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Magplar PvP

  • UltimateBias
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    After all these posts, @TheDoomsdayMonster / @UltimateBias is STILL soul shriven.

    Dude, please, that plus the communities very generous replies should be an indication of how terrible your suggestions are.

    The community told Copernicus the same thing.

    But whatever. Dont speak to me and I won't speak to you.

    Magicka Templar Build
  • DeadlyRecluse
    The community told Copernicus the same thing.

    Man, I don't really have a dog in this fight, but maybe dial back your ego (or is it your friends ego?) by like, 3 clicks.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Joy_Division
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    After all these posts, @TheDoomsdayMonster / @UltimateBias is STILL soul shriven.

    Dude, please, that plus the communities very generous replies should be an indication of how terrible your suggestions are.

    The community told Copernicus the same thing.

    But whatever. Dont speak to me and I won't speak to you.


    Copernicus rolled with Shacklebreaker / Amberplasm / Skoria!
  • UltimateBias
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    After all these posts, @TheDoomsdayMonster / @UltimateBias is STILL soul shriven.

    Dude, please, that plus the communities very generous replies should be an indication of how terrible your suggestions are.

    The community told Copernicus the same thing.

    But whatever. Dont speak to me and I won't speak to you.


    Copernicus rolled with Shacklebreaker / Amberplasm / Skoria!


    He wears Chudan and has 3 Golden sets of Combat Physician in his trophy room.

    Magicka Templar Build
  • UltimateBias
    The community told Copernicus the same thing.

    Man, I don't really have a dog in this fight, but maybe dial back your ego (or is it your friends ego?) by like, 3 clicks.

    Well, Doom is right alot, so perhaps the ego is justified.

    After all, he somehow reveals Nightblades alot with Radiant Magelight when others can't seem to do so.

    Magicka Templar Build
  • UltimateBias

    On a side/slightly serious note, maybe I can see if Doomsday can make a montage of revealing Nightblades from stealth with Radiant Magelight.

    It could be helpful or instructional for some; especially since there is a significant portion of the gaming population that struggles with revealing Nightblades.

    What do you think?
    Magicka Templar Build
  • technohic

    On a side/slightly serious note, maybe I can see if Doomsday can make a montage of revealing Nightblades from stealth with Radiant Magelight.

    It could be helpful or instructional for some; especially since there is a significant portion of the gaming population that struggles with revealing Nightblades.

    What do you think?

    Hey maybe you could duo with him so we can see you both using the same setup at the same time.
  • UltimateBias
    technohic wrote: »

    On a side/slightly serious note, maybe I can see if Doomsday can make a montage of revealing Nightblades from stealth with Radiant Magelight.

    It could be helpful or instructional for some; especially since there is a significant portion of the gaming population that struggles with revealing Nightblades.

    What do you think?

    Hey maybe you could duo with him so we can see you both using the same setup at the same time.

    That would mean that you'd have Mighty Chudan x4 and Combat Physician x10 in the same place at the same time!!

    Nay. The sight of such would be beyond the ability of mere mortals to handle; you would all go insane from beholding so much majesty all at once.


    Edited by UltimateBias on December 13, 2018 3:09PM
    Magicka Templar Build
  • Joy_Division

    On a side/slightly serious note, maybe I can see if Doomsday can make a montage of revealing Nightblades from stealth with Radiant Magelight.

    It could be helpful or instructional for some; especially since there is a significant portion of the gaming population that struggles with revealing Nightblades.

    What do you think?

    Sure. I'm a historian by trade and I'm quite accustomed to selective use of evidence.
  • Neoauspex
    This thread has gone to $#!*
  • Scarpion
    On a side note, I've been using @DoomsdayMonster build of Mighty Chudan, Combat Physician, Robes of the Hist Sap, and I gotta say, it feels very strong. Its tanky and can turn around and burst an opponent down.

    Why was this build getting such a bad wrap? I know its not traditional, but works well in a variety of situations.

    Makes sense you use Doomsdays build when you are Doomsday.
    SDk & MSorc.
  • Jimmy_The_Fixer
    Doomsdaymonster, you weren’t banned because of subpar theorycrafting. You got your reputation because you would champion some idea and then relentlessly flame anyone who provided honest feedback. You would hijack threads and prevent the kind of calm reasonable discussion that most people enjoy.

    Getting a new forum account could have been an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and rejoin the community and discuss your niche off-meta builds with a little more humility, but now this thread has been thoroughly derailed and we’ve had 2 full pages of Clown Circus insanity where people were happily taking about the video game that they all play.
    Neoauspex wrote: »
    This thread has gone to $#!*

    Edited by Jimmy_The_Fixer on December 13, 2018 5:26PM
  • ccmedaddy
    @TheDoomsdayMonster dropping his old persona so he can come back to the forums and relitigate the tired a$$ drama:
  • UltimateBias
    Well, let's get back on topic.
    Magicka Templar Build
  • Koolio
    To try and help the topics at hand

    Has anyone used BlackRose prison Swords on a Magplar

    In the middle of farming them now. I’ll have to build some extra Stam sustain in the build but

    25% Aoe reduction and Major Protection while still wear 2 5pc sets and a monster set.

