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Magplar PvP

  • Jimmy_The_Fixer
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Fact, @TheDoomsdayMonster has never shown any indication of being able to make high level build decisions.

    I’m gonna send you a Magplar build later

    I think there's a specific intention here that's important to note. Mighty Chudan, Radiant Magelight on both bars, 3 defensive sets, a bizzare obsession with increasing defense while in mist form. This is clearly a build designed to be played with minimal effort or concentration and where damage or healing output is a non-concern. I imagine that his most recent build is designed around watching Netflix while hanging around the back of a Zerg and soaking up AP without having to pay attention to the game.

    Nothing wrong with that, that's a perfectly viable way to play. Not my cup of tea but this game has a lot of flexibility to let every player play the way that makes them happy.
    Edited by Jimmy_The_Fixer on August 5, 2018 6:56AM
  • Ariades_swe
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Fact, @TheDoomsdayMonster has never shown any indication of being able to make high level build decisions.

    I’m gonna send you a Magplar build later

    I think there's a specific intention here that's important to note. Mighty Chudan, Radiant Magelight on both bars, 3 defensive sets, a bizzare obsession with increasing defense while in mist form. This is clearly a build designed to be played with minimal effort or concentration and where damage or healing output is a non-concern. I imagine that his most recent build is designed around watching Netflix while hanging around the back of a Zerg and soaking up AP without having to pay attention to the game.

    Nothing wrong with that, that's a perfectly viable way to play. Not my cup of tea but this game has a lot of flexibility to let every player play the way that makes them happy.

  • maxjapank
    Some of you need to get back on topic, which while it’s initial intent was to help the op, has actually turned into a valuable thread about different ways to play a Magplar. If you don’t like how one player designs his build, that’s fine. But no reason to keep taking digs at someone.
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Fact, @TheDoomsdayMonster has never shown any indication of being able to make high level build decisions.

    I’m gonna send you a Magplar build later

    I think there's a specific intention here that's important to note. Mighty Chudan, Radiant Magelight on both bars, 3 defensive sets, a bizzare obsession with increasing defense while in mist form. This is clearly a build designed to be played with minimal effort or concentration and where damage or healing output is a non-concern. I imagine that his most recent build is designed around watching Netflix while hanging around the back of a Zerg and soaking up AP without having to pay attention to the game.

    Nothing wrong with that, that's a perfectly viable way to play. Not my cup of tea but this game has a lot of flexibility to let every player play the way that makes them happy.

    Even though you are attacking me, I gave you an awesome because that was funny! :)

    But I will say that your overall point is wrong...
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKaqUVm_8JE&t=142s
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Some of you need to get back on topic, which while it’s initial intent was to help the op, has actually turned into a valuable thread about different ways to play a Magplar. If you don’t like how one player designs his build, that’s fine. But no reason to keep taking digs at someone.

    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKaqUVm_8JE&t=142s
  • Lexxypwns
    @Jimmy_The_Fixer perfect description.

    Edit: Except this build isn’t even the best for that, Troll King outperforms every other defensive set in the game during Mist Form
    Edited by Lexxypwns on August 5, 2018 5:13PM
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    @Jimmy_The_Fixer perfect description.

    Edit: Except this build isn’t even the best for that, Troll King outperforms every other defensive set in the game during Mist Form

    Troll King is very strong during Mist Form, but heres the thing, you have to Heal at 60% or less Health, trigger the proc, then enter Mist Form to get Troll Kings benefits...

    With Mighty Chudan, I get its benefits the entire time no matter what...
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKaqUVm_8JE&t=142s
  • TheDoomsdayMonster

    Looking at the sample build you linked to me (and statistically its impressive), your raw stats are (in some ways) superior to mines (they are definitely superior to mines as pertains to sustain)...

    But IMHO, what I lack (compared to the build you sent to me) in raw stats is made up for by the utility and ease of use my build provides...

    I'm not at home, so I am going on memory, but on the following build:

    Mighty Chudan x2 (1H/1M)...
    Spectre's Eye x5 (5L)...
    Combat Physician x5 (Dual Weild/Resto Staff/Jewelry)...

    This is what I am achieving being buffed ONLY by Witchmothers and Battle spirit (Tri-stat glyphs + Impend in all armor pieces...Arcane + Spell Damage in all Jewelry):

    Resto Staff (Defending; this is my Healing/Defensive Bar):

    26.1k Health...
    34.7k Magicka...
    12.8k Stamina...
    29k+ Spell Resist...
    23k+ Physical Resist...
    1857 Spell Damage...
    56% Spell Crit...
    2.8k Crit Resist...

