Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Are the gold costs for outfit changes too dang high?

  • notimetocare
    No, they are about right
    Steal for 20m. Full outfit cost easy
  • FloppyTouch
    No, they are about right
    I would pay 1mil gold to finally look the way I want I'm okay with this
  • LiquidPony
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    psilverelf wrote: »
    psilverelf wrote: »
    I have already provided my feedback in game and stated my displeasure at the costs.

    I modified the one free outfit slot fully and depending on my choices, it cost between 10,000 and a bit over 14,000 gold to fully set an outfit.

    I am by no means rich. Compared with many players that I know have literally millions of gold, I am a pauper.

    I will state now, I will not spend anymore gold or use any crowns going towards this outfit system in its current state.

    Please reconsider the costs that have been set, and make them more reasonable. I really don't care at this point if every player in ESO calls my toons ugly, it will not change my opinion.

    I have played with the Outfit system some more and I am going to change my stance, somewhat.

    As it turns out it only seems to be the rare, hard to get motifs that are priced so excruciatingly high. If you use the common and uncommon motifs that almost everybody gets during the leveling process, the cost is much more within reason.

    I just happened to use the Hollowjack motif obtained from the witches festival on my first try with the Outfit system, and the big pieces cost 2000 gold and the small pieces were 1000 gold each. This came out to over 10k gold in cost.

    In comparison, the High elf style was 100 gold each for the big pieces and 50 gold each for the small pieces, which equates to a bit over 500 gold.

    In addition, each character gets one free outfit slot, not one outfit slot account wide.

    I still think the rare motif usages is a bit expensive, but I am much less unhappy and will probably make use of the Outfit system.

    TIL Hollowjack is a rare motif.

    I have a guild bank with about 400 of those pieces of trash.

    Anyway, I don't really care about the outfit system, I won't be using it any time soon. I'm happy enough with my costumes.

    But if I did want to use it, I couldn't afford it. I can hardly afford alchemy mats that I need to actually play the game. The rent is indeed too damn high.
    Edited by LiquidPony on February 13, 2018 8:36PM
  • Miaura
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    Yes, too dang high for the rarer motifs and all dye.
    Especially since additional slots are crowns only and insanely ridiculously overpriced.
    System itself is nice, but not as much playing around with it as I had hoped.
  • Giraffon
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    My crafting station, my dye, my clothes..who exactly is my character paying this gold to? It makes no sense at all.
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • PlagueSD
    No, they are about right
    Colors 50g each
    Styles anywhere from 0g to 2k for super rare motifs...I'm fine with that.

    It should cost you more to look "cooler". A full set of soulshriven with DB daggers I think was around 14k gold. That's pocket change.

    The ONE thing I really don't like is we lost the ability to show/hide helm with /helm command. We need to go visit an "outfit" station if we want to toggle showing our helm.
    Edited by PlagueSD on February 13, 2018 8:44PM
  • Kelces
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    Traditional styles are fine though.
    You reveal yourself best in how you play.

    Kelces - Argonian Templar
    Farel Donvu - Dark Elf Sorcerer
    Navam Llervu - Dark Elf Dragonknight
    Aniseth - Wood Elf Warden
    Therediel - Wood Elf Templar
    Nilonwy - Wood Elf Nightblade
    Jurupari - Argonian Warden
    Kú-Chulainn - Argonian Sorcerer
    PC - EU
    For the Pact!
  • Valerien
    No, they are about right
    You need to get gold out of the game and its a great way to do it.

    Do you need to change your outfit to play. No.

    If its an optional extra people that want to change their look every 2 days can but they don't have to, if you don't have the gold stay with your current look. People talking about how expensive it is to have x number of outfit slots on x number of characters need to explain why they Need that many, otherwise its moaning about not being able to have as many luxury items as you want. Such as if I go on car sites and moan that the cost of buying sports cars so I can drive a different one everyday is too expensive.
  • NyassaV
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    ESO Plus members should have it for free, that should help increase subscription sales and get rid of a gold sink that has no purpose @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • shinikaze
    No, they are about right
    TBH i would pay 20k just to get rid of that rubedite red!
  • VaranisArano
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    Colors 50g each
    Styles anywhere from 0g to 2k for super rare motifs...I'm fine with that.

    It should cost you more to look "cooler". A full set of soulshriven with DB daggers I think was around 14k gold. That's pocket change.

    The ONE thing I really don't like is we lost the ability to show/hide helm with /helm command. We need to go visit an "outfit" station if we want to toggle showing our helm.

    You can use the Hide Your Helm Hat instead. It has the same functionality as the old Hide Helmet option.

