ZO$ you killed the whale !

Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/673215
  • DieAlteHexe
    Sevn wrote: »

    Yeah I hadn't made it down that far yet, sorry about that!

    No worries! It's a good point and I did ask to be corrected. :)

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Ydrisselle
    Noisivid wrote: »

    Originally it was going to be only available through crown crates.

    It is only available through fishing (and only in Summerset locations as far as I know) because the forums exploded with complaints about being crown crate only.

    sometimes ZOS listens

    I know; and it will be available everywhere, not only in Summerset.
  • Rickter
    Kodrac wrote: »
    I'm surprised they haven't moved this to the section where threads go to die yet.

    Yeah, me too. This thread can basically be summed up as:

    "I have waaaaaay too much disposable income and spent some of it in a video game which it then took me (how long?) to generate buyer's remorse. When I realized how much I screwed myself over, I became angry. At myself. And in turn, blamed a business in business to make money, for my financial irresponsibility."

    Followed by: everyone giving OP a pat on the back and calling him a hero and agreeing because. . . he made a pretty chart in excel.

    Moral of the story: draw a line before you buy into these schemes and make sure your hard earned money is going to something worthwhile to you - like a tattoo, cuz . . . #norefunds

    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • RouDeR
    And here i am crying in the corner with my 350$ monthly Salary ....
  • Nestor
    Sevn wrote: »

    What part of the world do you stay in? I worked in retail for several decades, it's quite common to see a 3 day sale or less, especially around holidays you'll see sales that only last for a few hours in the early day with extremely low stock on hand just to get customers in the door.

    I am someone who spends a month or 4 making a decision about new appliances or furniture or similar*. Drives my GF nuts. Anyway, this puts me in a unique position as I shop either ads on line or stores for various things for a while before buying. All those limited time 3 day sales come up on a weekly or biweekly basis. And, the sale prices are usually the same for each sale. So, really what we have is limited times when you can pay full price for something and most of the time where you can pay the sale price.

    For the record, I live in the Western US.

    *of course if I am replacing something that is broke, I take way less time.

    Edited by Nestor on May 9, 2018 6:34PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • heaven13
    Ydrisselle wrote: »

    I know; and it will be available everywhere, not only in Summerset.

    I could've sworn Gina confirmed that you could only find the pages in Summerset but that pages are fished in game (not ones received in crates) would be tradeable like any other motif page. Did they change it again?
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
    Defanged the Devourer | Nature's Wrath | Relentless Raider | True Genius | Bane of Thorns | Subterranean Smasher | Ardent Bibliophile

    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • DieAlteHexe
    heaven13 wrote: »

    I could've sworn Gina confirmed that you could only find the pages in Summerset but that pages are fished in game (not ones received in crates) would be tradeable like any other motif page. Did they change it again?

    I thought so too...

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Kanar
    Doesn't matter if one whale goes away; another will appear in his place. Doesn't matter what you do or say or where you take your money when there's low hanging fruit for companies to pick. If you're not a whale, then you're just another NPC in the game to entertain the real customer.


    If you don't like the over-monetization of ESO then just leave and find a different game, because this one is closer to EA than it is to EverQuest (or any other pre-microtransaction game).
  • MLGProPlayer
    You're like a baby whale. :tongue: I know players who spend 10k+ a year.
  • RedJoker
    I'm not a whale, but I've been here since Beta. I used to spend money in the Crown Store, but not so much anymore. The Crown Crates are a real turnoff for me personally. I lose money and never seem to get what I want. ZOS needs money and I don't mind supporting the game I love. I just don't want to do it through gambling.
  • Gargath
    4,2k real money spent on crown crates lol, I don't envy you, really. I would feel terribly after spending so much money and still in a mood to complain. Probably I'd stop playing.
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Sevn
    What's with the posts bashing OP for spending their disposal income on what they deem worthy? Plenty of us didn't mind the existence of crown crates until they changed them which wasn't long ago as evident by all the crown crate mounts I see running around. Up until then anyone could get everything they wanted.