    Was thinking Rattlecage and Lich 5l-2h and my beloved Sellixtrix.

    3 Rattle Jewelry 2 body. 3 Lich body and maybe resto for the heavy attack restore.

    This way I don’t need spell pots or entropy since I despise Entropy and need the extra bar space.

    I know there is more damage oriented sets. But bar space become tight with Blade cloak
  • Ariades_swe
    Minno wrote: »
    Ok finally Doomsday posted his video! He got forum banned but before that happened, I asked him for like years to post his damn playing/playstyle. He sent me the link so I am more than happy to link it here for him lol. All 1v1's, keep that in mind.


    His infamous build:
    Mighty Chudan x2...
    Combat Physician x5...
    Robes of the Hist x5...

    Radiant Magelight both bars? I think the skill is too niche to put on one.


    I am curious; why do you feel Radiant Magelight is too niche to double bar?

    The way I see it, double barring Radiant give you:

    1) 100% uptime on Major Prophecy.

    2) 100% uptime on the 2% bonus to your Max Magicka and Magicka Regen.

    3) 100% uptime on the immunity for yourself and teammates from the Stun from Stealth from Nightblades (this is very significant as there are ALOT of Nightblades running around using Lethal Arrow on people; by double barring Radiant, you make it beneficial for any teammate to simply be near you regardless of wether you are Healing or DPS'ing for your group).

    4) On demand ability to bring Nightblades (or any class) out of Stealth. If you watch @TheDoomsdayMonster video's you see him use Radiant Magelight to stalk and kill Nightblades with excellent effect.

    Those are worthwild reasons to double bar Radiant Magelight.

    Arent they?

    Mostly because I think putting the skill on a single bar is not efficient.

    If someone can't survive a NB gank, they need to re-examine the build. We are not playing with a bugged camo hunter or the empowered heavy attack bows from stealth that was previously super deadly. Also, if a ganking NB really wants to stun her target, they can do so via various means that Radiant Magelight does not protect against.

    I hate getting snipe stunned as much as the next person, but as it typically annoying rather than lethal, I'm not going to devote 20% of my bars to counter an annoyance that does next to nothing Vs. 90% of the opponents I face.
    • 100% uptime on major prophecy: I don't care because I pretty much get that up-time from Reflective Light
    • 2% max magica = Whoop Dee Doo, not worth a skill slot
    • 2% magicka regen = Whoop Dee Doo, not worth a skill slot
    • "On demand" Bring NBs out of stealth. Out of the 1000 times I have seen people in cyrodiil use this skill (it has that distinct annoying sound) trying to find NBs, I've seen it work maybe 2 or 3 times. Take a look at the stealthy passive from medium armor of the Bosmer and Khajiit racials sometimes, it's pretty sobering actually. If I really want to reveal a NB from stealth, I will use a detect potion and have 10 useful skills to actually try and kill said NB.

    I've watched @TheDoomsdayMonster videos and in my estimation, Radiant Magelight falls into the trap that those builds do: overly specialized for niche defense.

    If a NB tries to stealth stun me at the time I most worry about it (fighting other people), there is already a fair chance I won't get stunned because I will have already been CCed. If I do get stunned, well that's annoying, but I am a templar and have good tools to deal with that situation, some tools that @TheDoomsdayMonster does not have because of double barring radiant magelight. How does @TheDoomsdayMonster deal with say a sniper while fighting another player? Does that DK spamming talons and flame whip kindly /sitchair while Doom moves over to where the stealther was so Doom can spam radiant magelight? No? Well, what exciting and versatile options does Doomsday have when he's only using 8 skills?

    Doomsday is not using Total Dark to temporarily neutralize the DK for the window of opportunity needed to go and deal with the NB because Doomsday doesn't have it slotted. Doom could also total Dark the NB for additional healing, damage, and the comedy factor of using it while they are in the middle of snipe, but that's not an option. Without that or a proper DoT or the delayed burst damage from Purifying Light, Doom needs to rely on the Soul Assualt ultimate to secure a kill vs. an opponent that knows how to defend themselves. All these options would be very convenient and helpful to actually quickly kill that NB so you can get back to the DK, but Doom can;t use any of them because Doom does not value the concept of opportunity cost. Doom would rather be great at defending against one specific threat while being handicapped Vs everything else instead of merely being good and versatile against all enemies.

