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Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • Wifeaggro13
    josiahva wrote: »
    MikaHR wrote: »
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Thats very easy, because the game died and needed complete rework.

    No...the game was still very much idea where people get garbage ideas like that from. I was there before 1T and after...there was no sudden population surge. It is true there are more players now...but just steady growth. The game was NOT dead or dying before 1T regardless of how many times you tell yourself that

    It's the same thing with all those statements. Like saying adventure zone failed because craglorn was empty. I can always tell when some one did not play at launch. Craglorn was packed 24 7 . What killed craglorn was raising VR lvl and leaving it 2 tiers below. Add in the addition to imperial city and yes craglorn emptied. People will always creative what ever narrative to support a biased opinion.
  • Kolache
    It's the same thing with all those statements. Like saying adventure zone failed because craglorn was empty. I can always tell when some one did not play at launch. Craglorn was packed 24 7 . What killed craglorn was raising VR lvl and leaving it 2 tiers below. Add in the addition to imperial city and yes craglorn emptied. People will always creative what ever narrative to support a biased opinion.

    That's true.. to me the game seemed a lot more alive after 1T but I do remember all the way up to the end of VRs having to compete for spawns in Spellscar.
    Something being unbalanced in 1v1 does not imply that it is balanced in group play.
  • GoFigure
    Soul Shriven
    I like the game pretty much as it is. I do not like running with groups. I get that other people do. Every group I have been in, which is only 1 trial and half a dozen vet pledges, the group has been in a mad frenzy that goes: run, kill, run, kill, run, kill, run, kill, etc. I did not learn one thing during those experiences. I did not learn the mechanics of the dungeon or how to better my own skills. I made no friends because when it is over, they disappear, on to their next mad dash. How did I do in the group? Who knows? I might have been helpful or somebody they just put up with. Nobody complained. I did not get to see much of the dungeon because I was always trying to keep up. Pickup loot? Nope, they ignored most of it and if I stopped to grab something, I got farther behind. The other major problem with grouping is the dungeon finder. I waited minimum a half hour, and many times over an hour just trying to get into a group. And I hate waiting- so unproductive. I saved up all my material surveys and ran around doing them while waiting. The other thing I don’t like is what little conversation that does occur is so full of acronyms and other slang, that I have no idea what they are saying.

    The good thing about groups is if you need that gear, it is the only way you will probably be able to get it. It is certainly the fastest way to farm it. That was why I ran the vet pledges- for monster helms. Somebody kept asking for a DPS in zone chat and I finally said I would help. I ended up in Hel Ra Citadel. They were on Discord and I do have an account, but I had no understanding on how to get on to listen. I got dragged through that doing the best I could, but the experience was much the same. My character was a StamSorc with 810CP, but not BiS gear by any means.

    I am not great at weaving and it seems kind of pointless because my experience is that I am often getting stunned or having to deal with sustain (usually health) or having to move or having to switch targets, which breaks my rotation. My consistent DPS on the 3m target dummy is around 18k and could probably improve with more practice, but, like I said, it seems pointless and it is boring.

    That said, I have no problems with the way things are. I find plenty of challenge trying to solo group dungeons and the normal undaunted pledges. I have solo’d many of them. Currently stuck on Selene’s where I have died about 50 times at least. I will get her eventually. A maelstrom bow would help, so I may do that grind. I have solo’d over a dozen world bosses. Some I have not been able to beat.

    I like soloing. It is challenging. I can do it when I have time, which might be in the morning, day or night as I don’t have a regular schedule. I don’t have to rush so I can actually enjoy the scenery and learn the dungeon and learn where I need improvement. I get the loot. I don’t have to wait in line to join a group. If I had to ask for one thing that would make me happy, it would be to make the vet dungeons soloable so that I could enjoy them and get the better gear. In other words, I want the opposite of what many of you want. I doubt it will happen and I am not complaining, as there is plenty for me to do.

    Overland content is super easy for this character, but I have lower level characters that still find it a challenge and I enjoy playing them. I am in no hurry to become a god where I can lay waste to everything or run with the min/max fanatics and be part of the great competition for some digital achievement. I have enough achievement awards cluttering up my drawers at home. Big deal. They really don’t mean much in the long run. Others like that stuff and that is fine with me.

    Earlier in this thread, I suggested being able to get gear that would debuff the character. Nobody seemed to like the idea, mainly because they did not want to dumb down their characters and instead felt it was more important for the developers to make the content harder. Really, in the end, it does not matter if the content is buffed or the character is debuffed. It is all the same and makes for more of a challenge. I guess it interferes with the whole “I want to be a god” thing, because it isn’t the "challenge" driving this thread. They will say something like “The point is to get better, not worse.” I get that. That is what becoming a god means, but sometimes you have to take what you can get and make the best of it. Do you want the challenge or do you want to keep on wanting?

    If you really want to become important, i.e. a god, do it in real life. This is just a game. It is not a game if you are not enjoying it. If the happiness of the group is so all important, then recognize that everyone in this game is a group and you could become important, in real life, by helping people in the newbie group get better so they can enjoy the game more. So they will want harder content. This is just a suggestion. I am not telling anyone they should do that, but I have this idea that in the long run, it would be more fulfilling to know that you helped others enjoy the game and improve their skills, than you helped the top 1% get a digital certificate in a game, which will probably make them and you sort of happy, at least for a few moments. You could do both. It might be more of a challenge to help others for some people. It will definitely try one’s patience.

    EOS is a good game for many reasons. Zos is trying to become important and they recognize that helping many people enjoy the game will do that. That is the value they are providing and that is what will pay their bills. It is true in real life and in the game. It is the nature of humans to want to be valued by others. That is what makes us important and builds our own self-confidence in our own life. Humans are very creative. We are able to discover cool things that help others in all areas of life. It is nice to do things for ourselves, but it is even more enjoyable to do nice things for others. The best we can do in life is to find creative solutions to problems in order to help ourselves and others. I love the videos and guides and thanks for that. Without you guys being as good as you are, they would not exist.

