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Are the "Dragon's " in Elsweyr miss identified ?

  • SydneyGrey
    Wyverns are a type of dragon.

  • therift
    Bipedal equals Wyvren if your going to use mythical creatures at least get it right.

    Complete and utter balderdash.

    Have youever seen a four-legged dragon? No, you have not. There is no such thing as four-legged dragons.
  • Chrlynsch
    Dude drives up in a car.

    Other dude on the street looks at the car and says, "Nice car!"

    Dude in car says "it is not a car it's a BMW."
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Partieplayin
    Soul Shriven
    This is getting heavy
    Edited by Partieplayin on May 14, 2019 8:57PM
  • kringled_1
    If you're going to be ridiculously pedantic about a mythological definition, please carry that over to your spelling. Call them wyverns if you must, don't expect me to. Calling them wyvrens just hurts my brain.
  • GimpyPorcupine
    People say that dragons are mythical creatures because no evidence has been found of there existence yet almost every culture around the know world has some form of flying serpent in there lore I find that a bit strange consider golbal communication supposedly wasn't a thing. Just like all the ancient megalithic structures were built with chisels and hammers right

    One theory from evolutionary psychology is that dragons are an archetypal amalgamation of cats, snakes, and birds of prey, all of which preyed upon our early ancestors, and that their appearance in lore worldwide suggests how long ago this "programming" entered into our mythos.

    But I wasn't there, so I can't say for certain.
    8-hr/day casual gamer on Xbox NA. 20 Characters, all DC, all Level 50. +2400CP
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    People say that dragons are mythical creatures because no evidence has been found of there existence yet almost every culture around the know world has some form of flying serpent in there lore I find that a bit strange consider golbal communication supposedly wasn't a thing. Just like all the ancient megalithic structures were built with chisels and hammers right

    A lot of dragon mythology actually has it's roots in the appearance of meteorites, comets, and other heavenly bodies in the sky which were metaphorically re-interpreted as dragons by various cultures. In many cases humans in these cultures did not actually believe in the existence of these creatures so to speak, but used them as an allegory to teach lessons in their society via storytelling.

    I see you are recognizing that human beings universally use similar imagery, which is very true- if you have any interest in further research on this topic and some theories as to why this is so, you might want to look into Joseph Campbell's writings which go into detail about the similarities between mythologies across various cultures.

    Did all those flying serpents have 4 legs and 2 wings? Why are you calling them dragons then?

    I'm just going to take a moment to say that all of these creatures would have their own names in their own culture, but the universally agreed upon English umbrella term slapped on them is "dragon" as the closest possible translation to what the imagery resembles. Oriental dragons, for example, are vastly different in terms of their mythological roots than their European counterparts.

    The fact of the matter is, even though Dragons are pretend, made up creatures, there are certain mythological roots these creatures derive from, and while I agree that the Elder Scrolls universe can call them whatever they want, in a sense the OP is correct in that the terms are being blurred together. Our culture constantly redefines mythology in games and modern stories, and because of that much of the old roots of these things can become lost when no one cares enough to look back at the past.

