Interesting, whats better destro or snb and restro? I have been seeing alot of mag dks around been a mix i saw i really good one i think they were using destro with harness. I dont really want to run harnes not a fan of shields.
Narvuntien wrote: »I was going to try Heavy seducer + silks of the sun + skoria. No idea if it is meta though.
Narvuntien wrote: »I was going to try Heavy seducer + silks of the sun + skoria. No idea if it is meta though.
Sub in burning spell weave for silks. Burning effects is a dot and can proc skoria and you get the spell damage buff which applies to all your skills and heals. Silks spell damage buff only applies to flame abilities.
MagiDK is finally back in a decent spot now that damage change on leap a few patches ago was huge WITH the right sets and race passives. Go dunmer.
best of luck
MagDK's have so many amazing skills, can't be wasting space for Major Sorcery (and need them tri-ports for sure). It obviously doesn't give the best damage, but that added skill slot for wings or mist form or wall of elements or fiery breath or harness is just too strong to pass up (in my humble opinion).
Skoria works great for burst and extra HP, but if you want something that does more DPS go with Grothdarr.
Then a regen set of your choice. If you are going heavy armour, craft yourself some Seducers, MagDK's have very expensive skills and that 5th pc will work better then anything else. For light armour Lich might give you higher regen (have not done the math comparison for LA).
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I’ve left my mDK parked at level 44 for a long time.
But all the theorycrafting posts in this thread make me want to finish leveling and try these sets in PvP.
I did manage to keep the gold Sun neck when it was on sale at the Golden weeks ago ... but it has a lot of collected dust from sitting in the bank.
If I were running magDK I would run 5x varen's legacy, 5x desert rose, 2x skoria stacking block cost reduction. S&B/lightning destro. You get absurd sustain from flame lash procs for free. Also can back bar ferocious leap which gets a solid buff to its burst when you swap to the lightning destro. Inhale --> talons --> leap with a varen's proc and if you're lucky a Skoria proc is a lot of damage.
I'm not like a beta players but not exactly new, what would be the reason for it. Nothing that I know of will proc the 5 piece
devilsTear wrote: »
I'm not like a beta players but not exactly new, what would be the reason for it. Nothing that I know of will proc the 5 piece
Varen's sets up unpredictable burst. It's a large proc added onto high burst skills like ferocious leap. It also interacts great with draw essence - it increases the heals that you receive. On a resource in Cyrodiil or outnumbered small groups I've had over 20k heals. The set's bonuses do not read on paper as stellar as they are in real play. I don't lose significant spell damage or max magicka relative to others, gain enormous sustain and damage via wall of elements (which all you need to do is intelligently play on terrain and set up chokes) and enormous burst (flip whips for days).
I encourage you to play the build before your skepticism. It's a build like any other - it requires intelligent play, but performs incredibly well as long as you reach a pretty low threshold of competence.
Varen's sets up unpredictable burst. It's a large proc added onto high burst skills like ferocious leap. It also interacts great with draw essence - it increases the heals that you receive. On a resource in Cyrodiil or outnumbered small groups I've had over 20k heals. The set's bonuses do not read on paper as stellar as they are in real play. I don't lose significant spell damage or max magicka relative to others, gain enormous sustain and damage via wall of elements (which all you need to do is intelligently play on terrain and set up chokes) and enormous burst (flip whips for days).
I encourage you to play the build before your skepticism. It's a build like any other - it requires intelligent play, but performs incredibly well as long as you reach a pretty low threshold of competence.
Ive played this, its a fun build to play, well a variation of it anyway. I found it hard to get kills regularly anyway.
Great set up for clipping resources but most people figure out pretty quick what your doing with essence and just range you. I mean its a fun build but at its core you need people close, and not just one or two.
Impreg with all sturdy, spellweave or overwhelming surge, sword and board, 5 light, skoria, tri stat food, tri stat pots, one two or three regen jewels glyphs. Atronach mundus.
Emmagoldman wrote: »Theres a lot of options with magdk, its in a good place. You have plenty of viable options from light to heavy, to tank dps or utility.