    Lots of people focus on being right and argue it to death. I have studied the heck out of that and found that it is more of a problem than boon. Being right is the source of all conflict and there is a lot of conflict in the world. People destroy relationships just to be right. Many people are literally dying just to prove they are right. Being right does not mean squat if it is not useful. I encourage all people to find out what is useful and pursue that instead of being right. Useful, when applied to a group, is when everyone wins. In the case of EOS, it is when the newbies, the casuals, the hard core gamers, the solo players, the group players, and Zos wins. When the entire group wins, things cannot help but get better and better for everyone.

    Sorry, I tend to get long winded. I hope this provides a better perspective. Best wishes to all.
  • Adernath
    The topic is very subjective, in the end ZOS will have the numbers (i.e. how fast is a dungeon cleared, how fast goes a boss down) and must make the right decisions.

    I would recommend to tackle this issue very very carefully from ZOS side, step by step, in order to create the optimal difficulty for the majority of the playerbase.
  • Jhalin
    Adernath wrote: »
    The topic is very subjective, in the end ZOS will have the numbers (i.e. how fast is a dungeon cleared, how fast goes a boss down) and must make the right decisions.

    I would recommend to tackle this issue very very carefully from ZOS side, step by step, in order to create the optimal difficulty for the majority of the playerbase.


    We’re talking about quests

    Not delves

    Not WBs

    Quests, and their unthreatening, no-way-to-die-without-being-afk “bosses”
  • Adernath
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Adernath wrote: »
    The topic is very subjective, in the end ZOS will have the numbers (i.e. how fast is a dungeon cleared, how fast goes a boss down) and must make the right decisions.

    I would recommend to tackle this issue very very carefully from ZOS side, step by step, in order to create the optimal difficulty for the majority of the playerbase.


    We’re talking about quests

    Not delves

    Not WBs

    Quests, and their unthreatening, no-way-to-die-without-being-afk “bosses”

    General overland content.

    I am talking about that ...

    ... did I talk about Delves, WBs or what?

    I am referring to the topic of this thread. In any case, on page 1 I already stated that overland can be rather tedious if one plays a tank build for example. Personally I don't have anything against very hard content but just look at the numbers pre 1T. No need to revert to that and have the game deserted. I prefer to play a populated game. So thats why I say ZOS should be careful in adjusting the difficulty. I am not saying they should not do it.
  • Aireal
    GoFigure wrote: »
    I like the game pretty much as it is. I do not like running with groups. I get that other people do. Every group I have been in, which is only 1 trial and half a dozen vet pledges, the group has been in a mad frenzy that goes: run, kill, run, kill, run, kill, run, kill, etc. I did not learn one thing during those experiences. I did not learn the mechanics of the dungeon or how to better my own skills. I made no friends because when it is over, they disappear, on to their next mad dash. How did I do in the group? Who knows? I might have been helpful or somebody they just put up with. Nobody complained. I did not get to see much of the dungeon because I was always trying to keep up. Pickup loot? Nope, they ignored most of it and if I stopped to grab something, I got farther behind. The other major problem with grouping is the dungeon finder. I waited minimum a half hour, and many times over an hour just trying to get into a group. And I hate waiting- so unproductive. I saved up all my material surveys and ran around doing them while waiting. The other thing I don’t like is what little conversation that does occur is so full of acronyms and other slang, that I have no idea what they are saying.

    The good thing about groups is if you need that gear, it is the only way you will probably be able to get it. It is certainly the fastest way to farm it. That was why I ran the vet pledges- for monster helms. Somebody kept asking for a DPS in zone chat and I finally said I would help. I ended up in Hel Ra Citadel. They were on Discord and I do have an account, but I had no understanding on how to get on to listen. I got dragged through that doing the best I could, but the experience was much the same. My character was a StamSorc with 810CP, but not BiS gear by any means.

    <snipped for length>

    I like soloing. It is challenging.

    Just a suggestion.. but I would look into a guild, there are a lot of them. Find one that suit's your play style.. or goals. Not everyone in Guilds are high level.. gotta start somewhere right? Chances are you can find someone that would like to clear dungeons and is low level enough to need the mat's from them!

    All my characters gather materials as they go to quest and through dungeons.. unless it doesn't suit the RP they are in. So the run, kill, run, kill. type of dungeon crawling ( or sprinting! ) does not suit me at all.. I will sprint through a dungeon with my friend.. but for the most part.. I really prefer a more tactical approach to dungeon crawling!

    As I said.. it's just a suggestion, but a lot of guilds have 'classes' and 'training'.. to help their new members.. it's just something to look into.
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Jhalin
    Adernath wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Adernath wrote: »
    The topic is very subjective, in the end ZOS will have the numbers (i.e. how fast is a dungeon cleared, how fast goes a boss down) and must make the right decisions.

    I would recommend to tackle this issue very very carefully from ZOS side, step by step, in order to create the optimal difficulty for the majority of the playerbase.


    We’re talking about quests

    Not delves

    Not WBs

    Quests, and their unthreatening, no-way-to-die-without-being-afk “bosses”

    General overland content.

    I am talking about that ...

    ... did I talk about Delves, WBs or what?

    I am referring to the topic of this thread. In any case, on page 1 I already stated that overland can be rather tedious if one plays a tank build for example. Personally I don't have anything against very hard content but just look at the numbers pre 1T. No need to revert to that and have the game deserted. I prefer to play a populated game. So thats why I say ZOS should be careful in adjusting the difficulty. I am not saying they should not do it.

    For a tank build the only threat is to your patience levels.

