But ZoS is starting to lock all major content behind expansions mostly now, and all mounts/pets/costumes behind pay walls as well, rather than in game achievements and such you know like actually playing the game to obtain things rather then just keep spending your irl $
DuskMarine wrote: »
a whale drops thousands to tens of thousands a year
DuskMarine wrote: »
a whale drops thousands to tens of thousands a year
DuskMarine wrote: »
still doesnt hold anything that makes it malicious or aggressive monetization. the mounts do nothing for you, costumes do nothing for you, pets are not like the ones in wow they do nothing for you they are all cosmetic. also major content being behind expansions has been a thing in rpgs for the longest time its nothing new to any of us who have been playing for as long as we can remember for big companies. its expected because why would they not monetize it. theres so many games that made you have to buy an expansion or another game entirely to get to the next part of the story or major content they decided to add to it but waited for another game. its something we all have to deal with. its not like im paying for godlike armor or godlike weapons that give me max stats........paying for expansions are no issue.
That's a lot of money to spend on in-game items.
DuskMarine wrote: »
i have no problem with anything zos has done and im a major whale in this game. they have only done right by us in many ways. but one thing you have to understand a mega rare mount shouldnt be buyable with the gems. thats like going to the casino and hitting the jackpot its meant to feel like an accomplishment. but i have the ability to whale out on 3 games not just eso, starcraft 2, and also monster hunter but i whale out extensively on the games cause i enjoy their direction. the monetization of this game isnt even remotely predatory which is nice imho but after playing anything owned by ea you tend to feel that way with a game like eso.
Ok, well what's the point of collectors still playing the game once they obtained all motifs, patterns, recipes in game and have nothing else to collect? Why bother having it all cash shop only content, and also I never have played any MMO so far that has locked a base crafting skill line behind an expansion ever, even if WoW did it before I started WoW after they changed it thankfully.
Or that guy that spent 30k in just one day on SC
stop blaming a company for trying to make money or the way they do it
if you are dumb enuf to throw money at them for pets, mounts, houses, cosmetics and all that useless and utterly pointless crap you deserve to be taken advantage of.
you are the problem, not ZOS!
stop blaming a company for trying to make money or the way they do it (unless it's actually hurting people or the environment). if you are dumb enuf to throw money at them for pets, mounts, houses, cosmetics and all that useless and utterly pointless crap you deserve to be taken advantage of.
it's people like you why mmo's are this way today and developers seem to spend more time and resources on bunny ears for the ingame shop instead of real content, so you get to have that 9,99,-EUR thrill that last for 5 minutes.
I don't understand the appeal of collecting game items thru a RNG pay wall; however, I do see why they continue doing so. There's probably thousands just you, I can't imagine the killing they are making and I don't blame them for continuing this path even though its a shame.
Orange_Islands31 wrote: »
Most people are on a budget. Whales are rare drops. Yes there will always be the chance of netting some whales, but there's way more small / medium fish in the sea. IMHO there should be a focus on sustainable / long term / ethical selling / positively acknowledging consumers on budget.
What do you propose then, for a game to make money? It's a business after all, not your Mom.
Why should everything be free?
I understand this mentality far less than I do buying what you want in game (or anything in life).
People buying the base game for 20 bucks aren't really a benefit to anyone but themselves; and given the level of 'give us X for free' not even themselves, really.
Money has to come from somewhere.
If I were those people who don't want to buy anything or pay a sub, I'd just pipe down and enjoy my free ride.
@Kuramas9tailsKuramas9tails wrote: »@Jerkling I am on a marketing team for a billion dollar company and I can tell you, seeing statistics of marketing strategies are VERY useful. Although this post is just one example they have presented to ZOS, there are many more out there. Finding trends that actually hinder a buyer is ZOS's problem, not the buyer. As you can see, the buyer is willing to spend a large amount of money and presenting their discomfort as to why a strategy they changed is actually causing them to spend less. I also float that boat and since the Radiant Apex mounts were introduced, I have spent less on crown crates.
It's not so much blaming ZOS's for them spending money. It's more or less one statistic from one buyer and what has caused them to spend less and why.
This should be a simple understanding even for someone who is not on a marketing team.
@MureelWhat do you propose then, for a game to make money? It's a business after all, not your Mom.
Why should everything be free?
I understand this mentality far less than I do buying what you want in game (or anything in life).
People buying the base game for 20 bucks aren't really a benefit to anyone but themselves; and given the level of 'give us X for free' not even themselves, really.
Money has to come from somewhere.
If I were those people who don't want to buy anything or pay a sub, I'd just pipe down and enjoy my free ride.
Ever watch some of the industry presentations on monetization? Far too much focus on the 5% or less considered "whales". I have always said the same to myself - why are they spending so much time on how to monetize that 5% rather than figuring out how to capture more of that 95%?
So far, they only thing the industry seems to have come up with to try to get that 95% is forced monetization through painful game play experiences if you don't spend. So what do they get, people spending even less because they become resentful at being forced/coerced into spending.
Seems the whole business model is as fragile as a wet paper towel.
Charliff1966 wrote: »
Or the 5% is spending far more then the 95% together will be doing.
Ok, well what's the point of collectors still playing the game once they obtained all motifs, patterns, recipes in game and have nothing else to collect? Why bother having it all cash shop only content, and also I never have played any MMO so far that has locked a base crafting skill line behind an expansion ever, even if WoW did it before I started WoW after they changed it thankfully.
i think you're missing my point. the OP was complaining about ZOS adding more items to the crown crates item pool which would lead to him spending more money if he/she was to get all the items available, calling ZOS greedy. but you can not blame a company for trying to make more money by refining strategies that worked. and it obviously worked great to far since the OP was happy to throw thousands of Euros at them.
No doubt ZOS isn't/wouldn't be happy losing a cash cow like that, but i'm confident ZOS has capable people in their marketing/economics team who know how to utilize a inverse demand funktion.
maybe you should read again what i actually wrote and not assume/imply what i might have meant, because at no point am i saying anyone should get anything for free. i'm actually one of the last ones to ask for free stuff, but i'd rather have actual content (new zones, quest, dungeons etc) than useless pets and all that idiotic cosmetic nonsense that the majority seems to like so much.
btw, even if i were enjoying this game for free i'd still be a benefit to others as i'd make this game feel more alive and active. a concept you might not yet have heard of or thought about, but it's important for a game that players feel there is a vibrant community invested in it.