Upcoming Racial Balance Changes for Update 21

  • IronWooshu
    While reflecting on the Nord, the race changes are good. However the ultimate passive absolutely has to be 5 ultimate every 8 seconds, this would be equal to a set just like Altmer and Redguard who's resource return is essentially just a little shy of a 5 pc Bloodthorn.

    Also you really pidgeon hole Nord into tanking and leave them not really suitable for any other role with the ultimate only scaling when taking damage. I think for them to be able to fill more roles the ultimate generation should be while in combat, this would allow Nord healers and Nord DPS to be more viable as ultimates will up our healing and damage done.
    Edited by IronWooshu on January 28, 2019 6:28PM
  • StarOfElyon
    Gotta admit, I think Altmer using Meditate is going to be OP. They won't be able to be killed. I say this with an Altmer main.
    You think 5% is going to make them unkillable?

    I'm wondering because the Psijic passives add more protection while channeling Psijic skills. I'm thinking, combined, the damage mitigation could make Meditate a toxic ability more suitable for an ultimate than a regular skill.
  • Xsorus
    So Redguard Magicka Sorcs might be a thing next patch.
  • TheTraveler
    Gotta admit, I think Altmer using Meditate is going to be OP. They won't be able to be killed. I say this with an Altmer main.
    You think 5% is going to make them unkillable?

    I'm wondering because the Psijic passives add more protection while channeling Psijic skills. I'm thinking, combined, the damage mitigation could make Meditate a toxic ability more suitable for an ultimate than a regular skill.

    I find that meditate is easily interrupted in battle though. It's hard to keep it up long enough while in battle.
  • NobleMatias

    Yea sure, you wanna play that game.


    Suthay-raht are the kitties we have seen In almost every Elder Scrolls game, and I assume the ones in ESO, with no other racial difference other than skin change in the character creator, until now. This means I win right?


    A powerful ring just for them sneaky pests.

    Besides that point I It would be pretty cool to bring in all the racial differences and play styles of all the different kitties. I mean their might someone out there wanting to play a common house cat right?

    Let's talk about actual TES game-play mechanic tradition in addition to "lore" . The lore you are quoting was only introduced in later TES games.

    I clearly showed you in an earlier post, how Bosmer were the only "thief" race in the first Elder Scrolls game. In the second game, Argonians were presented as being sneaky, and only in the second game does Kahjiit come in as thieves, but not due to stealth - due to their climbing ability. https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Races_(Daggerfall)

    Khajiit in Arena: https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Khajiit_(Arena) As you can see, no sneaking or thievery, but the Bosmer most definitely are thieves:

    LOL those are not proper links to show what you are talking about. I am not sure If you have played those games but races did not get a boost to skills, this was all chosen by the player in the character creator at the start of the game. The only boost the races got were to base stats. The site you are on is not the best site to look for Elder Scrolls lore and mechanics, but this site is.



    get your facts straight before posting false information.

    I DID play those games and in fact still own them. If you played them yourself you probably forgot how character creation worked, but for each race and even gender, you got + or - certain points added or subtracted from the base stat pool, and you got a certain amount of points to spend to increase whichever stat you wished to. I have been very familiar with the website you linked to, for years and years and years now, but that site does not show the aforementioned in any detail.


    I got you, but you really can make a character however you want pretty much regardless of race, I have made many myself. Base stats kinda don't matter when every race can be heavily modified to the point where every stat and skill is even. Newer titles are a bit different.
  • ZOS_Gilliam
    Combat Team
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on January 29, 2019 3:26PM
    ESO Combat Designer
    Staff Post
  • Turelus
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!
    CP calculation changes? Interesting...
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Footfalls
    Edited by Footfalls on January 29, 2019 3:54PM
  • Footfalls
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    @ZOS_Gilliam Please consider changing Argonian healing done +4% to healing done and received +3% each. As it is healing done benefits healers the most, but having healing done and received benefits all archetypes - DPS, Tank, and Heals. The Argonian healing passive was changed in the previous PTS racial update 2 years ago from 9% healing done to 5% healing done and received for the same reason - that it benefits all types of play, not just healers.

    As one of the goals of this update was "Allow more effective options when picking a race for each role in tanking, healing, or damage dealing.", I believe this change would be in line with that principle.
    Edited by Footfalls on January 29, 2019 3:47PM
  • BlueRaven
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    Maybe I am reading too far into this, but that Bosmer and the stealth issue was not mentioned just makes me nervous.
  • Suddwrath
    we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    @ZOS_Gilliam does this mean that our max health, magicka, and stamina will be affected by the changes or just that the changes will make it easier for us to understand how CP will affect those things going forward?
  • TheRealPotoroo
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    Maybe I am reading too far into this, but that Bosmer and the stealth issue was not mentioned just makes me nervous.

    Bosmers are screwed. RIP stealth, RIP lore, RIP intelligent game design.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms." https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/6850523/#Comment_6850523
  • BlueRaven
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    Maybe I am reading too far into this, but that Bosmer and the stealth issue was not mentioned just makes me nervous.

    Bosmers are screwed. RIP stealth, RIP lore, RIP intelligent game design.

    I just wish they would say something like “we are working on restoring Bosmer stealth” or something. Just a mention, I don’t need to see numbers yet, so I can stop stressing over it.
  • WeerW3ir
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    Maybe I am reading too far into this, but that Bosmer and the stealth issue was not mentioned just makes me nervous.

