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Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • Aireal
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sogreth wrote: »
    I used to enjoy questing on ESO and WoW back when there was just a smidgen of difficulty to it. I made alts all day long, and played for HOURS. Now I can barely bring myself to play either game. The only way to get a bit of that feeling back is to play my Bowplar Stam/Mag healer. He has garbage DPS and his stats are split. He can't be used for anything else though.

    Crap DPS for what.. a lvl 1 character with the 160CP 'buff' or a lvl whatever character with a 610CP?

    You can't start a new Alt with whatever the starter DPS is and just.. play? Your own skill and experience should allow you to just do that. Don't min/max it, don't add the extra CP points.. just play/ quest.

    ffs how hard is it to read the first post? That’s exactly what they did, and still nothing is remotely threatening. Dropped gear, no CP, non synergistic race choice. There is nothing else they can do without throwing out lessons the game teaches as far back as the tutorial quests.

    If you have to purposefully refuse to use basic ingame tools in order to be at risk of dying (and people still aren’t at risk, even then), the game is too easy and it’s plain not fun.

    Well... sorry I missed a previous post... somewhere between page 19 and 21..

    Refuse to use in game tools? What I suggested would be that same thing as if one was playing their very 1st character or started a new account and rolled the 1st character on that.

    Why do people have to min/max? Is it a must to explore and do quests? Do you have to use CP points earned on another Character? The answer is no, it's a choice. If one already thinks the game is too easy...why add to it?

    And I'm pretty sure in more than half my posts I put that I think it's a great idea to have an optional difficulty choice.

    You only step out of the Imperial dungeons for the 1st time once... you only ride the cart to your execution the 1st time once... i will only get to enjoy my low level characters in ESO once..

    Or not... because I like the difficulty right where it's at. If Zos makes the game harder over all... I'll adapt, because I can.

    I'm not reaching for endgame levels... my Sorc had 50% of Mirkmire done, all of it explored... at level 34.. my NA crafter has all of Adurion explored, but only a few quests as that's not her focus, she's now in Reapers March...lvl 20. I'll explore then worry about lvling up to do harder content..

    My choice, my way of playing. It was only a suggestion...asking wouldn't it be better to start a new character and just not add buffs, rather than play a suboptimal character.
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • thumpthing
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena
  • Massacre_Wurm
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Why ? Because you can play in any zone in any time with any people.
    We have no ghost low level zones ( like in typical mmo ) thanks to this.
    New player can buy the game a jump right into the latest expansion.

  • navystylz_ESO
    Aireal wrote: »
    Why do people have to min/max? Is it a must to explore and do quests? Do you have to use CP points earned on another Character? The answer is no, it's a choice. If one already thinks the game is too easy...why add to it?

    You could argue in a RPG where part of the equation is progression of your character, that progression never ends until you are min/max. Even then, the way this game is, there's really no true min/max end, unless you've collected all the equipment in the game and tricked it out.

    But the ease of this game in the overland has very little to do with gear now.
  • navystylz_ESO
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Why ? Because you can play in any zone in any time with any people.
    We have no ghost low level zones ( like in typical mmo ) thanks to this.
    New player can buy the game a jump right into the latest expansion.

    The things that keep people in a zone has very little to do with the level scaling.

    1. Map completion - Which was done even prior to 1T with VR players coming back to hit bosses and stuff they missed. Now it's 50 CP 810s or whatever doing it. Of course, to gain VR levels required complete map completion of later zones anyway and grinding dungeons.
    2. Dailies - Which weren't in prior to 1T. No daily WBs and 1 Delve to chase those motifs or other items you do now.
    3. Hubs that allow easy access to crafting tables for Writs, Decon, and banking.

    What REALLY changed to make maps feel more populated. They removed the restriction that Ebonheart Pact, Daggerfall Covenant and Aldmeri Dominion played on completely different instances of the world.
    Edited by navystylz_ESO on June 2, 2019 11:00PM
  • disintegr8
    One Tamriel and the leveling system - guilty as charged.

    I remember walking out the gates of Daggerfall on my level 5 (first character) and getting killed by just about anything that breathed. Go into a zone before you had leveled up enough, death came from everywhere. Dare to take on anything in Craglorn on your own - instant death.

