Brainless act of collecting a skyshard is not content. It is anti-gameplay and ZOS did THE worst thing and put it in the cash shop instead just being account wide unlock like it SHOULD have been from the START.
There should at least be a choice of paying with GOLD or CROWNS, just like skill/stat respec. But no, in new 2019. ESO EVERYTHING goes to cash shop ONLY.
A lot of people here are completely ignorant and clueless and just about this and it is obvious they have never payed a real P2W game.
xan4silkb14_ESO wrote: »I'll call something P2W as soon as its something that can only be exclusively obtained with RL$ and is better than anything earned in game.
I do feel this is borderline though. You can grind for days, or purchase an unlock. However, you have to have unlocked them first by grind to unlock the unlock purchase
Does having a pile of skillpoints before unlocking skills provide an advantage? I'm not sure -- it ceratinly means you can invest/slot as soon as available; at the same time, respeccing costs the total sum of all skill points, not just the ones you change -- so if you're developing a character, you are at a gold disadvantage from the off, whereas a player who discovers them will have a climbing price as their character grows. That said, how great an impact does that make for a veteran player who knows the build they're going for and exactly which skills they want -- same foundation, does that same player really need the entire pile of skill points?
I don't think we can call it P2W -- perhaps P4QoL
With borderline, I mean it's a creeping worry that the next evolution will be closer to the wire.
I think the purchases are aimed at aleviating those boring grinds you need on every alt to make them end game ready.
Skyshards, Undaunted, Mage Guild, Fighters Guild, Psijic, Alliance War.
Basically all the things people have complained are horrible to grind and wanted account wide. ZOS decided to give people to option to skip the grind, and monetise it at the same time.
Game was already p2w with the gifting update
I do hope ZOS will not take this poll into consideration when deciding to implement this new feature.
Poll results are interesting but they don't represent the entire ESO community.
@ZOS_GinaBruno A bit of common sense... Skyshards for crowns should never be introduced.
Shortcuts of this type are not needed and will only do more harm than good.
Currently, unlocking skyshards is a very nice grind for character development & achievements and if you will make it easier to earn all skyshards it will only make it obsolete/meaningless.
Please consider all options before reaching any conclusion regarding this matter.
This poll would have been better had it included the option for 'not P2W but infuriating that it's not a QoL improvement instead of a crown purchase'.
I want complete sets on the crown store. It's pay2convenience and you can still farm them.Dont get why ppl cant comprehend p2w. The term it's self means paying REAL cash for an advantage other sidwise unobtainable. Like if outfits in the CS added stats or something similar. Buying items for crowns otherwise obtainable in game is not p2w. To buy the skyshards you still have to collect them on another character. Thus you did that work, personally I wont use it as I dont mind collecting ss.
This confuses me. Please explain because I feel like I'm missing something now. Even if there were totally OP items in the crown store, gifting them would be paying for others to win... What in the store right now allows me to pay for another player to have an advantage over other players that I don't gift the same to?
1. You can’t always trust Wikipedia
Facefister wrote: »I want complete sets on the crown store. It's pay2convenience and you can still farm them.
you can buy gold
Facefister wrote: »I want complete sets on the crown store. It's pay2convenience and you can still farm them.
I do hope ZOS will not take this poll into consideration when deciding to implement this new feature.
Poll results are interesting but they don't represent the entire ESO community.
@ZOS_GinaBruno A bit of common sense... Skyshards for crowns should never be introduced.
Shortcuts of this type are not needed and will only do more harm than good.
Currently, unlocking skyshards is a very nice grind for character development & achievements and if you will make it easier to earn all skyshards it will only make it obsolete/meaningless.
Please consider all options before reaching any conclusion regarding this matter.
Facefister wrote: »I want complete sets on the crown store. It's pay2convenience and you can still farm them.
The real question though, is does RyanM consider this P2W?We have removed some comments that were disruptive and not constructive.