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Are the "Dragon's " in Elsweyr miss identified ?

  • kargen27
    You run into a house yelling there is a wyvern out in the field and the farmer will say hit it with a rock and see if you can scare it away. Run in yelling dragon and the farmer is going to pack his bags and head for Glenumbra.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Solid_Metal
    No, its not earth, tamriel is not on earth, they have all their right to call "Wyvern" a "Dragon", its not miss identified
    "i will walk through the fog, as i welcome death"
  • Unit117
    Aren’t wyverns just a genus of dragons in the first place?

    KINGDOM: Animalia
    PHYLUM: Chordata
    CLASS: Reptilia
    ORDER: Squamata
    Family: Dragon
    Genus: European, Chinese, Wyvern, drake, wyrms, ect.
    Species going into water serpents, Fire, lightning, ice, poison, feathered ect types.

    Of course this is all fantasy and not real but I find this to the best way to categorize dragons a whole. It’s a very broad term
    Edited by Unit117 on May 15, 2019 5:38AM
  • Michae
    Another one? Come on man. This game has mecha-elf-dwarves. Are you really salty about how many legs a dragon has? Again? Really? It's been mauled over and over and over ever since Skyrim got it's first trailer.
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • thorwyn
    Reminds me of that one chapter in one of the Rolemaster rule books, where they described dragon creatures. The text was something along the lines of:

    "This includes drakes, ice drakes, fire drakes, poison drakes, sirfrancisdrakes."
    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
    And if there is no room upon the hill
    And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
  • mann9753b16_ESO
    There is one of these smartazzes every time Dragons are introduced…

    Dragon is the whole family, not just the one. Like Lions, Tigers and Housecats are all Cats and all Dinosaurs, big and small were Dinosaurs.

    Here, I gave you an explanation that fits with your wannabe scientific view on Dragons.

    And here is the real answer:

    If I make a fantasy world, and create a being that is half Hippo, half Giraffe, has purple scales and leaves a rainbow when it runs, and I say its a dragon, then it is a Dragon, because its my fantasy world, and its following my rules.
  • mague
    therift wrote: »
    Bipedal equals Wyvren if your going to use mythical creatures at least get it right.

    Complete and utter balderdash.

    Have youever seen a four-legged dragon? No, you have not. There is no such thing as four-legged dragons.

    There is

  • HappyLittleTree
    Wyvern are a subspecies of dragons therefor skyrim/eso "wyvern" are dragons.
    Thuu chakkuth lod Hajhiit c’oo? Hajhiit gortsuquth gorihuth thuu gooluthduj thdeitoluu!

  • bellatrixed
    Game of Thrones and Skyrim are probably the most popular modern day depictions of dragons out there. Both are technically wyverns yet are simply called dragons.

    Why? Because everyone knows what a dragon is but it takes a fantasy nerd to know what a wyvern is. Wyvern doesn't roll off the tongue. Tell a random person on a street that you like wyverns and most of them will have no clue what you mean. But everyone knows what a dragon is.

    Not to mention the fact WYVERNS ARE DRAGONS.
    ESO Roleplay | RP community for all factions/servers/platforms
  • Benzux
    Not too sure if troll or serious, but I hope to whichever Divine or Daedra one may worship that OP is a troll. Because otherwise... I don't even know. This amount of stupidity should not be achievable.
    BenzuxGamer - Xbox One since day 1 - CP 1500+
    Guildmaster of the Sacrificial Warriors, one of the oldest and most member-orientated Guilds on the Xbox One EU Megaserver
    "Casual" player from Finland who enjoys questing and dumb builds even after well over 1000 CP levels and 4000+ hours. A fan of Argonians, Goats and Elk. Also a massive Otaku (MAL Profile).
    "Following the meta makes you a sheep. That's why I'm a goat: I go in the opposite direction and make use of the things the sheep cannot." - Me, 2019
    Ben-Zu - Argonian MagDK DPS - EP (Main)
    Benzuth Telvanni - Dunmer MagSorc DPS - EP
    Haknir Head-Crusher - Nord DK Tank/Stam DPS - EP
    Delves-Deepest-Depths - Argonian StamBlade DPS - EP
    Raises-The-Dead - Argonian Mag Necromancer DPS7Healer - EP (Previously a Sorc healer, RIP)
    Bthuzdir Ynzavretz - Dwemer StamSorc DPS - AD (Dunmer in-game)
    Fafnir the Dragon - Nord Stam DK DPS - EP
    Bloodmage Thalnos - Breton MagBlade DPS - DC
    Finnis Wolfheart - Bosmer Stam Warden DPS - EP
    Gwyneth - Nord Warden Tank - EP
    Kud-Wazei Xeroicas - Argonian Mag Templar DPS/Tank - EP
    Barkskin Ben-Zhu - Argonian Warden Healer - EP (Alternate version of main)
    Xal-Vakka Xeroicas - Argonian DK Healer - EP
    Jaree-Shei the Wamasu - Argonian Sorcerer Tank - EP
    Gwennen Ereloth - Snow Elf Mag Warden DPS - EP (Dunmer in-game)
    Friedrich der Grosse - Imperial Nightblade Tank - EP
    Warfarin - Altmer Nightblade Healer - EP
  • mague
    Benzux wrote: »
    Not too sure if troll or serious, but I hope to whichever Divine or Daedra one may worship that OP is a troll. Because otherwise... I don't even know. This amount of stupidity should not be achievable.

