Make it so you can’t stack shields at all, won’t affect PvE because DDs usually won’t run two shields anyway but will remove turtle sorcs from PvP and make it into a more reactive shield play style. Hardened ward when offensive and healing ward when defensive and in need of healing. Simple.
*drops mic*
Oh, #nerfsorcs
Seriously though, I know he pain of almost killing a Sorc just to watch him stack 3 shields and streak away 20 times until their Zerg shows up.
Edit: I play a Sorc too, and also played all classes in PvP. You only need one shield to survive a gank or high burst. If you don’t have your shield up then of course you’ll probably die but that’s the game. I highly doubt making shields unstackable would highly nerf the class. You want a bigger singular shield? Put more points in Bastion. Maybe buff the timing to 8-10 seconds duration to sweeten the deal. Seems pretty simple to me.
Why should players be unable to use their burst heal under a shield? Hardened + Harness is the only problem here.
They could stop harness and hardened from stacking but it won't change anything. When under pressure, spamming the strongest shields is the most effective option, so hardened, hardened, hardened....
The only effect it would have is to finally show that stacking was never actually a problem, but people will still complain about shields..
But to do this fairly, they would have to make it so harness and cloak can't be up together.. And you can't purge or bol with harness up...
Because defensively, to imagine a magica class that is constrained to only one shield is to look at magblade with no cloak (and worse heals), or a light armour magplar with no bol/purge..
To do this and not break the class, a new defensive mechanism will be needed to replace it.
Make it so you can’t stack shields at all, won’t affect PvE because DDs usually won’t run two shields anyway but will remove turtle sorcs from PvP and make it into a more reactive shield play style. Hardened ward when offensive and healing ward when defensive and in need of healing. Simple.
*drops mic*
Oh, #nerfsorcs
Seriously though, I know he pain of almost killing a Sorc just to watch him stack 3 shields and streak away 20 times until their Zerg shows up.
Edit: I play a Sorc too, and also played all classes in PvP. You only need one shield to survive a gank or high burst. If you don’t have your shield up then of course you’ll probably die but that’s the game. I highly doubt making shields unstackable would highly nerf the class. You want a bigger singular shield? Put more points in Bastion. Maybe buff the timing to 8-10 seconds duration to sweeten the deal. Seems pretty simple to me.
Why should players be unable to use their burst heal under a shield? Hardened + Harness is the only problem here.
They could stop harness and hardened from stacking but it won't change anything. When under pressure, spamming the strongest shields is the most effective option, so hardened, hardened, hardened....
The only effect it would have is to finally show that stacking was never actually a problem, but people will still complain about shields..
But to do this fairly, they would have to make it so harness and cloak can't be up together.. And you can't purge or bol with harness up...
Because defensively, to imagine a magica class that is constrained to only one shield is to look at magblade with no cloak (and worse heals), or a light armour magplar with no bol/purge..
To do this and not break the class, a new defensive mechanism will be needed to replace it.
Stacking isn't why a bad player has a hard time killing me, but it is still a problem. It gives me a lot of sustain against magicka builds and allows me to survive a massive burst very easily.
That said, I'd rather have Annulment completely reworked into something that adds to any magicka builds defense, rather than replacing it. Then stacking won't be a problem anyway.
"No one uses rune cage"
Well here is a page of sorcs using rune cage.
Its a large change is playstyle, hence why many use clench, but being able to force a meteor/frags isn't nothing.
You mean the DW builds and the other one who literally said "i dont recommend my build to anyone"? Great.
People use clench cause of the reasons i told you last time (no space) and because of reasons i mentioned in a previous post about the benefits of a frag cc which are similar to those of clench. You should really stop pretending to be an expert on sorcs. You showed your lack of knowledge multiple times. Not sure why you keep trying. You called it a big buff. People told you its not. Turns out you were wrong. Get over it.
And thank you for admitting that this just handicaps the already handicapped sorc playstyle. I guess we are all going to run DW rune cage meteor builds now so u can call it a buff.
And thank you for ignoring all the other points. I guess avoiding to answer says a lot.
Btw, im still waiting for those tanking sorc videos. And please dont tell me that u are talking about the videos that other guy posted in that thread with the random 1vX sorc videos.
Maybe you lose some pressure with Rune Cage over Clench, but boiii, does it help to have your Curse/Frag/Fury/Meteor combo hit dodgers and blockers!