    Dual Wield Swords (Sharpened; this is my Damage Dealing Bar):

    26.1k Health...
    34.7k Magicka...
    12.8k Stamina...
    26k+ Spell Resist...
    20k+ Physical Resist...
    2094 Spell Damage...
    56% Spell Crit...
    2.8k Crit Resist...
    11k+ Spell Penetration...

    I cant recall the sustain stats off the top of my head; I think my Magicka Regen is around 1.2k unbuffed however, which I know is a bit low, but I make up for it with Resto Heavy Attacks which gives back huge amounts of Magicka...

    I know some will look at the Magicka pool and Spell Damage and think that's low as well; compared to some other builds it is, but that 56%Spell Crit combined with my 73% base Crit Modifier (83% when it comes to damaging attacks) goes along way as pertains bringing my real world damage and Healing up to par...

    When you combine that with:

    1) Never having to cast (and regularly maintain) a dedicated Defensive Buff...

    2) The high (effortlessly maintained) uptime on Major Evasion...

    3) The ability to regularly give out 0 power cost Damage Shields...

    4) The passive utility gained by having Radiant Magelight on both bars (so that you are passively, and effortlessly, defending yourself and allies from Nightblades no matter what you are doing)...

    When you add it all up, its superior to other builds in some ways; inferior in other ways...

    Most important, though, is how well you can play a given build and how comfortable you are with it...

    This build performs very well for me no matter what I am doing; when solo I am able to either kill or stalemate most of the players I encounter 1v1...

    When in groups, I add a lot via my excellent healing, damage shields, and the passive defense I provide to those around me...

    That's all...

    Edited by TheDoomsdayMonster on August 6, 2018 9:43PM
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKaqUVm_8JE&t=142s
  • Brutusmax1mus
    Can we all stop addressing a certain person please.

    Unstable core vs total dark. Ive been experiencing a ton of people who don't cc break core, making me want total dark. But i like the dependable additional burst of core since you can apply it to cc immune targets for the damage still. In a skilled fight where cc breaking happens as it should, whats your input on total dark.
  • kaithuzar
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Rattle cage is awful

    Have you tried rattlecage in 5 light just using the arcane jewelry & weapon or 2 heavy pieces???
    Member of:
    Fantasia - osh kosh b-josh
    Just Chill - Crown's house
    GoldCloaks - Durruthy test server penga
    Small Meme Guild - Mano's house

    Former member of:
    Legend - Siffer fan boy club
    TKO (tamriel knight's order) - free bks
    Deviance - Leonard's senche tiger
    Purple - hamNchz is my hero
    Eight Divines - myrlifax stop playing final fantasy
    WKB (we kill bosses) - turd where you go?
    Arcance Council - Klytz Kommander
    World Boss - Mike & Chewy gone EP
    M12 (majestic twelve) - cult of the loli zerg
  • Joy_Division
    Can we all stop addressing a certain person please.

    Unstable core vs total dark. Ive been experiencing a ton of people who don't cc break core, making me want total dark. But i like the dependable additional burst of core since you can apply it to cc immune targets for the damage still. In a skilled fight where cc breaking happens as it should, whats your input on total dark.

    If your target does not CC break, Total Dark is better and it's not even close.

    Against a target who counters Total Dark properly, use it when you'd normally get a little nervous and block cast-breath of life (i.e., when your opponent smells blood and is committed to a combo).
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    Can we all stop addressing a certain person please.

    Unstable core vs total dark. Ive been experiencing a ton of people who don't cc break core, making me want total dark. But i like the dependable additional burst of core since you can apply it to cc immune targets for the damage still. In a skilled fight where cc breaking happens as it should, whats your input on total dark.

    Total Dark in a heartbeat...

    Most people (even experienced players) fail to CC break Total Dark because you don't 'feel' CC'ed when its on you...

    I've had to train my mind to CC Break it because of the above 'feeling' (or I should say non-feeling) and (as the person casting Total Dark probably wants) it causes you to halt your attack (I typically pause when I see what has happened to me, then it takes another moment to break free; it can really screw up your combo)...

    So, yeah...Total Dark all the way...even if they CC Break it properly, you will give yourself a second or two do either retreat, heal up, or go on the offensive yourself...
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKaqUVm_8JE&t=142s
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Rattlecage and Chudan ( 2 pc ) can be invaluable if you really need that hotbar slot for some reason, otherwise they aren't any good tbh. With the upcoming changes to Focus Chudan ( 2 pc ) will drop further down the list.

    1 pc Chudan may still be useful when combining two monster sets for the stat bonusses, i guess.
  • BNOC
    Everyone who's mentioning Chudan knows it doesn't stack with rune bonuses, right? Just in case you don't.
    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox EU - 15/11/16
    578,000 - 36 Minutes 58 Seconds (Top 2 World?)