    1T didn’t bring a massive population boon and it wasn’t deserted before 1T either, as people have already mentioned who played before then. I only played a little bit before 1T happened and the zone’s were still teaming with people all over. The only issue before 1T was being locked out of playing with friends of different levels or alliances. That got changed, but at the expense of any overland questing being engaging for a player with the most basic amount of game-knowledge. There was no need to completely do away with difficulty in the way they did.

    The whole of overland is stuck at tutorial level difficulty and it isn’t fun or engaging even if you go in with no champion points, no crafted gear, no crafted potions, no high end sets. If you block when the game tells you, bash when the game tells you, get out of reds, and light attack, 99% of the time you win the fight with hardly any damage taken.

    I remember how much I had to unlearn to be a competent group memeber because my heavy armor, magicka/stam hybrid double-barred dual wield Nightblade in a bunch of random gear mowed down everything in its path. This game does not teach people how to properly play their role, because absolutely nothing requires they apply more than simple knowledge before they’ve won

    Many quests don’t even have a fail state. “Protect me!” screams the NPC, while no enemies will ever aggro them. You can refuse to kill a single enemy, and the NPC will remain untouched.
  • Deathlord92
    I agree when I’m just questing in ow I want that skyrim feel I like the idea of everything being lot more difficult kind like guards you find in cyrodiil when they at I think stage 5 they are hard as nails they hit hard stun you lots.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Adernath wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Adernath wrote: »
    The topic is very subjective, in the end ZOS will have the numbers (i.e. how fast is a dungeon cleared, how fast goes a boss down) and must make the right decisions.

    I would recommend to tackle this issue very very carefully from ZOS side, step by step, in order to create the optimal difficulty for the majority of the playerbase.


    We’re talking about quests

    Not delves

    Not WBs

    Quests, and their unthreatening, no-way-to-die-without-being-afk “bosses”

    General overland content.

    I am talking about that ...

    ... did I talk about Delves, WBs or what?

    I am referring to the topic of this thread. In any case, on page 1 I already stated that overland can be rather tedious if one plays a tank build for example. Personally I don't have anything against very hard content but just look at the numbers pre 1T. No need to revert to that and have the game deserted. I prefer to play a populated game. So thats why I say ZOS should be careful in adjusting the difficulty. I am not saying they should not do it.

    The whole of overland is stuck at tutorial level difficulty and it isn’t fun or engaging even if you go in with no champion points, no crafted gear, no crafted potions, no high end sets. If you block when the game tells you, bash when the game tells you, get out of reds, and light attack, 99% of the time you win the fight with hardly any damage taken.

    I remember how much I had to unlearn to be a competent group memeber because my heavy armor, magicka/stam hybrid double-barred dual wield Nightblade in a bunch of random gear mowed down everything in its path. This game does not teach people how to properly play their role, because absolutely nothing requires they apply more than simple knowledge before they’ve won

    Many quests don’t even have a fail state. “Protect me!” screams the NPC, while no enemies will ever aggro them. You can refuse to kill a single enemy, and the NPC will remain untouched.

    ha, you don't believe I had exactly the same setup and it felt good for soloing dungeons and WB at that point since I didn't even knew that vigor exists so all healing was from siphoning strikes, flurry and NB ultimate. And then I remember how I combined heavy hundings with skoria and asulum's maces (latter 2 I got on tank barely understanding what's going on) and tried to hit dummy in guildhouse and despite 30k stamina/3k WD and sweaty rotation related to getting max of asylum maces, I did like 8k dps... it was such a hit and enlightenment that I am doing something extremely wrong.
    Edited by MartiniDaniels on June 3, 2019 11:58PM
  • Adernath
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Adernath wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Adernath wrote: »
    The topic is very subjective, in the end ZOS will have the numbers (i.e. how fast is a dungeon cleared, how fast goes a boss down) and must make the right decisions.

    I would recommend to tackle this issue very very carefully from ZOS side, step by step, in order to create the optimal difficulty for the majority of the playerbase.


    We’re talking about quests

    Not delves

    Not WBs

    Quests, and their unthreatening, no-way-to-die-without-being-afk “bosses”

    General overland content.

    I am talking about that ...

    ... did I talk about Delves, WBs or what?

    I am referring to the topic of this thread. In any case, on page 1 I already stated that overland can be rather tedious if one plays a tank build for example. Personally I don't have anything against very hard content but just look at the numbers pre 1T. No need to revert to that and have the game deserted. I prefer to play a populated game. So thats why I say ZOS should be careful in adjusting the difficulty. I am not saying they should not do it.

    For a tank build the only threat is to your patience levels.

    1T didn’t bring a massive population boon and it wasn’t deserted before 1T either, as people have already mentioned who played before then. I only played a little bit before 1T happened and the zone’s were still teaming with people all over. The only issue before 1T was being locked out of playing with friends of different levels or alliances. That got changed, but at the expense of any overland questing being engaging for a player with the most basic amount of game-knowledge. There was no need to completely do away with difficulty in the way they did.

    The whole of overland is stuck at tutorial level difficulty and it isn’t fun or engaging even if you go in with no champion points, no crafted gear, no crafted potions, no high end sets. If you block when the game tells you, bash when the game tells you, get out of reds, and light attack, 99% of the time you win the fight with hardly any damage taken.

    I remember how much I had to unlearn to be a competent group memeber because my heavy armor, magicka/stam hybrid double-barred dual wield Nightblade in a bunch of random gear mowed down everything in its path. This game does not teach people how to properly play their role, because absolutely nothing requires they apply more than simple knowledge before they’ve won

    Many quests don’t even have a fail state. “Protect me!” screams the NPC, while no enemies will ever aggro them. You can refuse to kill a single enemy, and the NPC will remain untouched.

    I am not arguing to letting it in this current state. I am only stating that this must be taken carefully. I played in veteran zones in 2014 and 2015 -- probably before you even came to ESO, so I know what I am talking about. Vet zones were tough and fun but also very tedious due to the short respawn timers of the mobs.