    Those were the days.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • navystylz_ESO
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    One Tamriel and the leveling system - guilty as charged.

    I remember walking out the gates of Daggerfall on my level 5 (first character) and getting killed by just about anything that breathed. Go into a zone before you had leveled up enough, death came from everywhere. Dare to take on anything in Craglorn on your own - instant death.

    Those were the days.

    My old main was one of the first two Vampires in EP. The first Blood Fiends spawned in the Rift on day 3 of early access. I was only level 17 because I kept going back to check on those spawns and so didn't level as fast as some. But 3 of us were right next to spawn when they first popped, we got infect, was the first to yell it out where people could find and immediately went to do the quest.

    Back then the guys you had to drain were scaled to the Rift's level. Which was level 41 for those guys in there I believe. I had to kite those mofos around in that quest so hard. But I did it. And I was one of the first 2 vampires and only at level 17.

    Unfortunately because the rank of Vampire was tied to the xp you earn, ranking it to 10 took a long time and missed out on the original achievement they had for it. My friend, who got bit with me, was 43 when we got bit and I believe was actually the first to hit rank 10 vampire as well.

    I understand that people like the ability to choose what they feel like experiencing for story, but we are told to get naked and remove CP and all these other things to "make it harder" for us. But asking for help, being social and grouping, or going back to a zone once they were overlevel and could faceroll the content, much like you can faceroll it all now, was completely unreasonable.
  • Ydrisselle
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    If they didn't do that, there wouldn't be an existing ESO oday.
  • Aireal
    Aireal wrote: »
    Why do people have to min/max? Is it a must to explore and do quests? Do you have to use CP points earned on another Character? The answer is no, it's a choice. If one already thinks the game is too easy...why add to it?

    You could argue in a RPG where part of the equation is progression of your character, that progression never ends until you are min/max. Even then, the way this game is, there's really no true min/max end, unless you've collected all the equipment in the game and tricked it out.

    But the ease of this game in the overland has very little to do with gear now.

    And the could argue back to have a Nord in a fur bikini... battle axe and use no skill points.

    Were I to do that though I'd get flamed for suggesting "gimping" a character.. when really its Role Play and has a president in TES games.

    I'm all for choice though.. I will choose not to add CP points to my lower leveled characters just because another earned it ..

    Each to their own... I honestly think their really isn't a way for Zos to make it hard enough for some people ...skill, knowledge...
    Edited by Aireal on June 3, 2019 12:43AM
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • kalimar44
    I feel like game devs today try to cater to everyone, and not just make a game that you have to cater to. I'm a older gamer and the older MMOs didn't give a *** if you were getting killed all the time. You learned to play or moved on. Original 1999 EverQuest was a good example of this. I loved how brutal that game could be, but it was a awesome MMO for its time. Gamers today would rage quit if ESO was like the older MMOs difficulty. I guess nowadays being married with kids ESO works better for me.
  • Linaleah
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Why ? Because you can play in any zone in any time with any people.
    We have no ghost low level zones ( like in typical mmo ) thanks to this.
    New player can buy the game a jump right into the latest expansion.

    The things that keep people in a zone has very little to do with the level scaling.

    1. Map completion - Which was done even prior to 1T with VR players coming back to hit bosses and stuff they missed. Now it's 50 CP 810s or whatever doing it. Of course, to gain VR levels required complete map completion of later zones anyway and grinding dungeons.
    2. Dailies - Which weren't in prior to 1T. No daily WBs and 1 Delve to chase those motifs or other items you do now.
    3. Hubs that allow easy access to crafting tables for Writs, Decon, and banking.

    What REALLY changed to make maps feel more populated. They removed the restriction that Ebonheart Pact, Daggerfall Covenant and Aldmeri Dominion played on completely different instances of the world.

    you know... its kinda funny that you complain about the game being too easy now, but also seem to support the olden times where older zones would be even more of a faceroll with completely irrelevant rewards, since you would likely outlevel them and map completion mean slaughtering grayed out enemies where world bosses would die in couple of shots. I can back for a bit just before 1 tamriel and I remember as much as my build was... a mess - going back to Auridon at lvl 30 and just knocking over world bosses becasue they were all 10 or more levels bellow me. I also remember my very first run of MoL where they deliberately scaled it to like.. lvl 20 or something so that lvl 50 characters could just roll over the whole thing and disregard the mechanics, in order to quickly get the weekly bag.

    good times, good times...
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    One Tamriel and the leveling system - guilty as charged.

