Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Shor PC/NA "Official" Discussion

  • Grimlok_S
    Big congrats to Red Lotus' first official DC emp on Shor last night! After 30 some odd hours of the AP race Bartholomew had the throne.
    Edited by Grimlok_S on March 7, 2018 1:00PM
    Light Attack Hero

    Class context
    Stam NB
    Bomb NB
  • Adenoma
    Just a point of order, but if someone asks you a question of course they want to provoke a response. It's your choice to call that goading, but you can also just be less hostile and answer their question.
  • kynseon
    @Adenoma I challenge you to a dance duel.
  • Galalin
    Grimlok_S wrote: »
    Big congrats to Red Lotus' first official DC emp on Shor last night! After 30 some odd hours of the AP race Bartholomew had the throne.

    Gratz... He was tough enough to fight without emp. Good fights btw you guys.

  • Kartalin
    Grimlok_S wrote: »
    Big congrats to Red Lotus' first official DC emp on Shor last night! After 30 some odd hours of the AP race Bartholomew had the throne.
    Be sure to thank a couple of streamers for the assist zerging stuff down
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • BaylorCorvette
    Grimlok_S wrote: »
    Big congrats to Red Lotus' first official DC emp on Shor last night! After 30 some odd hours of the AP race Bartholomew had the throne.

    Grats to Bartholomew. Since AD was getting their face kicked it most of the night last night, five of us went to obscure resources (and Bruma once or twice) but apparently that was enough to draw the Emp and several groupies to face smash us lol. Good stuff.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • Vapirko
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Grimlok_S wrote: »
    Big congrats to Red Lotus' first official DC emp on Shor last night! After 30 some odd hours of the AP race Bartholomew had the throne.
    Be sure to thank a couple of streamers for the assist zerging stuff down

    EP had comparable numbers last night. So zerging wouldn’t be the right word, and I’m sorry but right now EP has no moral high ground when it comes to zerging. I don’t want to get in the middle of the zerg argument but that much I know for sure. The way you guys felt last night is how it is normally to face off agains the EP population. I’m not saying any one guild or person is responsible, but that’s exactly it whether it’s a few of us on oceanic time getting zerged by a 10 man emp group to tri keeps or 20 ep streaming into bleaks. The only difference is we were both at 3 bars of population. EP also had no issue beginning to zerg back around that map earlier in the night at 2 bars ep to 1 dc. As a side note we also had AD taking our tri keeps, resources and attacking us during the dethrone at BRK.
    Edited by Vapirko on March 7, 2018 3:45PM
  • Galalin
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Grimlok_S wrote: »
    Big congrats to Red Lotus' first official DC emp on Shor last night! After 30 some odd hours of the AP race Bartholomew had the throne.
    Be sure to thank a couple of streamers for the assist zerging stuff down

    EP had comparable numbers last night. So zerging wouldn’t be the right word, and I’m sorry but right now EP has no moral high ground when it comes to zerging. I don’t want to get in the middle of the zerg argument but that much I know for sure. The way you guys felt last night is how it is normally to face off agains the EP population. I’m not saying any one guild or person is responsible, but that’s exactly it whether it’s a few of us on oceanic time getting zerged by a 10 man emp group to tri keeps or 20 ep streaming into bleaks. The only difference is we were both at 3 bars of population. EP also had no issue beginning to zerg back around that map earlier in the night at 2 bars ep to 1 dc. As a side note we also had AD taking our tri keeps, resources and attacking us during the dethrone at BRK.

    I definately felt we were outnumbered while we were at even bars... they are not very reliable. DC fielded several good guilds so maybe it just felt that way and at times and at others it felt like the EP pop seemed to be missing about half. Like at the last emp keep defence. I agree with you that this whole argument of EP/DC/AD did this and this guild did this and blah blah blah is more toxic than anything actually done in the campaign... also no faction has any moral high ground.

    Why can't this just be like the old days... where ppl take off the blinders and just say good fights guys! I mean we all like to win but Let's all stop the petty crap....sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, numbers change and every faction at some point has the advantage. Be it 10v 3 or 100v30. Last night like most had some good fights and some rough losses... but quess what it was an active campaign with good fights.

    Let's put away the E-peens and stop making excuses why we lose. Sure sometimes it because we are vastly outnumbered... but others we are not. There is no way to ensure fights will always be even and crying about is not going to solve that.

    This post is Not directed at you nor anyone in particular other than the first para
  • gabriebe
    EP put up a good last emp keep defense and then vanished .In primetime. Think the campaign would be more fun if people actually put up a fight for objectives instead of just waiting for things to calm down until they can PvDoor again.
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • BaylorCorvette
    gabriebe wrote: »
    EP put up a good last emp keep defense and then vanished .In primetime. Think the campaign would be more fun if people actually put up a fight for objectives instead of just waiting for things to calm down until they can PvDoor again.

