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Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • Kotusha
    Or you talking about buffing trash mobs to make travel from point A to point B as tedios as possible ?

    Seems to be the case. And it's a bad idea, since lots of ESO's quests rely on exploration, mobs make it annoying enough even without buffs.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    ^ If that is all correct, I thank God that I avoided MMORPG genre for all my youth and that ESO has group content of good quality and amazing community so I can give up on unplayable (for me) overland without losing my characters.

    That means you missed out on the Golden Age of MMORPG's.

    I heard that games like Lineage 2 and WoW screwed so many lives, studies, careers, so I was sticking with single-player RPGs and multiplayer shooters for decade.. when ESO was released it was perceived in Skyrim's community as utter trash made not by Bethesda, so I avoided it too. Only "free week" and lack of decent new games lured me to ESO in 2018.. Bleakrock was so mind-dumbingly easy, crude and in-immersive that I was ready to quit, but arrival to Bal Foyen and actual big world sparked interest in me to visit all those places we read in TES books.

    I played WoW and RIFT before ESO. I'm still playing Oblivion and Skyrim, as I really enjoy TES games (with mods of course in those to change things up).

    I'm not really invested in MMOs - I started this one due to friends who play and posted screenies. Such a gorgeous world. It's fun, I love it. But should I live long enough for TES VI, it will be months or years even before I play ESO again, assuming it's still around....

    Seems like a lot of the naysayers of difficulty aren't here for the MMO and only care about the progression of a TES story, so f-all to those who of us who want both...

    Interesting to see what happens when all these people jump ship when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out and no one who wants the MMO experience is left because ZOS keeps pushing out nauseatingly easy graphic novel while charging premium prices.

    That is the blunt truth right there but the angry mob of players that dont actually play the whole game are coming to burn your reply down lol. its a sad day when i enjoy tanking the forums then tanking in the actual game.

    eh. not really. again i cannot speak for everyone, but for myself - there's group content and there's solo content. I want solo content to not require a group. ever. and overworld IMO? should be solo content.

    MMO =/= must group for everything. its a world that you share with a whole lot of other players where you can chose to group, OR chose to lone wolf.

    Understood. So I guess here is my thinking overland should always be soloable. Take a game like EQ2 you could solo but is was far quicker to quest as a duo , more efficient. Normal mobs didnt die when you looked at them and may take half the skills in your rotation to kill.overland right now seems like your opponent does from fright when you swing at them
    Edited by Wifeaggro13 on June 1, 2019 10:20PM
  • Cerra
    Right , lets buff overland content and make old zones unplayable. I had to w8 almost an hour untill i find 2 other people for WB daily quest in Morrowind today.

    I'd be back playing those zones with the characters that skipped them if they were entertaining and not just boringly easy.
  • Lord_Eomer
    Raising Monster CP difficulty and gear cap is way to go now!
  • Aireal
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    ^ If that is all correct, I thank God that I avoided MMORPG genre for all my youth and that ESO has group content of good quality and amazing community so I can give up on unplayable (for me) overland without losing my characters.

    That means you missed out on the Golden Age of MMORPG's.

    I heard that games like Lineage 2 and WoW screwed so many lives, studies, careers, so I was sticking with single-player RPGs and multiplayer shooters for decade.. when ESO was released it was perceived in Skyrim's community as utter trash made not by Bethesda, so I avoided it too. Only "free week" and lack of decent new games lured me to ESO in 2018.. Bleakrock was so mind-dumbingly easy, crude and in-immersive that I was ready to quit, but arrival to Bal Foyen and actual big world sparked interest in me to visit all those places we read in TES books.

    I played WoW and RIFT before ESO. I'm still playing Oblivion and Skyrim, as I really enjoy TES games (with mods of course in those to change things up).

    I'm not really invested in MMOs - I started this one due to friends who play and posted screenies. Such a gorgeous world. It's fun, I love it. But should I live long enough for TES VI, it will be months or years even before I play ESO again, assuming it's still around....