    Bosmers are screwed. RIP stealth, RIP lore, RIP intelligent game design.

    Good. good. let the hate flow trough you :3
  • Seraphayel
    Very excited to see the adjustments you made! Hopefully reasonable ones and not necessarily listening to all the unreasonable complaints. And I love that every race gets an own race identity.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • SodanTok
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    Maybe I am reading too far into this, but that Bosmer and the stealth issue was not mentioned just makes me nervous.

    Makes me hopeful they wont touch that. Funny how that works ;)
  • FrancisCrawford
    BlueRaven wrote: »

    Maybe I am reading too far into this, but that Bosmer and the stealth issue was not mentioned just makes me nervous.

    It would be a good fit as a "new small bonus".
    Edited by FrancisCrawford on January 29, 2019 5:17PM
  • SturgeHammer
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    Is the Resourceful passive change a boost to max stats provided, resource return, both, or something completely different?
    First-in-Line - Swings-for-Lethal
    Green-Thumb - Scale-Factor
    Hist-Tree-Major - A-Late-One
    Needs-Some-Help - Dead-Last
  • Carbonised
    We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments

    How about the forced "identity" of Dunmer as apparently a "hybrid" race, in a game where "hybrid" gameplay is completely unviable due to the game design? Or the "identity" of being a clear cut magic oriented race for five(!) years in ESO, suddenly to get turned into a "hybrid" overnight?

    You gonna adress that too?
  • Seraphayel
    Carbonised wrote: »
    We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments

    How about the forced "identity" of Dunmer as apparently a "hybrid" race, in a game where "hybrid" gameplay is completely unviable due to the game design? Or the "identity" of being a clear cut magic oriented race for five(!) years in ESO, suddenly to get turned into a "hybrid" overnight?

    You gonna adress that too?

    Dunmer is still a top pick for Magicka. So I don't see any problem here. And instead of "hybrid" which indicates you can do both but are not excelling at either I'd use "versatile" but that's exactly what Dunmer and Khajiit will be after the update - the two races that are viable and competitive in both Magicka and Stamina.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Arseny
    Soul Shriven
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    It's very inspiring! My Argonian Stamina DD is looking forward to new changes)
  • Lord_Eomer
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    @ZOS_Gilliam you left us confused, does this mean that Racial Stats will be affected by Champion System?
  • Vanthras79
    Greetings again everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update that we're planning on making some adjustments to the racial passives in the coming weeks on the PTS based on much of your feedback. We focused mainly on improving the identity of each race with the adjustments by either improving on key areas such as a boost to Resourceful for Argonians, or enhancing the accessibility some of the bonuses provide, such as a small redesign to Red Diamond for Imperials. Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.

    Thank you again everyone for the feedback, we'll have more to share on the delivery of racial changes for Update 21 when we're ready, so keep an eye out on that Dev Tracker, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on some of the changes!

    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • StarOfElyon

    Aside from numerical tweaks, new small bonuses, and slight redesigns, we have a change to the calculation for how Champion Points increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina to make it easier to follow and impact more things that you'd expect.


  • CLiPPx
    1 Race Change Token :s

    What a slap in the face to all of your customers. With a HUGE change to racial passives, and ultimately changing the way the game is played, you should definitely reconsider your measly single race change token to match the number of characters an account has.


    Like someone else previously stated: Give us a time period of unlimited, free race changes.

    Been a customer since '14 and this is the first time I've been disappointed with ESO.
  • Minno
    CLiPPx wrote: »
    1 Race Change Token :s

    What a slap in the face to all of your customers. With a HUGE change to racial passives, and ultimately changing the way the game is played, you should definitely reconsider your measly single race change token to match the number of characters an account has.


    Like someone else previously stated: Give us a time period of unlimited, free race changes.

    Been a customer since '14 and this is the first time I've been disappointed with ESO.

    Or roll with the change and challenge yourself in making an off-meta build with the races you have been given that replaces the meta?

    3rd option is easier, you explore the content without looking like a tool-bag or spending $400 dollars for no reason lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Dracane
    So this hopefully means, that racial ressources will now scale with CP.
    Or this could as well be a streamline, thus likely a further nerf. If they make a global change to how CP add to our stats, it can't possibly turn out all too good for us. We shall see, but it does not sound like they will just let CP affect ressources and that's all.
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Gleandra/videos
  • Scratplays
    Soul Shriven
    Instead of just a race change token, could we get a class change token as well? It would be useful with the addition of the Necromancer class.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    @ZOS_Gilliam you left us confused, does this mean that Racial Stats will be affected by Champion System?

    Page 1 of Natch Potes:
    "The 20% CP stat bonus will now apply to all food, drink, set bonuses, and racial passives!"

    Page 17 of Natch Potes:
    "The stat bonus of all food, drink, set bonuses, and racial passives has been reduced by 50%."
  • Dracane
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    @ZOS_Gilliam you left us confused, does this mean that Racial Stats will be affected by Champion System?

    Page 1 of Natch Potes:
    "The 20% CP stat bonus will now apply to all food, drink, set bonuses, and racial passives!"

    Page 17 of Natch Potes:
    "The stat bonus of all food, drink, set bonuses, and racial passives has been reduced by 50%."

    If case 1 was true, that would be a glorious change and compensation.
    Case 2 would be dreadful, even when combined.
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Gleandra/videos
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