    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox NA
    569,000 - 40 minutes (350CP, Non optimised runs)
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    BNOC wrote: »
    Everyone who's mentioning Chudan knows it doesn't stack with rune bonuses, right? Just in case you don't.

    The 1 pc bonus does stack, the 2 pc is just the major ward buff and therefore does not. Chudan can be used instead of Rune to free up the hotbar slot and until the DLC to spare you the trouble of recasting it every 8 seconds. Using them both together would be pointless obviously.
  • Enslaved
    You are squishy because you clearly do not use skills you need to stay alive.
    Wizard's riposte is excelent since it keeps enemy debuffed wint minor maim and its one of these sets I adore in PvP on templar. Spinner is pretty offensive yet it does not give you stamina that you need as magplar in PvP. I would rather use bloodthorn and sacrifice some damage for more stam gain and sustain, or even sloads that boost all 3 stats and give you another high pressure DoT.
    Skoria is great and much better than zaan cheese so many players use nowadays.

    When I said skills I ment that most magplars I play against die because they do not use total dark and do use wrong jesus beam morph.
    You need as many self heal skills to be able to survive, since effective healing you have as a templar is lowest of all classes. degeneration, for example, will make you heal off light and heavy attacks, and so many ppl do not use it.
    Learn to block only when necessary, same is with roll dodge.
    Msitform is amazing and it is your bff. be sure to use focus before you go into mistform, gaining some magicka back. This is also your LetsRegenSomeStam skill as well.
    If you use deep thoughts morph of meditate you can get back magicka and stamina very fast.
    Sets like light of cyrodiil will reduce your damage taken while using channeling skills by 15%.
    Do not use BoL but Honor the Dead, its selfish yet much better morph for you.
    Also, be sure to use LoS as much as possible, kiting ppl around trees/rocks/resources. For these actions having one swift trait on jewelry is very effective.
  • kaithuzar
    Can someone try this out/rate this pvp build?
    I made it up last night.

    Templar: (assume all gear is gold)

    Head: slime craw (light nirn)
    Shoulder: slime craw (light nirn)
    Chest: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Legs: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Gloves: impreg (light nirn)
    Sash: impreg (light nirn)
    Boots: impreg (light nirn)

    Neck: rattle cage (infused reduce cost)
    Ring1: impreg (infused sp dmg)
    Ring2: impreg (infused sp dmg)

    Weapon1: rattle cage (sharpened 2h)
    Weapon2: s&b (willpower)

    Lover or atro mundus (depending on how your sustain is)

    Explosive charge/Punct sweeps?, forward momentum, dark flare, BoL, mage light

    Channeled focus (major resolve&ward), Radiant glory (execute), extended ritual, BoL, Luminous shards

    Need tri-stat glyph & max mag/mag regen food or citrus fillet if you want more health

    Interested to hear thoughts, thanks!

    Edited by kaithuzar on August 6, 2018 7:09PM
    Member of:
    Fantasia - osh kosh b-josh
    Just Chill - Crown's house
    GoldCloaks - Durruthy test server penga
    Small Meme Guild - Mano's house

    Former member of:
    Legend - Siffer fan boy club
    TKO (tamriel knight's order) - free bks
    Deviance - Leonard's senche tiger
    Purple - hamNchz is my hero
    Eight Divines - myrlifax stop playing final fantasy
    WKB (we kill bosses) - turd where you go?
    Arcance Council - Klytz Kommander
    World Boss - Mike & Chewy gone EP
    M12 (majestic twelve) - cult of the loli zerg
  • Brutusmax1mus
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Can someone try this out/rate this pvp build?
    I made it up last night.

    Templar: (assume all gear is gold)

    Head: slime craw (light nirn)
    Shoulder: slime craw (light nirn)
    Chest: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Legs: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Gloves: impreg (light nirn)
    Sash: impreg (light nirn)
    Boots: impreg (light nirn)

    Neck: rattle cage (infused reduce cost)
    Ring1: impreg (infused sp dmg)
    Ring2: impreg (infused sp dmg)

    Weapon1: rattle cage (sharpened 2h)
    Weapon2: s&b (willpower)

    Lover or atro mundus (depending on how your sustain is)

    Explosive charge, Punct sweeps, dark flare, BoL, mage light

    Channeled focus (major resolve&ward), Radiant glory (execute), extended ritual, BoL, Luminous shards

    Need tri-stat glyph & max mag/mag regen food or citrus fillet if you want more health

    Interested to hear thoughts, thanks!


    Don't use rattle cage. There shouldn't be a situation where you give up so much to free up a slot from degeneration, which is actually a decent skill.