    I remember walking out the gates of Daggerfall on my level 5 (first character) and getting killed by just about anything that breathed. Go into a zone before you had leveled up enough, death came from everywhere. Dare to take on anything in Craglorn on your own - instant death.

    Those were the days.

    My old main was one of the first two Vampires in EP. The first Blood Fiends spawned in the Rift on day 3 of early access. I was only level 17 because I kept going back to check on those spawns and so didn't level as fast as some. But 3 of us were right next to spawn when they first popped, we got infect, was the first to yell it out where people could find and immediately went to do the quest.

    Back then the guys you had to drain were scaled to the Rift's level. Which was level 41 for those guys in there I believe. I had to kite those mofos around in that quest so hard. But I did it. And I was one of the first 2 vampires and only at level 17.

    Unfortunately because the rank of Vampire was tied to the xp you earn, ranking it to 10 took a long time and missed out on the original achievement they had for it. My friend, who got bit with me, was 43 when we got bit and I believe was actually the first to hit rank 10 vampire as well.

    I understand that people like the ability to choose what they feel like experiencing for story, but we are told to get naked and remove CP and all these other things to "make it harder" for us. But asking for help, being social and grouping, or going back to a zone once they were overlevel and could faceroll the content, much like you can faceroll it all now, was completely unreasonable.

    its unreasonable becasue first requires that you are the only one involved, while encouraging, no requiring that you do most content in group means that you are dependent on other people for anything and EVERYTHING. want to hop online for half an hour once your kids are in bed, just to unwind quickly, do a few quests - NOPE. need people for that and maker help you if there are no other people to do those quests with. low level zones, fine you go back and do them later, even though rewards are no irrelevant, but what do you do with higher level zones?

    in SWTOR, there was this quest chain that culminated in forced group finale. and becasue it was a quest chain rather then a daily - you would only really do it once per character.

    wanna guess how many people actualy got to complete it? wanna guess? NOT. a lot. heck - WHY do you think they changed main quests in Craglorn to be genuinely, truly soloable? because they were near impossible to find people to do them with after initial rush. story quests MUST be soloable, by EVERYONE.
    Edited by Linaleah on June 3, 2019 1:08AM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Sylvermynx
    Linaleah wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    One Tamriel and the leveling system - guilty as charged.

    I remember walking out the gates of Daggerfall on my level 5 (first character) and getting killed by just about anything that breathed. Go into a zone before you had leveled up enough, death came from everywhere. Dare to take on anything in Craglorn on your own - instant death.

    Those were the days.

    My old main was one of the first two Vampires in EP. The first Blood Fiends spawned in the Rift on day 3 of early access. I was only level 17 because I kept going back to check on those spawns and so didn't level as fast as some. But 3 of us were right next to spawn when they first popped, we got infect, was the first to yell it out where people could find and immediately went to do the quest.

    Back then the guys you had to drain were scaled to the Rift's level. Which was level 41 for those guys in there I believe. I had to kite those mofos around in that quest so hard. But I did it. And I was one of the first 2 vampires and only at level 17.

    Unfortunately because the rank of Vampire was tied to the xp you earn, ranking it to 10 took a long time and missed out on the original achievement they had for it. My friend, who got bit with me, was 43 when we got bit and I believe was actually the first to hit rank 10 vampire as well.

