Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

Curse Eater Really Strong

  • Defilted
    I think other than dunmer being kind of bad for mag now this is the only bad change in the patch btw so I want to give credit where it is due. Very nice patch otherwise.

    Fake News.

    You need to look at the testing. Darkelf is on the top of the parses for magblade on the pts on several tests that I have seen.

    XBOX Series X

  • brandonv516
    Fiktius wrote: »
    My question would be: why this set should be healer only? Why to take something very useful away from solo players, who already are in disadvantage against bigger groups, who have dedicated healers with them and much more possible dots to toss on a solo player opponent?

    If the argument that supporting "Curse-eater for healers only" is that some builds would have disadvantage in 1 vs 1, I see this argument strange, because developers already have stated that set will be tweaked, so it will not have the same impact on duels after adjustments are done.
    (Can't say more since we don't know yet what kind of changes they're actually going to make.)

    Also doesn't healers already have better sets to pick up from, when considering group gameplay, especially in PvP?
    How useful this set actually is going to be, if it would be "healer only set"? Enlighten me please.

    If this set becomes "healer only set," developers are taking away a counter from solo players, which would've made PvP experience much more tolerable against the cheese which has been plaguing PvP for years.

    Very good points!

    If it was for healing allies only, I don't think every healer would go running to put this on.
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    boy this needs to be fixed.
    -Unknown American
  • StShoot
    Lets look how classes get affected by this set (if the enemy uses it)

    Dragonknight: -dots get purged every two seconds, cc`s and snares get purged away
    - you can aplay a passive snare every sec that will use up one of the purges, so its mostlikely that you will
    "out debuff the set"
    Sorcerer: - Purges your curse, runecage and magesrage
    - Sorc looses most of his burst potential (im not a experienced sorc player)

    Templer: -purges dots and potl
    - also looses a lot of his burst potential

    Nightblade: - dots, snares, defile, pircing mark will be purged

    Warden: -dots, froststorm ult, defile
    - not sure but the good old s&b+2h stamden should be fine, and the magden... well they never were great xD

    I know most classes, especially the stam versions can apply multiple dots on you in a second but this will still affect you, particular when your DboS dot gets purged :*

    I know lots of ppl (me included) wanted some kind of bleed nerf, but adding another braindead procset wasnt the way to go.
    To be honest i dont know how to fix that set: Adding a higher cooldown or recuing the purged effects will make this set useless, maybe they could add some special condition (purging only under 30% or so)

    Correct me if i missed something important (i was to lazy to mention every single dot in the game) or if im wrong.
    Edited by StShoot on January 27, 2019 1:43AM
  • xaraan
    fred4 wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    I wonder how many class reps knew to stock up on these buffed pvp sets that were literally just offered in the cyro vendor as gold jewelry before the entire game knew about the changes coming. Seems a bit dishonest to me to allow a practice like that to go on if it did.

    And yeah, the set is a bit strong. Already have heard that its the go-to for rapid spammers in zergs to start using this set instead now.

    considering they are not compensated for their time with real money I think this is a fair trade.

    Now stop with the noise!

    No, that is not a fair trade. It's a volunteer role, you don't volunteer and then look for ways to take advantage of inside information. That would be unethical. And thanks to seeing people like you try to cover for them by saying things like stop with the noise, that now encourages me.

    There should be zero tolerance on this topic. ZoS honestly should pull up stats and see if any given reps or employees stocked up on certain sets to profit and remove them from the role.

    lol you make it sound like the reps are robbing your 401k or something.

    It's a game, chill out lol.

    Something being a game doesn't mean it doesn't matter and unethical behavior should be allowed.

    I guess you would be a cheat engine apologist as well.

    Games should be fair to players, that's the point of a game having rules to begin with. We also spend money on this game. And play to have fun, games not being fair usually hamper the fun.

    Stop trying to straw man it. It's unethical and should not be tolerated. End of discussion, no matter how little you want to make it sound.
    Just to be clear: We're talking about a hypothetical that you made up in the first place. Lmao.