    Seems like a lot of the naysayers of difficulty aren't here for the MMO and only care about the progression of a TES story, so f-all to those who of us who want both...

    Interesting to see what happens when all these people jump ship when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out and no one who wants the MMO experience is left because ZOS keeps pushing out nauseatingly easy graphic novel while charging premium prices.

    <snort> you just answered that yourself.. who's going to be around for the nauseatingly easy graphic novel.. the people that want more difficulty... or the people that think the world is fine the way it is.. is beautiful... is an almost perfect sandbox to roleplay in.

    I happen to know that like me Sylvermynx loves to explore.. loves to see new places, find new vinette stories that TES is famous for.

    True I may not be around as much.. but why in all that's Holy would I cancel my sub just to play TES6? I have no intention of canceling to play DMC5 or any of the other games that interest me.

    Edit: Ask Sylermynx how many subs she had in Rift and Wow..and what was the other one? ( I don't remember...) OH and why she quit playing them...

    BTW neither of us have a problem with an optional increase in difficulty for those that want it.. only changing the whole OW to suit those that want more difficulty.. and that btw is individual.. What you think is difficult I might not, what I think it difficult you may not.
    Edited by Aireal on June 1, 2019 10:40PM
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Aertew
    Overworld needs a buff to the point its challenging, but you can still mess around with builds. However it should be challenging even if you min/max
  • Jhalin
    Kotusha wrote: »
    Or you talking about buffing trash mobs to make travel from point A to point B as tedios as possible ?

    Seems to be the case. And it's a bad idea, since lots of ESO's quests rely on exploration, mobs make it annoying enough even without buffs.

    I’d like to see the lowbie chars get demolished when they pull dozens of mobs at once (looking at you Vivec’s Antlers, and you zombie haven of Coldharbor, and you feral elf haven of Grahtwood), but god forbid doing something stupid at level 3 has a chance to kill you

    Mobs aren’t annoying for anything but the slows they can apply. They don’t pose a threat, not even “elite” mobs. Go look at that impressive 300dps screenshot on an armorless, noCP char that knows to avoid the red, and tell me that is anything close to an “elite dangerous creature” the game tells you it is.

    But the biggest thing brought up here, that you lot seem to keep ignoring, is that quests are extreme let downs because the bosses are not bosses. They aren’t dangerous despite being eons old, or a horrific monster, or a thus undefeated warrior, or a powerful mage, or a Daedric lord.

    It makes the game unfun and boring for anyone with even a simple grasp of the most basic mechanics in the game.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Kotusha wrote: »
    Or you talking about buffing trash mobs to make travel from point A to point B as tedios as possible ?

    Seems to be the case. And it's a bad idea, since lots of ESO's quests rely on exploration, mobs make it annoying enough even without buffs.

    perhaps removing the mobs is the solution.
  • Linaleah
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    ^ If that is all correct, I thank God that I avoided MMORPG genre for all my youth and that ESO has group content of good quality and amazing community so I can give up on unplayable (for me) overland without losing my characters.

    That means you missed out on the Golden Age of MMORPG's.

    I heard that games like Lineage 2 and WoW screwed so many lives, studies, careers, so I was sticking with single-player RPGs and multiplayer shooters for decade.. when ESO was released it was perceived in Skyrim's community as utter trash made not by Bethesda, so I avoided it too. Only "free week" and lack of decent new games lured me to ESO in 2018.. Bleakrock was so mind-dumbingly easy, crude and in-immersive that I was ready to quit, but arrival to Bal Foyen and actual big world sparked interest in me to visit all those places we read in TES books.

    I played WoW and RIFT before ESO. I'm still playing Oblivion and Skyrim, as I really enjoy TES games (with mods of course in those to change things up).

    I'm not really invested in MMOs - I started this one due to friends who play and posted screenies. Such a gorgeous world. It's fun, I love it. But should I live long enough for TES VI, it will be months or years even before I play ESO again, assuming it's still around....

