Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »Another thing we have to consider is that Fire and cold fire siege is completely ineffective against ball groups (even when massed). i dont know if they removed the AOE cap on Purge but it feels like it. fire siege is the only way PuGs can counter organized ball groups.
Shadowmaster wrote: »Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »Another thing we have to consider is that Fire and cold fire siege is completely ineffective against ball groups (even when massed). i dont know if they removed the AOE cap on Purge but it feels like it. fire siege is the only way PuGs can counter organized ball groups.
I had a meatbag and a coldfire ballista the other day I was running between on the Chalman walls while the DC zergball ran down the hill.
I could hit the zergball with EACH of them, and none of them were dying. At some point siege has to be worth something. Right now when I did this (admittedly anecdotal, limited evidence), it just seems like siege only kills noobs or solo players without healing.
So, people keep telling khajiit that AD needs to 'git gud' and use the same super good tactics adored by the guys who keep taking first place. Oh, and that the dumbminion should stop zerging so hard...
Oh, and some stuff about how certain players are all bad because they don't play as skillfully as certain other factions...
Can someone show khajiit where a certain set of someone's have begun to show skill instead of just zerging down the map like they always do?
And yesterday and the day before that, EP's map looked the same as yours does now.
I wish everyone would stop grabbing screenshots of moments that suit their agenda. Then again the corn is good and ripe.
This one wishes elves playing on factions that have guilds notorious for doing unsavory things would stop making these threads in the first place. Seriously, this is like the blurteemleenth one Telel has seen.
Until then khajiit will most politely point out they could be mocking people for being words involving hippos. Words which would have certain things critical to a matter. But khajiit is not doing that as it would be rude.
Plus this one has already made some sad sad griffs cry, and wail, and try to make naughty videos involving Telel's much beloved voice.
Translation anyone?
Some people are silly , and should not light torches when covered in baby oil.
Fortunately Telel is to polite to say that with great seriousness.
Also, certain EP scrubs who like to troll AD zone chat are thin skinned crybabies.
PenguinInACan wrote: »Shadowmaster wrote: »Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »Another thing we have to consider is that Fire and cold fire siege is completely ineffective against ball groups (even when massed). i dont know if they removed the AOE cap on Purge but it feels like it. fire siege is the only way PuGs can counter organized ball groups.
I had a meatbag and a coldfire ballista the other day I was running between on the Chalman walls while the DC zergball ran down the hill.
I could hit the zergball with EACH of them, and none of them were dying. At some point siege has to be worth something. Right now when I did this (admittedly anecdotal, limited evidence), it just seems like siege only kills noobs or solo players without healing.
Siege should only kill noobs and solo players. If someone hasn't figured out how to avoid the giant red "I am going to do bad things to you" circle they deserve to reap the be benefits of the siege's embrace. If someone hasn't figured out that PvP provides a nifty skill tree with a nifty skill that can poof away the bad things, they deserve to drop their proverbial ice cream.
It isn't the purge/cleanse's that should really be looked at here. It's what's causing the siege to be useless against organization. And that is more of a buff/change siege (which they are doing) thing. Until you get to the coordinated multiple stone treb hit right after a scattershot/meatbag hit stage of siege deployment, it's basically just a free VD proc/EG bait.
jimijac0me wrote: »We (DC) are playing/hitting our heads against the wall during all ya’ll off times - truth is there is stupid inbalance now in oceanic time and it really takes AD 25mins ( a qtr of the eval ) to flip the map yellow. Not sure where the off hrs DC are that 2 influential guilds needed to flip to the SAME faction but tbh its pretty impossible to do much even when we manage to get 10 in a raid.
Glad it helps the prime time AD “pugs” get farmed and still win the campaign I guess but pretty depressing and hard to keep people interested in PvP when we hit ANY objective in our playtimes and we have no less than 3 times our numbers turn up. I get that is probably how other alliances felt before? But rn there is a serious imbalance when from 7-10pm AEST when there is 1 bar blue, 2 bar red and 3-locked Yellow
I can really sympathise with this as an oceanic AD player we endured almost 18 months of it while TKG were on DC, each night we would log on and have 3 or less keeps, then spend the next 4 to 5 hours just getting our home keeps back if we were lucky, being wiped by vastly superior numbers night after night month after month. Yes some how we managed to win a couple of campaigns during that time though that was probably due to stronger US prim time showings. This was just how the campaign was for so long for us yet we toughed it out tried our best and had some fun though at times I wondered why on those nights we were crushed repeatedly.
