Pretty female High Elf - possible?

  • maboleth
    It's hard to give any directives on creating a character. You just have to play and "feel" you got it right.
    Sculpting and face proportion helps. Also knowing the "limits" and core features of each race (for example, dark elves have a pronounced brow ridge so you will have to either emphasize or try to hide it). But yes, different people, different needs and different kind of beauty.

    At least you can play for free on a new character, meaning you don't have to play 1000 crowns to edit it again.

    Edited by maboleth on December 10, 2017 2:16PM
  • maniac4maniac
    Thanks everyone for your Posts and screenshots. They helped me to get smth from eveyrthing and some people also helped me via PMs to adjust my last char a lot, esp thanks @Mureel .

    AND also i found the #1 problem of why my chars (sorry Altmers) looked so crappy. I changed UserSettings for insane FPS boost, and textures of world overall didn't change a lot or at all, but character's textures changed drastically. So my chars -
    Altmers (especially, but other races too) - looked like real crap.

    So the reason partially were Tweaks in UserSettings file - - NOT THOSE exactly, they are fine and enough for both FPS + awesome graphic, but ones expanded by some link in that thread. Use just those TL:DR ones.

    - they give insane FPS boost (usually 70-150 FPS from 40-60 fps without them, less in fights, but also boost), but they make your chars look like crap. Will disable them while creating chars or may be will tweak a bit here-there.

    P.S - here's example how THE SAME char (will delete her and replace with the last one, just as example) looks with Normal UserSettings and with Tweaked for FPS boost :)


    P.S.S - I will finish the char i linked on previous page later - tweaked her and she looks pretty shiny - and may be post her screenshot with Normal UserSettings later :)
    Edited by maniac4maniac on December 10, 2017 11:34AM
  • SugaComa
    It's an age thing

    The pics posted saying I don't find these attractive are "older" ladies op needs to learn even altmer get wrinkles n saggy bits over time
    Edited by SugaComa on December 10, 2017 11:08AM
  • Slack

    my vamp high elf
    Edited by Slack on December 10, 2017 11:37AM
    PC EU
    Betty Breeze - Magwarden
    Hunts S'hitblades - Stamplar
    Aschavi - Magplar
  • Gargath
    I like it since she looks like a xxx movie star, more such crazy lips please :).

    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Darethran
    SugaComa wrote: »
    It's an age thing

    The pics posted saying I don't find these attractive are "older" ladies op needs to learn even altmer get wrinkles n saggy bits over time

    Mer look better with age. Typical menfolk have an obsession with juveniles.
    In Scotland | @Darethran

    [EU] Ervona Saranith (EP) - Lvl 50 CP >560 - Dunmer Healer
  • Elusiin
    runagate wrote: »

  • FrancisCrawford

    Edited by FrancisCrawford on December 10, 2017 12:02PM
  • Integral1900
    Mureel wrote: »
    I think they are the easiest:

    Wow... my god, I would sooo love to know what the charecter creation bar sliders were for that :o
  • NewBlacksmurf
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • CoachPower
    Slack wrote: »

    my vamp high elf

    She looks awesome.

    Coach-Power - Magicka Sorcerer with mediocre DPS - PvP/PvE
    Eternal-Envy - Magicka Templar - DD
    -Sookie Northman - Magicka Nightblade - DD
    Eva the Whipmistress - Magicka Dragonknight - DD
    Having-A-Bad-Time - Magicka Templar - Healer
    Lady Mormont - Stamina Dragonknight - Tank
  • maniac4maniac
    Oki, smth like this after a long time of moving sliders here-there, more or less satisfied

  • SoLooney
    high elves are easy. i have the hardest time with dunmers
  • runagate

    In addition to other wonderful things about my character Irredeemably Bananners's appearance, those eyelashes that stick outside the blindfold move around a lot due to using the jester festival personality. Wonderfully bonkers.

  • Balgost

    Edited by Balgost on December 10, 2017 7:35PM
  • CMFan1966
    Mureel wrote: »
    I think they are the easiest:

    @Mureel I have never seen any way to put what looks like makeup like that on any of my characters. How did you do that? She's beautiful!
  • Yoma73
    Pretty female High Elf - possible?


  • Slack
    SoLooney wrote: »
    high elves are easy. i have the hardest time with dunmers

    same . Female dunmers and Male Imperials are the hardest for me

    After trying a while i had managed to get a decently looking dunmer tho (i think).

