Pretty female High Elf - possible?

The hardest end-game content for me in ESO is making a beautiful pretty simple Altmer girl.

They all look like crazy angry lemurs with huge eyes and lips and... any sliders, presets, examples (or sites with that) that one could look at or even copy and change to it's taste further?


UPD: my message on 2-nd page contains the reason and examples of why my chars looked even worse and frustrated me even more - those were coz of FPS tweaks in UserSettings file - just watch an example in that message :)
Edited by maniac4maniac on December 10, 2017 10:56AM
  • Smasherx74
    Well I'm just going to politically disagree with you.

    ty have a good day.
    Master Debater
  • Mureel
    I think they are the easiest:
    Edited by Mureel on December 10, 2017 7:39AM
  • Mureel
    In the triangle face thing use more softness.
  • ThePrinceOfBargains
    Altmer, Bosmer, and Imperial are the easiest in my experience (Breton too, but it’s harder to get them to look unique). Not sure how you could be having trouble with that.
  • Mureel
    Smasherx74 wrote: »
    Well I'm just going to politically disagree with you.

    ty have a good day.

  • maniac4maniac
    Altmer, Bosmer, and Imperial are the easiest in my experience (Breton too, but it’s harder to get them to look unique). Not sure how you could be having trouble with that.

    May be the definition of "pretty" is different for everyone. Instead, have no troubles with any other race at all.

    Saw a lot of and made some pretty chars of many races, but almost never saw a pretty High Elf made by anyone aswell

    1 of examples of smth from TES itself, that doesn't look bad (could not achieve even close):


    Example from some random site between what 1 person created as Altmer and what as Breton (huge difference imo):


    Edited by maniac4maniac on December 10, 2017 7:56AM
  • MLGProPlayer
    The trick with Altmer is to shift the

    May be the definition of "pretty" is different for everyone. Instead, have no troubles with any other race at all.

    Saw a lot of and made some pretty chars of many races, but almost never saw a pretty High Elf made by anyone aswell

    1 of examples of smth from TES itself, that doesn't look bad (could not achieve even close):


    Example from some random site between what 1 person created as Altmer and what as Breton (huge difference imo):


    So a random person created an ugly Altmer and a pretty Breton. What does that show exactly?

    If you want a pretty female Altmer, drag your face triangle to the soft corner, like the poster above told you. It will give her a round face with no jagged features, just like the Breton, except unlike a Breton face, you can give an Altmer face some angularity too (Breton faces are super round).
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on December 10, 2017 8:04AM
  • maniac4maniac

    So a random person created an ugly Altmer and a pretty Breton. What does that show exactly?

    If you want a pretty female Altmer, drag your face triangle to the soft corner, like the poster above told you. It will give her a round face with no jagged features, just like the Breton, except unlike a Breton face, you can give an Altmer face some angularity too (Breton faces are super round).

    Read the full sentences pls, it's just 1 of hundreds examples, just open google "eso altmer female" or even somewhere here in forums. Almost all of them are the same (rarely there are good though). Almost all also have this sh, that can't get rid of :


    P.S - 'toggle 1 slider to soft' is not a question in the topic, it's kinda soft-angular on many female chars usually, but possibly there are no such sites as asked, but will be some people offended at their virtual race critisized
    Edited by maniac4maniac on December 10, 2017 8:42AM
  • MLGProPlayer

    Read the full sentences pls, it's just 1 of hundreds examples, just open google "eso altmer female" or even somewhere here in forums. Almost all of them are the same (rarely there are good though). Almost all also have this sh, that can't get rid of :


    P.S - 'toggle 1 slider to soft' is not a question in the topic, it's kinda soft-angular on many female chars usually, but possibly there are no such sites as asked, as expected at forum, but will be some people offended at their virtual race critisized

    Was this not posted earlier?


    Go through any of the million "share your Altmer" threads on here and you'll find a million other examples like this one.
  • maniac4maniac

    Go through any of the million "share your Altmer" threads on here and you'll find a million other examples like this one.

    I won't coz i already read them, no need to spam your opinion, i heard it, you love Altmers. People link their examples as minimum - that can help, not just spamming. Also that "lip" problem remains with any slider.

    Here's 2 examples of 3-5 min creating char, i'm not satisfied with results and more mins it will go - worse it can become:


    Edited by maniac4maniac on December 10, 2017 8:31AM
  • runagate
  • Mureel

    May be the definition of "pretty" is different for everyone. Instead, have no troubles with any other race at all.

    Saw a lot of and made some pretty chars of many races, but almost never saw a pretty High Elf made by anyone aswell

    Maybe you need to post an image of what you think is pretty and we could help better. The High Elf species has some specific.

    The other thing you can do is click random till you get something you kind of like, and edit it. I often do that.
  • Pele
    Meh, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think the Altmer are pretty even the dudes. Then again, I think some mobs are just beautiful like Ash Titan and Velidreth.

    Are you trying for human pretty? Play with the sliders to make the distinctly elfy features more human-like.
  • MLGProPlayer

    I won't coz i already read them, no need to spam your opinion, i heard it, you love Altmers. People link their examples as minimum - that can help, not just spamming. Also that "lip" problem remains with any slider.