    Collections->Appearance->Hats->Hide Your Helm

    If you use a polymnorph, go to Settings->Gameplay_>Hide Polymorph Helm On/Off
  • VaranisArano
    Hollery wrote: »
    ESO Plus members should have it for free, that should help increase subscription sales and get rid of a gold sink that has no purpose

    The purpose is to inconvenience people enough so the Crown Store tokens look like a reasonable alternative.
  • coop500
    No, they are about right
    Nah, gold is free, you can get it fairly easy and it's not required to win at anything, it's something you can work towards instead of getting it handed to everyone for free
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Hollery wrote: »
    ESO Plus members should have it for free, that should help increase subscription sales and get rid of a gold sink that has no purpose

    The purpose is to inconvenience people enough so the Crown Store tokens look like a reasonable alternative.

    Its about $3.50 in REAL MONEY every time you want to change outfits.

    And it was about that time I got suspicious.
    Look ZOS right in its eyes and say "dammit Zos Ness Monster I ain't giving you no tree fiddy!"
  • Carbonised
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    For all those ignorant people who still mindlessly and brainlessly pound on their poor, abused keyboards "outfits do not cost much gold, gold is easy to get, hurr, durr" - let me enlighten you.

    Yesterday it cost me 41,000 gold to complete 1 outfit. 1(!) outfit.

    Granted, it was for both staves and sword/shield, since I both tank and DD, but that's still 41k for one measly outfit. It will also cost 41k if ever I want to change back into that outfit, as well as whatever price for the new outfit I choose. That's 70-80k for the simple pleasure of changing from my current outfit to another one, and back again.

    Guess how many times I will be changing my outfit again any time soon? It's somewhere between 0 and 0 times.

    Which coincidentially is also the same amount of Outfit Slots I will buy from the crown store, at these eye-gouging rip-off robbery-at-full-daylight prices.
  • Iccotak
    No, they are about right
    Nihility42 wrote: »
    red_emu wrote: »
    I have 3342 gold. I guess I gotta reach out for my credit card to use this new feature :neutral:

    Or farm for like 30 minutes

    A day or two of dungeon farming can easily make up for that cost and far more.

    I used to have 20,000 gold and felt stuck. Then I started doing dungeons. Just dungeon after dungeon, and before I knew it I had over 200,000.
  • Iccotak
    No, they are about right
    Ridiculous costs. It costs 3k just to change the colors that were FREE the previous day (3 years).

    They are free on your actual gear.

    When it comes to the Outfit system, which is basically making your own costume, it costs gold.

    But if you want to dye your actual gear go all for it
  • Iccotak
    No, they are about right
    PlagueSD wrote: »
    Colors 50g each
    Styles anywhere from 0g to 2k for super rare motifs...I'm fine with that.

    It should cost you more to look "cooler". A full set of soulshriven with DB daggers I think was around 14k gold. That's pocket change.

    The ONE thing I really don't like is we lost the ability to show/hide helm with /helm command. We need to go visit an "outfit" station if we want to toggle showing our helm.

    You can find hide helm in collections
  • smacky
    No, they are about right
    People ... you can change items for FREE, as long as they are not part of an outfit.

    To change the outfit, there is a fee, and how many of us waster 4k or more a day, seriously?
  • zaria
    No, they are about right
    standard cost for me tend to be 2-4k, has forgotten to dye weapons however so that will add to cost, it's however something who I is unlikely to change often.
    Solution is to not use the most expensive styles, I prefer plainer ones anyway.
    Now it should be some adjustments, why is celestial so expensive? It's old, easy to get and cheap,
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    No, they are about right
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    Economy needs gold sinks

    This right here. But I do feel for the new players. On the other hand it's a purely cosmetic item. So it don't effect gameplayer power any. So I'm ok with it.
  • greylox
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    They should be a tenth of the price, I'm now gonna have to rejoin a trade guild, pick everything up and decon it, blah blah just to have enough money to give all my toons a nice outfit. Boring.
    PC EU

    House of the Black Lotus
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    {Lugdum The Mechanist} (Hybrid Orc Templar, collector of ancient Ayleid smoking pipes)
    {Rantoul} (Dark Elf Magknight, likes an ale between boss fights, has been known to offer daedric princes out in a fist fight)
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    { CP 900+ }

    Caretaker of Battle Island (Grand Topal), the holiday destination for the discerning warrior
    Residing in Stay-Moist Mansion-Shadowfen - The Smoking Den (as of 6th feb 2017)

  • DieAlteHexe
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    Juju_beans wrote: »
    I'll stick to costumes and dying them thank you.

