@Ratzkifal, @BlueRaven, @A_Silverius
My point is that you do not need this passive to be successful as a thief whatsoever. You can use any a race as a theif.
People claiming that their theif character is now utterly destroyed and can't be a thief any more and "OMG! I can't log in now over this! Woe is me!" are being overly melodramatic and emotional over it.
I agree the detect passive is useless and stupid in pve and could have been something better but your character is not destroyed because of this!
I have 2 Imperials I used as thieves with no sneak passive. I have a bosmer that will still be a thief without the passive
Shocking, I know
Bladewizard wrote: »Err wood elves sorry not woof elves
A_Silverius wrote: »@Ratzkifal, @BlueRaven, @A_Silverius
My point is that you do not need this passive to be successful as a thief whatsoever. You can use any a race as a theif.
People claiming that their theif character is now utterly destroyed and can't be a thief any more and "OMG! I can't log in now over this! Woe is me!" are being overly melodramatic and emotional over it.
I agree the detect passive is useless and stupid in pve and could have been something better but your character is not destroyed because of this!
I have 2 Imperials I used as thieves with no sneak passive. I have a bosmer that will still be a thief without the passive
Shocking, I know
My point was that Bosmer with sneak passive was the most efficient thief. Just like the lore says so.
You'll live and still be able to steal stuff just fine. Or rage quit.
Your choice
@Ratzkifal, @BlueRaven, @A_Silverius
My point is that you do not need this passive to be successful as a thief whatsoever. You can use any a race as a theif.
People claiming that their theif character is now utterly destroyed and can't be a thief any more and "OMG! I can't log in now over this! Woe is me!" are being overly melodramatic and emotional over it.
I agree the detect passive is useless and stupid in pve and could have been something better but your character is not destroyed because of this!
I have 2 Imperials I used as thieves with no sneak passive. I have a bosmer that will still be a thief without the passive
Shocking, I know
@Ratzkifal, @BlueRaven, @A_Silverius
My point is that you do not need this passive to be successful as a thief whatsoever. You can use any a race as a theif.
People claiming that their theif character is now utterly destroyed and can't be a thief any more and "OMG! I can't log in now over this! Woe is me!" are being overly melodramatic and emotional over it.
I agree the detect passive is useless and stupid in pve and could have been something better but your character is not destroyed because of this!
I have 2 Imperials I used as thieves with no sneak passive. I have a bosmer that will still be a thief without the passive
Shocking, I know
@Katahdin That's a nice strawman you have there.
Nobody says we can't do thievery anymore. It is just that Imperials and Khajiit now have boosts to thievery when Bosmer should have at least one as well. Khajiit even have improved pickpocketing if you take away their stealth reduction. Bosmer have nothing. Imperials have 3% sneak cost reduction now, which is alright, but Bosmer deserve sneak cost reduction more. People picked Bosmer because of their sneaking passive. Taking that away, detracts from those characters.
It's a damn game, not your life at stake.
What strawman?
You're the one claiming you're so devistated by this change that you can't bring yourself to even log in.
People claiming that their theif character [...]and can't be a thief any more and "OMG! I can't log in now over this! Woe is me!" are being overly melodramatic and emotional over it.
A_Silverius wrote: »@Ratzkifal, @BlueRaven, @A_Silverius
My point is that you do not need this passive to be successful as a thief whatsoever. You can use any a race as a theif.
People claiming that their theif character is now utterly destroyed and can't be a thief any more and "OMG! I can't log in now over this! Woe is me!" are being overly melodramatic and emotional over it.
I agree the detect passive is useless and stupid in pve and could have been something better but your character is not destroyed because of this!
I have 2 Imperials I used as thieves with no sneak passive. I have a bosmer that will still be a thief without the passive
Shocking, I know
My point was that Bosmer with sneak passive was the most efficient thief. Just like the lore says so.
You'll live and still be able to steal stuff just fine. Or rage quit.
Your choice
Well, I'm one of those PvP dedicated minorities. I subscribe monthly and have bought a lot of crowns. And yet I also think the changes are unnecessary.Mind boggling how they have far more PvE players than PvP, yet with every update they are robbing core PvE values to address some niche PvP issue. Incredible that they can change your hit points and other stats the moment you zone into Cyrodiil, but they can't figure out how to modify skills in the same way.
The monetization crew must be livid about the combat team driving away PvEers like this, since they are the ones more likely to buy houses, furniture, cosmetics, and other fluff items than the PvP dedicated minority. Their strategy makes no sense.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »A_Silverius wrote: »@Ratzkifal, @BlueRaven, @A_Silverius
My point is that you do not need this passive to be successful as a thief whatsoever. You can use any a race as a theif.
People claiming that their theif character is now utterly destroyed and can't be a thief any more and "OMG! I can't log in now over this! Woe is me!" are being overly melodramatic and emotional over it.
I agree the detect passive is useless and stupid in pve and could have been something better but your character is not destroyed because of this!