    The irony of it all is that I dont even think Radiant Magelight is good enough Vs. Nightblades. Stam NB is a very strong spec, if its wearing heavy armor and using bleeds, you had better be a better player or you're screwed. They got damage, debuffs, even now some defense, and maybe 25% resistance Vs your main spammable. Their main threats are not stealth based and you're going to need 10 legit skills to beat them.

    I'm going to touch on a few of your points, then I'm going to leave this topic alone as I have other things of interest to discuss so here we go:

    1) If you've only seen Radiant Magelight bring a Nightblade out of Stealth 2 or 3 times out of a thousand, then what you saw in Dooms video's shattered what you have seen as he routinely detects Nightblades. Radiant Magelight is a very powerful counter for Nightblades and it retains your option to use a pot of your choice.

    2) DK's arent a problem for this build. Once your HoT's are setup you can heal/tank right though their damage (no matter how much fire they come at you with) and pressure them until they fall; you see this several times thoughout the video's.

    3) The build absolutely uses Purifying Light; you see that repeatedly in the video's.

    4) While I do agree that the build designed to be very good at defending itself against Nightblades, I disagree with you that its not so good against other specs as you see him taking on various builds across his videos. You see him facing Stamplars, Magicka Nightblades, Magicka Dragonknights, Magicka Sorcs and prevailing.

    5) I've tried Eclipse and while I see that many of you love the ability, it just doesnt seem too great (this is just my opinion of course). It almost seems that the ability is only good if your opponent doesnt know how to counter it; thats not something I ever want to slot on my build.

    Edit: I have seen a clip where Doom ignores an opponents Eclipse; powers through it, and kills him anyway.

    Thats all.

    In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority comes from the inability of low-ability people to recognize their lack of ability.
  • Brutusmax1mus
    Koolio wrote: »
    To try and help the topics at hand

    Has anyone used BlackRose prison Swords on a Magplar

    In the middle of farming them now. I’ll have to build some extra Stam sustain in the build but

    25% Aoe reduction and Major Protection while still wear 2 5pc sets and a monster set.

    Was thinking Rattlecage and Lich 5l-2h and my beloved Sellixtrix.

    3 Rattle Jewelry 2 body. 3 Lich body and maybe resto for the heavy attack restore.

    This way I don’t need spell pots or entropy since I despise Entropy and need the extra bar space.

    I know there is more damage oriented sets. But bar space become tight with Blade cloak

    That's an expensive skill, you'd never sustain it in rattle lich. Shackle/ amber u could
    Edited by Brutusmax1mus on December 13, 2018 8:38PM
  • Koolio
    Koolio wrote: »
    To try and help the topics at hand

    Has anyone used BlackRose prison Swords on a Magplar

    In the middle of farming them now. I’ll have to build some extra Stam sustain in the build but

    25% Aoe reduction and Major Protection while still wear 2 5pc sets and a monster set.

    Was thinking Rattlecage and Lich 5l-2h and my beloved Sellixtrix.

    3 Rattle Jewelry 2 body. 3 Lich body and maybe resto for the heavy attack restore.

    This way I don’t need spell pots or entropy since I despise Entropy and need the extra bar space.

    I know there is more damage oriented sets. But bar space become tight with Blade cloak

    That's an expensive skill, you'd never sustain it in rattle lich. Shackle/ amber u could

    And I definitely have both of those gold lol.

    It wouldn’t be for 100% uptime and I’m pretty good at sustain to start with. I just find myself on the fringe of fight when outnumbered and paying very close attention to surroundings in light armor. I run a smaller to medium sized group so it is difficult to run a group without being too squishy.

    I’ll definitely try it with multiple sets just seeing if anyone had already attempted it.

    But 50% mitigation from Dawnbreaker just sounds so nice on a Magplar.

    The perfected version with that Stam recovery would definitely stack well amber/shackle.
  • UltimateBias

    Ok. Here is the video. Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvP5xfAtd6o&t=27s

    To the community:

    I am here only for constructive conversation about eso and Magplar's in particular. I am not insulting anyone nor was it my intention to derail.

    So can we go foward with Magplar discussion now?
    Magicka Templar Build
  • UltimateBias

    On a side/slightly serious note, maybe I can see if Doomsday can make a montage of revealing Nightblades from stealth with Radiant Magelight.

    It could be helpful or instructional for some; especially since there is a significant portion of the gaming population that struggles with revealing Nightblades.

    What do you think?

    Sure. I'm a historian by trade and I'm quite accustomed to selective use of evidence.

    Well you did say that you've only seen Radiant reveal Nightblades 2-3 times out of a 1000.

    Hopefully the video will show you that its much, much, more effective at revealing them than you seem to believe.

    Magicka Templar Build
  • Brutusmax1mus
    He even made a brand new yt
  • Kartalin
    Detect pots are also amazing at revealing nightblades.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • UltimateBias
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Detect pots are also amazing at revealing nightblades.