    Im not a fan of the whole flare, toppling, sweeps combo. It's never been effective vs me, but I've had success with it vs randoms. Even so, you should drop mage light for vampires bane and luminous for degeneration, swap rattle cage for nearly any other damage set, you'll be better off.

    Use a staff too if not using forward momentum. No reason to sacrifice strong light attacks after flares.
    Edited by Brutusmax1mus on August 6, 2018 7:17PM
  • Mrsinister2
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »

    You're also one of the best players on PC NA :wink:

    Thanks, but I wouldn't give myself that much credit. I just consider myself "consistent" :)

    What’s your race. The issue I see happening is a competent stam player getting the jump on you and not being able to recover or you end up stuck on defense. Especially since your front bar is a staff.

    Personally I would swap entropy with total dark. And remove toppling charge completely, it’s not needed.

    Sorry, forgot to add that. I'm Argonian (I used to be High Elf).

    Do you mean switch the positions of Total Dark and Entropy? I've considered it but I like having access to TD without needing to switch bars when going on the offensive. I usually start off on my shield bar and start out with an Entropy and Vamp Bane, then go to my destro bar and cast Total Dark when combat is starting.

    As far as Toppling Charge goes, it will never leave my bar ;) I don't know how people play without it. The only answers I've heard from various non-gapclosing Magplars about what they do when a sorc streaks away or a stam player sprints, they say they let them go. That's not me, I'll Toppling Charge a sorc to the ends of the Earth. Toppling also gives you more maneuverability, letting you quickly gap close away from a large group to a single target when trying to avoid getting outnumbered. It's also an interrupt and another source of off-balance for the CP off balance 10% damage passive.

    I survive almost all gank attempts (Xv1 ganking aside), and when not fighting I'm on my 1h/shield bar, so 28k health + more defenses and Riposte pad any damage and then one Honor the Dead and I'm back to almost full health. A dodge roll here also gives me time to recover from those brutal first stam assaults.

    My magplar is high elf but I've been debating swapping to argonian. Is the damage, and max mag really not that much of a loss on the switch?

    I don't notice a difference in damage and the sustain and survivability is much better.

    I just turned into a lizard it's way better

    Lizards will once again rule the planet!

    This is insanely better man I can't belive I was a filthy high elf for a year.

    What pots do yall run?

    Speed/immov/stam ... mostly so I don't have to slot Toppling

    I almost only use tripots as a high elf, only reason i wanna go argonian is to open that up some.

    That's exactly where I was at I just swapped to lizard and now I can use speed lingering health and speed imov it's wonderful.

    My only problem is i love the regen bonus too mag and stam from tripots too. Almost irreplaceable for the way i play.

    I run shackle so the Stam regen is not a problem my mag regen is lower as a argonian but I'm actually sustaining better
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Can someone try this out/rate this pvp build?
    I made it up last night.

    Templar: (assume all gear is gold)

    Head: slime craw (light nirn)
    Shoulder: slime craw (light nirn)
    Chest: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Legs: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Gloves: impreg (light nirn)
    Sash: impreg (light nirn)
    Boots: impreg (light nirn)

    Neck: rattle cage (infused reduce cost)
    Ring1: impreg (infused sp dmg)
    Ring2: impreg (infused sp dmg)

    Weapon1: rattle cage (sharpened 2h)
    Weapon2: s&b (willpower)

    Lover or atro mundus (depending on how your sustain is)

    Explosive charge/Punct sweeps?, forward momentum, dark flare, BoL, mage light

    Channeled focus (major resolve&ward), Radiant glory (execute), extended ritual, BoL, Luminous shards

    Need tri-stat glyph & max mag/mag regen food or citrus fillet if you want more health

    Interested to hear thoughts, thanks!


    I've ran very similar builds and always had the same issue of damage being to low or good damage and terrible sustain.

    I don't know what it is with rattle cage but Everytime I build with it something Is always lacking whether it's sustain or to low Stam.
    Edited by Mrsinister2 on August 6, 2018 7:40PM
  • Kartalin
    It’s been a long time since nirnhoned was meta on armor. Reinforced is currently better than nirn because it improves both spell and physical resists.

    You can run reinforced on your chest but will probably be better off with divines or sturdy on the rest depending on how you play, or perhaps infused on big pieces.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • SneaK
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »

    You're also one of the best players on PC NA :wink:

    Thanks, but I wouldn't give myself that much credit. I just consider myself "consistent" :)

    What’s your race. The issue I see happening is a competent stam player getting the jump on you and not being able to recover or you end up stuck on defense. Especially since your front bar is a staff.

    Personally I would swap entropy with total dark. And remove toppling charge completely, it’s not needed.

    Sorry, forgot to add that. I'm Argonian (I used to be High Elf).

