Joosef_Kivikilpi wrote: »
I think it would be beneficial to allow players to redo the quest for the story with no reward at the end, just so they can go back for the story and remember, especially with Tharaaya making a comeback from Volenfell for Wrathstone. My wife did dungeons as she was leveling up, but we were so focused on helping her get leveled that she didn't retain much of the story. It'd be awesome to have the choice to run the quest again with no reward.
I don't think that group players are more important then Solo players; nor do I think that just because there ARE Solo players that wish to have solo-mode dungeons that they are a threat to group players. ESO needs BOTH types of players to survive long-term. People have different playing styles and wants. Respect them all, play how you like and stop saying, "This is an MMO, get used to it!" A successful MMO means many thing to different people. The more you attract, the longer the life of a game.
I guess story mode you propose wouldn't hurt.
You say other people are unwilling to learn and be a part of a team, yet you seem to not want to progress to a level where you can easiy solo normal dungeons.
There are many many people that can solo normal dungeons, no sweat.
YES, it would be a nice addition, however you can already solo them if you try.
Then along came WoW, which could be played solo for the majority of the game. There was no need to group up apart from basically the dungeons, raids, and world bosses. Also, the majority of the games story was available via the world quest's (werll, what story there was lol). Was it 'easy' to play solo? Depended on the class you played - there's a reason the most played class in WoW was Hunter -> it was the one class that was the easiest to solo zone quest's with.
WoW absolutely flourished... yes it had all the Warcraft players flocking to it, as well as those who wanted to do the raids and such.... but it also attracted a lot of people who wanted to experience an MMO and for the 1st time could do so at their own pace, without having to be forced to rely on anyone else to actually experience the majority of the content of the game.
WoW did so well because even though it's Dev's focused a lot of attention on the raiders and endgame, they also provided a game that was accessible and playable to those just interested in the story, to those who wanted to roleplay, those who wanted to quest alone, etc. They catered successfully to many different playstyles... and the game quickly blew past 1 million subs, to top out at ~13 million around the time of WotLK... meanwhile the older "group or don't play" MMO's were still around, but had never gotten further than the 500K mark or so..
WoW - They have tied their main story to raiding in the past 2 expansions, however it's only tied to the LFR system. LFR is something you can queue either solo or in a party, so even those who prefer to play solo can do it... not not mention the LFR fights are extremely dumbed down and toned down versions, so a bunch of random's can usually complete it without too much trouble.
kathandira wrote: »
The bolded. The same applies in ESO.
WoW also locked story behind dungeons. Some early examples would be Gnomeregan and Dead Mines. The zones all told you a story, which was extended and sometimes resolved in the Dungeons. Raids also did the same thing.
When WoW was released all "hardcore" EQers and such were spitting and laughing at it for being "some solo casual cr@p that would fail so hard its hhilarious"
Whos laughing now?
But...WoW and one played WoW for story because both presentation AND stories are not worth playing.
The way that WoW butchered Warcraft lore is hialrious.
Thats great for you but not great for 99,999999% of others and companies bottom line.
That is just the format ZOS chose so they could have exactly same main story across 3 alliances and which is somewhat detached from rest of the world. Putting that story in dungeons and raids would make the situation 100x worse as absolutely no one would play it.
But that is how all ES (and Fallout games) are structured. You may even extend it to "open world" games.
Oh, and you completely missed the point that WoWs success was because it completely ditched "what came before" and made 99% of game soloable and easily accessible. In a way ZOS made same thing when they reworked whole game, ditched forced grouping for all zones and VET levels etc etc.
kathandira wrote: »
Just so I understand, are you saying WoW ditched the story from before WoW? Or that the story was heavily reconned after a few expansions (or even along the way)?
This is a wonderful idea. If solo mode existed, I would actually buy all those group-only dungeon DLC. And finally see what's inside all other dungeons I never set my foot inside due to not having guild/constant group to play with (not to mention friggin MAIN STORY dungeons).
I think there are many people like me, I mean who'll buy dungeon DLC with solo mode. Maybe developers should consider this for money, if not out of caring about solo players.
Sorry for my English being funny.
"Story" in WoW was written by BOT that was programmed by primary school "compuetr enthusiasts".
Szop mentioning story in WoW as some kind of strawman, no one played WoW for story same as absolutely no one read quest text. It is irelevant.
TokenIntellect wrote: »Since people brought up WoW: I remember leaving WoW after Cataclysm, among other reasons, because it became clear that the devs were going to tie the story into raiding.
kathandira wrote: »
The story was always tied to Raids (And dungeons as well) since Vanilla. That is why it was brought up. People are saying how it kills the game, yet it was in WoW from the start and they are touted as the most popular MMO of all time.
Maybe I really am one of the very few who paid attention to the story on WoW.
Here is what James Ohlen had to say about SWTOR after being game director (former, left mid 2018.) for SWTOR for over 10 years and SWTOR being on its last legs now:
"With Star Wars: The Old Republic I wish that I pushed a little bit more toward making it kind of Knights of The Republic online rather than “Star Wars World of Warcraft.”
And you can go play Wildstar, that game was made specifically for you....oh wait.
“Greed and corporate big wings”Wifeaggro13 wrote: »
James ohlen just developed a bunch of single player games . He was never considered an MMO genius What killed swtor was greed and corporate big wings calling the shots. Personaly I'm glad all the fathers of the MMO genre have moved onto creating niche true mmos
When WoW was released all "hardcore" EQers and such were spitting and laughing at it for being "some solo casual cr@p that would fail so hard its hilarious"
Whos laughing now?
But...WoW and one played WoW for story because both presentation AND stories are not worth me single player who read quest dialogues in WoW.
AND WoW had to make "LFR" because raid content wasnt worth making unles at least some population over 0,01% plays it.
I wish ESO didnt waste $$ on things not worth making like raids.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Why don't you explain that to the developers? They made the main campaign for the whole game, the one where you fight Molag Bal in the end, solo and solo only.
When WoW was released all "hardcore" EQers and such were spitting and laughing at it for being "some solo casual cr@p that would fail so hard its hilarious"
Whos laughing now?
But...WoW and one played WoW for story because both presentation AND stories are not worth me single player who read quest dialogues in WoW.
AND WoW had to make "LFR" because raid content wasnt worth making unles at least some population over 0,01% plays it.
I wish ESO didnt waste $$ on things not worth making like raids.
No. Don’t need it. Saw someone mention LOTRO. LOL. Worst game I’ve ever had the misfortune to test & play.
Normal dungeons are soloable in eso. You don’t even need to be BIS min maxer to do it.
Reistr_the_Unbroken wrote: »Sorry the truth hurts sweetheart, but it’s not just a MMO.
It is advertised and sold as an MMORPG. To this day, it is still classified within the MMO genre everywhere you look online. So, sweetheart, it is an MMO; sorry the truth hurts. You want a single player RPG, go play one, there are many available.