I have 2 Imperials I used as thieves with no sneak passive. I have a bosmer that will still be a thief without the passive
Shocking, I know
My point was that Bosmer with sneak passive was the most efficient thief. Just like the lore says so.
You'll live and still be able to steal stuff just fine. Or rage quit.
Your choice
Yes, you may snap on couple of mediocre boring sets which provide stealth radius and steal as them same as any altmer. Don't compare it to bosmer we had for years which can steal anything from anywhere and anybody while being in few medium armor pieces. I have a bosmer PVE tank/PVP brawler who was able to steal something when the mood is right, who was able to pass all mazzatun skips without invisibility potions and in heavy armor etc. Now it is all gone and bosmer was pigeonholed to anti-nightblade interceptor role and usage of suboptimal sets.
Finally they’re gone.MartiniDaniels wrote: »A_Silverius wrote: »@Ratzkifal, @BlueRaven, @A_Silverius
My point is that you do not need this passive to be successful as a thief whatsoever. You can use any a race as a theif.
People claiming that their theif character is now utterly destroyed and can't be a thief any more and "OMG! I can't log in now over this! Woe is me!" are being overly melodramatic and emotional over it.
I agree the detect passive is useless and stupid in pve and could have been something better but your character is not destroyed because of this!
I have 2 Imperials I used as thieves with no sneak passive. I have a bosmer that will still be a thief without the passive
Shocking, I know
My point was that Bosmer with sneak passive was the most efficient thief. Just like the lore says so.
You'll live and still be able to steal stuff just fine. Or rage quit.
Your choice
Yes, you may snap on couple of mediocre boring sets which provide stealth radius and steal as them same as any altmer. Don't compare it to bosmer we had for years which can steal anything from anywhere and anybody while being in few medium armor pieces. I have a bosmer PVE tank/PVP brawler who was able to steal something when the mood is right, who was able to pass all mazzatun skips without invisibility potions and in heavy armor etc. Now it is all gone and bosmer was pigeonholed to anti-nightblade interceptor role and usage of suboptimal sets.
Wow did Mazzatun last night with an Argonian that could do all the skips without invis potions. Ive done it on a breton, and altmer and dunmer and nord, and imperial before the changes. All of them did all the skips with not potions and no passives.
Every class can steal stuff, sure you may have to be slightly more careful.
I still think people are making WAY too much out of these racial changes.
None of you are going to change my mind.
Give all the feed back you want. They know all about the whingin and crying and they still did not change it.
Its live and its probably not going to change. So learn to live with it or race change all your characters or continue to whine and cry to no avail.
My load in is done and I am going to go play the game and have fun instead of beat my head against a brick wall in a silent room.
Done with this stupid thread. Have a nice day!
Finally they’re gone.MartiniDaniels wrote: »A_Silverius wrote: »@Ratzkifal, @BlueRaven, @A_Silverius
My point is that you do not need this passive to be successful as a thief whatsoever. You can use any a race as a theif.
People claiming that their theif character is now utterly destroyed and can't be a thief any more and "OMG! I can't log in now over this! Woe is me!" are being overly melodramatic and emotional over it.
I agree the detect passive is useless and stupid in pve and could have been something better but your character is not destroyed because of this!
I have 2 Imperials I used as thieves with no sneak passive. I have a bosmer that will still be a thief without the passive
Shocking, I know
My point was that Bosmer with sneak passive was the most efficient thief. Just like the lore says so.
You'll live and still be able to steal stuff just fine. Or rage quit.
Your choice
Yes, you may snap on couple of mediocre boring sets which provide stealth radius and steal as them same as any altmer. Don't compare it to bosmer we had for years which can steal anything from anywhere and anybody while being in few medium armor pieces. I have a bosmer PVE tank/PVP brawler who was able to steal something when the mood is right, who was able to pass all mazzatun skips without invisibility potions and in heavy armor etc. Now it is all gone and bosmer was pigeonholed to anti-nightblade interceptor role and usage of suboptimal sets.
Wow did Mazzatun last night with an Argonian that could do all the skips without invis potions. Ive done it on a breton, and altmer and dunmer and nord, and imperial before the changes. All of them did all the skips with not potions and no passives.
Every class can steal stuff, sure you may have to be slightly more careful.
I still think people are making WAY too much out of these racial changes.
None of you are going to change my mind.
Give all the feed back you want. They know all about the whingin and crying and they still did not change it.
Its live and its probably not going to change. So learn to live with it or race change all your characters or continue to whine and cry to no avail.
My load in is done and I am going to go play the game and have fun instead of beat my head against a brick wall in a silent room.
Done with this stupid thread. Have a nice day!
FrancisCrawford wrote: »starkerealm wrote: »Incidentally, if you're wanting to make any character stealthy, my recomendation would be either Night Mother's Embrace (the Night Mother drop set, not the crafted one), and either Darkstride, Night Terror (for reduced detection radius), or Night's Silence (for full movement in stealth).