    I understand that people like the ability to choose what they feel like experiencing for story, but we are told to get naked and remove CP and all these other things to "make it harder" for us. But asking for help, being social and grouping, or going back to a zone once they were overlevel and could faceroll the content, much like you can faceroll it all now, was completely unreasonable.

    its unreasonable becasue first requires that you are the only one involved, while encouraging, no requiring that you do most content in group means that you are dependent on other people for anything and EVERYTHING. want to hop online for half an hour once your kids are in bed, just to unwind quickly, do a few quests - NOPE. need people for that and maker help you if there are no other people to do those quests with. low level zones, fine you go back and do them later, even though rewards are no irrelevant, but what do you do with higher level zones?

    in SWTOR, there was this quest chain that culminated in forced group finale. and becasue it was a quest chain rather then a daily - you would only really do it once per character.

    wanna guess how many people actualy got to complete it? wanna guess? NOT. a lot. heck - WHY do you think they changed main quests in Craglorn to be genuinely, truly soloable? because they were near impossible to find people to do them with after initial rush. story quests MUST be soloable, by EVERYONE.

    This is also the problem with Final Fantasy whatever it is online. My daughter plays it, and she gets to a point where it becomes a requirement to group to complete something. So she quits for a while. She's not "social" or into grouping.

    I was fine with grouping in WoW and RIFT when it was my guilds with family. I'm.... not into that any more (well, family doesn't play this game - I'm the only one who has ever had any interest in TES) - and my connection issues make grouping SO problematic that I'm not really wanting to dump that on random people. Yes, new connect is better - but 750 ms is still HUGE. Not really workable....
  • Jhalin
    Aireal wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sogreth wrote: »
    I used to enjoy questing on ESO and WoW back when there was just a smidgen of difficulty to it. I made alts all day long, and played for HOURS. Now I can barely bring myself to play either game. The only way to get a bit of that feeling back is to play my Bowplar Stam/Mag healer. He has garbage DPS and his stats are split. He can't be used for anything else though.

    Crap DPS for what.. a lvl 1 character with the 160CP 'buff' or a lvl whatever character with a 610CP?

    You can't start a new Alt with whatever the starter DPS is and just.. play? Your own skill and experience should allow you to just do that. Don't min/max it, don't add the extra CP points.. just play/ quest.

    ffs how hard is it to read the first post? That’s exactly what they did, and still nothing is remotely threatening. Dropped gear, no CP, non synergistic race choice. There is nothing else they can do without throwing out lessons the game teaches as far back as the tutorial quests.

    If you have to purposefully refuse to use basic ingame tools in order to be at risk of dying (and people still aren’t at risk, even then), the game is too easy and it’s plain not fun.

    Well... sorry I missed a previous post... somewhere between page 19 and 21..

    Refuse to use in game tools? What I suggested would be that same thing as if one was playing their very 1st character or started a new account and rolled the 1st character on that.

    Why do people have to min/max? Is it a must to explore and do quests? Do you have to use CP points earned on another Character? The answer is no, it's a choice. If one already thinks the game is too easy...why add to it?

    <snipped irrelevant content>

    My choice, my way of playing. It was only a suggestion...asking wouldn't it be better to start a new character and just not add buffs, rather than play a suboptimal character.

    Go read the first post on the first page before you comment. Ffs, did you read anything I wrote? Where I explicitly told you he used no CP and just used trash gear?

    Since I doubt you’ll bother listening and reading the OP, here it is
    You know I'll just grind necro on a more min-maxed toon like redguard later, I just want to enjoy the story and experience casually like I would any Elder Scrolls game. (yes I'm weird like that). Sadly, this game is just too easy and I'm honestly tired of hearing people say the open world PVE isn't too easy. I have used 0 of my champion points, I also used no weapons or armor. Guess what? I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue
    Edited by Jhalin on June 3, 2019 1:37AM
  • Aireal
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sogreth wrote: »
    I used to enjoy questing on ESO and WoW back when there was just a smidgen of difficulty to it. I made alts all day long, and played for HOURS. Now I can barely bring myself to play either game. The only way to get a bit of that feeling back is to play my Bowplar Stam/Mag healer. He has garbage DPS and his stats are split. He can't be used for anything else though.

    Crap DPS for what.. a lvl 1 character with the 160CP 'buff' or a lvl whatever character with a 610CP?

    You can't start a new Alt with whatever the starter DPS is and just.. play? Your own skill and experience should allow you to just do that. Don't min/max it, don't add the extra CP points.. just play/ quest.

    ffs how hard is it to read the first post? That’s exactly what they did, and still nothing is remotely threatening. Dropped gear, no CP, non synergistic race choice. There is nothing else they can do without throwing out lessons the game teaches as far back as the tutorial quests.