    Furthermore, there were always threads on the forum about this topic. But now since everyone and their mothers is lvl 810 it apparently seems to get more attention recently.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Linaleah wrote: »
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Why ? Because you can play in any zone in any time with any people.
    We have no ghost low level zones ( like in typical mmo ) thanks to this.
    New player can buy the game a jump right into the latest expansion.

    The things that keep people in a zone has very little to do with the level scaling.

    1. Map completion - Which was done even prior to 1T with VR players coming back to hit bosses and stuff they missed. Now it's 50 CP 810s or whatever doing it. Of course, to gain VR levels required complete map completion of later zones anyway and grinding dungeons.
    2. Dailies - Which weren't in prior to 1T. No daily WBs and 1 Delve to chase those motifs or other items you do now.
    3. Hubs that allow easy access to crafting tables for Writs, Decon, and banking.

    What REALLY changed to make maps feel more populated. They removed the restriction that Ebonheart Pact, Daggerfall Covenant and Aldmeri Dominion played on completely different instances of the world.

    you know... its kinda funny that you complain about the game being too easy now, but also seem to support the olden times where older zones would be even more of a faceroll with completely irrelevant rewards, since you would likely outlevel them and map completion mean slaughtering grayed out enemies where world bosses would die in couple of shots. I can back for a bit just before 1 tamriel and I remember as much as my build was... a mess - going back to Auridon at lvl 30 and just knocking over world bosses becasue they were all 10 or more levels bellow me. I also remember my very first run of MoL where they deliberately scaled it to like.. lvl 20 or something so that lvl 50 characters could just roll over the whole thing and disregard the mechanics, in order to quickly get the weekly bag.

    good times, good times...

    1. Having a discussion isn't me complaining about it being too easy. Though it is.
    2. I didn't out level content and do it, though it was there for those who found it too hard.
    3. I soloed nearly every world boss and did all the fights fine that people complained about. Brother's Strife, Doshia, Molag Bal, the big contenders.
    4. I did mention that vet's went back for stuff they missed. Sometimes doing quests or something else led then away from map. Not every completionist did whole map and then moved on. Even then you weren't likely to out level anything to the point it was faceroll. Cleaning up what you missed isn't the same as returning to it because it's easier. Even then that's a choice, not the normal state of the game as is now. So not sure how you managed to twist what I said into something else incorrect.
  • Jeremy
    josiahva wrote: »
    MikaHR wrote: »
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Thats very easy, because the game died and needed complete rework.

    No...the game was still very much idea where people get garbage ideas like that from. I was there before 1T and after...there was no sudden population surge. It is true there are more players now...but just steady growth. The game was NOT dead or dying before 1T regardless of how many times you tell yourself that

    It doesn't matter what change you bring up. One Tamriel - Champion points... even making two-handed weapons count twice toward a set...supposedly all of these changes were done because the game was "dead". The forums or player feed back had nothing to do with it.

    Which begs the question: why would someone waste their time on a forum - for over 20 pages now - if they truly believed it was so pointless and no changes are ever made to the game unless it "dies" first? Not to mention the game doesn't look "dead" to me and the rumor is they are already involved in another major overhaul to the CP system.

    I also complained on the forum about how Cirrenas the Shepard boss in Fungal Grotto II would actively work to reset the fight (which was quite annoying) and probably less than a couple of weeks later they had it fixed. I remember all the fuss over the racial changes on the forum. True: the uproar did not succeed in preventing these changes. But it did result in some free racial tokens which was nice. So it's my belief anyone who thinks the game needs to "die" first before the developers make any meaningful changes or pay attention to the forums isn't a fair one. It's not always productive. But it often is. So I would encourage those who would like to see an option for more difficult landscape content to keep saying so in the forums. I'm optimistic it can have an impact regardless if the game is dead or not. Especially if enough people get involved.
    Edited by Jeremy on June 4, 2019 12:20AM
  • navystylz_ESO
    Linaleah wrote: »
    its unreasonable becasue first requires that you are the only one involved, while encouraging, no requiring that you do most content in group means that you are dependent on other people for anything and EVERYTHING. want to hop online for half an hour once your kids are in bed, just to unwind quickly, do a few quests.

    It's always unreasonable if it affects me, because I'm a selfish unskilled player that rather faceroll than use the many tools npcs give to spawn help, weaken enemy or buff you for encounter, more less ever might need to have actual player help in a MMO. Even to the point of making up the argument people want difficulty that forces grouping.

    Edited by navystylz_ESO on June 4, 2019 12:59AM
  • Linaleah
    Linaleah wrote: »
    its unreasonable becasue first requires that you are the only one involved, while encouraging, no requiring that you do most content in group means that you are dependent on other people for anything and EVERYTHING. want to hop online for half an hour once your kids are in bed, just to unwind quickly, do a few quests.

    It's always unreasonable if it affects me, because I'm a selfish unskilled player that rather faceroll than use the many tools npcs give to spawn help, weaken enemy or buff you for encounter, more less ever might need to have actual player hell in a MMO. Even to the point of making up the argument people want difficulty that forces grouping.

    I'm not making up that argument. people litteraly requested that difficulty is bumped up so that skill player can still solo it adn if you are not a god's gift to gaming, well its MMo and you should just ask for help and group for it. do read the thread.

    that said, debating anything with you is starting to feel even more tedious than the kind of overworld you all are clamoring for, so have a good day now
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • navystylz_ESO
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    One Tamriel and the leveling system - guilty as charged.

    I remember walking out the gates of Daggerfall on my level 5 (first character) and getting killed by just about anything that breathed. Go into a zone before you had leveled up enough, death came from everywhere. Dare to take on anything in Craglorn on your own - instant death.

