Just because they decide to not make any further changes doesn't mean they chose to ignore feedback and not review them. Maybe, after review, they found the feedback unhelpful and decided to go through with the changes anyway. Just because feedback is given, doesn't mean that feedback has to be considered or that the feedback is even good.
I don't think the MA thing is a nerf, btw...
If we can contorl when it procs more, that is going to make DPS tests higher and stuff.
IMO, it's a good thing.
I already controlled the proc, I swapped to my front bar where all my high damage single target abilities were used while my DoTs were active. I applied all my DoTs on my back bar where Acuity couldn't proc.
Now I have a 15% chance on direct damage to activate it. And it might well activate on my last direct damage ability on my front bar...
So the downtime is definitely increased and the chances of it proccing right between swapping to re-apply DoTs is higher. Too big a nerf, now we all move back to other sets.
They needed to change it to 30%-35% chance on direct damage. Maaaybe if you run force pulse it's still viable since its a triple chance. But its not going to be viable for stamina toons.
A completely needless and badly thought out nerf, why not cap it at 80% or 90% crit chance instead of 100% if its over performing.
usmcjdking wrote: »
IDK, I like the nerf. I think it brings some sanity to the set and what it should be used for instead of the PVE catch-all it currently is.
Finedaible wrote: »Looks like Khajiit will remain at the bottom-of-the-barrel for any class in Summerset. Lowest health, stamina and magicka pools in the game, the smallest light and heavy attack damage from resource scaling, the lowest sustain, the only Khajiit strength (weapon critical % passive) is mitigated by Impenetrable in PvP... Not that their critical passive matters anyway since the introduction of Mechanical Acuity. Additionally, Thief and Shadow Mundus stones can no longer out-dps Warrior as far as i can tell.
So, what exactly would i choose Khajiit for this patch? Who am I kidding, there are no other races, THERE IS ONLY REDGUARD.
Aaaaaaaannnnnd another nerf to the casuals!!! GG ZOS keep ruining your game for the normal folk!!! -.-
Just keep making this game run more and more around weaving and animation cancelling and pressing as many buttons per second as possible to become Pro/Gud/Elite...
The --ONLY-- players you just nerfed is the players who don't use animation cancel CHEATING!!!
Good to see the devs now make a statement to promote cheating... sad to see this...
Every other day this game becomes more and more like an elitist game where devs only listen to the pro youtubers/twitchers who have semi-direct contacts in the dev team, and remake the whole game to their own liking so they, and only they can shine on youtube / twitch...
Why on earth would a dev nerf the casuals and favour the cheaters... it should be the other way around...
Sad to see the devs never trying to boost dps and improve gameplay for the casuals...
At the moment, the difference between in DPS between non animation cancel / weavers is WAY to high
--> Casuals: 15~20k DPS MAX
--> Animation Cancel / Weaving cheaters: 50k DPS on average with EASE
==> Solution: Nerf a good set for only casuals!!! GG!!! -.-
This set is now 1001% garbage if you don't cheat 100% of the time...
Aaaaaaaannnnnd another nerf to the casuals!!! GG ZOS keep ruining your game for the normal folk!!! -.-
Just keep making this game run more and more around weaving and animation cancelling and pressing as many buttons per second as possible to become Pro/Gud/Elite...
The --ONLY-- players you just nerfed is the players who don't use animation cancel CHEATING!!!
Good to see the devs now make a statement to promote cheating... sad to see this...
Every other day this game becomes more and more like an elitist game where devs only listen to the pro youtubers/twitchers who have semi-direct contacts in the dev team, and remake the whole game to their own liking so they, and only they can shine on youtube / twitch...
Why on earth would a dev nerf the casuals and favour the cheaters... it should be the other way around...
Sad to see the devs never trying to boost dps and improve gameplay for the casuals...
At the moment, the difference between in DPS between non animation cancel / weavers is WAY to high
--> Casuals: 15~20k DPS MAX
--> Animation Cancel / Weaving cheaters: 50k DPS on average with EASE
==> Solution: Nerf a good set for only casuals!!! GG!!! -.-
This set is now 1001% garbage if you don't cheat 100% of the time...
Joy_Division wrote: »I think it would be a good idea for ZOS to communicate in plain and meaningful terms exactly what the plan going forward with class balance.
We got changes introduced in this patch there were tested and some red flags occurred during that test phase. In the past, some of the concerns were addressed before the PTS hit Live.
Why are things different this time?
MA effect lasts only 5 sec , we still need time to swap bar ! How you guys add one more condition to MA !
I have no idea how this combat team run ! OH MY GOD !
The performance of original MA and Juli are very close , it depends on the build and play styles .
Flat value damages vs unstable damages , you get it GINA ? you really get it GINA ?
It’s not one more condition. It’s a different condition now. Sets get adjusted all the time, especially when they get too popular. It happened to BSW, it happened to Necro. The last set I golded out was Necro. I generally don’t do this any more except for weapons and glyphs as the difference between purple and gold is so small in everything else. Saves me a lot of trouble and anger. Also Gina isn’t the Combat Team.
Perfectly happy with the resources needed for golding out jewels. Not everyone should be golded out in every piece.
Acuity being nerfed isn't the end of the world alone, but it does leave Magicka struggling for a really good set where the 5pc bonus works across bars when you have a vMA staff back bar which aren't very specific on conditions.
Stamina have Briarheart which procs on crit, Advancing Yokeda which procs on melee (with jewelry retraiting). I may be missing some.
On the Magicka side we have BSW which procs only on flame damage (good for some classes, but Magplar for example won't benefit much) and Scathing Mage which procs on critical and direct damage. I'm happy to use these other sets but it would be great if the conditions and proc chance were revisited.
What happened to the famous streamers who were called to the ZoS headquarters (or wherever)? Did they suggest ZoS to recruit 10 more people for councilling on class balance?
Moondancer and Master Architect are both perfectly viable as well. Both have controlled triggers so you can front bar either of them. MA of course is Magplar/Magblade only since it needs a cheap ulti and only if in melee range. MD is the way to go otherwise.
Moondancer and Master Architect are both perfectly viable as well. Both have controlled triggers so you can front bar either of them. MA of course is Magplar/Magblade only since it needs a cheap ulti and only if in melee range. MD is the way to go otherwise.
What i could imagine is: ZOS wants to see how the changes affect their "real world" combat.
PTS is and always was very dueling centric.
This doesn´t really reflect real open world/bg encounters and might be why certain issues didn´t get adressed.
People said/say the same things about shieldbreaker they say about sload now. Yet it´s rarely used open world.
Overload potential dmg is virtually unchanged (we´re talking 10% dmg increase on a 20 to 22k hit).
Cage hardcounters squish builds - yet how often do you have time to setup a rotation open world and how many of those builds do you meet in the first place? If we´re being honest there isn´t much difference between trying to run 22k light armor builds on live and getting instagibbed from sneak without being able to defend and being caged on pts in medium 22k hp.
I´m not saying i agree with them. But i can see reasoning why things pvp related (not pve) wouldn´t get adressed due to previous pts testing and feedback.