    Do you mean switch the positions of Total Dark and Entropy? I've considered it but I like having access to TD without needing to switch bars when going on the offensive. I usually start off on my shield bar and start out with an Entropy and Vamp Bane, then go to my destro bar and cast Total Dark when combat is starting.

    As far as Toppling Charge goes, it will never leave my bar ;) I don't know how people play without it. The only answers I've heard from various non-gapclosing Magplars about what they do when a sorc streaks away or a stam player sprints, they say they let them go. That's not me, I'll Toppling Charge a sorc to the ends of the Earth. Toppling also gives you more maneuverability, letting you quickly gap close away from a large group to a single target when trying to avoid getting outnumbered. It's also an interrupt and another source of off-balance for the CP off balance 10% damage passive.

    I survive almost all gank attempts (Xv1 ganking aside), and when not fighting I'm on my 1h/shield bar, so 28k health + more defenses and Riposte pad any damage and then one Honor the Dead and I'm back to almost full health. A dodge roll here also gives me time to recover from those brutal first stam assaults.

    My magplar is high elf but I've been debating swapping to argonian. Is the damage, and max mag really not that much of a loss on the switch?

    I don't notice a difference in damage and the sustain and survivability is much better.

    I just turned into a lizard it's way better

    Lizards will once again rule the planet!

    This is insanely better man I can't belive I was a filthy high elf for a year.

    What pots do yall run?

    Speed/immov/stam ... mostly so I don't have to slot Toppling

    I almost only use tripots as a high elf, only reason i wanna go argonian is to open that up some.

    That's exactly where I was at I just swapped to lizard and now I can use speed lingering health and speed imov it's wonderful.

    My only problem is i love the regen bonus too mag and stam from tripots too. Almost irreplaceable for the way i play.

    I run shackle so the Stam regen is not a problem my mag regen is lower as a argonian but I'm actually sustaining better. Lingering speed pots
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Can someone try this out/rate this pvp build?
    I made it up last night.

    Templar: (assume all gear is gold)

    Head: slime craw (light nirn)
    Shoulder: slime craw (light nirn)
    Chest: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Legs: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Gloves: impreg (light nirn)
    Sash: impreg (light nirn)
    Boots: impreg (light nirn)

    Neck: rattle cage (infused reduce cost)
    Ring1: impreg (infused sp dmg)
    Ring2: impreg (infused sp dmg)

    Weapon1: rattle cage (sharpened 2h)
    Weapon2: s&b (willpower)

    Lover or atro mundus (depending on how your sustain is)

    Explosive charge/Punct sweeps?, forward momentum, dark flare, BoL, mage light

    Channeled focus (major resolve&ward), Radiant glory (execute), extended ritual, BoL, Luminous shards

    Need tri-stat glyph & max mag/mag regen food or citrus fillet if you want more health

    Interested to hear thoughts, thanks!


    I've ran very similar builds and always had the same issue of damage being to low or good damage and terrible sustain.

    I don't know what it is with rattle cage but Everytime I build with it something Is always lacking whether it's sustain or to low Stam.

    I’m currently running Shackle w Rattlecage and I like it. The extra stam lets me use Witchmothers so my recovery is really nice.

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Bosmer Nightblade AR 32 - Altmer Templar AR 26 - Dunmer Dragonknight AR 18 - Altmer Sorcerer AR 20 - Khajiit Dragonknight AR 18
    (+3 not worth mentioning, yet)
  • Mrsinister2
    SneaK wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »

    You're also one of the best players on PC NA :wink:

    Thanks, but I wouldn't give myself that much credit. I just consider myself "consistent" :)

    What’s your race. The issue I see happening is a competent stam player getting the jump on you and not being able to recover or you end up stuck on defense. Especially since your front bar is a staff.

    Personally I would swap entropy with total dark. And remove toppling charge completely, it’s not needed.

    Sorry, forgot to add that. I'm Argonian (I used to be High Elf).

    Do you mean switch the positions of Total Dark and Entropy? I've considered it but I like having access to TD without needing to switch bars when going on the offensive. I usually start off on my shield bar and start out with an Entropy and Vamp Bane, then go to my destro bar and cast Total Dark when combat is starting.

    As far as Toppling Charge goes, it will never leave my bar ;) I don't know how people play without it. The only answers I've heard from various non-gapclosing Magplars about what they do when a sorc streaks away or a stam player sprints, they say they let them go. That's not me, I'll Toppling Charge a sorc to the ends of the Earth. Toppling also gives you more maneuverability, letting you quickly gap close away from a large group to a single target when trying to avoid getting outnumbered. It's also an interrupt and another source of off-balance for the CP off balance 10% damage passive.