    Seems like a lot of the naysayers of difficulty aren't here for the MMO and only care about the progression of a TES story, so f-all to those who of us who want both...

    Interesting to see what happens when all these people jump ship when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out and no one who wants the MMO experience is left because ZOS keeps pushing out nauseatingly easy graphic novel while charging premium prices.

    That is the blunt truth right there but the angry mob of players that dont actually play the whole game are coming to burn your reply down lol. its a sad day when i enjoy tanking the forums then tanking in the actual game.

    eh. not really. again i cannot speak for everyone, but for myself - there's group content and there's solo content. I want solo content to not require a group. ever. and overworld IMO? should be solo content.

    MMO =/= must group for everything. its a world that you share with a whole lot of other players where you can chose to group, OR chose to lone wolf.

    Understood. So I guess here is my thinking overland should always be soloable. Take a game like EQ2 you could solo but is was far quicker to quest as a duo , more efficient. Normal mobs didnt die when you looked at them and may take half the skills in your rotation to kill.overland right now seems like your opponent does from fright when you swing at them

    and in my opinion, that's not a good design, becasue its soloable... technically. practically its tedious at best. to each their own, but there is a reason that as long lasting as EQ games are - they are STILL niche games. most people especially older people don't have time or desire to spend all this effort on trash mobs.

    last but not least. to reiterate. your opponent dies of you look at it... for YOU. not everyone has that same dps or even close to it, as we have discussed already. this is likely a combat design issue, but this far into games life, there is no fixing it without alienating a large group of people on one side or the other. too many people actively enjoy weaving etc to try and remove it from the game. too many people have trouble with it, to force them into the kind of damage that requires weaving. and so on and so forth.

    overland right now is designed to be accessible solo for EVERYONE. IMO as it should be.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    Aertew wrote: »
    Overworld needs a buff to the point its challenging, but you can still mess around with builds. However it should be challenging even if you min/max

    I'm sorry but that.. is impossible with the kind of combat we have in this game. why? becasue we have a disparity in dps that numbers in 40k+

    making a world challening for minmaxer that parses 50k+ means that even person doing 20k, let alone 4-5k that seems to be an average for most leveling player - is going to be unable to quest through the over-world on their own.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Jhalin
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Aertew wrote: »
    Overworld needs a buff to the point its challenging, but you can still mess around with builds. However it should be challenging even if you min/max

    I'm sorry but that.. is impossible with the kind of combat we have in this game. why? becasue we have a disparity in dps that numbers in 40k+

    making a world challening for minmaxer that parses 50k+ means that even person doing 20k, let alone 4-5k that seems to be an average for most leveling player - is going to be unable to quest through the over-world on their own.

    Not necessarily, but it would be a pain to properly implement now across the base game, and I would have zero hope of ZOS being competent enough to do it right.

    However that doesn’t mean it can’t provide something that would have some oomph for everyone. A min-maxed toon doing a raid-ready rotation will always blast into a quest boss. A mash up of dropped gear, half unlocked skills and passives however, should not be slamming a quest boss with the same ease, as they currently are.

    I can hardly remember any quest fights in this game. Brothers of Strife felt satisfying, Molag Bal I remember insofar as I remember being very shiny

    Some were amusing but I can’t actually remember them beyond “puppykiller!” and the time I ran put of bounds when fighting Manimarco the first time and died. Like, I genuinely can’t think of any other quest that left an impact on me besides the most recent chapter’s final fight.

