PTS Patch Notes v4.0.4

  • Excaltic
    Item Sets

    Mechanical Acuity: This item set now only procs on direct damage instead of all damage.
    Aaaaaaaannnnnd another nerf to the casuals!!! GG ZOS keep ruining your game for the normal folk!!! -.-

    Just keep making this game run more and more around weaving and animation cancelling and pressing as many buttons per second as possible to become Pro/Gud/Elite...

    The --ONLY-- players you just nerfed is the players who don't use animation cancel CHEATING!!!

    Good to see the devs now make a statement to promote cheating... sad to see this...

    Every other day this game becomes more and more like an elitist game where devs only listen to the pro youtubers/twitchers who have semi-direct contacts in the dev team, and remake the whole game to their own liking so they, and only they can shine on youtube / twitch...

    Why on earth would a dev nerf the casuals and favour the cheaters... it should be the other way around...

    Sad to see the devs never trying to boost dps and improve gameplay for the casuals...

    At the moment, the difference between in DPS between non animation cancel / weavers is WAY to high

    --> Casuals: 15~20k DPS MAX
    --> Animation Cancel / Weaving cheaters: 50k DPS on average with EASE
    ==> Solution: Nerf a good set for only casuals!!! GG!!! -.-

    This set is now 1001% garbage if you don't cheat 100% of the time...
    Edited by Excaltic on May 14, 2018 9:15PM
  • WrathOfInnos
    Most DoTs in this game are classified as direct damage.

    @MLGProPlayer Care to elaborate on this? As far as I know this was previously limited to Warden's Swarm and Nightblade's Path. Both of these skills have been fixed to count as damage over time. Are there other DoT's that are known to proc mechanical acuity?
  • Sru
    Sorry - Acuity change is a nerf. Not needed at all. Makes it harder for people with imperfect weaves to use.
  • Minno

    @MLGProPlayer Care to elaborate on this? As far as I know this was previously limited to Warden's Swarm and Nightblade's Path. Both of these skills have been fixed to count as damage over time. Are there other DoT's that are known to proc mechanical acuity?

    he means some DOT damage has an initial direct dmg component (blood craze, poison injection, unstable core, vamps bane, etc.)

    Hitting those at the start, most likely will proc acuity and stay long enough to benefit from acuity. So it doesnt change the high end players, but helps out those that have no access to addons to check for acuity procs by letting us decide when to proc it off direct dmg instead of dots ticking in the background.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Syncronaut
    Jewelry Crafting resorces needed to craft reduced by 50%.

    I belive we miss this in patch notes.
  • testd4n1

    Wait, did you just say Mechanical Acuity daggers? You really shouldn't stack crit chance with Mechanical Acuity.

    And yes, making one set (out of many good options) completely useless does reduce build diversity. Acuity is a funny design, in that it really is not significantly better than other sets (especially if you are not built around it). It took a long time for it to catch on, then it became so popular that many were using it when they really would have been better off with other sets. It was overused but not overperforming.

    Yes. I did say daggers. The reason is I like to control my Mech Acuity procs, and with mechanics, etc, it isn't always the best time to do so. For this reason, I run two daggers. It is a conscious decision that has worked for me.
  • Waffennacht
    I'm afraid to say anything for fear they will further change the deal
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • testd4n1
    I'm afraid to say anything for fear they will further change the deal
    This is what I picture with your comment.
  • Nicko_Lps
    Acuity was working perfectly fine and perfectly balanced for all classes and both stamina/magica dpsers.


    Some did not like to use it,we had to nerf it to please the endless forum tears.
  • Shad0wfire99
    Excaltic wrote: »
    Aaaaaaaannnnnd another nerf to the casuals!!! GG ZOS keep ruining your game for the normal folk!!! -.-

    Just keep making this game run more and more around weaving and animation cancelling and pressing as many buttons per second as possible to become Pro/Gud/Elite...

    The --ONLY-- players you just nerfed is the players who don't use animation cancel CHEATING!!!

    Good to see the devs now make a statement to promote cheating... sad to see this...

    Every other day this game becomes more and more like an elitist game where devs only listen to the pro youtubers/twitchers who have semi-direct contacts in the dev team, and remake the whole game to their own liking so they, and only they can shine on youtube / twitch...

    Why on earth would a dev nerf the casuals and favour the cheaters... it should be the other way around...

    Sad to see the devs never trying to boost dps and improve gameplay for the casuals...

    At the moment, the difference between in DPS between non animation cancel / weavers is WAY to high

    --> Casuals: 15~20k DPS MAX
    --> Animation Cancel / Weaving cheaters: 50k DPS on average with EASE
    ==> Solution: Nerf a good set for only casuals!!! GG!!! -.-

    This set is now 1001% garbage if you don't cheat 100% of the time...