    If you have to purposefully refuse to use basic ingame tools in order to be at risk of dying (and people still aren’t at risk, even then), the game is too easy and it’s plain not fun.

    Well... sorry I missed a previous post... somewhere between page 19 and 21..

    Refuse to use in game tools? What I suggested would be that same thing as if one was playing their very 1st character or started a new account and rolled the 1st character on that.

    Why do people have to min/max? Is it a must to explore and do quests? Do you have to use CP points earned on another Character? The answer is no, it's a choice. If one already thinks the game is too easy...why add to it?

    <snipped irrelevant content>

    My choice, my way of playing. It was only a suggestion...asking wouldn't it be better to start a new character and just not add buffs, rather than play a suboptimal character.

    Go read the first post on the first page before you comment. Ffs, did you read anything I wrote? Where I explicitly told you he used no CP and just used trash gear?

    Since I doubt you’ll bother listening and reading the OP, here it is
    You know I'll just grind necro on a more min-maxed toon like redguard later, I just want to enjoy the story and experience casually like I would any Elder Scrolls game. (yes I'm weird like that). Sadly, this game is just too easy and I'm honestly tired of hearing people say the open world PVE isn't too easy. I have used 0 of my champion points, I also used no weapons or armor. Guess what? I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue

    As I was replying to this post..
    Sogreth wrote: »
    I used to enjoy questing on ESO and WoW back when there was just a smidgen of difficulty to it. I made alts all day long, and played for HOURS. Now I can barely bring myself to play either game. The only way to get a bit of that feeling back is to play my Bowplar Stam/Mag healer. He has garbage DPS and his stats are split. He can't be used for anything else though.

    And my answer was taylored to it NOT the original post, I'm not sure what the rant is about.

    I'm not sure how often I have to say that I'm all about choice... if you want a harder game.. Peachy, I hope you get it .. I dont, I'm happy with the games as is

    Skill and knowledge of the game are always going to make games easier on those that have played longer.

    Scaling isn't really going to work... unless the min/max that people do is taken into account.

    Just so we are on the same page, I wasn't talking about the OP... I was specifically responding to one person's comment...which is why I quoted THAT comment, not something else.
    Edited by Aireal on June 3, 2019 2:26AM
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Anumaril
    Something I do to make the overland content challenging is create custom builds for it. I've got a necromancer, spellsword, and stealth build so far.
    In them I put specific abilities which fit their desired fantasy, but always make sure that they are not too powerful. If I see that I have to pause and think about how to approach a group of enemies then I know I've done my job right.
    Sometimes it is literally impossible to get a good combination of weak abilities that simultaneously fit a desired fantasy (like spellsword, necro, etc) and I will still be rather powerful, but at least I will not be gallivanting across all the zone questlines as if I am a god.
    Long story short, I completely agree that the overworld content needs buffs. Things like Dolmens are too easy to solo and should be much harder, and mobs in general should not be defeated by waving your sword once in their general direction.
  • evoniee
    All overworld content and some dungeon are too easy and boring, i focus cyro cp with 400cp
  • MikaHR
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Thats very easy, because the game died and needed complete rework.
  • MikaHR
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sogreth wrote: »
    I used to enjoy questing on ESO and WoW back when there was just a smidgen of difficulty to it. I made alts all day long, and played for HOURS. Now I can barely bring myself to play either game. The only way to get a bit of that feeling back is to play my Bowplar Stam/Mag healer. He has garbage DPS and his stats are split. He can't be used for anything else though.

    Crap DPS for what.. a lvl 1 character with the 160CP 'buff' or a lvl whatever character with a 610CP?

    You can't start a new Alt with whatever the starter DPS is and just.. play? Your own skill and experience should allow you to just do that. Don't min/max it, don't add the extra CP points.. just play/ quest.

    ffs how hard is it to read the first post? That’s exactly what they did, and still nothing is remotely threatening. Dropped gear, no CP, non synergistic race choice. There is nothing else they can do without throwing out lessons the game teaches as far back as the tutorial quests.