Which goes back to the point of being forced into a specific playstyle. So now we should all run DW meteor builds to make the most out of rune cage? Very exciting
Again, you do not have the pressure on a sorc. So unless you one shot someone it wont do much. The only people you one shot these days are some squishy builds. You did not have an issue against those in the first place. This is where sorc was good at. So why would i want to drop a necessary ability to slot a cc that helps me do what i was already doing in the first place and lose some pressure in the process which i didnt have much in the first place.
Oh no.
Dodgeroll builds that dodged every Frag used to be nigh unkillable, unless you slowly wrestled them out of resources. Not practicable in group fights.
Permablockers just blocked everything.
The trick is to build pressurs with Force Pulse, and when you got them on the defense, get that guaranteed burst in.
Permablockers fall into the category of tanks. You are not going to one shot them.
Dodge roll builds can be hard to kill but they are by no means unkillable. They can be one shotted. You both play around the advantages of ur classes and try to counter each other. Thats how it should be. Abusing just another ability that ignores mechanics to kill them isnt good. And u can already get that guaranteed burst against rollers anw. No need for rune. Just slot soul assault. Another bs ability that ignores mechanics. Curse, fury, soul assault done.
Force pulse doesnt apply pressure. It can be dodged. Heavy resto/lighting apply pressure.
You can't oneshot tanks and you can't kill them on your own. But when they are targeted by five of us and I can now force them to drop defense for a second with my Meteor coming in, I have a chance to kill them before my hair turns grey.
Dodge rollers have a very distinctive advantage against Frags and Curse won't kill them alone. Now they have to heal up before my burst lands instead of simply dodge-cancelling THEIR burst. It's a game changer. A fair one. You call it out, but then why suggest SA? It's cheesy and since good players just block a few ticks and survive the rest, it's not even worth it, IMO.
You don't build pressure with heavy staff attacks. You die while in animation. Force Pulse can't be dodged (wait for it), as that would run you out of stamina quickly. It all comes down to the right Frag at the right time, and just ask any MagDK how strong a Meteor with Fossilize is. I would know, this is how mine got 90% of all kills.
Keep in mind, I am talking general open world Cyrodiil here, with groups and such. With potatoes but also brilliant players. I can see your personal preference, but you can also trust ME that I have found very good uses for Rune Cage, as mentioned above.
Make it so you can’t stack shields at all, won’t affect PvE because DDs usually won’t run two shields anyway but will remove turtle sorcs from PvP and make it into a more reactive shield play style. Hardened ward when offensive and healing ward when defensive and in need of healing. Simple.
*drops mic*
Oh, #nerfsorcs
Seriously though, I know he pain of almost killing a Sorc just to watch him stack 3 shields and streak away 20 times until their Zerg shows up.
Edit: I play a Sorc too, and also played all classes in PvP. You only need one shield to survive a gank or high burst. If you don’t have your shield up then of course you’ll probably die but that’s the game. I highly doubt making shields unstackable would highly nerf the class. You want a bigger singular shield? Put more points in Bastion. Maybe buff the timing to 8-10 seconds duration to sweeten the deal. Seems pretty simple to me.
Why should players be unable to use their burst heal under a shield? Hardened + Harness is the only problem here.
Lol, in that situation, It'd be the red bar that runs out for me, long before the blue..
I can sometimes facetank 4-5 people for exactly the duration of lights champion + a dodgeroll or two.
Nerf shields.. Lol.
Make it so you can’t stack shields at all, won’t affect PvE because DDs usually won’t run two shields anyway but will remove turtle sorcs from PvP and make it into a more reactive shield play style. Hardened ward when offensive and healing ward when defensive and in need of healing. Simple.
*drops mic*
Oh, #nerfsorcs
Seriously though, I know he pain of almost killing a Sorc just to watch him stack 3 shields and streak away 20 times until their Zerg shows up.
Edit: I play a Sorc too, and also played all classes in PvP. You only need one shield to survive a gank or high burst. If you don’t have your shield up then of course you’ll probably die but that’s the game. I highly doubt making shields unstackable would highly nerf the class. You want a bigger singular shield? Put more points in Bastion. Maybe buff the timing to 8-10 seconds duration to sweeten the deal. Seems pretty simple to me.
Why should players be unable to use their burst heal under a shield? Hardened + Harness is the only problem here.
