This thread is so entertaining. It's merely about players that have not developed their PvP playing skill wanting the game's difficulty level brought to their playing level.
Wel, it's also about players pointing out that simple fact.
No. It's players. Predominantly sorcs claiming superiority without backing up with facts.
Quick recap.
Best scaling defense
Least fair counters
Least debuffs if any
Sorc: fine. Would have them be more burst and speed. After a shield nerf.
And sorcs tanking 10 people, escaping whenever they want, bursting everyone, having sustained dmg and shields costing 2k are facts? Got it.
I have already shown you videos of sorcs tanking many people, but you said hurr durr doesn't count because they use LOS, Which would automatically disqualify 90% of tank vids on youtube. I showed you a vid of sypher streaking 5x and gaining a lot of distance. (Turning back and fighting) Nope, doesn't count.
Never claimed sustained damage, or 2k shields, but the fact they can be up 100% is true and they did have good burst. (less so now since they all use clench)
Must be another new PvPer. Welcome to Cyrodiil OP, initially you may think Sorcs are OP, but as you play more you will realise they have a load of weaknesses, are easy to read (telegraph) you just need to alter your approach rather than trying to batter thru a ward.
Sorcs are the easiest class to counter and to kill. It just takes effort. Once you play a bit more you will realise this.
FYI no one is shield stacking since Morrowind. Most use two wards, and two wards are available to all classes........
Shield stacking is using more than one shield at one time, therefore using two wards would be considered shield stacking. But then again words and their meanings don't really matter to sorcs who try and justify their OP class
It's the synergy. Allowing you to stack one resource letting that resource be used for your mobility your defense and your offense. To easy. Other classes have to choose. You make specs choose and loose a bit more of the burst and I players would call it fair. That's not the case. It's e z mode. You wanna reference other posts reference easiest class to play polls. Sure reference the hundred other nerf sorc posts if every one is saying it.... it's a thing. It's easiest class to play and build.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »These are old videos from HOTR and morrowind... But i think u can see that I'm not that bad, as I think you are trying to expose my arguments by claiming that I could be some random or newer player...
Certainly not, since now I've watched your videos! But what I want to know is an example of the ridiculous shield stacking of what you describe. You managed to kill every opponent in the end. In the second video for example at 5:10 you were fighting a templar and a sorc for a very long time (by focusing first on the templar), but I can not see what the issue with the sorc shield there. Then at around 9:40 there was another fight 1vs1 against a sorc. Again I can not see the problem with the sorc shield either.
Just skip to the last few minutes of each of these videos. Yeah I'm not a top tier player but neither are the guys I'm fighting so it's hardly a L2P issue we have here. I'm seriously considering Shieldbreaker even tho I despise that set when I'm on my Sorc.
Video 1: At the end he just stood there conserving mana while you burned yours, that isn't a shield issue that is you falling for a trap (as per usual).
You didn't even push when NPCs were on him, you just stood behind a pillar and then went full blown magic dry.
After seeing that I refused to look at video 2, just stop blaming others, you got tricked okay we get it and now you're upset!
I saw no coordinated burst directly following cc attempts in neither videos. I also saw a permablocking build in the first video and a bleed stamplar in the second video.
But yea, neither showed an attempt at hitting right when the shield duration would be zero.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »So in what other PvP game allows a bad player to survive a lot of damage whilst lying half dead on the ground without the correct resource to get back up again?
WillhelmBlack wrote: »So in what other PvP game allows a bad player to survive a lot of damage whilst lying half dead on the ground without the correct resource to get back up again?
20k or 30k over 6 seconds is not a lot of damage.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »So in what other PvP game allows a bad player to survive a lot of damage whilst lying half dead on the ground without the correct resource to get back up again?
Yes, they recently announced to ban the Sorcerer class from the game.
LukosCreyden wrote: »Why are people arguing in this thread? You are not going to change each others opinions. Accept that this is how the game is, leave sensible feedback in the relevant combat thread or shut up.
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »With the nerf to Frags, there is no need to change the way shielding works; they are hard pressed to kill a well built character 1v1 nowadays...
So let them have their survival tools; all it does is delay the inevitable...
WillhelmBlack wrote: »So in what other PvP game allows a bad player to survive a lot of damage whilst lying half dead on the ground without the correct resource to get back up again?
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »With the nerf to Frags, there is no need to change the way shielding works; they are hard pressed to kill a well built character 1v1 nowadays...
So let them have their survival tools; all it does is delay the inevitable...
There are actually very strong builds using the new runecage, benefitting from frags not giving cc-immunity. Its only a matter of time, I think until more people figure them out and the complaints start. I honestly think they shouldn't have changed it.
it's becamibg ridiculous.... Nerfing frags wasn't the solution... Fix the shields... Make them critable... Affected by mending or whatever you guys think of...
But fix it, it's breaking the game...
Bad sorcs are killable.. off course they are...
Like any other classes... But being killable it's not the same as balanced...