    Wow put in a gear/weapon transmog feature and over time the price to do it went up and up..became too expensive to just go to town and change your looks.

    For me..costumes/dye work just fine and are free :)

    I did one customise. It was fine but I have other uses for the money plus, like you, I rather like most of the costumes.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Linaleah
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    smacky wrote: »
    People ... you can change items for FREE, as long as they are not part of an outfit.

    To change the outfit, there is a fee, and how many of us waster 4k or more a day, seriously?

    I don't think you understand how the system actualy works. exactly HOW can you change items for free outside of the outfit system? please? enlighten me?

    moreover - this is not specificaly to you but rather to everyone who brought this up.

    you all keep harping about how we need gold sinks. no. YOU need gold sinks. the rest of us who have to go grinding for gold to afford the outfits? by definitely have NO GOLD TO SINK. that's the whole point gold sink takes EXISTING gold out of the game, NOT channels people to generate MORE gold.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • VaranisArano
    Linaleah wrote: »
    smacky wrote: »
    People ... you can change items for FREE, as long as they are not part of an outfit.

    To change the outfit, there is a fee, and how many of us waster 4k or more a day, seriously?

    I don't think you understand how the system actualy works. exactly HOW can you change items for free outside of the outfit system? please? enlighten me?

    moreover - this is not specificaly to you but rather to everyone who brought this up.

    How to dye your equipped gear for free with the Outfit System

    You can still dye your equipped gear for free at the Outfit Station. Make sure you have No Outfit selected. On the No outfit selection, you are altering your equipped gear. You should see that you cannot dye weapons and there is no gold counter. From this screen you can dye your equipped gear that is crafted/dropped without paying anything, just like you could prior to the update.

    Now, to swap to your outfit, choose "Outfit 1" or whatever you named it.
    If its your first time, this will look identical to your equipped gear. However, there will be a gold counter at the bottom of the menu and you can change and dye your weapons. Don't get confused! If you meant to dye your equipped gear, choose "No Outfit" instead.

    I go into more detail about how to use the Outfit system here if you have further questions: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/395390/outfitting-dyeing-101

  • pandoraderomanus
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    Maybe someone already said, but... Why should I pay for dyeing my outfit if I already pay ESO+? Wtf is that ***?
    Seriously, @ZOS_GinaBruno make outfit system free for ESO+ subscribers.
    PC-EU since 2014

    Touches-Your-Tralala - retired lizardina-templar
    Pandora Morgenstern - noob orc-stamsorc
  • teiselaise
    No, they are about right
    I'm edgy
    Argonian masterrace
  • VaranisArano
    Maybe someone already said, but... Why should I pay for dyeing my outfit if I already pay ESO+? Wtf is that ***?
    Seriously, ZOS_GinaBruno make outfit system free for ESO+ subscribers.

    Because they never advertised the outfit system as such? Its not a costume, its not even in the same menu.

    No one pays to dye their equipped gear.
    Only ESO+ subscribers can dye costumes.
    Everyone has to pay to dye their outfit.
  • Kendaric
    Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
    Some prices in the system are too high. The classic racial styles are ok, but stuff like the Dunmer House motifs should be reduced somewhat.

    I'm more annoyed by the fact that the second and subsequent outfit isn't accountwide.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Linaleah
      Yes, the outfit gold costs are too dang high
      Linaleah wrote: »
      smacky wrote: »
      People ... you can change items for FREE, as long as they are not part of an outfit.

      To change the outfit, there is a fee, and how many of us waster 4k or more a day, seriously?

      I don't think you understand how the system actualy works. exactly HOW can you change items for free outside of the outfit system? please? enlighten me?

      moreover - this is not specificaly to you but rather to everyone who brought this up.

      How to dye your equipped gear for free with the Outfit System

      You can still dye your equipped gear for free at the Outfit Station. Make sure you have No Outfit selected. On the No outfit selection, you are altering your equipped gear. You should see that you cannot dye weapons and there is no gold counter. From this screen you can dye your equipped gear that is crafted/dropped without paying anything, just like you could prior to the update.

      Now, to swap to your outfit, choose "Outfit 1" or whatever you named it.
      If its your first time, this will look identical to your equipped gear. However, there will be a gold counter at the bottom of the menu and you can change and dye your weapons. Don't get confused! If you meant to dye your equipped gear, choose "No Outfit" instead.

      I go into more detail about how to use the Outfit system here if you have further questions: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/395390/outfitting-dyeing-101

      NOT what I was asking. tell me. how can i change the STYLE of individual pieces (like you know i could with converter before) and still dye them for free?
      dirty worthless casual.
      Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
      Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
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