what's your bar setup right now?
If you’re using mage light for the major prophecy buff, you’re already getting that from bane. I know it’s good extra magicka and the mages guild passives are nice but you have a bit of redundancy there. If you’re not using skoria then maybe switch out bane instead.
@Brutusmax1mus reach goes in place of your hard CC
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
I understand, just a gap closer/cc is great for supporting my teammates (wife mostly) who often a quick stun/ body block(toppling gets me where i need to be effectively. Suits my needs well, i know its not great.
I just haven't given it a shot. Have any footage?
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
Isn't banes buff only on your next spell? Hardly redundant of it only impacts 1 cast. Would be if its extended. I use it for owning stealth as well.
I know it doesn't just buff your next spell, but I wasn't sure about its duration either. Here's a quick video I put together, you can track the dot timer on my ability bar and compare that to the buff timer in the lower right.https://youtu.be/ncZjB4cyycY
Since I use Reflective Light which has a duration of 6.5 seconds, you can see my Major Prophecy uptime is equal to that. You would have to test out Vampire's Bane but I suspect it will be the longer duration to match the morph.
Useful information at least. You see that I have inner light slotted as well but this is my PVE build equipped in the video.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »Opened new doors
crit buffs for vamps bane/reflective light match the durations.
Vamps bane gets over 11 seconds, but is single target.
Reflective light can hit 3 targets, but the crit buff is 6 seconds. The initial hit is also a little bit higher than vamps bane (not by much).
I prefer inner light/crit pots over either of these. One less buff to cast = less clunky templar (especially when you are trying to time all your attacks in 6 seconds, line up your sweeps, make sure you arent taking extra dmg while in sweeps channel, and make sure you aren't stuck in a zergline.
Frost Reach > gap closer. It gives you an extra tool to get close to your target AND escape. It also burns stamina on your target because they always roll dodge and the good ones that save their stamina allow you to get behind and spam sweeps. And IT IGNORES CC IMMUNITY PLUS PROVIDES A DOT FOR SKORIA PROCS! Slot it, you'll forget templars had a gap closer.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
Are you saying it only gives major prophecy over those vamp/ reflective hits? That's not what i found testing.
Playing with it now, actually. I haven't played with my templar for a while. But it's a much different play style from what im used to on my templar.
I'm gonna go back to trifood and use elemental drain, hope it'll be enough. Right now I've got barrage, reach, drain, sweeps, bane on. It opens up more for group play too with blockade. It'll be some fun. Still feels like in trying to be a sorc.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
Are you saying it only gives major prophecy over those vamp/ reflective hits? That's not what i found testing.
Playing with it now, actually. I haven't played with my templar for a while. But it's a much different play style from what im used to on my templar.
I'm gonna go back to trifood and use elemental drain, hope it'll be enough. Right now I've got barrage, reach, drain, sweeps, bane on. It opens up more for group play too with blockade. It'll be some fun. Still feels like in trying to be a sorc.
Joy_Division wrote: »What I've settled on:
5 Wizard's (use 2 swords)
5 Overwhelming
2 Skoria
2 Asylum Sword and Board
Damage is steady and constant, with lots of random bursts. Even get enough KBs to look impressive on a BGs final tally.
I think the issue with templars is not what gear they run, but their skills. This is the only class whose skills do not fit all situations and actually work against each other rather than having any synergy between them. Example: Eclipse, Javelin, and Sweeps are all at cross purposes with each other. If you javelin, the Eclipse wont work and the target gets knocked out of range of your Sweeps. No other class has to worry about such nonesnse.
With that in mind, I bar:
Charge, Sweeps, Total Dark, Reflective light, Purifying Light [Dawnbreaker]
Defensive Posture, Channeled Focus, Extended Ritual, Honor the Dead, Structured entropy [Bats]
I don;t use Mist Form because I think Blobsky is right about that skill. There are 2 or 3 times a night I think back and say Mist Form could have prevented me from dying. But it's just that, 2 or 3 times a night. In every other fight, Defensive Posture is making me a more effective combatant. Plus, you will become a better player by forcing yourself to fight in difficult situations rather than just misting away.
Joy_Division wrote: »I don;t use Mist Form because I think Blobsky is right about that skill. There are 2 or 3 times a night I think back and say Mist Form could have prevented me from dying. But it's just that, 2 or 3 times a night. In every other fight, Defensive Posture is making me a more effective combatant. Plus, you will become a better player by forcing yourself to fight in difficult situations rather than just misting away.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Honestly if you’re worried about repositioning yourself run immovable speed pots, most Templars run tanky setups anyways so they go hand and hand. I learned how to play without mist or a gap closer on my Templar, haven’t used either since like 2016. Only time I’ll definitely slot mist is if I’m emperor because then it becomes a necessity.
And often in open world trying to run solo Templar is also about reading the situation, I don’t think you should try to engage or bait anyone if you don’t have anything to los with. A simple tree will make huge difference. Plus, there’s bunny hopping , a lot of people think it’s stupid but it actually lets you reposition yourself without losing the flow of combat, easy animation canceling/bar swap canceling and can still block too.
Joy_Division wrote: »What I've settled on:
With that in mind, I bar:
Charge, Sweeps, Total Dark, Reflective light, Purifying Light [Dawnbreaker]
Defensive Posture, Channeled Focus, Extended Ritual, Honor the Dead, Structured entropy [Bats]
datoliteb16_ESO wrote: »
I wish I could have your patience. I used to run almost this exact setup but got tired of having to cast 4 skills before even engaging anyone, and repeating every 3-4 rotations. It's pure tedium to me, especially with focus being stationary. Hell I gave it up entirely on my stamplar and just went Chudan for the ward/resolve lol.
Anyway, mad respect to the dedicated magplar.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Honestly if you’re worried about repositioning yourself run immovable speed pots, most Templars run tanky setups anyways so they go hand and hand. I learned how to play without mist or a gap closer on my Templar, haven’t used either since like 2016. Only time I’ll definitely slot mist is if I’m emperor because then it becomes a necessity.
And often in open world trying to run solo Templar is also about reading the situation, I don’t think you should try to engage or bait anyone if you don’t have anything to los with. A simple tree will make huge difference. Plus, there’s bunny hopping , a lot of people think it’s stupid but it actually lets you reposition yourself without losing the flow of combat, easy animation canceling/bar swap canceling and can still block too.
I use jumping sometimes as a visual metronome, so I can count debuff/buff timers prior to engaging in melee.