    I survive almost all gank attempts (Xv1 ganking aside), and when not fighting I'm on my 1h/shield bar, so 28k health + more defenses and Riposte pad any damage and then one Honor the Dead and I'm back to almost full health. A dodge roll here also gives me time to recover from those brutal first stam assaults.

    My magplar is high elf but I've been debating swapping to argonian. Is the damage, and max mag really not that much of a loss on the switch?

    I don't notice a difference in damage and the sustain and survivability is much better.

    I just turned into a lizard it's way better

    Lizards will once again rule the planet!

    This is insanely better man I can't belive I was a filthy high elf for a year.

    What pots do yall run?

    Speed/immov/stam ... mostly so I don't have to slot Toppling

    I almost only use tripots as a high elf, only reason i wanna go argonian is to open that up some.

    That's exactly where I was at I just swapped to lizard and now I can use speed lingering health and speed imov it's wonderful.

    My only problem is i love the regen bonus too mag and stam from tripots too. Almost irreplaceable for the way i play.

    I run shackle so the Stam regen is not a problem my mag regen is lower as a argonian but I'm actually sustaining better. Lingering speed pots
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Can someone try this out/rate this pvp build?
    I made it up last night.

    Templar: (assume all gear is gold)

    Head: slime craw (light nirn)
    Shoulder: slime craw (light nirn)
    Chest: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Legs: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Gloves: impreg (light nirn)
    Sash: impreg (light nirn)
    Boots: impreg (light nirn)

    Neck: rattle cage (infused reduce cost)
    Ring1: impreg (infused sp dmg)
    Ring2: impreg (infused sp dmg)

    Weapon1: rattle cage (sharpened 2h)
    Weapon2: s&b (willpower)

    Lover or atro mundus (depending on how your sustain is)

    Explosive charge/Punct sweeps?, forward momentum, dark flare, BoL, mage light

    Channeled focus (major resolve&ward), Radiant glory (execute), extended ritual, BoL, Luminous shards

    Need tri-stat glyph & max mag/mag regen food or citrus fillet if you want more health

    Interested to hear thoughts, thanks!


    I've ran very similar builds and always had the same issue of damage being to low or good damage and terrible sustain.

    I don't know what it is with rattle cage but Everytime I build with it something Is always lacking whether it's sustain or to low Stam.

    I’m currently running Shackle w Rattlecage and I like it. The extra stam lets me use Witchmothers so my recovery is really nice.

    I'm running shackle and kags I use tri food and run lower regen but I'm argonian. It's the absolute best set up I've ever ran on my Templar I'm having a blast for once instead of block casting heals til I'm dead.
  • Minno
    Kartalin wrote: »
    It’s been a long time since nirnhoned was meta on armor. Reinforced is currently better than nirn because it improves both spell and physical resists.

    You can run reinforced on your chest but will probably be better off with divines or sturdy on the rest depending on how you play, or perhaps infused on big pieces.

    Both increase your spell/physical. Reinforced just increases by a percentage whereas nirnhoned provides a flat bonus.

    So for chest, reinforced would give like 3215 armor versus nirn 3073 (gold) but belt gives 301 more resists than base value on gold whereas reinforced gives only gives 124 more resists than the base armor.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • SneaK
    SneaK wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »

    You're also one of the best players on PC NA :wink:

    Thanks, but I wouldn't give myself that much credit. I just consider myself "consistent" :)

    What’s your race. The issue I see happening is a competent stam player getting the jump on you and not being able to recover or you end up stuck on defense. Especially since your front bar is a staff.

    Personally I would swap entropy with total dark. And remove toppling charge completely, it’s not needed.

    Sorry, forgot to add that. I'm Argonian (I used to be High Elf).

    Do you mean switch the positions of Total Dark and Entropy? I've considered it but I like having access to TD without needing to switch bars when going on the offensive. I usually start off on my shield bar and start out with an Entropy and Vamp Bane, then go to my destro bar and cast Total Dark when combat is starting.

    As far as Toppling Charge goes, it will never leave my bar ;) I don't know how people play without it. The only answers I've heard from various non-gapclosing Magplars about what they do when a sorc streaks away or a stam player sprints, they say they let them go. That's not me, I'll Toppling Charge a sorc to the ends of the Earth. Toppling also gives you more maneuverability, letting you quickly gap close away from a large group to a single target when trying to avoid getting outnumbered. It's also an interrupt and another source of off-balance for the CP off balance 10% damage passive.

    I survive almost all gank attempts (Xv1 ganking aside), and when not fighting I'm on my 1h/shield bar, so 28k health + more defenses and Riposte pad any damage and then one Honor the Dead and I'm back to almost full health. A dodge roll here also gives me time to recover from those brutal first stam assaults.