    OMG give it a rest with this nonsense.

    XBox NA
  • Finedaible
    Looks like Khajiit will remain at the bottom-of-the-barrel for any class in Summerset. Lowest health, stamina and magicka pools in the game, the smallest light and heavy attack damage from resource scaling, the lowest sustain, the only Khajiit strength (weapon critical % passive) is mitigated by Impenetrable in PvP... Not that their critical passive matters anyway since the introduction of Mechanical Acuity. Additionally, Thief and Shadow Mundus stones can no longer out-dps Warrior as far as i can tell.

    So, what exactly would i choose Khajiit for this patch? Who am I kidding, there are no other races, THERE IS ONLY REDGUARD.
  • Twohothardware
    Finedaible wrote: »
    Looks like Khajiit will remain at the bottom-of-the-barrel for any class in Summerset. Lowest health, stamina and magicka pools in the game, the smallest light and heavy attack damage from resource scaling, the lowest sustain, the only Khajiit strength (weapon critical % passive) is mitigated by Impenetrable in PvP... Not that their critical passive matters anyway since the introduction of Mechanical Acuity. Additionally, Thief and Shadow Mundus stones can no longer out-dps Warrior as far as i can tell.

    So, what exactly would i choose Khajiit for this patch? Who am I kidding, there are no other races, THERE IS ONLY REDGUARD.

    Don't forget Argonian with the completely broken sustain from Infused potion cooldown Jewlery in Summerset. Every Tank build the only choice is now Argonian.
  • davidj8291
    So no fixes on Werewolf fear huh? The fact that it fears through immunity and is often unbreakable even with full Stam? Or it just wasn’t taken seriously?
  • ezio45
    Finedaible wrote: »
    Looks like Khajiit will remain at the bottom-of-the-barrel for any class in Summerset. Lowest health, stamina and magicka pools in the game, the smallest light and heavy attack damage from resource scaling, the lowest sustain, the only Khajiit strength (weapon critical % passive) is mitigated by Impenetrable in PvP... Not that their critical passive matters anyway since the introduction of Mechanical Acuity. Additionally, Thief and Shadow Mundus stones can no longer out-dps Warrior as far as i can tell.

    So, what exactly would i choose Khajiit for this patch? Who am I kidding, there are no other races, THERE IS ONLY REDGUARD.

    lol no woodelf is the bottom of the barrel along with nords
  • James-Wayne
    Feanor wrote: »

    I‘d like to see you telling that to Templars for example while keeping a straight face. If I were giving feedback as @Cinbri and @Joy_Division have done I’d probably just never take part in any future PTS.
    Feanor wrote: »

    I‘d like to see you telling that to Templars for example while keeping a straight face. If I were giving feedback as @Cinbri and @Joy_Division have done I’d probably just never take part in any future PTS.

    Was just thinking the same thing... Also Templars need some decent sets to match their skillset
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

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  • JamieAubrey
    No one on page one made a 404 Patch Notes not found joke ?

  • testd4n1
    No one on page one made a 404 Patch Notes not found joke ?


    Perhaps the joke was not found.
  • RoyJade
    No one on page one made a 404 Patch Notes not found joke ?

    Not exactly what you're asking, but still here :p
  • bpmachete
    Templars are very powerful in PvP for both Stam and Magic, and somehow people are saying they should be even stronger. I don't understand that. Is it just a PvE thing?
  • MinarasLaure
    I just wasted 3 minutes of my life reading these last patch notes.
    Oh well, i guess we all will be expecting class balance in three months, just to be disappointed again, and then again in three moths, and then again... and then again.
    Boy, this game needs less new content and more fixes, but hey, fixes don't pay so...
    A great game afflicted by a bad cancer, we all know how it is going to end.
  • Aliyavana
    Excaltic wrote: »
    Aaaaaaaannnnnd another nerf to the casuals!!! GG ZOS keep ruining your game for the normal folk!!! -.-

    Just keep making this game run more and more around weaving and animation cancelling and pressing as many buttons per second as possible to become Pro/Gud/Elite...

    The --ONLY-- players you just nerfed is the players who don't use animation cancel CHEATING!!!

    Good to see the devs now make a statement to promote cheating... sad to see this...

    Every other day this game becomes more and more like an elitist game where devs only listen to the pro youtubers/twitchers who have semi-direct contacts in the dev team, and remake the whole game to their own liking so they, and only they can shine on youtube / twitch...

    Why on earth would a dev nerf the casuals and favour the cheaters... it should be the other way around...