    Well, not quite true, I remember Summersets final fight by how godawful the blurry low-budget-cosplay Nocturnal looked in the skybox during it
    Edited by Jhalin on June 2, 2019 12:38AM
  • IronWooshu
    I see people die on quest bosses all the time still, I had to help some Nightblade the other day kill the elite bosses in the one quest in Auridon above the dungeon where the *** Relis is trying to become a Relis by wearing the crown.. the guy/girl died like 4 times before I stopped what I was doing and melted the boss down in 3 shots.

    difficulty is in the user. whats easy to you may be harder to others. I can solo World Bosses yet I see even 810's struggle at times, I was CP 530 and solo'd the Guar in Deshaan, then watched two level 810's get wiped from him. Not gonna lie that Guar and the Deadric Knight in Stonefalls are low key raid bosses.
    Edited by IronWooshu on June 2, 2019 1:01AM
  • Wifeaggro13
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    ^ If that is all correct, I thank God that I avoided MMORPG genre for all my youth and that ESO has group content of good quality and amazing community so I can give up on unplayable (for me) overland without losing my characters.

    That means you missed out on the Golden Age of MMORPG's.

    I heard that games like Lineage 2 and WoW screwed so many lives, studies, careers, so I was sticking with single-player RPGs and multiplayer shooters for decade.. when ESO was released it was perceived in Skyrim's community as utter trash made not by Bethesda, so I avoided it too. Only "free week" and lack of decent new games lured me to ESO in 2018.. Bleakrock was so mind-dumbingly easy, crude and in-immersive that I was ready to quit, but arrival to Bal Foyen and actual big world sparked interest in me to visit all those places we read in TES books.

    I played WoW and RIFT before ESO. I'm still playing Oblivion and Skyrim, as I really enjoy TES games (with mods of course in those to change things up).

    I'm not really invested in MMOs - I started this one due to friends who play and posted screenies. Such a gorgeous world. It's fun, I love it. But should I live long enough for TES VI, it will be months or years even before I play ESO again, assuming it's still around....

    Seems like a lot of the naysayers of difficulty aren't here for the MMO and only care about the progression of a TES story, so f-all to those who of us who want both...

    Interesting to see what happens when all these people jump ship when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out and no one who wants the MMO experience is left because ZOS keeps pushing out nauseatingly easy graphic novel while charging premium prices.

    That is the blunt truth right there but the angry mob of players that dont actually play the whole game are coming to burn your reply down lol. its a sad day when i enjoy tanking the forums then tanking in the actual game.

    eh. not really. again i cannot speak for everyone, but for myself - there's group content and there's solo content. I want solo content to not require a group. ever. and overworld IMO? should be solo content.

    MMO =/= must group for everything. its a world that you share with a whole lot of other players where you can chose to group, OR chose to lone wolf.

    Understood. So I guess here is my thinking overland should always be soloable. Take a game like EQ2 you could solo but is was far quicker to quest as a duo , more efficient. Normal mobs didnt die when you looked at them and may take half the skills in your rotation to kill.overland right now seems like your opponent does from fright when you swing at them

    and in my opinion, that's not a good design, becasue its soloable... technically. practically its tedious at best. to each their own, but there is a reason that as long lasting as EQ games are - they are STILL niche games. most people especially older people don't have time or desire to spend all this effort on trash mobs.

    last but not least. to reiterate. your opponent dies of you look at it... for YOU. not everyone has that same dps or even close to it, as we have discussed already. this is likely a combat design issue, but this far into games life, there is no fixing it without alienating a large group of people on one side or the other. too many people actively enjoy weaving etc to try and remove it from the game. too many people have trouble with it, to force them into the kind of damage that requires weaving. and so on and so forth.

    overland right now is designed to be accessible solo for EVERYONE. IMO as it should be.

    It was actually fun .The risk vs reward was proper and not everything was tough you could tell by the border and color of its name how tough it would be.
  • Kotusha
    Jhalin wrote: »
    I can hardly remember any quest fights in this game.

    I remember one. The very worst mega omega ultra boss of the game - Tribal Warrior in Trial of the Fang. If they buff those, I quit.
  • Linaleah
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    ^ If that is all correct, I thank God that I avoided MMORPG genre for all my youth and that ESO has group content of good quality and amazing community so I can give up on unplayable (for me) overland without losing my characters.

    That means you missed out on the Golden Age of MMORPG's.