Being on the low pop faction and getting crashed just results in people loosing heart and no longer logging in, wait til you get down to single digits for your whole faction, that's when you really loose heart, or better yet the death of a campaign because your faction cant get enough people together to bypass the gate campers.
But all you can do is what my guild mates and I did, stick it out take the fight to your enemies where you can and keep telling yourself it will get better.
But then who am I, nothing more than I mindless pug according to most on these forums.
PenguinInACan wrote: »Siege should only kill noobs and solo players. If someone hasn't figured out how to avoid the giant red "I am going to do bad things to you" circle they deserve to reap the be benefits of the siege's embrace.
jimijac0me wrote: »We (DC) are playing/hitting our heads against the wall during all ya’ll off times - truth is there is stupid inbalance now in oceanic time and it really takes AD 25mins ( a qtr of the eval ) to flip the map yellow. Not sure where the off hrs DC are that 2 influential guilds needed to flip to the SAME faction but tbh its pretty impossible to do much even when we manage to get 10 in a raid.
Glad it helps the prime time AD “pugs” get farmed and still win the campaign I guess but pretty depressing and hard to keep people interested in PvP when we hit ANY objective in our playtimes and we have no less than 3 times our numbers turn up. I get that is probably how other alliances felt before? But rn there is a serious imbalance when from 7-10pm AEST when there is 1 bar blue, 2 bar red and 3-locked Yellow
I can really sympathise with this as an oceanic AD player we endured almost 18 months of it while TKG were on DC, each night we would log on and have 3 or less keeps, then spend the next 4 to 5 hours just getting our home keeps back if we were lucky, being wiped by vastly superior numbers night after night month after month. Yes some how we managed to win a couple of campaigns during that time though that was probably due to stronger US prim time showings. This was just how the campaign was for so long for us yet we toughed it out tried our best and had some fun though at times I wondered why on those nights we were crushed repeatedly.
Being on the low pop faction and getting crashed just results in people loosing heart and no longer logging in, wait til you get down to single digits for your whole faction, that's when you really loose heart, or better yet the death of a campaign because your faction cant get enough people together to bypass the gate campers.
But all you can do is what my guild mates and I did, stick it out take the fight to your enemies where you can and keep telling yourself it will get better.
But then who am I, nothing more than I mindless pug according to most on these forums.
This a million times over. AD has had it worse during non prime hours over the past year on NA PC Vivec.
jimijac0me wrote: »We (DC) are playing/hitting our heads against the wall during all ya’ll off times - truth is there is stupid inbalance now in oceanic time and it really takes AD 25mins ( a qtr of the eval ) to flip the map yellow. Not sure where the off hrs DC are that 2 influential guilds needed to flip to the SAME faction but tbh its pretty impossible to do much even when we manage to get 10 in a raid.
Glad it helps the prime time AD “pugs” get farmed and still win the campaign I guess but pretty depressing and hard to keep people interested in PvP when we hit ANY objective in our playtimes and we have no less than 3 times our numbers turn up. I get that is probably how other alliances felt before? But rn there is a serious imbalance when from 7-10pm AEST when there is 1 bar blue, 2 bar red and 3-locked Yellow
I can really sympathise with this as an oceanic AD player we endured almost 18 months of it while TKG were on DC, each night we would log on and have 3 or less keeps, then spend the next 4 to 5 hours just getting our home keeps back if we were lucky, being wiped by vastly superior numbers night after night month after month. Yes some how we managed to win a couple of campaigns during that time though that was probably due to stronger US prim time showings. This was just how the campaign was for so long for us yet we toughed it out tried our best and had some fun though at times I wondered why on those nights we were crushed repeatedly.
Being on the low pop faction and getting crashed just results in people loosing heart and no longer logging in, wait til you get down to single digits for your whole faction, that's when you really loose heart, or better yet the death of a campaign because your faction cant get enough people together to bypass the gate campers.
But all you can do is what my guild mates and I did, stick it out take the fight to your enemies where you can and keep telling yourself it will get better.
But then who am I, nothing more than I mindless pug according to most on these forums.
This a million times over. AD has had it worse during non prime hours over the past year on NA PC Vivec.
You’re not kidding, especially when this is what AD has to deal with.
Vilestride wrote: »It's not that easy. Go watch a zerg squad video and hear Sanct screaming "more purge more purge" and the supports and healers responding with their calls on heal ults, hearing other players call out that they covering purge while the dedicated player call they are running out of magicka and that the group needs to move because it's too intense fighting under siege.