    My magplar is high elf but I've been debating swapping to argonian. Is the damage, and max mag really not that much of a loss on the switch?

    I don't notice a difference in damage and the sustain and survivability is much better.

    I just turned into a lizard it's way better

    Lizards will once again rule the planet!

    This is insanely better man I can't belive I was a filthy high elf for a year.

    What pots do yall run?

    Speed/immov/stam ... mostly so I don't have to slot Toppling

    I almost only use tripots as a high elf, only reason i wanna go argonian is to open that up some.

    That's exactly where I was at I just swapped to lizard and now I can use speed lingering health and speed imov it's wonderful.

    My only problem is i love the regen bonus too mag and stam from tripots too. Almost irreplaceable for the way i play.

    I run shackle so the Stam regen is not a problem my mag regen is lower as a argonian but I'm actually sustaining better. Lingering speed pots
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Can someone try this out/rate this pvp build?
    I made it up last night.

    Templar: (assume all gear is gold)

    Head: slime craw (light nirn)
    Shoulder: slime craw (light nirn)
    Chest: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Legs: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Gloves: impreg (light nirn)
    Sash: impreg (light nirn)
    Boots: impreg (light nirn)

    Neck: rattle cage (infused reduce cost)
    Ring1: impreg (infused sp dmg)
    Ring2: impreg (infused sp dmg)

    Weapon1: rattle cage (sharpened 2h)
    Weapon2: s&b (willpower)

    Lover or atro mundus (depending on how your sustain is)

    Explosive charge/Punct sweeps?, forward momentum, dark flare, BoL, mage light

    Channeled focus (major resolve&ward), Radiant glory (execute), extended ritual, BoL, Luminous shards

    Need tri-stat glyph & max mag/mag regen food or citrus fillet if you want more health

    Interested to hear thoughts, thanks!


    I've ran very similar builds and always had the same issue of damage being to low or good damage and terrible sustain.

    I don't know what it is with rattle cage but Everytime I build with it something Is always lacking whether it's sustain or to low Stam.

    I’m currently running Shackle w Rattlecage and I like it. The extra stam lets me use Witchmothers so my recovery is really nice.

    I'm running shackle and kags I use tri food and run lower regen but I'm argonian. It's the absolute best set up I've ever ran on my Templar I'm having a blast for once instead of block casting heals til I'm dead.

    Yea I’m a fan of Shacklebreaker. My build is still somewhat incomplete cause I’d like to use some of the new skills and haven’t grinded those out yet. But using Shackle I think will let me play with my enchants a lot more so I’m excited nonetheless.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Bosmer Nightblade AR 32 - Altmer Templar AR 26 - Dunmer Dragonknight AR 18 - Altmer Sorcerer AR 20 - Khajiit Dragonknight AR 18
    (+3 not worth mentioning, yet)
  • Kartalin
    Ahh nice, for some reason I was thinking it just buffed Spell resists. Was that what it was before they changed it again post-nerf?
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Mrsinister2
    SneaK wrote: »
    SneaK wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »
    Synozeer wrote: »

    You're also one of the best players on PC NA :wink:

    Thanks, but I wouldn't give myself that much credit. I just consider myself "consistent" :)

    What’s your race. The issue I see happening is a competent stam player getting the jump on you and not being able to recover or you end up stuck on defense. Especially since your front bar is a staff.

    Personally I would swap entropy with total dark. And remove toppling charge completely, it’s not needed.

    Sorry, forgot to add that. I'm Argonian (I used to be High Elf).

    Do you mean switch the positions of Total Dark and Entropy? I've considered it but I like having access to TD without needing to switch bars when going on the offensive. I usually start off on my shield bar and start out with an Entropy and Vamp Bane, then go to my destro bar and cast Total Dark when combat is starting.

    As far as Toppling Charge goes, it will never leave my bar ;) I don't know how people play without it. The only answers I've heard from various non-gapclosing Magplars about what they do when a sorc streaks away or a stam player sprints, they say they let them go. That's not me, I'll Toppling Charge a sorc to the ends of the Earth. Toppling also gives you more maneuverability, letting you quickly gap close away from a large group to a single target when trying to avoid getting outnumbered. It's also an interrupt and another source of off-balance for the CP off balance 10% damage passive.

    I survive almost all gank attempts (Xv1 ganking aside), and when not fighting I'm on my 1h/shield bar, so 28k health + more defenses and Riposte pad any damage and then one Honor the Dead and I'm back to almost full health. A dodge roll here also gives me time to recover from those brutal first stam assaults.

    My magplar is high elf but I've been debating swapping to argonian. Is the damage, and max mag really not that much of a loss on the switch?