Uses HoTs under hardened or harness shield and pop healing ward after. There is seriously no need to have 3 shields that stack together. Especially one that heals. I don’t want to gimp magic in anyway but I can PvP fine with one shield, yes I’ll die if I get zerged but unless I have LoS to use then I should die. Having one shield to absorb damage from hitting you main health pool and another doing the same and giving you sustain while also having another heal you to full when it expires is completely ridiculous. I don’t want to sound like a StamBoy cuz I’m not but Stam only has HoTs with the exception of rally. Yes they have more armor resistances but they have no shields unless you literally refer to the one hand and shield skill line which Magicka builds also use. Yes, Stam has higher single target burst but Magicka builds in groups are devastating and equally as defensive. Like I said I’ve played all classes, magic and Stam and I think three shields combining is way over the top. It may use more magic to keep up but then they also have the mobility to get away and regain it all back.
Make it so you can’t stack shields at all, won’t affect PvE because DDs usually won’t run two shields anyway but will remove turtle sorcs from PvP and make it into a more reactive shield play style. Hardened ward when offensive and healing ward when defensive and in need of healing. Simple.
*drops mic*
Oh, #nerfsorcs
Seriously though, I know he pain of almost killing a Sorc just to watch him stack 3 shields and streak away 20 times until their Zerg shows up.
Edit: I play a Sorc too, and also played all classes in PvP. You only need one shield to survive a gank or high burst. If you don’t have your shield up then of course you’ll probably die but that’s the game. I highly doubt making shields unstackable would highly nerf the class. You want a bigger singular shield? Put more points in Bastion. Maybe buff the timing to 8-10 seconds duration to sweeten the deal. Seems pretty simple to me.
Why should players be unable to use their burst heal under a shield? Hardened + Harness is the only problem here.
I don’t want to sound like a StamBoy cuz I’m not but Stam only has HoTs with the exception of rally. Yes they have more armor resistances but they have no shields unless you literally refer to the one hand and shield skill line which Magicka builds also use.
Make it so you can’t stack shields at all, won’t affect PvE because DDs usually won’t run two shields anyway but will remove turtle sorcs from PvP and make it into a more reactive shield play style. Hardened ward when offensive and healing ward when defensive and in need of healing. Simple.
*drops mic*
Oh, #nerfsorcs
Seriously though, I know he pain of almost killing a Sorc just to watch him stack 3 shields and streak away 20 times until their Zerg shows up.
Edit: I play a Sorc too, and also played all classes in PvP. You only need one shield to survive a gank or high burst. If you don’t have your shield up then of course you’ll probably die but that’s the game. I highly doubt making shields unstackable would highly nerf the class. You want a bigger singular shield? Put more points in Bastion. Maybe buff the timing to 8-10 seconds duration to sweeten the deal. Seems pretty simple to me.
Why should players be unable to use their burst heal under a shield? Hardened + Harness is the only problem here.
Uses HoTs under hardened or harness shield and pop healing ward after. There is seriously no need to have 3 shields that stack together. Especially one that heals. I don’t want to gimp magic in anyway but I can PvP fine with one shield, yes I’ll die if I get zerged but unless I have LoS to use then I should die. Having one shield to absorb damage from hitting you main health pool and another doing the same and giving you sustain while also having another heal you to full when it expires is completely ridiculous. I don’t want to sound like a StamBoy cuz I’m not but Stam only has HoTs with the exception of rally. Yes they have more armor resistances but they have no shields unless you literally refer to the one hand and shield skill line which Magicka builds also use. Yes, Stam has higher single target burst but Magicka builds in groups are devastating and equally as defensive. Like I said I’ve played all classes, magic and Stam and I think three shields combining is way over the top. It may use more magic to keep up but then they also have the mobility to get away and regain it all back.
That’s how you kill everything in this game. What does that have to do with you saying Mag classes run out of stam and are dead after 3 cc breaks. That’s simply not true.I'm not posting here because I'm losing to sorcs... I'm doing it because even I'm killing them, they are unbalanced, as permablockersChilly-McFreeze wrote: »Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »And by the one that says that maximum magica doesn't benefit mag sorcs as spell damage... Pls bro go and study the eso mechanics
Max mag benefits all your damage AND your shields.... Only spell damage doesn't benefits you in class shields...
Remember that formula?
(Sd*10,05)+ (max mag)??
Don't try to sound like we don't know how it works...
Isn't it ironic that someone who doesn't even know that armor mitigation isn't applied to shields wants to lecture others...And to remember... Shields don't take more damage when target have it's armour broken, don't take more damage from crits... It's more defensive power than needed... And double or triple it... Now it's ridiculous...
I understand that sorcs depend on shields to survive... But the problem is the stacking of it and the low damage it receives overall...