    Those were the days.

    My old main was one of the first two Vampires in EP. The first Blood Fiends spawned in the Rift on day 3 of early access. I was only level 17 because I kept going back to check on those spawns and so didn't level as fast as some. But 3 of us were right next to spawn when they first popped, we got infect, was the first to yell it out where people could find and immediately went to do the quest.

    Back then the guys you had to drain were scaled to the Rift's level. Which was level 41 for those guys in there I believe. I had to kite those mofos around in that quest so hard. But I did it. And I was one of the first 2 vampires and only at level 17.

    Unfortunately because the rank of Vampire was tied to the xp you earn, ranking it to 10 took a long time and missed out on the original achievement they had for it. My friend, who got bit with me, was 43 when we got bit and I believe was actually the first to hit rank 10 vampire as well.

    I understand that people like the ability to choose what they feel like experiencing for story, but we are told to get naked and remove CP and all these other things to "make it harder" for us. But asking for help, being social and grouping, or going back to a zone once they were overlevel and could faceroll the content, much like you can faceroll it all now, was completely unreasonable.

    its unreasonable becasue first requires that you are the only one involved, while encouraging, no requiring that you do most content in group means that you are dependent on other people for anything and EVERYTHING. want to hop online for half an hour once your kids are in bed, just to unwind quickly, do a few quests - NOPE. need people for that and maker help you if there are no other people to do those quests with. low level zones, fine you go back and do them later, even though rewards are no irrelevant, but what do you do with higher level zones?

    in SWTOR, there was this quest chain that culminated in forced group finale. and becasue it was a quest chain rather then a daily - you would only really do it once per character.

    wanna guess how many people actualy got to complete it? wanna guess? NOT. a lot. heck - WHY do you think they changed main quests in Craglorn to be genuinely, truly soloable? because they were near impossible to find people to do them with after initial rush. story quests MUST be soloable, by EVERYONE.

    This is also the problem with Final Fantasy whatever it is online. My daughter plays it, and she gets to a point where it becomes a requirement to group to complete something. So she quits for a while. She's not "social" or into grouping.

    I was fine with grouping in WoW and RIFT when it was my guilds with family. I'm.... not into that any more (well, family doesn't play this game - I'm the only one who has ever had any interest in TES) - and my connection issues make grouping SO problematic that I'm not really wanting to dump that on random people. Yes, new connect is better - but 750 ms is still HUGE. Not really workable....

    It's an MMO! One of the selling points of an MMO traditionally is there are encounters in the game that require more than your personal power to tackle. Besides, if we're lucky, a constantly evolving world that updates itself.

    You can play single player games and get in discord if you wanna talk to people while gaming
    Anumaril wrote: »
    Something I do to make the overland content challenging is create custom builds for it. I've got a necromancer, spellsword, and stealth build so far.
    In them I put specific abilities which fit their desired fantasy, but always make sure that they are not too powerful. If I see that I have to pause and think about how to approach a group of enemies then I know I've done my job right.
    Sometimes it is literally impossible to get a good combination of weak abilities that simultaneously fit a desired fantasy (like spellsword, necro, etc) and I will still be rather powerful, but at least I will not be gallivanting across all the zone questlines as if I am a god.
    Long story short, I completely agree that the overworld content needs buffs. Things like Dolmens are too easy to solo and should be much harder, and mobs in general should not be defeated by waving your sword once in their general direction.

    That's how I've only ever played. Kind of hard with a necromancer if you slot scythe though.

    My original day 1 character was:

    An Imperial Magicka Nightblade

    I used daggers with health drain enchantment, with imperial red diamond racial (which back then had a chance to proc a health drain), and the health siphon power that back then killed your dmg by 20% while toggled on, but could return some life back to you.

    I was a Vampire, got it at level 17, was one of the first 2 Ebonheart vampires and soloed those lvl 41s to get it by kiting them.

    I would mix auto attacks, trying to play a proc build, while using cloak and concealed weapon to interrupt when I could. I HAD to catch most interrupts, blocks and dodges if i could, especially if it was fire or it would decimate my health. Sometimes I stood there for a bit trying to attack enough to restore resources to do better damage.

    I still soloed most World Bosses, all quest content. And understood this game had mechanics which I should follow. My DPS was crap, but I loved him because he was my vampire lord health drainer concept. Later changes and gear made it so that the dmg and healing I did flew through the roof and I could put much more into damage so that I could actually dps while maintaining the concept.

    People seem to think that those who were fine with then or now, are these amazing min/max players that has gear that just destroys the content and 'they' are the normal player that finds the normal content challenging.

    No, they're just willfully lazy and already admitted they use the game to unwind and so what a graphic novel that gives them no danger of dying. All their statements have done nothing but prove to me they don't even want an MMO. I have no idea why many of these people have settled on playing a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game who apparently are so socially awkward, that the idea of needing to talk to someone they don't know in a game sends them into fits of anxiety (also BS since they have no problem talking to people in forums telling us how this game isn't for us).
  • Jhalin
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    its unreasonable becasue first requires that you are the only one involved, while encouraging, no requiring that you do most content in group means that you are dependent on other people for anything and EVERYTHING. want to hop online for half an hour once your kids are in bed, just to unwind quickly, do a few quests.

    It's always unreasonable if it affects me, because I'm a selfish unskilled player that rather faceroll than use the many tools npcs give to spawn help, weaken enemy or buff you for encounter, more less ever might need to have actual player hell in a MMO. Even to the point of making up the argument people want difficulty that forces grouping.

    I'm not making up that argument. people litteraly requested that difficulty is bumped up so that skill player can still solo it adn if you are not a god's gift to gaming, well its MMo and you should just ask for help and group for it. do read the thread.

    that said, debating anything with you is starting to feel even more tedious than the kind of overworld you all are clamoring for, so have a good day now

    Perhaps you never read any of the flavor text, but WBs were ALWAYS meant to require multiple people. Just like dungeons are encouraging a group of four. It is by design, and being beat down by one player, especially a low level player, is a clear sign that the difficulty is not high enough.

