you are the problem, not ZOS!
stop blaming a company for trying to make money or the way they do it (unless it's actually hurting people or the environment). if you are dumb enuf to throw money at them for pets, mounts, houses, cosmetics and all that useless and utterly pointless crap you deserve to be taken advantage of.
it's people like you why mmo's are this way today and developers seem to spend more time and resources on bunny ears for the ingame shop instead of real content, so you get to have that 9,99,-EUR thrill that last for 5 minutes.
thats just marketing... The coffee seller in my City has limited editions and i allways catch my self buying the doubled ammount because i know it will be gone soon. For the love of god i could actually buy unicorn froot loops in the market next to my house as a limited edition. The scheme works, and thus will continue.
b.bredfeldtub17_ESO wrote: »
Most people can't afford most things they buy. They buy them and make bad financial decisions because it's just what they want, not because they can actually meet all other obligations or commonly accepted practices of success (such as maxxing 401k).
well, you obviously didn't comprehend what i was saying since you went on about how else ZOS is suppose to make money, free stuff and whatever kind of mentality.Just because I utterly disagree with you does not mean I do not comprehend what you're saying.
People who do not sub/buy anything are freeloaders and the rest of us pay their way.
Also, it's 'infer' not imply.
Malamar1229 wrote: »
This is overall a dumb comment considering this games a hobby for most of us. How is his spending any different than spending 4k euros on fishing equipment, sports cards, or any other hobby?
I've spent several thousands too, did not make a video or an announcement about it though
Star Citizen was and is the dream game, the AAA title founded entirely by its playerbase.
So we can finally have a proper game, no shortcuts taken, no editor "choices" or censorship, no restrictions because of deadlines or other shareholders sharks sheanigans.
Spent thousands, would do again, perhaps more.
I've spent several thousands too, did not make a video or an announcement about it though
Star Citizen was and is the dream game, the AAA title founded entirely by its playerbase.
So we can finally have a proper game, no shortcuts taken, no editor "choices" or censorship, no restrictions because of deadlines or other shareholders sharks sheanigans.
Spent thousands, would do again, perhaps more.
EXACTLY. This is me as well. I have been playing since Beta. Collected Recipes, Motifs, Furniture , etc., and now I've given up. I spent ~$1K each year and love this game. Now I'm playing less even though I love the content, questing, and am excited about Sommerset, but I can no longer keep up. Last straw was the recent 20% Crown sale which really hacked me off. I am done collecting in ESO.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »
Because those items you mention are tangible items. Those sports cards still hold value should you wish to recoup your money in some capacity. In game items are made from fresh air. Tangible items and in game items aren't comparable in any way. You never actually own anything you buy in game. One exists, the other is only available to you until the people selling them decide to close down the servers, which will happen. Then what are you left with?
@Jerkling If you read his entire post, he's making an observation as to why he's not spending as much one reason is due to the amount of things not avilable for purchase with gems. Thus is why he said "added items you could not get through the gems". Many people have been put off spending more money for a slim RNG (last I saw, only one person on the add-on for PC won the RA senche mount). When crown crates were first introduced, everything you could win in them you could get with gems. Now they are adding more items which you cannot get with gems which would, in turn, cause some people to be put off and spend less (such as OP, myself, and many other commenters).@Kuramas9tails
i think you're missing my point. the OP was complaining about ZOS adding more items to the crown crates item pool which would lead to him spending more money if he/she was to get all the items available, calling ZOS greedy. but you can not blame a company for trying to make more money by refining strategies that worked. and it obviously worked great to far since the OP was happy to throw thousands of Euros at them.
No doubt ZOS isn't/wouldn't be happy losing a cash cow like that, but i'm confident ZOS has capable people in their marketing/economics team who know how to utilize a inverse demand funktion.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
Some people cant get passed the idea that someone else has more money and how they choose to spend it. Apparently OP should of checked with all of these Forum Financial Advisers before even thinking about spending his/her money the way they wanted.
What this should tell people is that its large purchasing power like the OP thats driving up the prices in the Crown Store. ZOS looks at their analytics and sees that there are very deep pockets playing the game and maneuvers things to attract them to spend even more. The end result is the small fry player that is probably barely hanging onto their ESO+ is left behind. Because theyll continue to commit what little they can afford to spare for the game but they arent going to drop a few thousand dollars over the course of a year for Crates. Its probably why something like ESO+ offers so much but asks for so little. Ultimately ZOS can take that as a loss since OP and others are spending that hundreds of times over.
Anyone that thinks they are "supporting" the game with their small fry 7 dollar purchases here and there are delusional. ZOS and ESO are no longer in dire straights. They are not only making profit hand over fist but they are wiping their ***es with 100 dollar bills. Things like Motif Pages dropping in Crown Crates are pretty clear signs that the target demographic ZOS is after is not even close to the poverty line.
Charliff1966 wrote: »
What are you left with after going out for dinner, hollidays, movies?
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »
@Charliff1966 Yet another awful analogy that gets banded about here. Eating out, going to the movies etc have zero to do with gaming. Good luck building memories and keeping family and friend relationships together if all you do is sit and face 4 walls every day. Eating out, going to the movies, holidays etc are usually social events that allow us to do just that, to socialise, build memories and evolve relationships. If all you and your wife/husband/partner/kids care about is sitting facing a screen all day, for 365 days of the year, for every waking moment, then that's your prerogative if that's how your relationships with those people work. However, most relationships need more.
You have 1 more analogy left, pizzanomics.
I feel sad that you are so willing to call yourself a "Whale" (The derogative term made by the Triple A industry to call the people who spend a lot of money on a game). Get some dignity back, man!
However, I do agree that the monetization tactics that are being used and implemented seem to be much more orientated towards trying to squeeze money out of people.
I remember a time when cosmetic items were unlocks that you got through playing the game. Nowadays, this seems much more of a foreign concept. Now it's all about those live services and lootboxes and ***.
And the worst part is, people are perfectly okay with this.
Orange_Islands31 wrote: »
Many fair points made in this post. Time = money. There's no way around it. Time is all we have.
That being said, spending real money on riding lessons, assistants, crafting utility, race change, and inventory all make sense. Let's just make the game pay to win (I AM KIDDING). I wish there was more sensible options in the crown store, but majority is frivolous junk that a lot of us regret purchasing. Buyer's remorse is something that the buyer must learn from, so that they can make better buying decisions in the future. It is an expensive lesson that teaches us to be more careful, and skeptical of companies asking for our money. Perhaps we should be thanking ZOS for teaching us this valuable yet painful lesson?
Orange_Islands31 wrote: »
Many fair points made in this post. Time = money. There's no way around it. Time is all we have.
That being said, spendinh real money on riding lessons, assistants, crafting utility, race change, and inventory all make sense. I wish there was more sensible options in the crown store, but majority is frivolous junk that a lot of us regret purchasing. Buyer's remorse is something that the buyer must learn from, so that they can make better buying decisions in the future. It is an expensive lesson that teaches us to be more careful, and skeptical of companies asking for our money. Perhaps we should be thanking ZOS for teaching us this valuable yet painful lesson?
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »
Because those items you mention are tangible items. Those sports cards still hold value should you wish to recoup your money in some capacity. In game items are made from fresh air. Tangible items and in game items aren't comparable in any way. You never actually own anything you buy in game. One exists, the other is only available to you until the people selling them decide to close down the servers, which will happen. Then what are you left with?