It may seem like rainbows and AP cakes from the outside but at no point can any group just 'casually ' hang out under siege. That's the point no one seems to adequately understand when they complain about how little effect their left click weapons have. It's not that is ineffective, it's that strong experienced groups have support players working their ass off to mitigate it's effect. The fact that successful large groups need to dedicate players to these roles is actually indicative of how effective it is.
VaranisArano wrote: »jimijac0me wrote: »We (DC) are playing/hitting our heads against the wall during all ya’ll off times - truth is there is stupid inbalance now in oceanic time and it really takes AD 25mins ( a qtr of the eval ) to flip the map yellow. Not sure where the off hrs DC are that 2 influential guilds needed to flip to the SAME faction but tbh its pretty impossible to do much even when we manage to get 10 in a raid.
Glad it helps the prime time AD “pugs” get farmed and still win the campaign I guess but pretty depressing and hard to keep people interested in PvP when we hit ANY objective in our playtimes and we have no less than 3 times our numbers turn up. I get that is probably how other alliances felt before? But rn there is a serious imbalance when from 7-10pm AEST when there is 1 bar blue, 2 bar red and 3-locked Yellow
I can really sympathise with this as an oceanic AD player we endured almost 18 months of it while TKG were on DC, each night we would log on and have 3 or less keeps, then spend the next 4 to 5 hours just getting our home keeps back if we were lucky, being wiped by vastly superior numbers night after night month after month. Yes some how we managed to win a couple of campaigns during that time though that was probably due to stronger US prim time showings. This was just how the campaign was for so long for us yet we toughed it out tried our best and had some fun though at times I wondered why on those nights we were crushed repeatedly.
Being on the low pop faction and getting crashed just results in people loosing heart and no longer logging in, wait til you get down to single digits for your whole faction, that's when you really loose heart, or better yet the death of a campaign because your faction cant get enough people together to bypass the gate campers.
But all you can do is what my guild mates and I did, stick it out take the fight to your enemies where you can and keep telling yourself it will get better.
But then who am I, nothing more than I mindless pug according to most on these forums.
This a million times over. AD has had it worse during non prime hours over the past year on NA PC Vivec.
You’re not kidding, especially when this is what AD has to deal with.
I love campaign maps that show a snapshot in time.
If someone is willing to make a fast forward view of a campaign map for a whole day or at least primetime, that might actually be accurate.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »fastolfv_ESO wrote: »with ad having more guilds than ep and dc combined along with the lead its safe to say dc and ep fight each other too much. Hell if i had a dollar for every time ad pvdoored ash just during primetime unopposed i could buy the entire crownstore in a few days
Stop running into Chal and letting them PVDoor it then.
While I was online yesterday, at least two DC guilds (and a bucket of pugs) spent about 2-3 hours trying to force their way through Chalman's Milegate. Both LoM and CN failed at it continuously. The entire time they were feeding EP mass amounts of AP, AD was chipping away at the southwestern keeps that DC had captured earlier, Brindle, Roe, and Nikel.
Any of those DC could have gone south and defended easily, as I had not seen many of the major AD guilds out and about all day (part of why we were at Chalman). Instead they were gifting away keeps, resources, and points to the Dominion all so they could tunnel Chalman to no strategic gain -- neither gaining the keep nor protecting what they were losing to the #1 scoring faction atm.
This sort of rank stupidity is part of why DC finished last in the previous month, and are in no danger of winning this cycle either.
Definitely too used to having KoN (and previously TKG) handhold them to victories with the off hours strength, and not used to having to actually, ya know, play the map intelligently.
MetalHead4x4 wrote: »Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »fastolfv_ESO wrote: »with ad having more guilds than ep and dc combined along with the lead its safe to say dc and ep fight each other too much. Hell if i had a dollar for every time ad pvdoored ash just during primetime unopposed i could buy the entire crownstore in a few days
Stop running into Chal and letting them PVDoor it then.
While I was online yesterday, at least two DC guilds (and a bucket of pugs) spent about 2-3 hours trying to force their way through Chalman's Milegate. Both LoM and CN failed at it continuously. The entire time they were feeding EP mass amounts of AP, AD was chipping away at the southwestern keeps that DC had captured earlier, Brindle, Roe, and Nikel.
Any of those DC could have gone south and defended easily, as I had not seen many of the major AD guilds out and about all day (part of why we were at Chalman). Instead they were gifting away keeps, resources, and points to the Dominion all so they could tunnel Chalman to no strategic gain -- neither gaining the keep nor protecting what they were losing to the #1 scoring faction atm.
This sort of rank stupidity is part of why DC finished last in the previous month, and are in no danger of winning this cycle either.