    I heard that games like Lineage 2 and WoW screwed so many lives, studies, careers, so I was sticking with single-player RPGs and multiplayer shooters for decade.. when ESO was released it was perceived in Skyrim's community as utter trash made not by Bethesda, so I avoided it too. Only "free week" and lack of decent new games lured me to ESO in 2018.. Bleakrock was so mind-dumbingly easy, crude and in-immersive that I was ready to quit, but arrival to Bal Foyen and actual big world sparked interest in me to visit all those places we read in TES books.

    I played WoW and RIFT before ESO. I'm still playing Oblivion and Skyrim, as I really enjoy TES games (with mods of course in those to change things up).

    I'm not really invested in MMOs - I started this one due to friends who play and posted screenies. Such a gorgeous world. It's fun, I love it. But should I live long enough for TES VI, it will be months or years even before I play ESO again, assuming it's still around....

    Seems like a lot of the naysayers of difficulty aren't here for the MMO and only care about the progression of a TES story, so f-all to those who of us who want both...

    Interesting to see what happens when all these people jump ship when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out and no one who wants the MMO experience is left because ZOS keeps pushing out nauseatingly easy graphic novel while charging premium prices.

    That is the blunt truth right there but the angry mob of players that dont actually play the whole game are coming to burn your reply down lol. its a sad day when i enjoy tanking the forums then tanking in the actual game.

    eh. not really. again i cannot speak for everyone, but for myself - there's group content and there's solo content. I want solo content to not require a group. ever. and overworld IMO? should be solo content.

    MMO =/= must group for everything. its a world that you share with a whole lot of other players where you can chose to group, OR chose to lone wolf.

    Understood. So I guess here is my thinking overland should always be soloable. Take a game like EQ2 you could solo but is was far quicker to quest as a duo , more efficient. Normal mobs didnt die when you looked at them and may take half the skills in your rotation to kill.overland right now seems like your opponent does from fright when you swing at them

    and in my opinion, that's not a good design, becasue its soloable... technically. practically its tedious at best. to each their own, but there is a reason that as long lasting as EQ games are - they are STILL niche games. most people especially older people don't have time or desire to spend all this effort on trash mobs.

    last but not least. to reiterate. your opponent dies of you look at it... for YOU. not everyone has that same dps or even close to it, as we have discussed already. this is likely a combat design issue, but this far into games life, there is no fixing it without alienating a large group of people on one side or the other. too many people actively enjoy weaving etc to try and remove it from the game. too many people have trouble with it, to force them into the kind of damage that requires weaving. and so on and so forth.

    overland right now is designed to be accessible solo for EVERYONE. IMO as it should be.

    It was actually fun .The risk vs reward was proper and not everything was tough you could tell by the border and color of its name how tough it would be.

    fun for YOU. wasn't fun for me. I tried everquest at a friend's house for an hour or so.. gosh... ages ago, back before WoW came out. it did very much nothing for me.

    proper risk vs reward is a very subjective opinion anyways.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Wifeaggro13
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    ^ If that is all correct, I thank God that I avoided MMORPG genre for all my youth and that ESO has group content of good quality and amazing community so I can give up on unplayable (for me) overland without losing my characters.

    That means you missed out on the Golden Age of MMORPG's.

    I heard that games like Lineage 2 and WoW screwed so many lives, studies, careers, so I was sticking with single-player RPGs and multiplayer shooters for decade.. when ESO was released it was perceived in Skyrim's community as utter trash made not by Bethesda, so I avoided it too. Only "free week" and lack of decent new games lured me to ESO in 2018.. Bleakrock was so mind-dumbingly easy, crude and in-immersive that I was ready to quit, but arrival to Bal Foyen and actual big world sparked interest in me to visit all those places we read in TES books.

    I played WoW and RIFT before ESO. I'm still playing Oblivion and Skyrim, as I really enjoy TES games (with mods of course in those to change things up).

    I'm not really invested in MMOs - I started this one due to friends who play and posted screenies. Such a gorgeous world. It's fun, I love it. But should I live long enough for TES VI, it will be months or years even before I play ESO again, assuming it's still around....