    Sad to see the devs never trying to boost dps and improve gameplay for the casuals...

    At the moment, the difference between in DPS between non animation cancel / weavers is WAY to high

    --> Casuals: 15~20k DPS MAX
    --> Animation Cancel / Weaving cheaters: 50k DPS on average with EASE
    ==> Solution: Nerf a good set for only casuals!!! GG!!! -.-

    This set is now 1001% garbage if you don't cheat 100% of the time...

    Animation canceling is a feature
  • ccfeeling
    Thanks all MA hater, u guys won.
  • Juhasow

    There is no way to control random procs. They're RNG-bassd. And this doesn't stop DoTs from proccing it. Most DoTs in this game are classified as direct damage.

    No they're not. In few examples initial or final tick is counted as direct but rest of ticks isnt. maybe 1 or 2 skills are bugged but that's all. Saying "the most" of them is counted as direct dmg is a lie.
  • ccfeeling
    Juli absoutely stronger after ma nerfed, will Zos nerf juli as well when everyone run it? Should I gold it? Hell no idea

    To Zos, stop limit our play styles.

    There are thousand of bugs waiting you guys.
  • Tyreal1974
    Aliyavana wrote: »

    Animation canceling is a feature


    Lol, animation cancelling is still around because the dev's could not fix it when the bug was discovered! While I do not think animation cancelling is cheating, it is a "bug/feature" that I do not use because I do not want to take the time to figure it out. IMO frantically button mashing is not fun and I play this game to relax.
    Edited by Tyreal1974 on May 15, 2018 12:35AM
  • b.bredfeldtub17_ESO
    Excaltic wrote: »
    Aaaaaaaannnnnd another nerf to the casuals!!! GG ZOS keep ruining your game for the normal folk!!! -.-

    How is this even remotely true? Casuals don't need performance because none of the stuff they do requires it. You can faceroll all overland in your sleep and never have legitimate fear of dying.
    Just keep making this game run more and more around weaving and animation cancelling and pressing as many buttons per second as possible to become Pro/Gud/Elite...
    I agree with weaving and animation canceling (even though I can do it excellently) but you have it twisted with the "buttons per second" thing. I'm a big fan of high apm games. If my fingers aren't twitching or if there's no synergy in timing things differently to force slower APM (heavy attacks from this game is a perfect example of where holding vs spamming is beneficial in some cases) then the gameplay is dull and also lacking in skill. Higher skill ceiling revolves around higher chances to make mistakes.
    The --ONLY-- players you just nerfed is the players who don't use animation cancel CHEATING!!!
    Again, I fail to see why this matters to you? I doubt you were doing anything that would see more than one proc per fight anyways. That, or your definition of casual is different from mine and is more in-line with my "bad player who still wants to do trials" definition.
    Why on earth would a dev nerf the casuals and favour the cheaters... it should be the other way around...
    Because making someone feel powerful when they aren't is a lie that should never be told. Stop trying to feel more special than you actually are by trying to lower the skill ceiling.
    Sad to see the devs never trying to boost dps and improve gameplay for the casuals...
    Ironically this is probably one of the only dev philosophies I kinda like from ESO. Keep the river wide so there's no mistaking someone who is twice as good actually has twice the power for once. League of Legends had a brief stint in it's history where you could 1v5 if you were that much better and then they started making team coordination matter more.


    Even in the PvE environment, I'm there to dunk on people and flex my superiority. That's why meters matter, however that brings me to my next point:
    At the moment, the difference between in DPS between non animation cancel / weavers is WAY to high
    I'd say the difference between builds is a higher cause than difference in skill. I can hit 35k playing a meta build ez without even a golded weapon, but heaven forbid I don't use a dumb bow or DoTs in my build. That puts me back down to scrub 15k land, even though my skill is the same.
    This set is now 1001% garbage if you don't cheat 100% of the time...
    Set was garbage design that was overperforming versus a vast majority of the other sets that have gone untouched for an eternity anyways.

    I want a world where there's more build freedom and higher impact of skill. Nerfing overperforming sets is a step in the right direction, but they've made themselves clear they refuse to indulge actual class balance as a priority, so this change is still meaningless in terms of them getting more money from me.

  • Inklings
    Item Sets
    • Mechanical Acuity: This item set now only procs on direct damage instead of all damage.

    I'm not mad this change was done cause frankly it needed to be done months ago. But there is a major issue with this type of behavior and it needs to stop. The lack of foresight to see the issues in sets when they are released then changing them months and even years down the road after players spend months obtaining and upgrading is demoralizing and not healthy for the game. It shows a serious disconnect from the combat team and actual combat. I think they do a great job in most part when it comes down to the base numbers but there is a serious lack of game functionality foresight that needs addressed.