What is wrong in what I said?
Sorcs doesn't have downsides when debuffed, shields don't take more or less damage based on resistances, that's the problems, because even using light armour, they make crit builds and penetration builds worthless, even when they have the most penetration against all non shielded oponents, by having light armour passives and staff and set passives...
And let us think a little more...
So... To have more defenses, sustain and damage what they need?
I don't see permablockers having sustain by stacking max health, or more damage...
Neither mag NBS or Stam/mag dks...
Keep being cheese baby...
I know you like it, like wrobel...
Save your stupid attempts to insult and brighten up.
Shields don't take resistance into account. You don't have to debuff them. This is not a disadvantage for you. Get that into your head.
You save CP, set boni, munuds stunes on penetration or skill slots, resources and GCDs on applying debuffs. Simply because it is not necessary.
You can twist and turn how you like it. But instead of "crit and pen" you simply can invest all in max resources and raw spell/wpn dmg and still be effective against shields. Hell, there are even sets and enchants that ignore shields entirely.
But god forbid crit + pen isn't best at every giving opponent.
And please anlighten me how max magicka impacts magicka regeneration.
Permablocking functions on whole different mechanics. Through a mix of HA and class passives, broken ways to calculate block costs and Ultimates.
In this game everything isn't the same. Yet.
Keep being ignorant baby...
I know you like it, like every crybaby.
So what you say is that everybody should change theirs builds to be in equal to sorcs?
You are telling me that even penetration, crits and helping debuffs, components of offensive part of every build should be ignored? And stacked to high values, more than any heal...
At the same time sorcs can keep high crit and high pen... Alright, alright... I give up...
I'm crying okay... I'm a cry baby...
Let me Save my time and stupid attempts to insult to brighten and look for hypocrites....
I didn't see you kill many shield stacking sorcs. I did see you struggle as DKs don't really have high spamable burst like sorc's/nbs. But what sorcs/nbs don't have is the ability to block or Regen resorces outside of Regen.
In the end, it comes down to CC attempts and draining a sorcs stamina. In your videos, I saw the CC early in nearly every fight. Combined with no points in shattering blows means your real opener attacks are predictable, easily negated by a mobile Sorc whose playing on your lack of range to their advantage.
Your mobilty is correct. Mist form into talons/take flight. But dual snb DK, in my opinion is outdated in this mobilty meta without a way to use snare/cost poisons from range.
New players or not, if a Sorc is beating you in that build, it's because they outplayed you. Mobility>dmg.
You can’t run Sorc (or any magic class) out of stamina anymore. I play both magic and stamina and I never run out of stam anymore on my magic toons with CP the way it is. This hasn’t been a problem for magic users in like forever.
You still should be able to. Break free, even with 16% reduction is still over 4k per cast. And generally most mag builds run 14k stam. so 3 cc attempts means death.
That's why I say mobilty> most stats. The ability to reset fights offsets these weaknesses entirely. Why else is most of cyro a NB? Cloak+shade+major expedition (even sorc streak+sprint) is superior to purge spam/Ultimate jumping.
Standing in one place sucks. And it sucks even more if you target can move away if they run out of resources to Regen.
19% break free reduction. And you conveniently ignored stam regen and pots to prove your point. If you are dead after 3 cc breaks on your Mag classes I’m not sure what to tell you. Or maybe you are just shaping facts to support your narrative. I see that a lot around here.
Not everyone plays CP campaigns.
And not everyone runs tri pots. Some classes run speed pots, which the cheapest one only gives a hot.
And how much Regen does a mag build actually run? I run around 1k with 14000 Stam. But sorcs? Probably 600 Stam Regen and the same Stam level. Either way that's 600 Stam every 2 seconds, and the Sorc isn't going to stand around while they get hit with CC attempts.
They are going to kite you till their range becomes an advantage. And all the videos I've seen are showing double snb bars on a non-mobility class; the sorcs straight up played against their disadvantage. And even if they got close, there was no attempt to take advantage of the 6 second duration or layer dots to help you save resources for burst attempts.
If you do not want to run tri pots then that is your decision. I stand by my statement, if your dying on Mag classes after 3 CC breaks the you have big issues.
Same goes for not being able to kill sorcs not using cc burst combos.
Pier, read what I wrote again. My last post. I explained my thoughts very detailed. If you don't understand them there, I cannot say anything here to make it clear to you. I'll just see my self out of this time waste.