    Seems like a lot of the naysayers of difficulty aren't here for the MMO and only care about the progression of a TES story, so f-all to those who of us who want both...

    Interesting to see what happens when all these people jump ship when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out and no one who wants the MMO experience is left because ZOS keeps pushing out nauseatingly easy graphic novel while charging premium prices.

    That is the blunt truth right there but the angry mob of players that dont actually play the whole game are coming to burn your reply down lol. its a sad day when i enjoy tanking the forums then tanking in the actual game.

    eh. not really. again i cannot speak for everyone, but for myself - there's group content and there's solo content. I want solo content to not require a group. ever. and overworld IMO? should be solo content.

    MMO =/= must group for everything. its a world that you share with a whole lot of other players where you can chose to group, OR chose to lone wolf.

    Understood. So I guess here is my thinking overland should always be soloable. Take a game like EQ2 you could solo but is was far quicker to quest as a duo , more efficient. Normal mobs didnt die when you looked at them and may take half the skills in your rotation to kill.overland right now seems like your opponent does from fright when you swing at them

    and in my opinion, that's not a good design, becasue its soloable... technically. practically its tedious at best. to each their own, but there is a reason that as long lasting as EQ games are - they are STILL niche games. most people especially older people don't have time or desire to spend all this effort on trash mobs.

    last but not least. to reiterate. your opponent dies of you look at it... for YOU. not everyone has that same dps or even close to it, as we have discussed already. this is likely a combat design issue, but this far into games life, there is no fixing it without alienating a large group of people on one side or the other. too many people actively enjoy weaving etc to try and remove it from the game. too many people have trouble with it, to force them into the kind of damage that requires weaving. and so on and so forth.

    overland right now is designed to be accessible solo for EVERYONE. IMO as it should be.

    It was actually fun .The risk vs reward was proper and not everything was tough you could tell by the border and color of its name how tough it would be.

    fun for YOU. wasn't fun for me. I tried everquest at a friend's house for an hour or so.. gosh... ages ago, back before WoW came out. it did very much nothing for me.

    proper risk vs reward is a very subjective opinion anyways.

    I'm speaking of everquest 2
  • Jhalin
    Kotusha wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    I can hardly remember any quest fights in this game.

    I remember one. The very worst mega omega ultra boss of the game - Tribal Warrior in Trial of the Fang. If they buff those, I quit.

    Oh yeah, the one that actually (sort of) made you do a mechanic. I still nuked it before the mechanic on my main, but I might go back on my tankplar and do the quest again the intended way.

    That’s what every quest boss should be like honestly. Use the tools you’ve been given or die, die, and try again until you do use them. The mechanic is simple too, and the player has to use it a lot before the fight so you know the players at least have a clue what to do.
  • Sogreth
    Bekkael wrote: »
    By bad, I mean new, naked account, like a first time player to the game would experience. Starting out is tough for a new player, and if things are too hard they will quit. I left the game several times when I was leveling my first character. I died to a gust of wind for quite a while, and that just isn’t fun.

    For the sake of brand new players, I’m glad if overland leans more toward easy than hard. Experienced players can get their jollies with harder content in other areas of the game, and leave questing alone. New players need to be enticed to stay, not driven away by a Dark Souls type of gameplay.

    Just my opinion.

    Then maybe there should be a more detailed tutorial for new players. Because I never had these issues of anything being remotely "hard".

    And as someone mentioned in this thread, just like with World of Warcraft, the more difficult early stages of the game brought in many more players and encouraged more people to play together then what it is now.
    Jhalin wrote: »
    But the biggest thing brought up here, that you lot seem to keep ignoring, is that quests are extreme let downs because the bosses are not bosses. They aren’t dangerous despite being eons old, or a horrific monster, or a thus undefeated warrior, or a powerful mage, or a Daedric lord.

