@Kartalin If I don't have the desire to grind, what else do you suggest to use along with Transmutation instead of Rattle (or Surge)? Something buyable or craftable perhaps?
Can't go wrong with Axiom. 300 extra SD for jabs/dark flare/unstable core isnt bad since its 2-3 trait req. craftable.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
It's more like 200 of youre including the max mag loss isn't it? 400 and 1096 mag vs 129 and 2k mag. So about 504 vs 320.
Essentially you trade 994 mag, 994 stam, 129 stam recovery, 129 mag recovery for 184 spell damage and crit.
I've been working on my magplar PvP build as well. I know I'm going to be in LA with at least one defensive set (either Wizards Reposte, or Transmutation). I also know that I'm going to go DW on my front bar and resto on back (for resource sustain as well as ulti).
The two builds I've been considering are...
5x Wizard's Reposte (always active)
5x Transmutation (back bar)
2x Skoria
5x SPC (always active)
5x Transmutation (back bar)
2x Bloodspawn
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
You won't be able to keep 1 of those active all the time I either of the set ups with a resto and full monster.
The crit resistance from trans carries over, as does the spell power from SPC. The only set mentioned above that would have issues with uptime would be Reposte, but that will be resolved by having it alway active.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
What I'm saying is to have transmutation back barred, a resto staff, and a full monster set, you'll have reposte on weapons. You'll also need 4 pieces of trans on body and jewelry bc you're using a staff. So 4 of the 12 front bar slots are taken up by trans, 5 (dw) with reposte, 2 monster, and 1 random. GO destro with that set up. Or you can do dw and snb and do 5 reposte, 3 trans, 2 monster, 2 willpower swords on your front bar, sword n shield trans on back bar to complete the set. That set up keeps reposte active non stop.
Sorry, I probably used the wrong term (back bar). What I mean is...
There are 12 slots. 7 body, 3 jewelry, 2 weapons.
2 (head and shoulders) are monster set
5 remaining body is Reposte
3 jewelry is all Trans
2 swords are Trans (also back bar resto)
This would make Reposte active all the time, and trans 5 piece active on front bar, but only 4 piece back bar. You can keep trans up 100% by casting extended ritual every 20 seconds while on front bar, which you'll be doing anyway.
I am trying to work on a PVP build for my Magplar, I have had a look online and there seems to be a number of people running a dual wield front bar and a S&B back bar, I like the idea of this as it will allow me to run a monster set and 2 other full sets at the same time, but i'm worried about sustain issues without having a staff. Does anyone play like this, and if so do you have sustain issues?
This is the build I'm thinking:
Front Bar:
2x Shacklebreaker sword, MH Nirnhoned, OH Sharpened?
Back Bar:
Shacklebreaker sword, Nirnhoned.
Shacklebreaker shield, Reinforced.
2x Valkyn Skoria, Heavy, Impen
1x Shacklebreaker, Heavy, Impen
2x Shacklebreaker, Light, Impen
2x Rattlecage, Heavy, Impen
3x Rattlecage Jewelry, Arcane
I will probably run the Atronach to help with sustain and Witchmothers Potent Brew food.
Does this seem at all sensible for a decent PVP build?
I'm fairly new to the game and have only just started properly looking into my builds.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »Rattle cage is gimping yourself. Trans/ reposte/ willpower front bar / skoria or blood spawn, tristat everything except shield on back bar is my set up atm. Got some clips of you wanna see it in action, just message me.
1 hotd on an ally and you become the focus. So get ready.
Mist form is essential for open world, especially if your partners are faster/ higher mobility than you (which they will)
Double sword and board...
Durok's Bane...
Desert Rose...
Blood Spawn...
A glass cannon dps that you guard...
I see so few magplars running masters destro front bar
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
Haven't gotten a lightning staff yet, have 4 ice staves. Not sure how I'd fit reach on my bar anyway other than giving up pots or relying on teammates. I need entropy.