    (Although I have no doubt that there are creatures called "dragons" in other old mythologies that do not have front feet and look like what we might also call a Wyvern. I've always thought of Wyverns as another type of dragon, personally.)
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • Jaraal
    In a world where wood elves are not stealthy, wyverns can be dragons. Or horses. Whatever the lore of the week says they should be.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • DreadDaedroth
    Who did this ''scientific'' classification of dragons? :D
    Have you seen all the different depictions of dragons in different paintings with Saint George as theme?
  • GimpyPorcupine
    @Partieplayin , all land vertebrates are or were tetrapods, and that includes dinosaurs. So if you want to be strict about the dragon/wyvern difference, then dragons are definitely mythical, whereas wyverns could possibly have existed but are yet undiscovered. Of course, many of their attributes from the world of fantasy, such a fire-breathing, lust for gold, and human-comprehensible speech, are fantastic.
    8-hr/day casual gamer on Xbox NA. 20 Characters, all DC, all Level 50. +2400CP
  • Ratzkifal
    "Fire breathing lizard" is way more defining for a dragon than "quadruped with wings".
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • redspecter23
    Bethesda makes the rules. ZOS interprets them. If Tamriel's dragons have 2 legs, that's what the rule is and that's how it goes. When you make your own fantasy world, you can call things whatever you want, even if people argue about it on the interwebs for no real good reason.
  • A_Silverius
    Wyverns are Dragons.
    All over Tamriel, theres a sudden spike in Bosmers getting caught for their crimes. A sad day indeed... #FightForYourRite Give Bosmers back our stealth!
  • Partieplayin
    Soul Shriven
    I have to admit I was not aware this was a long debated thing. I didn't play Skyrim when it first came out so I missed all that debate stuff, but have personally noticed in recent years the original ideal of a dragon has changed and the visual difference between a Wyvren and a Dragon literally means nothing anymore because people choose it to be.
  • therift
    I have to admit I was not aware this was a long debated thing. I didn't play Skyrim when it first came out so I missed all that debate stuff, but have personally noticed in recent years the original ideal of a dragon has changed and the visual difference between a Wyvren and a Dragon literally means nothing anymore because people choose it to be.

    There have been other threads which became... combative. Which is silly, of course. ;)
  • Cheezits94
    Ah, so in the universes of Elder Scrolls and Game of Thrones, everything has to be the same as in our world? interesting.
    If you can't even spell sets, locations and items, you probably have no clue what you even are talking about.

    Tamriel, not Tamerial, Temerial or Tamériál
    Alkosh, not Alkoash
    Dolmen, not Dolman
    Olorime, not Oloramie
    Sorcerer, not Sorceror
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Wyverns are still a class of dragons
  • max_only
    This topic again?

    No problem.

    Post beating the dead dragon gif.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • ManwithBeard9
    max_only wrote: »
    This topic again?

    No problem.

    Post beating the dead dragon gif.

    Can't. Necromancers took the dragon.
  • StormeReigns
    It seems to me there are allot of misconceptions and miss identifications of Dragons in today's modern age . Simply put Dragons have 4 legs and wings whereas Wyvren's which is the artists rendition in the expansion have 2 legs and wings attached to the arms making them Wyvren's . Historically or mythologically ESO's classification of the creatures are incorrect.
    Why don't we call carnotaurus a tyrannosaurus? Because they are not the same creature and identifying one as the other is incorrect.

    I think this should be changed asap younger people who are ignorant of the fact or people may just not know the difference or the truth. I think misleading people into thinking these are dragons and not wyverns is not right. Please just call them as they are "Wyvrens" or design actual Dragons for the game please and thank you.

    Nothing like using long expired troll bait in a cheaply disguised tuna can and claiming it to be fresh. @OP is bad, should feel bad and should quit everything they are involved in.
  • SomeDogsAreCops
    Ogou wrote: »
    Here we go again. I guess the Wood Elves also have to be made vegetarian now. The dwarves have to be made short. Ebony has to be a wooden material. Should I keep going?

    >Dwarves have to be made short
    Ebonheart Pact 4L
    Skyrim Belongs To the Nords
    810 CP
    Main: Storm Dancer [Stamsorc]
    I also play
    MagKnight Heal/DPS Hybird
  • essi2
    Wyverns are very similar to dragons, and in many languages, cultures and contexts no clear distinction is made between the two. Since the sixteenth century, in English, Scottish, and Irish heraldry, the key difference has been that a wyvern has two legs, whereas a dragon has four. However, this distinction is not commonly observed in the heraldry of other European countries, where two-legged dragon-like creatures being called dragons is entirely acceptable

    EDIT: Also some Germanic dragons have no limbs at all :shrug:
    Edited by essi2 on May 14, 2019 9:40PM
    "The Heritance are racists yes? Idiots. But dangerous, destabilizing racist idiots." - Razum-dar

    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood, Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar

    ** Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-EU) - Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-NA) **

    *** - ***
  • Glurin
    therift wrote: »
    Bipedal equals Wyvren if your going to use mythical creatures at least get it right.

