I will never understand why anyone would play this game on console. It's not a console game. Console launch was only there as a money grab, it's not the platform this game is meant to be on. Eventually consoles will get no support so focus can be 100% on PC.
The_Brosteen wrote: »When there's silence it just means theres no answers. When theres good or better news then we hear from them. This has been typically how they have gone about communicating. So there's your answer I guess.
ZOS try hard to interact with the community. You can see that on their replies, developer comments, class reps, etc. However, it seems that isn't being effective. All the effort they putting is nulified by failing to address the elephant in the room.
TequilaFire wrote: »
Like the same problems aren't on PC. smh
I will never understand why anyone would play this game on console. It's not a console game. Console launch was only there as a money grab, it's not the platform this game is meant to be on. Eventually consoles will get no support so focus can be 100% on PC.
@TequilaFire PC is infinitly better than console. I don't have any of the complaints or anger that these console people have. THe game runs stable and lag free for me. I can't ask for much more. SMH.
Mettaricana wrote: »
Runs better on ps4 for me than on gaming pc where every update the launcher dont work or steam isnt connecting or crowns not appearing no blue screens and random crashes no missing textures, pvp lag no where near as bad, no hax or addons that tell players what skill I'll use 2 weeks beforei use it. Best part no carpal tunnel from wasd movement and mouse use. No need for outside programs to use voice chat. I mean sure you can keep you higher texture trees and grass.
@TequilaFire PC is infinitly better than console. I don't have any of the complaints or anger that these console people have. THe game runs stable and lag free for me. I can't ask for much more. SMH.
Sorry for this type of message but:
and many more...
@ZOS_Finn @ZOS_GinaBruno you know (yes you know it) .... it's a small part of the community coming to the forums and I can promise you that the situation is disastrous on PS4 EU ... maybe it would be good to start communicating with your players before the server turns into a desert ...
Thank you
NupidStoob wrote: »I can say that since the patch on Monday I've done a couple vMoL HM runs including wiping a lot and most of the Murkmire introduced bugs seem to be gone. Invisible mechanics etc.
Still have the pre Murkmire bugs with occasional crashes, Hulk not spawning etc. but overall it was way way better than it was last week.
Girl_Number8 wrote: »I wonder what class Gina plays....?