I've dueled and fought sorcs with my stam dk and mag dk... They are by far the most unbalanced class and hard to defeat... There's no trade off from offense to defense... That's.the problem... They can keep pressuring you even while taking insane damage... NBS can cloack but they can be taken if u slot detection pots... That's counter play that every player has access... Shield break aren't...
Stop shield stacking and sdjust it's values or make them critable... Problem solved
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »With the nerf to Frags, there is no need to change the way shielding works; they are hard pressed to kill a well built character 1v1 nowadays...
So let them have their survival tools; all it does is delay the inevitable...
There are actually very strong builds using the new runecage, benefitting from frags not giving cc-immunity. Its only a matter of time, I think until more people figure them out and the complaints start. I honestly think they shouldn't have changed it.
Rune Cage is nice on players who don’t run immovable potions, are not used to the stun, or are hard pressed to break free when CCed. In other words - not good players. I had the pleasure to see ZS take on 40 AD PUGs with 12 yesterday. Not a single stun resulted in a kill, in most cases I couldn’t even cast it due to CC immunity.
It’s great on engaged or fleeing players, in other words, the perfect zerg skill.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »So in what other PvP game allows a bad player to survive a lot of damage whilst lying half dead on the ground without the correct resource to get back up again?
In the first video you are not really a better player than the sorc. Its kinda equal. You are playing the class with the weakest dmg on a setup with no dmg. I am sorry but anyone can take ur dmg like that except some squishy medium armor builds. He is shieldstacking u permablock u cant kill each other he does a mistake and u kill him in 2 seconds.
In the second video u went up against 3 sorcs, u killed two of them and not the third because of ur own mistakes. Its clear that the third one cant take ur dmg either. And thats while u are playing a build with no execute as well.
So what exactly do want? To go up against sorcs and kill them with a light attack?
WillhelmBlack wrote: »WillhelmBlack wrote: »So in what other PvP game allows a bad player to survive a lot of damage whilst lying half dead on the ground without the correct resource to get back up again?
In the first video you are not really a better player than the sorc. Its kinda equal. You are playing the class with the weakest dmg on a setup with no dmg. I am sorry but anyone can take ur dmg like that except some squishy medium armor builds. He is shieldstacking u permablock u cant kill each other he does a mistake and u kill him in 2 seconds.
In the second video u went up against 3 sorcs, u killed two of them and not the third because of ur own mistakes. Its clear that the third one cant take ur dmg either. And thats while u are playing a build with no execute as well.
So what exactly do want? To go up against sorcs and kill them with a light attack?
That DK has 3900 spell damage, almost 40k Magicka and Light Armour. I built it to be very strong against Sorcs hence the use of Reflective Plate and the 3000+ mag regen. Still isn't enough, the fight was only won because the player must've looked at a text on his phone or something. It's not usual for a Sorc like him to not have his shields up and I pounced on the chance hoping that by the time I'd leapt to him he hadn't cast a ward again.
And no... I want Healing Ward and Conjured Ward unable to stack. Shield stacking could still be obtained through use of Annulment and a bit more skill by the player. Obviously, then I'd want Sorc to gain some of its burst and mobility back to make the class more enjoyable again. Like I've said previously, ZOS nerfed the life out of Sorc and its really quite dull and a bit of a chore to play. OP yes, because of the stacking issue but a shadow of its former self from beta days where they could self heal like crazy and fly around kiting everything, a very fun playstyle.
I can't remember when ZOS decided to adopt the shield stacking way to play Sorc but it wasn't always like that. You once wasn't able to cast a damage shield on yourself if you already had one active. Before 1.5 I think, good times.
Truthfully, all DoTs that stick to a target should ignore damage shields. This includes attacks such as burning embers, Dawnbreaker, and poison injection. This does not include DoTs such as elemental blockade or caltrops.
Truthfully, all DoTs that stick to a target should ignore damage shields. This includes attacks such as burning embers, Dawnbreaker, and poison injection. This does not include DoTs such as elemental blockade or caltrops.
Sometimes I’m really glad ZOS doesn’t listen to feedback on the forum. Most ideas are totally atrocious.
Truthfully, all DoTs that stick to a target should ignore damage shields. This includes attacks such as burning embers, Dawnbreaker, and poison injection. This does not include DoTs such as elemental blockade or caltrops.
Sometimes I’m really glad ZOS doesn’t listen to feedback on the forum. Most ideas are totally atrocious.
I find it VERY useful to pick off individuals you spot with no cc-immunity, and timing the burst with their breakfree, and if your burst is big enough makes it very hard to counter.
I'm still tweaking the build and getting used to playing it -along with trying different variations - but its very promising so far.
Truthfully, all DoTs that stick to a target should ignore damage shields. This includes attacks such as burning embers, Dawnbreaker, and poison injection. This does not include DoTs such as elemental blockade or caltrops.
Sometimes I’m really glad ZOS doesn’t listen to feedback on the forum. Most ideas are totally atrocious.
Yes, especially the "shields are fine, everything else is OP drivel"
If a dot is cast on a target whilst a shield is down, it should attack the health directly. After all shields aren't supposed to be extra health. It would give the dot a bone since they are really only 1v1 worth.