WoW at the time, why? Because it was more casual.
    Even in this game, where DLC vet dungeons have tangible rewards like important monster helms, very few people feel like they can’t wait to do them. Instead you sigh, open up your friend list, and pray enough good players are on to form a group.
    Also, as someone who was around since Beta, Craglorn was a miserable wasteland and the “difficulty” of the Cadwell zones felt artificial and tedious.

    I’m all for an EQ1 style challenge...IN ANOTHER GAME. I like that I can play in vet trials while my elderly father chills in the overworld. I like feeling the effects of my progression by mowing down mobs in a victory lap after doing a trial or dlc dungeon. This isn’t an old-school MMO or a classic roguelike. Go for flawless VMA, solo dungeon runs, vet progression, no death achievements. Go play in the big kid’s sandbox. Leave the overworld alone.

    Why is everyone thinking in terms of absolutes? There is a middle ground. Again, the current iteration of the game doesn't allow for middle ground, which is why it would benefit everyone in the long run if we could increase overland difficulty slightly. Not till it becomes eq1 difficulty. But at the very least promoting group play, especially for quest bosses and delves. Right now, you dont even need the cake to eat it. You're full just looking at it.

    no. nononononononoono

    NO required grouping, ESPECIALLY not for quests. we already have "encouraged" (as in required for most people) grouping for some of the dailies. but they are dailies. so there is at least some demand for doing them again and again, so groups are more possible. one time quests should never, EVER require or even encourage grouping.

    moreover. that middle ground you talk of? its different for different people depending on their skill level, and in this game? skill gap is enormous, so absolute NO to buff to overworld. optional higher difficulty zones? sure. but current overworld needs to stay EXACTLY where it is.

    And yet there are already solo instances for the main quests and guild quests. I understand both groups, because I do want to solo at times as well. But it is a MMOrpg, not just an rpg, regardless of how people want it to be as.

    Nowhere in my post did I say required grouping. Promoting grouping? Sure. But solo-able as well. Solo builds are available. Dungeon builds are a plenty. Hell, so many players work on their builds on their own everytime. Since gear is so prevalent and scaled to level, it's so much easier to have a good build with the right gear with all the resources we have.

    Artificially reducing our capabilities does not make the game harder, it just trivializes the current difficulties.

    Nor did i she is putting she only hears what she wants. this game simply is not fun in its current state and i refuse to put anymore money into it at this point. the developers are clearly just pumping out copy and paste content and charging full clip.

    not fun,. for YOU.

    I'm not putting words into anyone's mouths other then my own, you on the other hand are bound and determined to misinterpret or just not listen at all.

    I'm very specifically against increasing difficulty for one time questing and overworld wholesale. becasue baseline needs to be soloable BY EVERYONE. not just you. EVERYONE. by people who don't have the build yet, because they are STILL. LEVELING. SKILL. LINES. people who don't have morphs yet, passives yet, becasue their characters haven't progressed that far. people with NO CP. people who are trying to figure out builds on their own instead of immediately going for the guides, killing any and all discovery. people who are actualy genuinely trying to play FOR FUN.

    there is group content in this game. world bosses are group content. dungeons and raids are group content. for many people - public dungeons are group content. dragons in Elsweyr are group content. summerset's abyssal rifts while can be soloed, are actualy better to do in a group since as they scale to a group, you end up getting a named boss instead of a random mook AND better rewards as a result. but notice something. ALL of that content? is repeatable. which means even as it gets older, there is STILL a good chance you'll find a group for it. and that is as it should be.

    optional difficulty increase? fine. whatever. I don't know how they could possibly manage to balance something to satisfy all the different ideas of what challenging is. but OPTIONAL. I was replying to a post that wanted to increase difficulty, PERIOD. for the current world. not optional increase. GENERAL increase. please for the love of god, DO read the post I was replying to.

    Thats the thing, it will not only separate the harder and easier difficulties so to speak, it will separate the general population. Remember phasing? How it used to whack out questing? There's not much ZoS can do to give optional difficulties with the exception of phasing / instanced overland. Which will end up making new players question where are the population? I thought this game had opened up with 1T? Thats why I proposed a general increase of just 10-15% because we don't want dark souls overland, just hard enough that it makes it significantly easier to group but still solo able enough that all it requires is just updated gear and knowledge of mechanics.

    I will repeat myself: I was lvl15, and reached Phaer in Auridon. I got the quest The First Patient, and I had to kill Amuur during the quest delve, he was at the middle of that. I couldn't do it. So I ressed and went again. And again. After the 5th time I stopped to think (and fight the respawned mobs), then died again a couple of times. Then I left. I almost left the game too, because I think if it's not the endboss, it shouldn't be a wall. Of course I finished the quest - a week and 4 levels later, and only because somebody else came into the delve too. It's not an open delve, you can only go there during the quest. So yeah, it's a great idea to make this miniboss harder in one of the opening quests of the game (if you are AD), maybe we can make even more new players to leave...
  • Myrm
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Can you imagine how nuts people would go if quest markers got removed? Like holy crud there’d be millions of complaint threads because they were being forced to read dialogue and use clues

    I actually have the quest marker turned off as I find it too easy to locate my target if I use them, which spoils it for me. When I get a quest I look at the map which shows you an area where the target is, then I head in that direction and search. I find it more fun that way, and I tend to see and discover more, as I am actively looking all about me. I do the same in Skyrim. If I get to a target area and I genuinely cannot find what I am looking for, then I will turn the quest marker on to get a general direction. Then it's off again and the search recommences. Yesterday I was looking for the Man with a Pot on his head. No quest marker but could see on the map a rough area to look in. As I got there I couldn't initially find him, but then I noticed a couple of other players interacting with something. So I headed on over and there was the man with the pot on his head. :D
    PC & Xbox (EU)

    I am employed as a member of Emperor Palpatine's Imperial Royal Guard. (Class of 2017, Yinchorr)
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