    Just to be clear - no we are not. This isn't an issue I created - it was already on the forum long before the patch notes came out and I simply asked a question about it.

    So please tell me what I'm allowed to ask questions about? Should I message you and your friends for approval first?

    Fact is, people are getting way too defensive about a topic zos has avoided answering.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • xaraan
    Minno wrote: »
    fred4 wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    I wonder how many class reps knew to stock up on these buffed pvp sets that were literally just offered in the cyro vendor as gold jewelry before the entire game knew about the changes coming. Seems a bit dishonest to me to allow a practice like that to go on if it did.

    And yeah, the set is a bit strong. Already have heard that its the go-to for rapid spammers in zergs to start using this set instead now.

    considering they are not compensated for their time with real money I think this is a fair trade.

    Now stop with the noise!

    No, that is not a fair trade. It's a volunteer role, you don't volunteer and then look for ways to take advantage of inside information. That would be unethical. And thanks to seeing people like you try to cover for them by saying things like stop with the noise, that now encourages me.

    There should be zero tolerance on this topic. ZoS honestly should pull up stats and see if any given reps or employees stocked up on certain sets to profit and remove them from the role.

    lol you make it sound like the reps are robbing your 401k or something.

    It's a game, chill out lol.

    Something being a game doesn't mean it doesn't matter and unethical behavior should be allowed.

    I guess you would be a cheat engine apologist as well.

    Games should be fair to players, that's the point of a game having rules to begin with. We also spend money on this game. And play to have fun, games not being fair usually hamper the fun.

    Stop trying to straw man it. It's unethical and should not be tolerated. End of discussion, no matter how little you want to make it sound.
    Just to be clear: We're talking about a hypothetical that you made up in the first place. Lmao.

    I'm glad someone else saw the logic in my response lol.

    Well people in the know did post prior to this info that reps were buying unnamed sets knowing what was down the pike.

    This in of it self is morally dubious; however the implications are numerous.

    1. Reps are fully aware of the set's power; if it was balanced why buy this particular set?
    2. Why did the set get this far without being tweaked?
    3. What other actions do people take based upon insider knowledge?

    Not saying any of this took place (well I know the basic premise did), however, the concern is that these actions rise doubts in player's minds.

    So I guess now that someone agreed my post wasn't crazy I should act smug like the other poster arguing with me and say "I'm glad someone else saw logic in my post."

    I'm asking a question about the issue that's valid. Having a select group get defensive about it actually raises more questions than makes me feel as if the question was ill asked.
    Edited by xaraan on January 27, 2019 6:35AM
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Sharee
    StShoot wrote: »
    Lets look how classes get affected by this set (if the enemy uses it)

    Dragonknight: -dots get purged every two seconds, cc`s and snares get purged away
    - you can aplay a passive snare every sec that will use up one of the purges, so its mostlikely that you will
    "out debuff the set"

    Sorcerer: - Purges your curse, runecage and magesrage
    - Sorc looses most of his burst potential (im not a experienced sorc player)

    Templer: -purges dots and potl
    - also looses a lot of his burst potential

    Nightblade: - dots, snares, defile, pircing mark will be purged

    Warden: -dots, froststorm ult, defile
    - not sure but the good old s&b+2h stamden should be fine, and the magden... well they never were great xD

    I know most classes, especially the stam versions can apply multiple dots on you in a second but this will still affect you, particular when your DboS dot gets purged :*

    I know lots of ppl (me included) wanted some kind of bleed nerf, but adding another braindead procset wasnt the way to go.
    To be honest i dont know how to fix that set: Adding a higher cooldown or recuing the purged effects will make this set useless, maybe they could add some special condition (purging only under 30% or so)

    Correct me if i missed something important (i was to lazy to mention every single dot in the game) or if im wrong.

    Every class can have the siphoner passive that applies a debuff with every light attack, potentially reducing the effectiveness of the set in half (if one of the two debuffs removed will be the relatively harmless siphoner debuff).