    I swear some people and their insistence to judge anothers spending habits smells of pure envy that someone can blow large sums of money at something they deem unworthy.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Cpt_Teemo
    You're like a baby whale. :tongue: I know players who spend 10k+ a year.

    or 30k in just a day

  • Ydrisselle
    heaven13 wrote: »

    I could've sworn Gina confirmed that you could only find the pages in Summerset but that pages are fished in game (not ones received in crates) would be tradeable like any other motif page. Did they change it again?

    Hmm, it seems I was misinformed and you can only fish them in Summerset... sorry.
  • DuskMarine
    heaven13 wrote: »

    I guess I don't get this mindset or what DuskMarine posted:
    Congratulations, you have mad...wallet skills? How is having a large disposable income and getting an uber rare mount based on luck any kind of achievement?

    I honestly would rather the "uber rare" stuff locked as skill-based rewards. You want a sense of achievement? Earn it. Or, at the very least, make it available through earning in game or purchasing for those that have the money (or don't want to spend the time because I get that's a valid point).

    These days TOO MUCH is locked strictly behind massive paywalls that then, most often, also require RNG to be on your side.

    The Pyandonean motif is, at least, a small step in the right direction. I hope it signals a decent turnaround in the crate/store > game trend, but I'm not holding my breath.

    the reason i whale is mostly cause i like how something looks or i want something very badly(even if i have to buy hundreds of something to get it) eso is no different. i dropped 15$ a battle chest on sc2, and monster hunter stickers and costumes hairstyles oh my lol. but yea im a massive whale in video games if i like the game and so far eso, sc2 and monster hunter are where i whale like mad.
  • Grimm13
    Xuhora wrote: »
    @DieAlteHexe nope they are not measured in hours. but then again i never saw a limited offering in ESO beeing up four a few hours. 3 Days is the least i saw if i recall correctly.

    Black Fridas is a one day sale

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • FortheloveofKrist
    Why aren’t the bars representing years and the colors representing quarters?

    Graph presentation: C -
    Money management: D+
    Creativity: A+
  • Eyro
    Why aren’t the bars representing years and the colors representing quarters?

    Graph presentation: C -
    Money management: D+
    Creativity: A+

    I didn’t even know this forum had a graph police! :p
    Edited by Eyro on May 9, 2018 10:20PM
  • Tucker3711
    What is a whale?
    @Tucker311- PC
    Nord Beth Rose (EP)
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    High Elf Hestia du foyer (AD)
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    Hotstuff Queen
  • Jayman1000
    I feel exactly like that. With limited item sales you may miss out. And when that happens, you then know that your collection will NEVER be complete. So why continue collecting? But I guess the business model is not really targeted at collectors, propably more at casual whales in general and the limited sales triggers their shopping impulses or something like that.
  • hexnotic
    Edited by hexnotic on November 16, 2020 1:17PM
  • Cpt_Teemo
    ZOS has poor sales ethics. Poor sales ethics will make your cool customers leave, and get replaced with scumbag customers.

    Whales will keep buying regardless, but they'll lose out on the majority of the common folk
  • hexnotic
    Edited by hexnotic on November 16, 2020 1:18PM
  • Cpt_Teemo

    Most people are on a budget. Whales are rare drops. Yes there will always be the chance of netting some whales, but there's way more small / medium fish in the sea. IMHO there should be a focus on sustainable / long term / ethical selling / positively acknowledging consumers on budget.

    Agreed, pulling back on discounts, adding nearly every new piece of content cash shop only is going in the wrong direction fast.
  • JJBoomer
    More and more it appears as though the game or the studio is in serious financial trouble. There is no other reason why the monetization is this aggressive. I've said it before, but it's gotten to the point where it feels malicious.

    But we have to ask ourselves, if this is aggressive, and malicious monetization, then why do we continue to help perpetuate this by continuing to play?
  • DuskMarine
    JJBoomer wrote: »
    More and more it appears as though the game or the studio is in serious financial trouble. There is no other reason why the monetization is this aggressive. I've said it before, but it's gotten to the point where it feels malicious.