    It makes the game unfun and boring for anyone with even a simple grasp of the most basic mechanics in the game.
    I used to enjoy questing on ESO and WoW back when there was just a smidgen of difficulty to it. I made alts all day long, and played for HOURS. Now I can barely bring myself to play either game. The only way to get a bit of that feeling back is to play my Bowplar Stam/Mag healer. He has garbage DPS and his stats are split. He can't be used for anything else though.
    Edited by Sogreth on June 2, 2019 3:35AM
  • Wifeaggro13
    Sogreth wrote: »
    Bekkael wrote: »
    By bad, I mean new, naked account, like a first time player to the game would experience. Starting out is tough for a new player, and if things are too hard they will quit. I left the game several times when I was leveling my first character. I died to a gust of wind for quite a while, and that just isn’t fun.

    For the sake of brand new players, I’m glad if overland leans more toward easy than hard. Experienced players can get their jollies with harder content in other areas of the game, and leave questing alone. New players need to be enticed to stay, not driven away by a Dark Souls type of gameplay.

    Just my opinion.

    Then maybe there should be a more detailed tutorial for new players. Because I never had these issues of anything being remotely "hard".

    And as someone mentioned in this thread, just like with World of Warcraft, the more difficult early stages of the game brought in many more players and encouraged more people to play together then what it is now.
    Jhalin wrote: »
    But the biggest thing brought up here, that you lot seem to keep ignoring, is that quests are extreme let downs because the bosses are not bosses. They aren’t dangerous despite being eons old, or a horrific monster, or a thus undefeated warrior, or a powerful mage, or a Daedric lord.

    It makes the game unfun and boring for anyone with even a simple grasp of the most basic mechanics in the game.
    I used to enjoy questing on ESO and WoW back when there was just a smidgen of difficulty to it. I made alts all day long, and played for HOURS. Now I can barely bring myself to play either game. The only way to get a bit of that feeling back is to play my Bowplar Stam/Mag healer. He has garbage DPS and his stats are split. He can't be used for anything else though.

    I think what really drove this game specificaly to where it is today. Is the design philosphy it could live in both worlds. This IP wanted to be a single player ES franchise experience with MMO options post 2016 when paul sage left. right now it does not do either playstyle very well and caters to a population that plays the game in 60 to 90 day cycles
  • Aireal
    Sogreth wrote: »
    I used to enjoy questing on ESO and WoW back when there was just a smidgen of difficulty to it. I made alts all day long, and played for HOURS. Now I can barely bring myself to play either game. The only way to get a bit of that feeling back is to play my Bowplar Stam/Mag healer. He has garbage DPS and his stats are split. He can't be used for anything else though.

    Crap DPS for what.. a lvl 1 character with the 160CP 'buff' or a lvl whatever character with a 610CP?

    You can't start a new Alt with whatever the starter DPS is and just.. play? Your own skill and experience should allow you to just do that. Don't min/max it, don't add the extra CP points.. just play/ quest.

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • navystylz_ESO
    Right , lets buff overland content and make old zones unplayable. I had to w8 almost an hour untill i find 2 other people for WB daily quest in Morrowind today.

    Why do people keep talking about World Bosses? Holy heck the reading comprehension in these forums. I suggest some need stop playing this game and go take English lessons before anything.

    Because world bosses are overland content ? Or you talking about buffing trash mobs to make travel from point A to point B as tedios as possible ? Korean MMO style , yes ?

    There are 20 pages of responses that talks about what we are talking about.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Right , lets buff overland content and make old zones unplayable. I had to w8 almost an hour untill i find 2 other people for WB daily quest in Morrowind today.

    Why do people keep talking about World Bosses? Holy heck the reading comprehension in these forums. I suggest some need stop playing this game and go take English lessons before anything.

    Because world bosses are overland content ? Or you talking about buffing trash mobs to make travel from point A to point B as tedios as possible ? Korean MMO style , yes ?