    Here's 2 examples of 3-5 min creating char, i'm not satisfied with results and more mins it will go - worse it can become:



    If you don't like the angular jaw, just go all the way smooth, you can also adjust the chin height to shrink the chin, although not needed (all sliders in default position except eye angle... took exactly 2 seconds):


    Really not sure what you're asking for, unless you're of those pointy elbow types.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on December 10, 2017 8:49AM
  • maniac4maniac
    Pele wrote: »
    Meh, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think the Altmer are pretty even the dudes. Then again, I think some mobs are just beautiful like Ash Titan and Velidreth.

    Are you trying for human pretty? Play with the sliders to make the distinctly elfy features more human-like.
    Mureel wrote: »

    Maybe you need to post an image of what you think is pretty and we could help better. The High Elf species has some specific.

    The other thing you can do is click random till you get something you kind of like, and edit it. I often do that.

    I posted 1 of art above. I also like the face (kinda soft-kind, not "imperial") on the one you linked, especially with arms crossed.

    But ye i think my problem and aim at the same time is that i want it to look maximum "human pretty" as possible, human-like.

    Here is some random example of what non-human-like Altmer seems nice for me, though i would play with settings a bit (looks pretty selfish though, but that can fit High Elf, but there are no sliders for this one a pity):


    Here are examples of what i do not find pretty (at least not a lot):


    Don't like eyes / lips here (+ smaller ears may be), but like the face shape:

    Edited by maniac4maniac on December 10, 2017 8:43AM
  • Mureel

    I won't coz i already read them, no need to spam your opinion, i heard it, you love Altmers. People link their examples as minimum - that can help, not just spamming. Also that "lip" problem remains with any slider.

    Here's 2 examples of 3-5 min creating char, i'm not satisfied with results and more mins it will go - worse it can become:

    K chin is too long, face slider is too sharp, mouth type is wrong, mouth is too low. Top of the face is too narrow. The jaw is too narrow. Eyes need to have less squint, less slant. Also none of my chars have that mouth issue.

    Google Golden Ratio when considering where the mouth, eyes and nose should be and the distance between.

    This is another of my altmer, OK she has ELF COSTUME ON - but you can still see her face. You need to edit mouth angle, and lip type.



    Edited by Mureel on December 10, 2017 8:45AM
  • maniac4maniac
    Mureel wrote: »

    K chin is too long, face slider is too sharp, mouth type is wrong, mouth is too low. Top of the face is too narrow. The jaw is too narrow. Eyes need to have less squint, less slant. Also none of my chars have that mouth issue.

    Google Golden Ratio when considering where the mouth, eyes and nose should be and the distance between.

    Oh this can help very soon, thanks

    Also i have 'lip' problem with ALL female high-elfs, spammed randomize button for 50+ times = all have same sh with lips as on screenshots, idk if it's smth with my settings or whatever
  • getemshauna
    Rofl. Altmer is easy. Try make a dunmer one...
    Founder of Call of the Undaunted
    Youtube Channel
  • Mureel

    Oh this can help very soon, thanks

    Also i have 'lip' problem with ALL female high-elfs, spammed randomize button for 50+ times = all have same sh with lips as on screenshots, idk if it's smth with my settings or whatever

    OK: Do not worry about lip fullness (hottyness!) yet, make chin shorter, jaw wider, give the mouth a prominent philtrum (upper lip groove), angle the mouth very slightly down and then adjust lip fullness and face slider toward softness. Probably chin to shortest poss and mouth higher too.
    Edited by Mureel on December 10, 2017 9:06AM
  • maniac4maniac
    Rofl. Altmer is easy. Try make a dunmer one...

    I never had problems with dunmers, but my taste on them is specific aswell, completely enjoyed the one i made along ago without perfecting anything


    With male chars i have even less problems, including Khajiits.
    Edited by maniac4maniac on December 10, 2017 9:01AM
  • Berenhir
    People that try to make Altmer look like humans are the real cancer.
    PC EU - Ebonheart Pact - Gray Host - Death Recap -#zergfarming -
  • Sneaky-Snurr
    Mureel wrote: »
    I think they are the easiest:
    Yes. Our pompous, light-skinned cousins are tramps and street walkers. They're easy indeed.
    The Order of the Shadows: Nightmare
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      AD Lvl 25 Sorceror
      DC Lvl 23 Nightblade
    {PC•NA•no-CP Ravenwatch}

    Shadow hide you. -Unknown
    There is no clean fight in a war. -Shun Izaki
  • Banana
    Roll a breton
  • Mureel
    Rofl. Altmer is easy. Try make a dunmer one...


    Would be better if I could use my lipsticks in Char creation xD
    Edited by Mureel on December 10, 2017 9:29AM
  • Adernath
    There you go :)

  • Mureel
    Adernath wrote: »
    There you go :)


    Pretty good.
  • Mureel
    For the 'kinder' not 'imperious' look, some of that is she has the 'cheerful' personality on - because ALL my chars are dressed as elves right now and run around randomly gifting things. So they all have CHEERFUL!

    The rest of it though is the slider between soft and angular
  • maniac4maniac
    Kinda smth like this so far, any advice, ideas, opinions - what to change here - appreciated:

  • ThePrinceOfBargains
    Have you tried the “merciless vampire” look? Definitely not for everyone, but it really grew on me after using it on my Altmer for a while.
  • Adernath
    @maniac4maniac I think in the end its a matter of personal taste. Regards of hair color: I would advice to get one of the darker hair colors, so the eyebrows are still visible in sunlight.
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