    But we have to ask ourselves, if this is aggressive, and malicious monetization, then why do we continue to help perpetuate this by continuing to play?

    i buy all their stuff cause there is no aggressive monetization in this game or even malicious monetization. reason being nothing in this game is pay to win if it was pay to win maybe then it would be but its not. everything in the crown store is purely cosmetic or supporting them by buying the next expansion in the game.

    now surely yall want some examples of it if i think this game isnt well heres some. ALMOST everything EA has ever made has those types of microtransactions and most still do(even after the giant controversy). TROVE a game created by trion where practically you can buy stuff to augment your stats and buy emblems to make your damage go upwards of 300% or higher. DESTINY 2 and their EVERVERSE system where is the only real place to get better vehicles and the only way to get your hands on exotic ghost shells.

    all of those form what aggressive or malicious monetization is zenimax doesnt do anything along these lines in any way shape or form.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Sevn wrote: »
    What's with the posts bashing OP for spending their disposal income on what they deem worthy? Plenty of us didn't mind the existence of crown crates until they changed them which wasn't long ago as evident by all the crown crate mounts I see running around. Up until then anyone could get everything they wanted.

    I swear some people and their insistence to judge anothers spending habits smells of pure envy that someone can blow large sums of money at something they deem unworthy.

    Some people cant get passed the idea that someone else has more money and how they choose to spend it. Apparently OP should of checked with all of these Forum Financial Advisers before even thinking about spending his/her money the way they wanted.

    What this should tell people is that its large purchasing power like the OP thats driving up the prices in the Crown Store. ZOS looks at their analytics and sees that there are very deep pockets playing the game and maneuvers things to attract them to spend even more. The end result is the small fry player that is probably barely hanging onto their ESO+ is left behind. Because theyll continue to commit what little they can afford to spare for the game but they arent going to drop a few thousand dollars over the course of a year for Crates. Its probably why something like ESO+ offers so much but asks for so little. Ultimately ZOS can take that as a loss since OP and others are spending that hundreds of times over.

    Anyone that thinks they are "supporting" the game with their small fry 7 dollar purchases here and there are delusional. ZOS and ESO are no longer in dire straights. They are not only making profit hand over fist but they are wiping their ***es with 100 dollar bills. Things like Motif Pages dropping in Crown Crates are pretty clear signs that the target demographic ZOS is after is not even close to the poverty line.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
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    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Eyro
    JJBoomer wrote: »
    More and more it appears as though the game or the studio is in serious financial trouble. There is no other reason why the monetization is this aggressive. I've said it before, but it's gotten to the point where it feels malicious.

    But we have to ask ourselves, if this is aggressive, and malicious monetization, then why do we continue to help perpetuate this by continuing to play?

    I would be surprised if it was in trouble. If it is then they have done something horribly horribly wrong.

    I think it is likely just a business being a business. Once you find something that makes money, the next questions is how to make more.
  • Cpt_Teemo
    DuskMarine wrote: »

    i buy all their stuff cause there is no aggressive monetization in this game or even malicious monetization. reason being nothing in this game is pay to win if it was pay to win maybe then it would be but its not. everything in the crown store is purely cosmetic or supporting them by buying the next expansion in the game.

    now surely yall want some examples of it if i think this game isnt well heres some. ALMOST everything EA has ever made has those types of microtransactions and most still do(even after the giant controversy). TROVE a game created by trion where practically you can buy stuff to augment your stats and buy emblems to make your damage go upwards of 300% or higher. DESTINY 2 and their EVERVERSE system where is the only real place to get better vehicles and the only way to get your hands on exotic ghost shells.

    all of those form what aggressive or malicious monetization is zenimax doesnt do anything along these lines in any way shape or form.

    But ZoS is starting to lock all major content behind expansions mostly now, and all mounts/pets/costumes behind pay walls as well, rather than in game achievements and such you know like actually playing the game to obtain things rather then just keep spending your irl $
  • Emmagoldman
    I reduced for the same reasons. The items also are getting blander. You can only reskin things so many times.....A brand new Elk mount!!!!! Ok...now its green!!!!!....now red.........did you buy the rare glowing one? No need for 10 dif color elk mounts....
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