    Also, as soon as a second attacker joins in, the set might as well not exist (for him) because it will be too busy removing the debuffs from the first attacker, so all of the above you wrote is basically only a concern in duels. And i am not sure we should start balancing this game around duels(blessed meridia, anyone?).
  • jaws343
    Jakx wrote: »
    The devs cant help themselves. Take a step forward with rapids nerf, two steps back with curse-eater buff. We heard that the pve and pvp combat teams are now one entity so stuff like this shouldn't be happening now.

    No set should just offer you free purges without doing anything. Similar to how proc sets shouldnt play for you but I guess there's no putting that back in the bag.

    This mechanic needs to be scrapped for something completely different on curse-eater. I dont feel you can appropriately balance a free passive purge.

    I really hate it when people refer to this stuff as free. It is not free. It costs you one of your 5 piece bonuses that could be used for something else. This applies to proc sets as well. Now they might be strong or even OP, but they are NOT free. This set also requires you to use a HoT that you might not otherwise run, so it also potentially costs a bar slot.

    I am not commenting on the merits of this set. Admittedly, when reading the patch notes, this was the one that kinda jumped off the page at me. I agree that it has the potential to be situationally very strong, and after a few weeks of testing, very well might need toned down. But calling it free is simply false.

    While yes, it does take up a 5 piece set. What set are mag builds running this giving up? Many are running lich/amor master. So you drop lich for this set. Double bar it back bar amor master. You lose a small amount of sustain since you get the sustain from this set as well. But you gain a free purge every 2 seconds just doing what you were already doing. You are giving up a tiny amont of sustain for this, but your damage is going to be the same and purge every 2 seconds more than makes up for it. So yeah, I would consider this a free purge every 2 seconds.
  • Ozby
    Diundriel wrote: »
    If the set would just apply for snares and roots it would be a great healing/support set for organized pvp Guild Groups.
    as it is atm it is just to OP in solo/smallscale Gameplay.
    In my opinion the set should be the way to get around the nerf on rapids for organized pvp Groups (8-12man) if the really want to Change it. I still dont get why you want to introduce a set, just to nerf one skill. That doesnt solve the whole Problem. It just gonna make new Problems and wont help anyone.
    procing a set isnt more skilled than using rapids. You gonna have to rework the whole System in the Long term in my opinion.

    Btw. when did there start to be complains About Speed??? i think that was summerset, Maybe i am wrong, but you should take a look what you changed till now-or nerfed till now.

    And would make it useless for us PVE Healers :(
    Edited by Ozby on January 27, 2019 3:21PM
    PC NA
    Aurora Bravepaw (Healden), Basks in Fire (DKTank), Bran Artlion (Magplar), Brindel Seedthorne (Stamden WW), Brugo Gargak (Stamcro), Casimir Delmar (StamDK), Falco Bastion (Stamsorc), Fus Ro Dah (Stamplar), Gandalff the Gay (Petsorc), Jo-Qinan Betula (Magden), Laveera Hex (Magcro), Raine Whitestag (Stamden), Raised by Bears (Wardentank), Ralak Rotheart (Healcro), Selene Sunshadow MagDK), Shadow Mirage (NBTank), Slythe Rattlebone (Healplar), Ulfnor Dragonslayer (Tankcro).
  • thankyourat
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Jakx wrote: »
    The devs cant help themselves. Take a step forward with rapids nerf, two steps back with curse-eater buff. We heard that the pve and pvp combat teams are now one entity so stuff like this shouldn't be happening now.

    No set should just offer you free purges without doing anything. Similar to how proc sets shouldnt play for you but I guess there's no putting that back in the bag.

    This mechanic needs to be scrapped for something completely different on curse-eater. I dont feel you can appropriately balance a free passive purge.