    The OP is not a troll and he is right. To name a Wyvern a dragon is as if we say Teeba-Hatsei is like Soccer or Football. Ofc. it doesnt matter to much and Zenimax most probaly will not change the mistake. But calling the truth stupid is wrong.

    Ask Rochford if they want their Wyvern called a dragon

    Edited by mague on May 15, 2019 9:22AM
  • thorwyn
    Benzux wrote: »
    Because otherwise... I don't even know. This amount of stupidity should not be achievable.

    OP: "Hold my beer"
    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
    And if there is no room upon the hill
    And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
  • CuteKirby
    If you're not trolling, here's what would happen.
    Mudcrabs renamed to crabs
    Skeevers renamed to rats
    Claanfears renamed to raptors
    Torchbug renamed to fireflies
    How about you play the game called "real life" instead?
    The developers name whay they make.
  • ssorgatem
    This misconception that "dragons have 4 legs, wyverns have 2 legs" comes from taking the Dungeons&Dragons manual as canon for all universes.

    Or from a misunderstanding of English heraldry, where, for example, a lion always faces sideways; when it faces to the front, it's a leopard.

    But that doesn't mean that, outside of heraldry, when a lion faces forward, it becomes a leopard...
  • ssorgatem
    essi2 wrote: »
    Wyverns are very similar to dragons, and in many languages, cultures and contexts no clear distinction is made between the two. Since the sixteenth century, in English, Scottish, and Irish heraldry, the key difference has been that a wyvern has two legs, whereas a dragon has four. However, this distinction is not commonly observed in the heraldry of other European countries, where two-legged dragon-like creatures being called dragons is entirely acceptable

    EDIT: Also some Germanic dragons have no limbs at all :shrug:

    that's why they are called "worms".

    Or, misspelling it to look cooler, "wyrms".
  • HappyLittleTree
    mague wrote: »
    Benzux wrote: »
    Not too sure if troll or serious, but I hope to whichever Divine or Daedra one may worship that OP is a troll. Because otherwise... I don't even know. This amount of stupidity should not be achievable.

    The OP is not a troll and he is right. To name a Wyvern a dragon is as if we say Teeba-Hatsei is like Soccer or Football. Ofc. it doesnt matter to much and Zenimax most probaly will not change the mistake. But calling the truth stupid is wrong.

    Ask Rochford if they want their Wyvern called a dragon

    Well it's not the same Teeba-Hatsei is more based on "pok-ta-pok"

    While technically speaking soccer/football/pok-ta-pok are ball games.

    Same for wyvern/wyrm/Lindwurm they still are dragons.
    Edited by HappyLittleTree on May 15, 2019 9:46AM
    Thuu chakkuth lod Hajhiit c’oo? Hajhiit gortsuquth gorihuth thuu gooluthduj thdeitoluu!

  • Grandesdar
    Not this again. We had this conversation when skyrim came out 8 years ago, and it's still going on. No one would care what a wyrm is unless a couple of nerds.

    Let's rename classes to mage, rogue and Paladino while we're at it.
    Edited by Grandesdar on May 15, 2019 9:50AM
    Main: The Charismatic StamDK DD
    Side: A Handsome Warden Healer
    Side: (upcoming) Stam Necro DD
    CP: 680
    EU PSN: Style3513
  • ssorgatem
    Benzux wrote: »
    Not too sure if troll or serious, but I hope to whichever Divine or Daedra one may worship that OP is a troll. Because otherwise... I don't even know. This amount of stupidity should not be achievable.

    Following English heraldry as a guide, just like to claim dragons must have 4 legs, if the OP is a troll, they look like this:

  • ssorgatem
  • Androconium
    JadeCoin wrote: »
    I've heard most dragons these days prefer "Ms." This is the Second Era after all.

    Nice one, Centurion. Terrific race, the Romans.

    More importantly for most children that can or could read, Puff The Magic Dragon is the prototypical dragon.
    Of course, that dragon didn't have an image, as it lived in a song.

    happy to help...
  • aaisoaho
    To get a clear image about what we are talking about, I suggest we use definitions for the words. Now, the keywords in this debate are dragon and wyvern. What do they mean?