    A quest boss requiring more than the current zero skill will not make it require “godly gifts” to defeat, but yeah you’ll have to use your brain and a self heal or sustain or use a buff or pay attention to combat signs. None of which sound even slightly unreasonable for a fight that’s supposed to wrap up the story of a powerful enemy.
  • navystylz_ESO
    MikaHR wrote: »
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Thats very easy, because the game died and needed complete rework.

    Correlation does not imply causation fallacious argument, yet again. There were many other issues with the game then that you people like to pretend didn't exist to fallaciously use the game then as the argument to why.

    Why zone are leveled has it's own reasons, the biggest of which is they didn't want people to feel like they couldn't complete a zone if they started to outlevel it. At no point does this mean, it was the cause of the game dying. Nor does it mean, they can't have leveled zones with a better scaling that doesn't make you feel like you massively outlevel the zone even when it is scaled to your level.
  • navystylz_ESO
    RebornV3x wrote: »
    The only thing that needs a buffed are the delve and public dungeon bosses and the "group" events in public dungeons also Dolmens should bw on par with Summersets Geysers. other than that the normal mobs in the game are fine.

    That's challenging enough for the normal players it seems. And whether I agree with that or not is another thread. But that being said, I'd add quest story arc bosses to that.

    I was pleasantly pleased last night when I was soloing a boss in Rimmen Necropolis and got stuck against a brazier and couldn't move, the fire and earthquake damage actually killed my vampire. Not sure if I was defiled at same time, since my heal didn't move my HP at all. But I rezzed, and proceeded to kill the boss without taking any damage.

    *sigh* If only I had to worry about that even more. Also after that, all my gear was broken from farming Mummified Alfiq Parts, yet I was still pulling 4 groups at once and killing them.
  • navystylz_ESO
    josiahva wrote: »
    MikaHR wrote: »
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Thats very easy, because the game died and needed complete rework.

    No...the game was still very much idea where people get garbage ideas like that from. I was there before 1T and after...there was no sudden population surge. It is true there are more players now...but just steady growth. The game was NOT dead or dying before 1T regardless of how many times you tell yourself that

    It's the same thing with all those statements. Like saying adventure zone failed because craglorn was empty. I can always tell when some one did not play at launch. Craglorn was packed 24 7 . What killed craglorn was raising VR lvl and leaving it 2 tiers below. Add in the addition to imperial city and yes craglorn emptied. People will always creative what ever narrative to support a biased opinion.

    Let's not forget the conveniently overlooked issue that the 3 factions are no longer separated from each other. Even when it does seem like a lot more players, you are seeing 2 other factions in zone that you could never play with before.
  • disintegr8
    My first tank completed Cadwells Silver and Gold, reaching VR16, while running as a tank, long before One Tamriel and CP came along. It was a challenge, took a long time and a lot of patience but I did not know any better.

    Regardless of how easy or hard the content is, anyone wanting to level up a tank these days would simply set them up as DPS while leveling and then switch out to a tank once they hit lvl50. You don't even have to run S&B while leveling because the skills level up so fast regardless of when you start using them.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • MikaHR
    josiahva wrote: »
    MikaHR wrote: »
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Thats very easy, because the game died and needed complete rework.

    No...the game was still very much idea where people get garbage ideas like that from. I was there before 1T and after...there was no sudden population surge. It is true there are more players now...but just steady growth. The game was NOT dead or dying before 1T regardless of how many times you tell yourself that

    Uh huh, i could go whole 8 hours play sessions without seeing ANYONE else even in places like Mournhold.

    So...why are you lying?

    And yeah, this was waaaaay before 1T, few months after launch, you werent even playing it then.

    1T was direct result of game dying and needing complete rework, Craglorn being the epithome of ESO launch failure. Do you think these kind of sweeping changes to the game happen in few weeks, even months? If there wasnt for console launch there would be no ESO to play, game would be shut down long long time ago THATS how much it failed.

    Still remember people like you and in this thread throwing tantrums because Orsinium was level scaled and that ESO is "dumbed down" "watered down" "completely ruined" and what not. Soooooo hilarious.

    It's an MMO!

    No, its not, tehyve said it like 50 times now. You being uninformed is your own problem.

    “We don’t even use the term MMO with The Elder Scrolls Online anymore, because really it’s not,” game director Matt Firor says. “MMO was a term coined in 1997 with Ultima Online, EverQuest, and Dark Age of Camelot – we are not that game.”
    Edited by MikaHR on June 4, 2019 7:46AM
  • Wifeaggro13
    MikaHR wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    MikaHR wrote: »
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Thats very easy, because the game died and needed complete rework.

    No...the game was still very much idea where people get garbage ideas like that from. I was there before 1T and after...there was no sudden population surge. It is true there are more players now...but just steady growth. The game was NOT dead or dying before 1T regardless of how many times you tell yourself that

    Uh huh, i could go whole 8 hours play sessions without seeing ANYONE else even in places like Mournhold.

    So...why are you lying?

    And yeah, this was waaaaay before 1T, few months after launch, you werent even playing it then.

    1T was direct result of game dying and needing complete rework, Craglorn being the epithome of ESO launch failure. Do you think these kind of sweeping changes to the game happen in few weeks, even months? If there wasnt for console launch there would be no ESO to play, game would be shut down long long time ago THATS how much it failed.

    Still remember people like you and in this thread throwing tantrums because Orsinium was level scaled and that ESO is "dumbed down" "watered down" "completely ruined" and what not. Soooooo hilarious.

    It's an MMO!

    No, its not, tehyve said it like 50 times now. You being uninformed is your own problem.