    I really hate it when people refer to this stuff as free. It is not free. It costs you one of your 5 piece bonuses that could be used for something else. This applies to proc sets as well. Now they might be strong or even OP, but they are NOT free. This set also requires you to use a HoT that you might not otherwise run, so it also potentially costs a bar slot.

    I am not commenting on the merits of this set. Admittedly, when reading the patch notes, this was the one that kinda jumped off the page at me. I agree that it has the potential to be situationally very strong, and after a few weeks of testing, very well might need toned down. But calling it free is simply false.

    While yes, it does take up a 5 piece set. What set are mag builds running this giving up? Many are running lich/amor master. So you drop lich for this set. Double bar it back bar amor master. You lose a small amount of sustain since you get the sustain from this set as well. But you gain a free purge every 2 seconds just doing what you were already doing. You are giving up a tiny amont of sustain for this, but your damage is going to be the same and purge every 2 seconds more than makes up for it. So yeah, I would consider this a free purge every 2 seconds.

    Well if you run CE/armor master than you do no damage. So you are sacrificing damage to run this set in this case. If you run CE/damage set then you will have no resistances and then get hit by 12k plus Snipes and get one shot by warden combos. So it's definitely sacrifices to running this set.
  • Pelican
    just in case you guys have not seen what curse eater can do
    PC NA - EP Solo PvP Player
  • Sharee
    Pelican wrote: »
    just in case you guys have not seen what curse eater can do

    A set that is supposed to remove 2 effects per 2 seconds is removing 2 effects. Shown on a video staged in such a way that the removal happens instantly after the effects are applied.

    Now, im not saying this can not happen otherwise - but in a real fight, it is just as likely that the removal would have happened after being CC-ed for 2 seconds(which means the CC would have been broken by CC break manually long before the set had a chance to remove it).

    Basically, the second video is showcasing a set which has a cooldown - without showcasing the cooldown. And then claims it is really OP. Well, no ***.
  • kaevix
    its been a week and people are still defending this cancer set after seeing how gamebreaking it is? unbelievable
    Why, when an AV actress leashes her pet slave and sits on his face she's called sexy or a babe, but when I do that to my pvp opponents, I'm called toxic?

    Why, when someone swaps toons to a different faction to farm 25k AP for transmutes, it's seen as a bit of naughty fun, but when I delete my DC rank 50 Grand Overlord with 4000 hours clocked to create an EP Argonian, I'm called a faction swapper?

    Say no to censorship lads.
  • Feanor
    Ozby wrote: »
    Diundriel wrote: »
    If the set would just apply for snares and roots it would be a great healing/support set for organized pvp Guild Groups.
    as it is atm it is just to OP in solo/smallscale Gameplay.
    In my opinion the set should be the way to get around the nerf on rapids for organized pvp Groups (8-12man) if the really want to Change it. I still dont get why you want to introduce a set, just to nerf one skill. That doesnt solve the whole Problem. It just gonna make new Problems and wont help anyone.
    procing a set isnt more skilled than using rapids. You gonna have to rework the whole System in the Long term in my opinion.

    Btw. when did there start to be complains About Speed??? i think that was summerset, Maybe i am wrong, but you should take a look what you changed till now-or nerfed till now.

    And would make it useless for us PVE Healers :(

    If you’re running this set in PvE you’re probably doing it wrong. Seriously, what’s up with all these “but we PvE Healers” postings lately?

    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Sharee
    kaevix wrote: »
    its been a week and people are still defending this cancer set after seeing how gamebreaking it is? unbelievable

    Because it is not gamebreaking. It is only really strong in duels with builds who rely on few but powerful debuffs.
    Against builds with high number of debuffs, the set loses effectiveness, as it does in any situation that is not a duel.
  • Feanor
    Sharee wrote: »
    kaevix wrote: »
    its been a week and people are still defending this cancer set after seeing how gamebreaking it is? unbelievable

    Because it is not gamebreaking. It is only really strong in duels with builds who rely on few but powerful debuffs.
    Against builds with high number of debuffs, the set loses effectiveness, as it does in any situation that is not a duel.