    I'd like to go and use the definition for a dragon from Merriam-Webster dictionary:

    dragon noun
    drag·​on | \ ˈdra-gən \
    Definition of dragon
    1 archaic : a huge serpent
    2 : a mythical animal usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent or saurian with a crested head and enormous claws
    3 : a violent, combative, or very strict person
    4 capitalized : DRACO
    5 : something or someone formidable or baneful

    To me, it seems like the definitions 1 and 2 are relevant for our debate. Let's see what Merriam-Webster have to say what a wyvern is:
    wyvern noun
    wy·​vern | \ ˈwī-vərn \
    Definition of wyvern
    : a mythical animal usually represented as a 2-legged winged creature resembling a dragon

    So, a wyvern resembles a dragon, is a mythical animal, has 2 legs and wings.

    Now, let's take a look at what we have in TES universe as a dragon: 2-legged winged creature. They fulfill the definition of a wyvern, so it is not wrong to call these a wyvern, but how about dragons then? The TES version of dragons are clearly saurians, they are monstrous winged and scaly, you could also say they have a crested head and it seems like they have enormous claws. This fits the definition of a dragon, so it is not wrong to call them as such.

    So, it seems to me it is not wrong to call them either a wyvern or a dragon, I think both are correct words for these imaginary/mythological creatures in TES universe.
  • Knootewoot
    This AGAIN.

    So, if Wyverns are no (subspecies) of dragons:

    Lord of the Rings has it wrong
    Game of Thrones has it wrong
    Dragon Slayer (Disney) has it wrong
    Skyrim has it wrong (but at least ESO keeps it consistant compared to previous TES game)
    Reign of fire has it wrong

    He, but at least Dragonheart had it right WOOHOO

    Man who cares. They fly, breath fire, wreak havoc and look awesome. Even if they had no legs but landed on their ass they would still be cool
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • RamiroCruzo
    It seems to me there are allot of misconceptions and miss identifications of Dragons in today's modern age . Simply put Dragons have 4 legs and wings whereas Wyvren's which is the artists rendition in the expansion have 2 legs and wings attached to the arms making them Wyvren's . Historically or mythologically ESO's classification of the creatures are incorrect.
    Why don't we call carnotaurus a tyrannosaurus? Because they are not the same creature and identifying one as the other is incorrect.

    I think this should be changed asap younger people who are ignorant of the fact or people may just not know the difference or the truth. I think misleading people into thinking these are dragons and not wyverns is not right. Please just call them as they are "Wyvrens" or design actual Dragons for the game please and thank you.

    DKs stole my wings, but I'm still a dragon despite your focus on only western mythology!


    ZOS Stole DKs' Wings :disappointed:
    Having a light side... And a Dark side... Is what makes life interesting...
    High as Nord and Proud as Dark Elf
    Blood for the Pact
  • Salvas_Aren
    If you ever meet a big lizard with wings and fire breath, capable of eating numerous cows at once, have this discussion with him. >:)
  • EölMPK
    I agree with OP.
    This is a real dragon:

    Grungebr - Altmer magicka templar
    Eölbr - Dunmer magicka necro
    Drizztbr - Khajiit stamina nb
    "In my thoughts and in my dreams, they're always in my mind
    These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men, and elves
    Come close your eyes, you can see them too...

  • Kyoma
    EölMPK wrote: »
    I agree with OP.
    This is a real dragon:

    I never want to come across this breed of dragons! :*

    Will I be able to forget all the wounds that pierce my flesh?
    You and your childish justice. I'll rip it to pieces.
    Come on, it's showtime. A rain of blood like a volcano
    And now I'll blow all of you and you and you...
    All to tiny pieces. All to tiny pieces.
  • Tonnopesce
    Here we go again...

  • EölMPK
    Kyoma wrote: »
    EölMPK wrote: »
    I agree with OP.
    This is a real dragon:

    I never want to come across this breed of dragons! :*

    I heard they are called meowtallic dragons =x
    Grungebr - Altmer magicka templar
    Eölbr - Dunmer magicka necro
    Drizztbr - Khajiit stamina nb
    "In my thoughts and in my dreams, they're always in my mind
    These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men, and elves
    Come close your eyes, you can see them too...

  • Zacuel
    Um dolphines are a kind of shark.

    Gosh u sound so dum right now.
  • therift
    Glurin wrote: »
    therift wrote: »
    Bipedal equals Wyvren if your going to use mythical creatures at least get it right.

    Complete and utter balderdash.

    Have youever seen a four-legged dragon?




    Gave you an Awesome because... Awesome! Thanks for the lol :)
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