    There are 20 pages of responses that talks about what we are talking about.
    Kotusha wrote: »
    Or you talking about buffing trash mobs to make travel from point A to point B as tedios as possible ?

    Seems to be the case. And it's a bad idea, since lots of ESO's quests rely on exploration, mobs make it annoying enough even without buffs.

    Did you guys even read the thread?
  • navystylz_ESO
    Aireal wrote: »

    <snort> you just answered that yourself.. who's going to be around for the nauseatingly easy graphic novel.. the people that want more difficulty... or the people that think the world is fine the way it is.. is beautiful... is an almost perfect sandbox to roleplay in.

    Neither. People will be in TES 6, where they only have to pay once, then get it for years with people making constant mods to keep it fresh and different. And the rest of the MMO crowd will be playing one of the games in development now that returns to the heart of what MMOs were, not this bastardized crap companies are pushing to just make money off players. At the rate things are anyway.

    TES 6 is still several years away though. With it's current model, I can't forsee myself lasting in ESO until TES 6. Games in development will be out. Crowfall will be released, Pantheon and others.

    You might say: well then you already planned on leaving, Navystylz. So why should they cater to you anyway? But even with Necromancer released, and I loooove my Necromancer, I thought I'd have more fun. It's only that the Necromancer is fun that I can even stomach to push through the story. The dialogue drops are good, the stuff to get those dialogue drops not so much.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Aertew wrote: »
    Overworld needs a buff to the point its challenging, but you can still mess around with builds. However it should be challenging even if you min/max

    Funny thing is, I'm cleaning out my Necromancer's inventory. He has 425 filled soul gems because it's impossible to die. The only time I die is jumping off cliffs because I can't be bothered to go the long way.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Jhalin wrote: »
    I’d like to see the lowbie chars get demolished when they pull dozens of mobs at once (looking at you Vivec’s Antlers, and you zombie haven of Coldharbor, and you feral elf haven of Grahtwood), but god forbid doing something stupid at level 3 has a chance to kill you.

    Some are arguing they are seeing new players die every day. I have seen 2. They were pulling multiple packs of mobs and just trying to run through rather than fight.
  • Salganis
    I leveled my Necro to 35 only doing quest and some few randoms in Elsweyr with no CP wess why?
    I did not either craft me armors or pass me gold
  • Jhalin
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sogreth wrote: »
    I used to enjoy questing on ESO and WoW back when there was just a smidgen of difficulty to it. I made alts all day long, and played for HOURS. Now I can barely bring myself to play either game. The only way to get a bit of that feeling back is to play my Bowplar Stam/Mag healer. He has garbage DPS and his stats are split. He can't be used for anything else though.

    Crap DPS for what.. a lvl 1 character with the 160CP 'buff' or a lvl whatever character with a 610CP?

    You can't start a new Alt with whatever the starter DPS is and just.. play? Your own skill and experience should allow you to just do that. Don't min/max it, don't add the extra CP points.. just play/ quest.

    ffs how hard is it to read the first post? That’s exactly what they did, and still nothing is remotely threatening. Dropped gear, no CP, non synergistic race choice. There is nothing else they can do without throwing out lessons the game teaches as far back as the tutorial quests.

    If you have to purposefully refuse to use basic ingame tools in order to be at risk of dying (and people still aren’t at risk, even then), the game is too easy and it’s plain not fun.
  • navystylz_ESO
    There's a new thread about the game story, and I find it interesting that most of the replies thus far has been how bland the story is for them because there are no choices or combat is too easy.
  • StormeReigns
    Long as it is financially feasible and functional, vast majority of the entire player population (not going based by forum claims but the majority of the entire player population,) from PC to Console supports it. There is no issue with the idea.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Aertew wrote: »
    Overworld needs a buff to the point its challenging, but you can still mess around with builds. However it should be challenging even if you min/max

    Funny thing is, I'm cleaning out my Necromancer's inventory. He has 425 filled soul gems because it's impossible to die. The only time I die is jumping off cliffs because I can't be bothered to go the long way.

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