    If you have to purposefully refuse to use basic ingame tools in order to be at risk of dying (and people still aren’t at risk, even then), the game is too easy and it’s plain not fun.

    Well... sorry I missed a previous post... somewhere between page 19 and 21..

    Refuse to use in game tools? What I suggested would be that same thing as if one was playing their very 1st character or started a new account and rolled the 1st character on that.

    Why do people have to min/max? Is it a must to explore and do quests? Do you have to use CP points earned on another Character? The answer is no, it's a choice. If one already thinks the game is too easy...why add to it?

    <snipped irrelevant content>

    My choice, my way of playing. It was only a suggestion...asking wouldn't it be better to start a new character and just not add buffs, rather than play a suboptimal character.

    Go read the first post on the first page before you comment. Ffs, did you read anything I wrote? Where I explicitly told you he used no CP and just used trash gear?

    Since I doubt you’ll bother listening and reading the OP, here it is
    You know I'll just grind necro on a more min-maxed toon like redguard later, I just want to enjoy the story and experience casually like I would any Elder Scrolls game. (yes I'm weird like that). Sadly, this game is just too easy and I'm honestly tired of hearing people say the open world PVE isn't too easy. I have used 0 of my champion points, I also used no weapons or armor. Guess what? I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue

    You are cherry picking just like that guy. AT first 10-15-20 levels you have newbie buffs....that were put in the place for a reason.

    Funny thing, none of the whiners that were given an overland challenge returned with their victorious videos of how they steamroll everything on lvl 20 with no gear and CP.

    Well, they didnt even come back to show us how their lvl 20 810CP twink in steamrolling it. :D:D:D:D:D

    Plenty of challenge in the overland for those who actually want it. Others can continue to whine about it here.
    Edited by MikaHR on June 3, 2019 12:38PM
  • Miraslova
    Again results can be easily fabricated and seems OP is just a troll.
    "An it harm none, do what thou wilt"
  • MartiniDaniels
    Pednick wrote: »
    Again results can be easily fabricated and seems OP is just a troll.

    I killed elite enemy (giant) without gear, food, abilities used and CP on cp810 toon, i.e. with zero boon to newbies in comparison to level 20 where boon is still considerable. And I am just average experienced player, I bet real good player may even manage to kill some WB in that setup.

    So OP is completely right, game is extremely easy no matter of CP and gold gear. Basically you need to slot just one self-healing ability to be invincible in overland. Or~ 1000 health recovery to offset that laughable dps which elite mobs and delve/quest bosses have, and which you can get from white stolen food.
  • Lord_Wrath
    Zones are incredibly easy, but if theyre going to be hard then these annoying fetch quests better have some meaningful reward rather than pocket change.
    1300+ CP | Lørd Wrath | - Sorcerer - Palatine - Grand Master Crafter - 30000 Achievement Points
    Launch Player - PC - NA - EP
  • Kesstryl
    I disagree with the OP in that I rolled a new toon, forgot to apply CP, and just used crappy gear that I looted as I went. I did struggle and die some. It was only once I applied CP that I was fine and everything was easy. For new players coming into this without CP, and casuals who don't min max or know how to yet, I think it's all scaled fine. You don't want to drive away new players with extreme difficulty. Just don't apply cp or use BIS gear and there will be some challenge. Maybe not as much for an experienced player, but definitely something. Go do HM vet content if you want challenge and let casuals and new players enjoy the experience.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • VioletVience
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Why ? Because you can play in any zone in any time with any people.
    We have no ghost low level zones ( like in typical mmo ) thanks to this.
    New player can buy the game a jump right into the latest expansion.

    Yep, we have no ghost low level zones, now all zones (except Alik'r and Craglorn) are almost empty.
  • Aireal

    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Why ? Because you can play in any zone in any time with any people.
    We have no ghost low level zones ( like in typical mmo ) thanks to this.
    New player can buy the game a jump right into the latest expansion.

    Yep, we have no ghost low level zones, now all zones (except Alik'r and Craglorn) are almost empty.

    Ummm I dont know bout that I'm always running into people in Mirkmire, where my NA main is and Artaeum where my UE main is... sure it's not as many people as I see in Elswyer... but my newest is only exploring there, not questing...
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Wifeaggro13
    Pednick wrote: »
    Again results can be easily fabricated and seems OP is just a troll.