Definitely too used to having KoN (and previously TKG) handhold them to victories with the off hours strength, and not used to having to actually, ya know, play the map intelligently.
This and the fact that DC zone chat is nothing but guilds talking crap about each other and being as toxic as possible. I've been DC since beta and for the first time in 4 years, I'm thinking of switching factions. It's just non-stop BS all night every night and it centers around ONE guild.
Shadowmaster wrote: »PenguinInACan wrote: »Siege should only kill noobs and solo players. If someone hasn't figured out how to avoid the giant red "I am going to do bad things to you" circle they deserve to reap the be benefits of the siege's embrace.
They were all getting hit with it, they just weren't dying. My apologies for not specifying that.
Siege should make people have some fear. You shouldn't be able to purge off all 30 people in your zergball to completely nullify it, with only one person, in my opinion.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Aye yai yai ... thought with all the guilds moving to AD I could relax and play other pvp games and the win would be in the bag for AD . What happened you were winning by a lot when I left ? How many days left now anyways ?
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Aye yai yai ... thought with all the guilds moving to AD I could relax and play other pvp games and the win would be in the bag for AD . What happened you were winning by a lot when I left ? How many days left now anyways ?
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Aye yai yai ... thought with all the guilds moving to AD I could relax and play other pvp games and the win would be in the bag for AD . What happened you were winning by a lot when I left ? How many days left now anyways ?
Purge is best when used with CE. Pretty simple just pump up the recovery, wind up the reduced cost and presto 1 player can purge every second with cleanse indefinitely providing a 3k heal to 6 players within range every second. And you thought they were just "GUD" foolish were you to think it was even possible.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Aye yai yai ... thought with all the guilds moving to AD I could relax and play other pvp games and the win would be in the bag for AD . What happened you were winning by a lot when I left ? How many days left now anyways ?
Mid afternoons are still 1 bar of PVPrs, 1 bar of purple chat trolls/IC leeches, and the same PVdoor lords we've dealt with for a year.
In fact today this one was trying to siege brindle with a buddy. A eight elf group took the farm, then rode right past us to take the mine. They just ignored us asking for help . Momnents later DC came pouring off the wall chasing them since they'd effectively rang the dinner bell to summon the zerg.
They then kept taking brindle's resources over and over again until a griff group took vlastrus and began camping it. XD
Combine that with the zone generals screaming orders, and then telling others not to get 'toxic' when it's suggested maybe l;eading a group might help take pressure off the one or two groups currently running....
And Telel says it's SSDD.
Purge is best when used with CE. Pretty simple just pump up the recovery, wind up the reduced cost and presto 1 player can purge every second with cleanse indefinitely providing a 3k heal to 6 players within range every second. And you thought they were just "GUD" foolish were you to think it was even possible.
Purge is best when used with CE. Pretty simple just pump up the recovery, wind up the reduced cost and presto 1 player can purge every second with cleanse indefinitely providing a 3k heal to 6 players within range every second. And you thought they were just "GUD" foolish were you to think it was even possible.
Why would you heal only for baby 3k cleanse using CE tho?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Aye yai yai ... thought with all the guilds moving to AD I could relax and play other pvp games and the win would be in the bag for AD . What happened you were winning by a lot when I left ? How many days left now anyways ?
Mid afternoons are still 1 bar of PVPrs, 1 bar of purple chat trolls/IC leeches, and the same PVdoor lords we've dealt with for a year.
In fact today this one was trying to siege brindle with a buddy. A eight elf group took the farm, then rode right past us to take the mine. They just ignored us asking for help . Momnents later DC came pouring off the wall chasing them since they'd effectively rang the dinner bell to summon the zerg.
They then kept taking brindle's resources over and over again until a griff group took vlastrus and began camping it. XD
Combine that with the zone generals screaming orders, and then telling others not to get 'toxic' when it's suggested maybe l;eading a group might help take pressure off the one or two groups currently running....
And Telel says it's SSDD.
Vilestride wrote: »It's not that easy. Go watch a zerg squad video and hear Sanct screaming "more purge more purge" and the supports and healers responding with their calls on heal ults, hearing other players call out that they covering purge while the dedicated player call they are running out of magicka and that the group needs to move because it's too intense fighting under siege.
It may seem like rainbows and AP cakes from the outside but at no point can any group just 'casually ' hang out under siege. That's the point no one seems to adequately understand when they complain about how little effect their left click weapons have. It's not that is ineffective, it's that strong experienced groups have support players working their ass off to mitigate it's effect. The fact that successful large groups need to dedicate players to these roles is actually indicative of how effective it is.