    Horns of the Reach DLC combat mentality: Crits to high lets nerf it into the ground.
    Very next DLC, Clockwork City mentality: Lets make a new meta set that gives high and easy controlled crit.

    Furthermore when changes this big happen there needs to be a dev comment explaining why this change was made and how it will benefit the game in their eyes. For those of us that have been around the game for a long time it seems like its more important for certain peoples ideas to be implemented in the game over whats more important for the actual game and player moral.

  • IZZEFlameLash
    DuskMarine wrote: »

    yall seriously miss the point that if they balance certain things they have to balance everything else at the same time right? their not ignoring the feedback on class balance either their working on it what yall are expecting aint possible to happen its gonna take them a while to finally push that out.

    You must be trolling if not new. ZOS doesn't work that way. ZOS in fact does almost nothing about balance and feedbacks. Have you tried reporting the exploiters when walls were virtually useless with gapclosers? They do not care about feedbacks of any kind. DKs and Templars have been asking for changes they needed to remain viable in all roles. DKs most of the times have been asking for overhaul of their passives and yet DKs are stuck with old passives and Templars are stuck with their skills that can be very very dysfunctional and in general never been looked into. They generally do not care about feedbacks. They operate in "I THINK THAT IS COOL AND I AM GONNA IMPLEMENT IT WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT BALANCE IMPACT" way. ESO Live in the past gave such impression and been proven with their actions.
    jaws343 wrote: »

    Just because they decide to not make any further changes doesn't mean they chose to ignore feedback and not review them. Maybe, after review, they found the feedback unhelpful and decided to go through with the changes anyway. Just because feedback is given, doesn't mean that feedback has to be considered or that the feedback is even good.

    Feedback thing has been over the few years. Most older players are not disgruntled just now. Same feedback, same ignoring. Gets really old.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • Juhasow
    Excaltic wrote: »
    Aaaaaaaannnnnd another nerf to the casuals!!! GG ZOS keep ruining your game for the normal folk!!! -.-

    Just keep making this game run more and more around weaving and animation cancelling and pressing as many buttons per second as possible to become Pro/Gud/Elite...

    The --ONLY-- players you just nerfed is the players who don't use animation cancel CHEATING!!!

    Good to see the devs now make a statement to promote cheating... sad to see this...

    Every other day this game becomes more and more like an elitist game where devs only listen to the pro youtubers/twitchers who have semi-direct contacts in the dev team, and remake the whole game to their own liking so they, and only they can shine on youtube / twitch...

    Why on earth would a dev nerf the casuals and favour the cheaters... it should be the other way around...

    Sad to see the devs never trying to boost dps and improve gameplay for the casuals...

    At the moment, the difference between in DPS between non animation cancel / weavers is WAY to high

    --> Casuals: 15~20k DPS MAX
    --> Animation Cancel / Weaving cheaters: 50k DPS on average with EASE
    ==> Solution: Nerf a good set for only casuals!!! GG!!! -.-

    This set is now 1001% garbage if you don't cheat 100% of the time...

    Animation cancelling is cheating ? Game is not beeing improved for casuals ? Whaaaat ?

    First of all animation cancelling was always feature supported by developers which they openly said multiple times. Lately it is even mentioned as note in level up advisor as one of the tips so since then any further complainments that it is cheating are just laughable. How something that developer openly supports and encourages people to do can be called cheating? Casuals should just get over it and finally learn it instead of QQing all the time. Some people are spending more time on complaining how light attack weaving is broken then it would take to actually learning it. It's not hard thing to learn but if it is for someone well then maybe it's time to face harsh reality that this player is just below the average.

    If You would play longer You would know how drasticly this game is casual friendly right now compared to what it used to. How casuals can even think game is going more and more elitist friendly when experienced players at the same time are complaining that game went super casual friendly and many of top players left the game or reduced their playtime because of that. Since 2015 game is non stop going more and more casual friendly so saying things like You said in 2018 is just a joke.

    You do really think that simply adding light attacks between Your skills will suddenly pump Your dps up from 15-20k to 50k ? You really belive that You can get 30-35k DPS just from light attacks ? Well if You look at parses of experienced players then You'll start to notice that something is not adding up in Your theory. I could easily go rotation without any weapon attack in it and belive me DPS would be around 2 times higher then 15-20k.

    Casuals are doing lower DPS because they first and foremost suck at the game especially when it comes to game end content. Face it and get better instead of looking for excuses which are also false.
  • Azyle1
    I don't think the MA thing is a nerf, btw...

    If we can contorl when it procs more, that is going to make DPS tests higher and stuff.

    IMO, it's a good thing.
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