    “We don’t even use the term MMO with The Elder Scrolls Online anymore, because really it’s not,” game director Matt Firor says. “MMO was a term coined in 1997 with Ultima Online, EverQuest, and Dark Age of Camelot – we are not that game.”

    Because you were playing in mournhold. The population was in hubs trying to play actual content for end game like rawl ka and such.

    And Matt frior can say what ever he wants he is insignificant really to the genre. He mad the game he wanted to make and eliminated those that wanted make a game with some traditional concepts. People play it and as long as he can keep pumping out content the churn will buy it . Though albeit not in the quantity of sale that they were.

    Not really any need for you to come in the thread and vehemently defend /attack anyone who's opinion differs from yours because it threatens your play style. And for the record I dont think Bethseda and Zos can recover from the reputation damage of the FO76 copy paste game they tried to sell the gaming community. Rumor has it it will win the worst game award from multiple publications
  • mocap
    if someone didn't read it, devs response from reddit:

    Q: Bonus question, are there any plans to implement a more challenging overworld for veteran players (e.g. a difficulty toggle like Battle Spirit where you'd get debuff like 50% more damage taken and 50% less healing and damage done in exchange for a chance for mobs to drop zone furnishings and/or other rare items). It is disappointing to see solo quest bosses being hyped up as super powerful, then dying in 10 seconds.

    A: we have ideas on how to have difficulty settings for overland content, but it's not currently planned. It's a great idea.
  • mikemacon
    Seriously, no.
  • Chadak
    I go for a three mile run most mornings. I can bench press 150kg and often enjoy swimming because its fun.

    I am therefore the standard, because I do these things all the time. It's easy for me. I demand challenge.

    The entire world should be covered in six inches of sand to accommodate me. It would make my runs more challenging and it would make all the flabbers have to get some exercise every time they leave their house.

    There is no possible way that there could be any downside to this plan because I run on the beach sometimes and the sand makes my runs a lot more challenging. Ergo, six inches of sand covering the surface of the world would be the ideal solution for me and it would improve the world tremendously.

  • Wifeaggro13
    Chadak wrote: »
    I go for a three mile run most mornings. I can bench press 150kg and often enjoy swimming because its fun.

    I am therefore the standard, because I do these things all the time. It's easy for me. I demand challenge.

    The entire world should be covered in six inches of sand to accommodate me. It would make my runs more challenging and it would make all the flabbers have to get some exercise every time they leave their house.

    There is no possible way that there could be any downside to this plan because I run on the beach sometimes and the sand makes my runs a lot more challenging. Ergo, six inches of sand covering the surface of the world would be the ideal solution for me and it would improve the world tremendously.

    Thats knee jerk reaction. the OP was asking if there could be an additional difficulty. Which I dont think Zos would ever do . They wont even invest in finishing or adding to much needed game systems already in place CP system is a rudimentary broken joke. It need s a complete re fabrication with additional trees, class and role defining choices . Not a we will look at it and halt adding any points. The flat progression system is ultimately boring people in the long run and the shifting gear and build meta which is actually a vertical progression system hidden behind not having to really add anything but a new set.They are quite happy with copy paste lvl content that costs minimal to make .they throw out every quarter and charge full pop for it's a corporate dream.
  • Chadak
    Chadak wrote: »
    I go for a three mile run most mornings. I can bench press 150kg and often enjoy swimming because its fun.

    I am therefore the standard, because I do these things all the time. It's easy for me. I demand challenge.

    The entire world should be covered in six inches of sand to accommodate me. It would make my runs more challenging and it would make all the flabbers have to get some exercise every time they leave their house.

    There is no possible way that there could be any downside to this plan because I run on the beach sometimes and the sand makes my runs a lot more challenging. Ergo, six inches of sand covering the surface of the world would be the ideal solution for me and it would improve the world tremendously.

    Thats knee jerk reaction. the OP was asking if there could be an additional difficulty. Which I dont think Zos would ever do . They wont even invest in finishing or adding to much needed game systems already in place CP system is a rudimentary broken joke. It need s a complete re fabrication with additional trees, class and role defining choices . Not a we will look at it and halt adding any points. The flat progression system is ultimately boring people in the long run and the shifting gear and build meta which is actually a vertical progression system hidden behind not having to really add anything but a new set.They are quite happy with copy paste lvl content that costs minimal to make .they throw out every quarter and charge full pop for it's a corporate dream.

    They put higher levels of difficulty in DLC dungeons and in trials. vMA was cool. I'd like to see more vMA-style content, because I utterly adore 'Me versus The Challenge' type of challenges. I don't want to depend on Lurry McScurry over there and whatever his issues of the day might be. I don't want to have to wait for 45 freaking minutes like I did last night in order to even get a trial run going because Humpty McDumpty over there spilled his beverage on his keyboard and literally had to drive to somewhere to buy a new one.

    ZOS puts challenge in the game. It just isn't in the overworld, and god willing it never will be, because the overworld isn't meant to challenge me, much like walking on the fricken sidewalk isn't meant to challenge me.

    I don't hinge a lot of my arguments on 'Oh, but we must protect the nameless, faceless kiddies and elderlies!' about this kind of crap. I don't speak for anyone but me and I find it to be both cowardly and pretentious to prop one's self up as a spokesperson for a group that one isn't even a part of.

    So I've got nothing to say about what sort of people the overworld's lack of challenge might be best for. I could speculate; we all can. Many have on this 23 ring circus of a thread.

    ZOS is all about money. They won't do a thing unless they expect to turn a maximized profit off of it, and they still won't do that thing unless they can do it cheaply, because businesses these days are often just as greedy and short-sighted as their customers are stupid and short-sighted.

    In practical reality, you have a few useful options to choose from. You can make your own challenge, find a game that gives you the challenge you think is right for you or...well, that's about it.