    Complete and utter balderdash.

    Have youever seen a four-legged dragon?



    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Waffennacht
    Ogou wrote: »
    Here we go again. I guess the Wood Elves also have to be made vegetarian now. The dwarves have to be made short. Ebony has to be a wooden material. Should I keep going?

    >Dwarves have to be made short

    Lul TES just trolled you then; because in ESO Dwarves aren't even Dwarves..... But Elves!!!!!


    Btw no such thing as wyvern in TES
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    It seems to me there are allot of misconceptions and miss identifications of Dragons in today's modern age . Simply put Dragons have 4 legs and wings whereas Wyvren's which is the artists rendition in the expansion have 2 legs and wings attached to the arms making them Wyvren's . Historically or mythologically ESO's classification of the creatures are incorrect.
    Why don't we call carnotaurus a tyrannosaurus? Because they are not the same creature and identifying one as the other is incorrect.

    I think this should be changed asap younger people who are ignorant of the fact or people may just not know the difference or the truth. I think misleading people into thinking these are dragons and not wyverns is not right. Please just call them as they are "Wyvrens" or design actual Dragons for the game please and thank you.
    We are NOT doing this again.

    Get OUT. :|
  • Ogou
    Ogou wrote: »
    Here we go again. I guess the Wood Elves also have to be made vegetarian now. The dwarves have to be made short. Ebony has to be a wooden material. Should I keep going?

    >Dwarves have to be made short

    Don't question it. (If I remember correctly the in universe explanation was that they were given the name Dwarves by the giants).
  • Partieplayin
    Soul Shriven
    @skerkro when I grew up Dragons were drangons and Wyvrens were Wyvrens .

    It has only recently come to my attention that the younger generation cares not which is Ture but which they care to believe is true. If you have any sense you will discover all the falsities in our history all the *** we are taught to be Ture when our minds were young like a spung
    For example : "Christopher Columbus was the first one to discover America"
    -- if you believe this your are the most ignorant person I have ever met.

    What worries me the most is that no one seems to care anymore, this is why history will repete itself because no one cares . Not that this is as improtant part of our history .But I digress I really don't care to discuss this subject any further because there are far to many ignorant people that I don't have the time or energy to educate .
  • xxthir13enxx
    Nope Nope Nope NOPE
    How...!? Why....!?
    What is people’s obsession with this distinction between Wyverns and Dragons!?

    Guess we should rename this lil fella too
  • ManwithBeard9
    Obvious troll is obvious.
  • essi2
    Dwemer is the real (Elven) name for the Dwarves. It is pronounced: DWAY-mare. Some translations are "Short Folk", "Smart Folk" and, what is probably the best translation, "Deep Folk". Probably "Deep" as in "intelligent and multi-levelled" as opposed to a reference to some kind of physical depth.

    The name "Dwarves" is used mostly by non-Elven races and has misguiding connotations. There have been rumors that the name "Dwarves" was given by the Giants that lived in Morrowind when the Dwemer first lived there. Thus (possibly) the confusion. A variation on the rumor suggests that the ancestors of Men and Mer, described as the "titantic" Ehlnofey (also known as the Earthbones), named the Dwemer. In this model, the name is actually a play on words, implying both shortness (relative to the "titanic" Ehlnofey), and intelligence. Both of these possibilities introduce what I view as possible factual inconsistencies that are beyond the scope of this guide, but they are still possible.

    The most referenced possibility is that "Dwarf" is simply mistranslation of Dwemer, and that it's proper use is in the "Deep Folk" sense, but that Dwe was mistranslated by humans into "Short". Thus "Short Folk", or Dwarves.

    Source- TES: Morrowind Teasers, Loremaster Posts, Pocket Guide to the Empire
    "The Heritance are racists yes? Idiots. But dangerous, destabilizing racist idiots." - Razum-dar

    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood, Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar

    ** Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-EU) - Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-NA) **

    *** - ***
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