    They absolutely are, but you do have to expend your pot to reveal them.

    With Radiant, you retain the option to use whatever pot you want and you are not limited by a cooldown to reveal them again.

    Edited by UltimateBias on December 13, 2018 10:03PM
    Magicka Templar Build
  • CatchMeTrolling
    I wouldn’t use detect pots or magelight. Usually just woe or sweep them out of stealth. I guess cloaking nbs is another reason ritual of retribution could be used because it pulls them out of cloak. On top of the extra healing, damage and snare at the cost of less things to purge.
  • UltimateBias
    I wouldn’t use detect pots or magelight. Usually just woe or sweep them out of stealth. I guess cloaking nbs is another reason ritual of retribution could be used because it pulls them out of cloak. On top of the extra healing, damage and snare at the cost of less things to purge.

    Pulling Nightblades out if Stealth is a major reason I like Ritual of Retribution over Extended Ritual.
    Magicka Templar Build
  • Synozeer
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Detect pots are also amazing at revealing nightblades.

    They absolutely are, but you do have to expend your pot to reveal them.

    With Radiant, you retain the option to use whatever pot you want and you are not limited by a cooldown to reveal them again.

    On the other hand, you need to use a skill slot to have Radiant, and you need to forego the other morph Inner Light, losing out on more magicka/damage.

    I use potions and sweeps and don't have any issues with cloaking Nightblades. Using pots is more versatile IMO. Skill slots are way too important to use on something you can easily get from somewhere else (ie. a potion) for a situational effect.
    Watch my PvP Videos on YouTube

    Azoi - Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant - NA Server - 1st DC NA Grand Overlord
    Hzarn - Templar - Daggerfall Covenant - NA Server - Grand Overlord
    ...and many more.
  • LeifErickson
    Why do you even need to take nbs out of stealth? What's the big deal? If they aren't going to fight then just ignore them. Same as when a sorc just streaks when breathed on. Instead of chasing him down just be on your way.

    Magelight and ritual of retribution are both bad choices in my opinion especially if you are double barring magelight. Also extended ritual might be the best skill in the game. It would be a crime to use the other morph.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Why do you even need to take nbs out of stealth? What's the big deal? If they aren't going to fight then just ignore them. Same as when a sorc just streaks when breathed on. Instead of chasing him down just be on your way.

    Magelight and ritual of retribution are both bad choices in my opinion especially if you are double barring magelight. Also extended ritual might be the best skill in the game. It would be a crime to use the other morph.

    Why are you under the impression that nbs only cloak to run away ?.

    Retribution isn’t a bad pick, it just comes with a cost but a cost anyone that can function without purge can deal with. If purge is a necessity for a player then yeah it’s a bad choice. Although it should be more of a bonus.
  • UltimateBias
    Why do you even need to take nbs out of stealth? What's the big deal? If they aren't going to fight then just ignore them. Same as when a sorc just streaks when breathed on. Instead of chasing him down just be on your way.

    Magelight and ritual of retribution are both bad choices in my opinion especially if you are double barring magelight. Also extended ritual might be the best skill in the game. It would be a crime to use the other morph.

    Why are you under the impression that nbs only cloak to run away ?.

    Retribution isn’t a bad pick, it just comes with a cost but a cost anyone that can function without purge can deal with. If purge is a necessity for a player then yeah it’s a bad choice. Although it should be more of a bonus.


    I am used of fighting with debuffs/negative effects lined across my screen and I am able to endure.

    As a result I'll take Retributions stronger Heals and AoE damage all day long.
    Magicka Templar Build
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Why do you even need to take nbs out of stealth? What's the big deal? If they aren't going to fight then just ignore them. Same as when a sorc just streaks when breathed on. Instead of chasing him down just be on your way.

    Magelight and ritual of retribution are both bad choices in my opinion especially if you are double barring magelight. Also extended ritual might be the best skill in the game. It would be a crime to use the other morph.

    Why are you under the impression that nbs only cloak to run away ?.

    Retribution isn’t a bad pick, it just comes with a cost but a cost anyone that can function without purge can deal with. If purge is a necessity for a player then yeah it’s a bad choice. Although it should be more of a bonus.


    I am used of fighting with debuffs/negative effects lined across my screen and I am able to endure.

    As a result I'll take Retributions stronger Heals and AoE damage all day long.

    In your case it’s because you run tanky setups. Retribution shines more on dps/glass setups, especially ones running skoria and dots.

    In open world I don’t think either morph is life or death based on how I play. I’m typically outnumbered in there, bombarded with debuffs and spamming purge is costly, especially if you don’t purge what you need to.

    In bgs fights don’t really last long so is hard to tell what’s the better morph.

    Anyways, overall I’d recommend extended to the average player, the same way I’d recommend more tanky setups. Certain setups require more experience to pull off.

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