    It seems ZOS disagrees with you as they already said they will change it.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Sharee
    Feanor wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    kaevix wrote: »
    its been a week and people are still defending this cancer set after seeing how gamebreaking it is? unbelievable

    Because it is not gamebreaking. It is only really strong in duels with builds who rely on few but powerful debuffs.
    Against builds with high number of debuffs, the set loses effectiveness, as it does in any situation that is not a duel.

    It seems ZOS disagrees with you as they already said they will change it.

    Actually, ZOS agrees, if you go and read what they wrote:
    Curse Eater's purge potential is indeed harmful to certain dueling match-ups.

  • Feanor
    Sharee wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    kaevix wrote: »
    its been a week and people are still defending this cancer set after seeing how gamebreaking it is? unbelievable

    Because it is not gamebreaking. It is only really strong in duels with builds who rely on few but powerful debuffs.
    Against builds with high number of debuffs, the set loses effectiveness, as it does in any situation that is not a duel.

    It seems ZOS disagrees with you as they already said they will change it.

    Actually, ZOS agrees, if you go and read what they wrote:
    Curse Eater's purge potential is indeed harmful to certain dueling match-ups.

    The “disagree” part was meant for your stance that the set doesn’t need change. We don’t know yet what this set will look like if a larger group utilizes it. My guess is it would be right up there with Earthgore - but one set more of less that is broken doesn’t matter at this point. PvP is fundamentally broken.

    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Sharee
    Feanor wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    kaevix wrote: »
    its been a week and people are still defending this cancer set after seeing how gamebreaking it is? unbelievable

    Because it is not gamebreaking. It is only really strong in duels with builds who rely on few but powerful debuffs.
    Against builds with high number of debuffs, the set loses effectiveness, as it does in any situation that is not a duel.

    It seems ZOS disagrees with you as they already said they will change it.

    Actually, ZOS agrees, if you go and read what they wrote:
    Curse Eater's purge potential is indeed harmful to certain dueling match-ups.

    The “disagree” part was meant for your stance that the set doesn’t need change. We don’t know yet what this set will look like if a larger group utilizes it. My guess is it would be right up there with Earthgore - but one set more of less that is broken doesn’t matter at this point. PvP is fundamentally broken.

    Where do you see me say the set does not need change? I simply stated that it is not gamebreaking. Certainly not more than, say, Meridia. That, too, is powerful in duels. The community solved it simply - banned it from duels. No more problem.
  • brandonv516
    On my Magblade DD, I need to drop Spinners or Caluurions. That's a tough choice because they are both necessary for my burst potential. It's not just a given to run this set.

    On my MagDK it would be a clear choice because I would drop Bright Throat and keep Burning Spellweave.

    On my Magblade Healer, I would drop Transmutation and keep Pariah. This is a very fair sacrifice in my opinion because Transmutation is extremely valuable.

    On my MagPlar I would not run this set.

    I still believe as I posted earlier that it should not break stuns and not be stackable. And the cooldown could still be fairly adjusted but not killed.
    Edited by brandonv516 on January 28, 2019 11:57AM
  • barshemm
    Ozby wrote: »
    Diundriel wrote: »
    If the set would just apply for snares and roots it would be a great healing/support set for organized pvp Guild Groups.
    as it is atm it is just to OP in solo/smallscale Gameplay.
    In my opinion the set should be the way to get around the nerf on rapids for organized pvp Groups (8-12man) if the really want to Change it. I still dont get why you want to introduce a set, just to nerf one skill. That doesnt solve the whole Problem. It just gonna make new Problems and wont help anyone.
    procing a set isnt more skilled than using rapids. You gonna have to rework the whole System in the Long term in my opinion.

    Btw. when did there start to be complains About Speed??? i think that was summerset, Maybe i am wrong, but you should take a look what you changed till now-or nerfed till now.