    I don't notice a difference in damage and the sustain and survivability is much better.

    I just turned into a lizard it's way better

    Lizards will once again rule the planet!

    This is insanely better man I can't belive I was a filthy high elf for a year.

    What pots do yall run?

    Speed/immov/stam ... mostly so I don't have to slot Toppling

    I almost only use tripots as a high elf, only reason i wanna go argonian is to open that up some.

    That's exactly where I was at I just swapped to lizard and now I can use speed lingering health and speed imov it's wonderful.

    My only problem is i love the regen bonus too mag and stam from tripots too. Almost irreplaceable for the way i play.

    I run shackle so the Stam regen is not a problem my mag regen is lower as a argonian but I'm actually sustaining better. Lingering speed pots
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Can someone try this out/rate this pvp build?
    I made it up last night.

    Templar: (assume all gear is gold)

    Head: slime craw (light nirn)
    Shoulder: slime craw (light nirn)
    Chest: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Legs: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Gloves: impreg (light nirn)
    Sash: impreg (light nirn)
    Boots: impreg (light nirn)

    Neck: rattle cage (infused reduce cost)
    Ring1: impreg (infused sp dmg)
    Ring2: impreg (infused sp dmg)

    Weapon1: rattle cage (sharpened 2h)
    Weapon2: s&b (willpower)

    Lover or atro mundus (depending on how your sustain is)

    Explosive charge/Punct sweeps?, forward momentum, dark flare, BoL, mage light

    Channeled focus (major resolve&ward), Radiant glory (execute), extended ritual, BoL, Luminous shards

    Need tri-stat glyph & max mag/mag regen food or citrus fillet if you want more health

    Interested to hear thoughts, thanks!


    I've ran very similar builds and always had the same issue of damage being to low or good damage and terrible sustain.

    I don't know what it is with rattle cage but Everytime I build with it something Is always lacking whether it's sustain or to low Stam.

    I’m currently running Shackle w Rattlecage and I like it. The extra stam lets me use Witchmothers so my recovery is really nice.

    I'm running shackle and kags I use tri food and run lower regen but I'm argonian. It's the absolute best set up I've ever ran on my Templar I'm having a blast for once instead of block casting heals til I'm dead.

    Yea I’m a fan of Shacklebreaker. My build is still somewhat incomplete cause I’d like to use some of the new skills and haven’t grinded those out yet. But using Shackle I think will let me play with my enchants a lot more so I’m excited nonetheless.

    I did triune on all 3 jewlery and mag on everything else it worked out to some pretty good max stats over all.
  • WreckfulAbandon
    The only reason to is if you want to actually kill people and that type of Magplar is an endangered species.

    I know lol I was just being silly. That's the only type of Magplar I've ever played and ever will play. If you heal the group you aren't an OG Magplar you're a healbot B)
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
  • Waffennacht
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Ahh nice, for some reason I was thinking it just buffed Spell resists. Was that what it was before they changed it again post-nerf?

    Way way back when, it was just spell
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Think the issue with most people who play Templar (you can see it in this thread) is that they don’t know how diverse the Templar class is so they speak from a what’s best for all perspective. When really Templar is one of the most diverse classes in the game next to Stam sorc.
  • Joy_Division
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Can someone try this out/rate this pvp build?
    I made it up last night.

    Templar: (assume all gear is gold)

    Head: slime craw (light nirn)
    Shoulder: slime craw (light nirn)
    Chest: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Legs: rattle cage (heavy reinforced)
    Gloves: impreg (light nirn)
    Sash: impreg (light nirn)
    Boots: impreg (light nirn)

    Neck: rattle cage (infused reduce cost)
    Ring1: impreg (infused sp dmg)
    Ring2: impreg (infused sp dmg)

    Weapon1: rattle cage (sharpened 2h)
    Weapon2: s&b (willpower)

    Lover or atro mundus (depending on how your sustain is)

    Explosive charge/Punct sweeps?, forward momentum, dark flare, BoL, mage light

    Channeled focus (major resolve&ward), Radiant glory (execute), extended ritual, BoL, Luminous shards

    Need tri-stat glyph & max mag/mag regen food or citrus fillet if you want more health

    Interested to hear thoughts, thanks!


    Rattlecage is good if you aren't going to use Degeneration for Skoria.

    My instinct is that build is good damage/low resource management. Even an Argonian might have trouble since there is no staff attack option.

    I would drop Mage Light for whichever morph of Sunfire you prefer (it's the same buff), moar damage - you need pressure). Luminous isn't very good unless you're in a group. As solo I'd run Defensive Posture or, if you prefer Tamriel's version of Russian Roulette, Total Dark is strong if your opponent just smashes attack buttons.
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