Actually_Goku wrote: »
I know it wasn't you that originally suggest this, but are you serious? Most good players use dampen magicka anyway
Instead of whining about how strong shields are, why don't people put more CP into mighty or ask for a buff in that particular CP perk/constellation? Or for example, if Hardened Ward is casted, any other damage shield used just applies minor physical and spell resistances for the duration instead?
We could think of so many fair solutions (to something I don't consider a problem anyway, and I'm not a Sorc) but one bad thing about this community is they'd rather whine for nerfs to shields, rather than look at ways they can either get through them better themselves, or come up with a give-take solution. It's always just "nerf this".
I play a Magicka DK, easily the least bursty magicka class, and generally speaking, sorcs get rekt 1v1. The beauty of ESO's combat system is that you have to time key attacks at the right moment. You can't just spam your execute and win, which is what so many people seemingly want. Not to mention I don't even have an execute
WillhelmBlack wrote: »I killed a group with a mixture of all classes including 3 sorcs couple nights ago. There was one survivor, Mag Sorc, complete potato, didn't have a CC, only attack was lightning heavy but managed to survive all of my combo's whilst even laying on the ground not even CC breaking as it was out of Stam pretty fast! Who knows what it was wearing but the max magic must have been insane. Couldn't be killed, I actually gave up and wanted to respawn somewhere else, so I stopped fighting and saw what kinda damage it could do. Curse was strong, Lightning heavy was weak but the thing that killed me was destro ult (obviously stood in it on purpose) and then the easily excitable execute.
I don't get any of these problems in no CP, I don't even want to imagine a mag sorc in the next CP increase. 700+CP, Wizards Riposte, 70k max Magicka? What's that like 40k of replenishable shields?
ZOS ALWAYS nerf and buff the wrong things. Streak was fine, Curse was fine, Frags were fine. The two things that I find overpowered on Sorc is the zero effort execute and passive that goes along with it and the stacking of 3 different shields.
You'd think that if anything ever in this game needed the Minor/Major treatment it would be damage shields. It would surely be easier to balance.
Yep, but for obvious reason shields cannot be buffed at all based on CP PvP. That power creep has led to everything being imbalanced without CP, yet with CP certain things are still OP and there are so many other issues..... also never-ending load screens and lag -_- This is all kinda why I never talk about PvP anymore and the PvP population is so low.@Vaoh
Correct. It becomes really obvious if you play non-CP. Take away all the mitigation the CP system offers, the extra resource pools, and bastion, and shields are really on the weak side that could need a buff.
Harness on its own is fine. Try surviving on Harness and Heal Ward as you only shields and then tell me it’s too strong.
The Harness + Hardened stack is extremely strong and completely potato-proof. On a Magicka build it’s nigh on impossible to solo kill a potato Sorc stacking them. If they are a good player too, then forget about it, you are wasting your time.
My proposition for some time has been something quite radical, but I say remove Hardened Ward altogether and give us another, new skill. Shake up the meta a little. Then add to the Daedric Protection passive something along these lines:
“Reduces the cost of Damage Shields by [8/15] %. With pets active, 50% of the final shield strength is also applied to your pets”
That way Sorc is still the most efficient Ward spammer but can only have Dampen/Harness + Heal Ward. You would then have a choice to make between Dampen and Harness and even with 15% reduced costs you won’t hit the total shield size or Magicka efficiency that you get with the current stack against other Magicka builds.
Harness on its own is fine. Try surviving on Harness and Heal Ward as you only shields and then tell me it’s too strong.
The Harness + Hardened stack is extremely strong and completely potato-proof. On a Magicka build it’s nigh on impossible to solo kill a potato Sorc stacking them. If they are a good player too, then forget about it, you are wasting your time.
My proposition for some time has been something quite radical, but I say remove Hardened Ward altogether and give us another, new skill. Shake up the meta a little. Then add to the Daedric Protection passive something along these lines:
“Reduces the cost of Damage Shields by [8/15] %. With pets active, 50% of the final shield strength is also applied to your pets”
That way Sorc is still the most efficient Ward spammer but can only have Dampen/Harness + Heal Ward. You would then have a choice to make between Dampen and Harness and even with 15% reduced costs you won’t hit the total shield size or Magicka efficiency that you get with the current stack against other Magicka builds.
I don't like using shields, but I need to be able to mitigate/avoid enough damage and heal through the rest otherwise. What you are suggesting sounds like it would just lead to being forced to use Annulment instead of Hardened Ward.
What I would really want is changing Surge: Remove the cooldown, make the heal based on damage done again and balance it some other way.