    Unless complaining on the forum makes the profitability of making the game more difficult change dramatically, they won't do it. Threaten to quit and rage and hate it all you like. They don't care if you're not speaking money.

    And if you're in the camp of feeling that it's all too easy and the whole gameworld needs to be made more difficult, you might as well save yourself the headache and heartbreak and quit now. You're already an acceptable loss that's been factored for; you're not who they're trying to keep around for the long haul because you're not their targeted market.

    ESO targets the casual and the low-effort. That's the bull's eye on the target. They put a good amount of effort into veteran content and clearly care about keeping a lively foot in the door on higher end group content, but they aren't willing to make that the primary focus and they aren't willing to put that in the main ring of this circus.

    That's off in its own instanced rings, and it won't be budging from there because probably 90% of the players don't do that and don't want that content in their day to day gaming.

    It's always about money, and I'm sincerely sorry to say that you seem to be part of a demographic they can throw away and will neither financially miss nor notice when you're gone when you leave.
  • Kolache
    Chadak wrote: »
    ZOS puts challenge in the game. It just isn't in the overworld, and god willing it never will be, because the overworld isn't meant to challenge me, much like walking on the fricken sidewalk isn't meant to challenge me.

    That would be fine if DLC after DLC after DLC wasn't released focused on adding so much damn sidewalk to the game. Is the entire purpose of all that area/quests/delves/public dungeons just to provide visual novel content between dungeons and world bosses?
    Something being unbalanced in 1v1 does not imply that it is balanced in group play.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Chadak wrote: »
    Chadak wrote: »
    I go for a three mile run most mornings. I can bench press 150kg and often enjoy swimming because its fun.

    I am therefore the standard, because I do these things all the time. It's easy for me. I demand challenge.

    The entire world should be covered in six inches of sand to accommodate me. It would make my runs more challenging and it would make all the flabbers have to get some exercise every time they leave their house.

    There is no possible way that there could be any downside to this plan because I run on the beach sometimes and the sand makes my runs a lot more challenging. Ergo, six inches of sand covering the surface of the world would be the ideal solution for me and it would improve the world tremendously.

    Thats knee jerk reaction. the OP was asking if there could be an additional difficulty. Which I dont think Zos would ever do . They wont even invest in finishing or adding to much needed game systems already in place CP system is a rudimentary broken joke. It need s a complete re fabrication with additional trees, class and role defining choices . Not a we will look at it and halt adding any points. The flat progression system is ultimately boring people in the long run and the shifting gear and build meta which is actually a vertical progression system hidden behind not having to really add anything but a new set.They are quite happy with copy paste lvl content that costs minimal to make .they throw out every quarter and charge full pop for it's a corporate dream.

    They put higher levels of difficulty in DLC dungeons and in trials. vMA was cool. I'd like to see more vMA-style content, because I utterly adore 'Me versus The Challenge' type of challenges. I don't want to depend on Lurry McScurry over there and whatever his issues of the day might be. I don't want to have to wait for 45 freaking minutes like I did last night in order to even get a trial run going because Humpty McDumpty over there spilled his beverage on his keyboard and literally had to drive to somewhere to buy a new one.

    ZOS puts challenge in the game. It just isn't in the overworld, and god willing it never will be, because the overworld isn't meant to challenge me, much like walking on the fricken sidewalk isn't meant to challenge me.

    I don't hinge a lot of my arguments on 'Oh, but we must protect the nameless, faceless kiddies and elderlies!' about this kind of crap. I don't speak for anyone but me and I find it to be both cowardly and pretentious to prop one's self up as a spokesperson for a group that one isn't even a part of.

    So I've got nothing to say about what sort of people the overworld's lack of challenge might be best for. I could speculate; we all can. Many have on this 23 ring circus of a thread.

    ZOS is all about money. They won't do a thing unless they expect to turn a maximized profit off of it, and they still won't do that thing unless they can do it cheaply, because businesses these days are often just as greedy and short-sighted as their customers are stupid and short-sighted.

    In practical reality, you have a few useful options to choose from. You can make your own challenge, find a game that gives you the challenge you think is right for you or...well, that's about it.

    Unless complaining on the forum makes the profitability of making the game more difficult change dramatically, they won't do it. Threaten to quit and rage and hate it all you like. They don't care if you're not speaking money.

    And if you're in the camp of feeling that it's all too easy and the whole gameworld needs to be made more difficult, you might as well save yourself the headache and heartbreak and quit now. You're already an acceptable loss that's been factored for; you're not who they're trying to keep around for the long haul because you're not their targeted market.

    ESO targets the casual and the low-effort. That's the bull's eye on the target. They put a good amount of effort into veteran content and clearly care about keeping a lively foot in the door on higher end group content, but they aren't willing to make that the primary focus and they aren't willing to put that in the main ring of this circus.

    That's off in its own instanced rings, and it won't be budging from there because probably 90% of the players don't do that and don't want that content in their day to day gaming.

    It's always about money, and I'm sincerely sorry to say that you seem to be part of a demographic they can throw away and will neither financially miss nor notice when you're gone when you leave.

    I came to that realization a long time ago . They are making content and marketing content for the single player casual.they are selling to a demographic that does not play the whole game. They are marketing to a demographic that just buys crap in the crown mart. Logs in runs around trys on outfits and plays the mediocre story for 30 to 60 days the leaves and come back 4 or 5 months later. I am not naive that this business model makes way more money then a premium sub base with a smaller game population.

    It's like this , what makes more money McDonalds or Ruth chris steak house. Well McDonalds does hands down. But what food is better? It's no question food and the dining experience is better at ruth chris. I long ago quit giving my money to zos , I've not bought or subbed since morrowind. There is no need I keep buying the same content with a different skin. Might as well just run around on alts poking things for few minutes when I'm burnt with other games that have more substance
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