    And would make it useless for us PVE Healers :(

    It's a pvp set, read the patch notes.
  • Fiktius
    Feanor wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    kaevix wrote: »
    its been a week and people are still defending this cancer set after seeing how gamebreaking it is? unbelievable

    Because it is not gamebreaking. It is only really strong in duels with builds who rely on few but powerful debuffs.
    Against builds with high number of debuffs, the set loses effectiveness, as it does in any situation that is not a duel.

    It seems ZOS disagrees with you as they already said they will change it.

    Exactly! This is a reason why I find it funny that people still goes nuts about this set.
    It has been said several times at different threads that developers are going to tweak the set and still people keep creating new posts, claiming the set is OP.
    Feel is like: "Yeah, we know. How about we wait now and see what kind of changes will be made, before we continue talking whether the set is over performing or not?"
  • Mondini
    Lol just nerf snare and roots
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Jakx wrote: »
    The devs cant help themselves. Take a step forward with rapids nerf, two steps back with curse-eater buff. We heard that the pve and pvp combat teams are now one entity so stuff like this shouldn't be happening now.

    No set should just offer you free purges without doing anything. Similar to how proc sets shouldnt play for you but I guess there's no putting that back in the bag.

    This mechanic needs to be scrapped for something completely different on curse-eater. I dont feel you can appropriately balance a free passive purge.

    I really hate it when people refer to this stuff as free. It is not free. It costs you one of your 5 piece bonuses that could be used for something else. This applies to proc sets as well. Now they might be strong or even OP, but they are NOT free. This set also requires you to use a HoT that you might not otherwise run, so it also potentially costs a bar slot.

    I am not commenting on the merits of this set. Admittedly, when reading the patch notes, this was the one that kinda jumped off the page at me. I agree that it has the potential to be situationally very strong, and after a few weeks of testing, very well might need toned down. But calling it free is simply false.

    While yes, it does take up a 5 piece set. What set are mag builds running this giving up? Many are running lich/amor master. So you drop lich for this set. Double bar it back bar amor master. You lose a small amount of sustain since you get the sustain from this set as well. But you gain a free purge every 2 seconds just doing what you were already doing. You are giving up a tiny amont of sustain for this, but your damage is going to be the same and purge every 2 seconds more than makes up for it. So yeah, I would consider this a free purge every 2 seconds.

    Well now we are debating adjectives. It is still a tradeoff, and tiny is not the word I would use to describe the sustain you get from the 5th piece of lich. haha
  • Minno
    Sharee wrote: »
    Pelican wrote: »
    just in case you guys have not seen what curse eater can do

    A set that is supposed to remove 2 effects per 2 seconds is removing 2 effects. Shown on a video staged in such a way that the removal happens instantly after the effects are applied.

    Now, im not saying this can not happen otherwise - but in a real fight, it is just as likely that the removal would have happened after being CC-ed for 2 seconds(which means the CC would have been broken by CC break manually long before the set had a chance to remove it).

    Basically, the second video is showcasing a set which has a cooldown - without showcasing the cooldown. And then claims it is really OP. Well, no ***.

    I agree. Even though I agree 2 purge is too braindead, it should get 1 purge but 50% negative effects duration removed. I still want to see the set talked about in typical situations, because that discussion isnt happening; its like when people carefully curated evidence against templar jesus beam back in the day and got it nerfed so much so it took multiple patches to get it buffed enough to slot again.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Minno wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Pelican wrote: »
    just in case you guys have not seen what curse eater can do

    A set that is supposed to remove 2 effects per 2 seconds is removing 2 effects. Shown on a video staged in such a way that the removal happens instantly after the effects are applied.

    Now, im not saying this can not happen otherwise - but in a real fight, it is just as likely that the removal would have happened after being CC-ed for 2 seconds(which means the CC would have been broken by CC break manually long before the set had a chance to remove it).

    Basically, the second video is showcasing a set which has a cooldown - without showcasing the cooldown. And then claims it is really OP. Well, no ***.

