Yeah I hadn't made it down that far yet, sorry about that!
Originally it was going to be only available through crown crates.
It is only available through fishing (and only in Summerset locations as far as I know) because the forums exploded with complaints about being crown crate only.
sometimes ZOS listens
I'm surprised they haven't moved this to the section where threads go to die yet.
What part of the world do you stay in? I worked in retail for several decades, it's quite common to see a 3 day sale or less, especially around holidays you'll see sales that only last for a few hours in the early day with extremely low stock on hand just to get customers in the door.
Ydrisselle wrote: »
I know; and it will be available everywhere, not only in Summerset.
I could've sworn Gina confirmed that you could only find the pages in Summerset but that pages are fished in game (not ones received in crates) would be tradeable like any other motif page. Did they change it again?
MLGProPlayer wrote: »You're like a baby whale.I know players who spend 10k+ a year.
I could've sworn Gina confirmed that you could only find the pages in Summerset but that pages are fished in game (not ones received in crates) would be tradeable like any other motif page. Did they change it again?
I guess I don't get this mindset or what DuskMarine posted:
Congratulations, you have mad...wallet skills? How is having a large disposable income and getting an uber rare mount based on luck any kind of achievement?
I honestly would rather the "uber rare" stuff locked as skill-based rewards. You want a sense of achievement? Earn it. Or, at the very least, make it available through earning in game or purchasing for those that have the money (or don't want to spend the time because I get that's a valid point).
These days TOO MUCH is locked strictly behind massive paywalls that then, most often, also require RNG to be on your side.
The Pyandonean motif is, at least, a small step in the right direction. I hope it signals a decent turnaround in the crate/store > game trend, but I'm not holding my breath.
@DieAlteHexe nope they are not measured in hours. but then again i never saw a limited offering in ESO beeing up four a few hours. 3 Days is the least i saw if i recall correctly.
FortheloveofKrist wrote: »Why aren’t the bars representing years and the colors representing quarters?
Graph presentation: C -
Money management: D+
Creativity: A+
Orange_Islands31 wrote: »ZOS has poor sales ethics. Poor sales ethics will make your cool customers leave, and get replaced with scumbag customers.
Orange_Islands31 wrote: »
Most people are on a budget. Whales are rare drops. Yes there will always be the chance of netting some whales, but there's way more small / medium fish in the sea. IMHO there should be a focus on sustainable / long term / ethical selling / positively acknowledging consumers on budget.
More and more it appears as though the game or the studio is in serious financial trouble. There is no other reason why the monetization is this aggressive. I've said it before, but it's gotten to the point where it feels malicious.
But we have to ask ourselves, if this is aggressive, and malicious monetization, then why do we continue to help perpetuate this by continuing to play?
What's with the posts bashing OP for spending their disposal income on what they deem worthy? Plenty of us didn't mind the existence of crown crates until they changed them which wasn't long ago as evident by all the crown crate mounts I see running around. Up until then anyone could get everything they wanted.
I swear some people and their insistence to judge anothers spending habits smells of pure envy that someone can blow large sums of money at something they deem unworthy.
More and more it appears as though the game or the studio is in serious financial trouble. There is no other reason why the monetization is this aggressive. I've said it before, but it's gotten to the point where it feels malicious.
But we have to ask ourselves, if this is aggressive, and malicious monetization, then why do we continue to help perpetuate this by continuing to play?
DuskMarine wrote: »
i buy all their stuff cause there is no aggressive monetization in this game or even malicious monetization. reason being nothing in this game is pay to win if it was pay to win maybe then it would be but its not. everything in the crown store is purely cosmetic or supporting them by buying the next expansion in the game.
now surely yall want some examples of it if i think this game isnt well heres some. ALMOST everything EA has ever made has those types of microtransactions and most still do(even after the giant controversy). TROVE a game created by trion where practically you can buy stuff to augment your stats and buy emblems to make your damage go upwards of 300% or higher. DESTINY 2 and their EVERVERSE system where is the only real place to get better vehicles and the only way to get your hands on exotic ghost shells.
all of those form what aggressive or malicious monetization is zenimax doesnt do anything along these lines in any way shape or form.