    Unluckily she will be killed soon because wrong faction


    PC EU
    Betty Breeze - Magwarden
    Hunts S'hitblades - Stamplar
    Aschavi - Magplar
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    The hardest end-game content for me in ESO is making a beautiful pretty simple Altmer girl.

    They all look like crazy angry lemurs with huge eyes and lips and... any sliders, presets, examples (or sites with that) that one could look at or even copy and change to it's taste further?


    UPD: my message on 2-nd page contains the reason and examples of why my chars looked even worse and frustrated me even more - those were coz of FPS tweaks in UserSettings file - just watch an example in that message :)

    sounds like you managed to make orc females sexy or dunmer...hell or argonians.
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO

    Read the full sentences pls, it's just 1 of hundreds examples, just open google "eso altmer female" or even somewhere here in forums. Almost all of them are the same (rarely there are good though). Almost all also have this sh, that can't get rid of :


    P.S - 'toggle 1 slider to soft' is not a question in the topic, it's kinda soft-angular on many female chars usually, but possibly there are no such sites as asked, but will be some people offended at their virtual race critisized

    what? *** not your thing?
  • jaschacasadiob16_ESO
    If you google eso altmer female what comes out is a list of images that shows that people are trying to create Altmers as if they were Bretons or Nords. Check out the eyebrows. The hair styles. The cheekbones. The eyes.

    Stop Bretonizing Altmers.
    "Yesterday while searching a barrel in vVoM I found a lemon. Best drop of the whole run."

    Protect the weak. Heal the sick.
    Treasure the gifts of friendship. Seek joy and inspiration in the mysteries of love.
    Honor the Earth, its creatures, and the spirits. Use Nature's gifts wisely. Respect her power. Fear her fury.
  • Myyth
    the only thing bad about high elf females is the creepy eyes.
  • Leogon
    runagate wrote: »
  • Maura_Neysa
    Pretty happy with mine. Admititly, I went for Snow Elf

    Edited by Maura_Neysa on December 10, 2017 10:28PM
    Maiden Maura - Xbox NA
    Warden Ice Tank (By far my favorite) -RIP #Nerfmire
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer(solo tanked), Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe,Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    Dragon Knight Healer (Since Homestead)
    Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer,
    Warden 2x Bow DPS
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe, Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor, Sunspire Saint,
    PvP StamDen, Warden Healer, MagDen, Stamplar, StamSorc, DK Failed Attempt, NB Failed Attempt

    Playing BiS isn't impressive, playing unique at BiS lvl, THAT's impressive.

  • Dawnblade
    TES elves have never had the classic high fantasy 'tall beautiful waifish human with pointy ear' elf look, they have always been a bit bug eyed and harsh looking.

    At least in ESO, there are decent options for creating elves compared to some of the earlier games.
  • Liley
    I love my altmer

    PC | EU

    Muriel Winterhauch | Magicka Sorcerer

  • AtraisMachina2

    May be the definition of "pretty" is different for everyone. Instead, have no troubles with any other race at all.

    Saw a lot of and made some pretty chars of many races, but almost never saw a pretty High Elf made by anyone aswell

    1 of examples of smth from TES itself, that doesn't look bad (could not achieve even close):


    Example from some random site between what 1 person created as Altmer and what as Breton (huge difference imo):


    Yo come on dude that breton is in like 4000k and that elf is totally on console. Plus thats like the best looking breton ive ever seen I actually don’t believe thats not photoshopped
    XB1-NA AD
    Bosmer Stamina Templar-DD/Tank
    Altmer Magika Sorcerer-DD
    Khajit Stamina Templar-DD
    Redguard Stamina Templar-DD
    Breton Templar-Healer
    Altmer Magika Nightblade-DD
    700+ CP
    The Late Shift-GM

  • SydneyGrey

    Face type: Dot all the way into the lower left corner of the triangle
    Chin size: 7 from left
    Chin height: 7 from left
    Eye size: 4 from left
    Eye angle: 10 from left
    Eye separation: 2 from right
    Eye height: 3 from left
    Eye squint: 5 from right
    Nose shape: 3 from right
    Nose height: 7 from left
    Nose length: 6 from left
    Mouth height: 3 from right

    Edited by SydneyGrey on December 10, 2017 11:20PM
  • Thannazzar
    Yes. Our pompous, light-skinned cousins are tramps and street walkers. They're easy indeed.

    Although most altmer females have a face like a guar chewing a thistle!
    Edited by Thannazzar on December 10, 2017 11:24PM
  • RoyalPink06

    I'd smash.
    NA PS4
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