    I agree. Even though I agree 2 purge is too braindead, it should get 1 purge but 50% negative effects duration removed. I still want to see the set talked about in typical situations, because that discussion isnt happening; its like when people carefully curated evidence against templar jesus beam back in the day and got it nerfed so much so it took multiple patches to get it buffed enough to slot again.

    In a typical open world group situation - say 1 person in a 10 person group is wearing this set against 10 enemies - this set is trash as is. 10 people wearing this vs. 10 people has questionable effectiveness: is it worth losing 10 sets' worth of damage/support to purge some of the debuffs that 10 enemies are placing on you?

    In a typical solo 1v1 situation (dueling), this set is likely overperforming. This is case for MANY other sets (and thus why some communities have banned said sets) - Meridia, Earthgore, Zaan etc.

    In a Xv1 situation, if the X are actually intelligent you stand no chance anyway.

    In a typical zerg v zerg situation, 1 person in this set is trash. 10-24 people wearing it means you are sacrificing another good set option for it (24x a damage set like CA, a health set, a support set, etc.).

    @Minno thoughts? The set is actually garbage for a healer (2 cleanses on a healing set for group is lol), possibly worth running on all group members (if you're willing to drop a significant number of other valuable 5 pieces), equally as oppressive when being X'ed
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Aldul
    I can see the set (in it's current OR - maybe - an altered version) being utlized only by a few support-style builds inside a premade. it seems to be rly good open world 1v1 (non-raid), maybe I'd give it a try switching out amberplasm for it, but can't rly say in theory. gotta try. Ballgroups MIGHT benefit when nearly everyone in the raid considers wearing it and they reley solely on ultimate dmg. not as if that would be a new thing, though

    cheers for the awareness in advance, here @community =)
    - - PVP -only, sorc-only - AD Veteran - -
    - CULTURES Social Guild (EU) -
  • Ragnarock41
    Illuvatarr wrote: »
    _Ahala_ wrote: »
    This looks like a broken op hardcounter to dks... should be toned down before live

    About time dks faced hard counters....

    Except this set would arguably be best on a mDK. It shores up one of their biggest weaknesses and provides good 2,3,4 set bonuses. This set would make mDK downright oppressive in 1v1 so keep that in mind when you see the few people who actually argue this set isn't OP.

    I would use it even on a stamDk.
  • Koensol
    Sharee wrote: »
    Pelican wrote: »
    just in case you guys have not seen what curse eater can do

    A set that is supposed to remove 2 effects per 2 seconds is removing 2 effects. Shown on a video staged in such a way that the removal happens instantly after the effects are applied.

    Now, im not saying this can not happen otherwise - but in a real fight, it is just as likely that the removal would have happened after being CC-ed for 2 seconds(which means the CC would have been broken by CC break manually long before the set had a chance to remove it).

    Basically, the second video is showcasing a set which has a cooldown - without showcasing the cooldown. And then claims it is really OP. Well, no ***.
    Honestly, seeing you defend this set should tell us all about how broken it is. I haven't ever seen you not defend a broken set. Is it really that hard to see the broken nature of a set like this?
  • Sharee
    Koensol wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Pelican wrote: »
    just in case you guys have not seen what curse eater can do

    A set that is supposed to remove 2 effects per 2 seconds is removing 2 effects. Shown on a video staged in such a way that the removal happens instantly after the effects are applied.

    Now, im not saying this can not happen otherwise - but in a real fight, it is just as likely that the removal would have happened after being CC-ed for 2 seconds(which means the CC would have been broken by CC break manually long before the set had a chance to remove it).

    Basically, the second video is showcasing a set which has a cooldown - without showcasing the cooldown. And then claims it is really OP. Well, no ***.
    Honestly, seeing you defend this set should tell us all about how broken it is. I haven't ever seen you not defend a broken set. Is it really that hard to see the broken nature of a set like this?

    Drop that ad hominem *** please.

    And yes, it is really hard to see the broken nature of a set that is not broken. Certainly not more than other sets which we already have in the game.
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