    I killed elite enemy (giant) without gear, food, abilities used and CP on cp810 toon, i.e. with zero boon to newbies in comparison to level 20 where boon is still considerable. And I am just average experienced player, I bet real good player may even manage to kill some WB in that setup.

    So OP is completely right, game is extremely easy no matter of CP and gold gear. Basically you need to slot just one self-healing ability to be invincible in overland. Or~ 1000 health recovery to offset that laughable dps which elite mobs and delve/quest bosses have, and which you can get from white stolen food.

    This is exactly why the disparity of player skill hits the end game and falls apart.this is why end game players get this elitist tags. Though there are elite knobs out there. The end game community is not willing to teach a constant rotating population that has no idea how to play their character let alone a role. There is no point in teaching mechanics if a player waltzes in with completely stupid skill load outside that make no sense let alone gear that will not work for their role. It's why the dungeon finder is ridiculous. Your better off in ahub shooting for group members with role and achievement links. The community didnt create a horrible attitude Zos did with short sighted design concepts
  • RebornV3x
    The only thing that needs a buffed are the delve and public dungeon bosses and the "group" events in public dungeons also Dolmens should bw on par with Summersets Geysers. other than that the normal mobs in the game are fine.
    Edited by RebornV3x on June 3, 2019 2:47PM
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • josiahva
    To me...One Tamriel ruined the game. Overland was far more interesting when the difficulty from zone to zone got harder and harder since it was tuned to your assumed level. If you wanted a challenge you could go directly from Stonefalls to The Rift and have a very difficult time indeed...but One Tamriel scaled it all down to the player so instead of just the zone you were leveled for being braindead easy...ALL the zones became braindead easy. The important thing is that before One Tamriel, the player could choose to a degree the challenge level they wanted(at least up until lvl50)
  • josiahva
    MikaHR wrote: »
    thumpthing wrote: »
    yep, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

    no idea why they got rid of leveled zones and scaled everything... ruined the leveling experience. should have just scaled everything for chars level 50+ or heck, just for dungeons and trials and arena

    Thats very easy, because the game died and needed complete rework.

    No...the game was still very much idea where people get garbage ideas like that from. I was there before 1T and after...there was no sudden population surge. It is true there are more players now...but just steady growth. The game was NOT dead or dying before 1T regardless of how many times you tell yourself that
  • MartiniDaniels
    josiahva wrote: »
    To me...One Tamriel ruined the game. Overland was far more interesting when the difficulty from zone to zone got harder and harder since it was tuned to your assumed level. If you wanted a challenge you could go directly from Stonefalls to The Rift and have a very difficult time indeed...but One Tamriel scaled it all down to the player so instead of just the zone you were leveled for being braindead easy...ALL the zones became braindead easy. The important thing is that before One Tamriel, the player could choose to a degree the challenge level they wanted(at least up until lvl50)

    And this is how 90% RPGs easily dealt with "difficulty" problems in semi-open-worlds. You can't kill this boss? Just go to other area and lvl up a bit, buy a new sword whatever. You managed to get powerful item/build? You may skip some content and go directly to zone where you are over-leveled by enemies. And this worked even in Skyrim, since despite scaling, each cave/fort/barrow has starting level of mobs inside and many of them were deadly for new character.

    Probably the only example of game where overland may become trivial in the very beginning is Morrowind. But for this you'll need to exploit a lot and have knowledge about cool items and where to stole them. And overall gameplay diversity allowed to play even in such "casual" conditions without losing interest for the game.

    Unfortunately, ESO is not close to Mass Effect 2 and Witcher 3 to be playable "in story mode" like visual novel and not close to Morrowind and Arcanum to be interesting to play in power-level "exploration mode" when you enjoy breaking difficulty system with theft of OP items and using specific builds.

    Since quests and overall RPG system is "good for MMO" at best, ESO shouldn't break classical RPG system of separation of the world to zones of different difficulty. And I don't believe that those "newbies" won't enjoy to have some challenging zones which will become doable when they'll reach cp160 and can gather proper equipment without crafting or grind.
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