Did you seriously think that somebody who makes as much of a fuss about stealthiness as I do didn't know that?
I've been playing the character for years wearing Night Terror and Night's Silence. I've been collecting Night Mother's Embrace since it was a heavy set, but it's just taking up bank space;I don't want to use both it and Night Terror, since I don't want to make my character a vampire, and hence do what him to have Night's Silence. Of course I have a lot of it stashed away now, since who hasn't farmed Deshaan dropped sets at some point? The original plan was to make a second stealthy character wearing it, but as much as I liked the Thieves Guild the first time, I haven't yet felt like repeating the quests. Besides, one of the big things I use sneaking for is generic mats farming (yes, I know there are other ways to do it), and having enough skill points for that, for thieving and for combat ... well, it's a lot of skill points.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »starkerealm wrote: »Incidentally, if you're wanting to make any character stealthy, my recomendation would be either Night Mother's Embrace (the Night Mother drop set, not the crafted one), and either Darkstride, Night Terror (for reduced detection radius), or Night's Silence (for full movement in stealth).
Did you seriously think that somebody who makes as much of a fuss about stealthiness as I do didn't know that?
I've been playing the character for years wearing Night Terror and Night's Silence. I've been collecting Night Mother's Embrace since it was a heavy set, but it's just taking up bank space;I don't want to use both it and Night Terror, since I don't want to make my character a vampire, and hence do what him to have Night's Silence. Of course I have a lot of it stashed away now, since who hasn't farmed Deshaan dropped sets at some point? The original plan was to make a second stealthy character wearing it, but as much as I liked the Thieves Guild the first time, I haven't yet felt like repeating the quests. Besides, one of the big things I use sneaking for is generic mats farming (yes, I know there are other ways to do it), and having enough skill points for that, for thieving and for combat ... well, it's a lot of skill points.
I sympathize.
But it sounds like it's time to become a kitty cat.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »starkerealm wrote: »Incidentally, if you're wanting to make any character stealthy, my recomendation would be either Night Mother's Embrace (the Night Mother drop set, not the crafted one), and either Darkstride, Night Terror (for reduced detection radius), or Night's Silence (for full movement in stealth).
Did you seriously think that somebody who makes as much of a fuss about stealthiness as I do didn't know that?
I've been playing the character for years wearing Night Terror and Night's Silence. I've been collecting Night Mother's Embrace since it was a heavy set, but it's just taking up bank space;I don't want to use both it and Night Terror, since I don't want to make my character a vampire, and hence do what him to have Night's Silence. Of course I have a lot of it stashed away now, since who hasn't farmed Deshaan dropped sets at some point? The original plan was to make a second stealthy character wearing it, but as much as I liked the Thieves Guild the first time, I haven't yet felt like repeating the quests. Besides, one of the big things I use sneaking for is generic mats farming (yes, I know there are other ways to do it), and having enough skill points for that, for thieving and for combat ... well, it's a lot of skill points.
I sympathize.
But it sounds like it's time to become a kitty cat.
No thank you. In fact I wish stealth had been given to more races. Argonian Shadowscales and Dunmer Morag Tong should have always had this same reduced detection passive. More choices only helps, it never hurts.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »starkerealm wrote: »Incidentally, if you're wanting to make any character stealthy, my recomendation would be either Night Mother's Embrace (the Night Mother drop set, not the crafted one), and either Darkstride, Night Terror (for reduced detection radius), or Night's Silence (for full movement in stealth).
Did you seriously think that somebody who makes as much of a fuss about stealthiness as I do didn't know that?
I've been playing the character for years wearing Night Terror and Night's Silence. I've been collecting Night Mother's Embrace since it was a heavy set, but it's just taking up bank space;I don't want to use both it and Night Terror, since I don't want to make my character a vampire, and hence do what him to have Night's Silence. Of course I have a lot of it stashed away now, since who hasn't farmed Deshaan dropped sets at some point? The original plan was to make a second stealthy character wearing it, but as much as I liked the Thieves Guild the first time, I haven't yet felt like repeating the quests. Besides, one of the big things I use sneaking for is generic mats farming (yes, I know there are other ways to do it), and having enough skill points for that, for thieving and for combat ... well, it's a lot of skill points.
I sympathize.
But it sounds like it's time to become a kitty cat.
No thank you. In fact I wish stealth had been given to more races. Argonian Shadowscales and Dunmer Morag Tong should have always had this same reduced detection passive. More choices only helps, it never hurts.
Of course we won't quietly vanish, we're not so good at stealth any more.What was that called again? Dunning-Kruger effect? "Because I don't understand your arguments, you must be wrong!"
Eitherway, we will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! Today we will have our independence BOSMER day!
Dalsinthus wrote: »Well there it is. Hundreds and hundreds of comments objecting to this and they ignored us. Clear explanations based on lore and game mechanics ignored. This sends a pretty clear message about how little ZOS values player feedback.