    Just read your sig and saw you're Anita Nurse. My five man AD group ran into you at least three different times last night. I remember this because I kept calling out to my grp to focus "the healer Anita Nurse" :D

    Good fights.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • Galalin
    gabriebe wrote: »
    EP put up a good last emp keep defense and then vanished .In primetime. Think the campaign would be more fun if people actually put up a fight for objectives instead of just waiting for things to calm down until they can PvDoor again.


    Most of us logged after emp dethrone and after a long defense most were tired. I think what happens is the player base changes. I stayed on for a while after and thats what it looked like to me.
  • Rickter
    Galalin wrote: »
    Why can't this just be like the old days... where ppl take off the blinders and just say good fights guys! I mean we all like to win but Let's all stop the petty crap....sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, numbers change and every faction at some point has the advantage. Be it 10v 3 or 100v30. Last night like most had some good fights and some rough losses... but quess what it was an active campaign with good fights.

    Let's put away the E-peens and stop making excuses why we lose. Sure sometimes it because we are vastly outnumbered... but others we are not. There is no way to ensure fights will always be even and crying about is not going to solve that.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this statement Galalin. Prior to like, two months ago, I never had anything against DR. In fact i ALWAYS told my guys we had a friendly rivalry with DR due to the names. The bad blood occurred when I saw Dutch camping DC gate keeps early in the morning which was surprising for me because Ive known her for a long time and she always seemed pro-server health.

    Do you remember this ensemble of awesome people:
    Lyzara Dionysis
    Lily the Succubus
    Wosyet the Flame
    Arinar Silinious
    Sirena Pure-Born
    Sainide/Stabs Like Pro
    Patrick Scott
    Baron Grillz
    Pug Shellshock
    Zane Altise
    I'm Batman lol
    Lisdra Duskbloom
    Kailo von Klotz
    Ebonheart Templar
    Pesa Sextelli

    Thats the DR i remember. Thats the DR i came to respect.

    It made me mad too, in my eyes, see her not practicing what she had preached. Being in a leadership position for your guild, I thought she had the authority to make those kinds of calls, like where to attack and establish standards.

    Then the teabagging started, and it fueled the animosity.

    The entire reason zerging was brought up, since i think a lot of you need a refresher -
    is I made a big stink about TM introducing the proxy/destro/grothdar/permafrost/earthogre meta to Shor. Now for someone who had homed and worked with both other factions to just have fun straight up good fights pvp in the small to medium scale pvp on the campaign, you can most certainly understand why I felt the need to address it, whether others would or not.

    During that discussion, TM asked why they were under fire when EP zerged like crazy (obviously before DR's arrival).

    ever since then, zerging has been under fire.

    My personal opinion about zerging is: I dont like it first and foremost - but i dont mind it as much. I think it provides a place for newcomers or those that dont pvp full time to experience pvp and have casual fun.

    Organized zergs have the weight of greater numbers and the coordination of a small man precision unit and they really make things not so fun, but thats more of the competitive side of things imho.

    in any case, I still dont know where exactly i condemned DR for zerging. the pictures Josh linked just showed you guys day capping the map and holding emp during morning hours, which is generally frowned upon but i never really spoke out against that either.

    So yeah im ready to squash this. Shor is not what it was last november. its been entirely different since mid january 2018. maybe sooner but i was gone 2 weeks around christmas so i didnt see what happened at the end of the year.

    I'll stop ragging on DR and anyone else. Shor was my baby in 2017 but its all grown up now and its whatever.
    Edited by Rickter on March 7, 2018 5:41PM
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • Irylia
    Adenoma wrote: »
    I believe Animosity plays in this campaign a lot. I will contradict @casparian directly and say that there is a lot of Animosity in this campaign.

    Is this the haderus thread?

    Since the ic xp temp bans we've been in wow. Lost half the group for pvping all the tv farmers that morning.

    Wow was meant to be a 2 week wait period game but now it’s stuck.

    So the only animosity in haderus is generated from the current guilds.
    Until wow gets boring.
  • antihero727
    Galalin wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Grimlok_S wrote: »
    Big congrats to Red Lotus' first official DC emp on Shor last night! After 30 some odd hours of the AP race Bartholomew had the throne.
    Be sure to thank a couple of streamers for the assist zerging stuff down

    EP had comparable numbers last night. So zerging wouldn’t be the right word, and I’m sorry but right now EP has no moral high ground when it comes to zerging. I don’t want to get in the middle of the zerg argument but that much I know for sure. The way you guys felt last night is how it is normally to face off agains the EP population. I’m not saying any one guild or person is responsible, but that’s exactly it whether it’s a few of us on oceanic time getting zerged by a 10 man emp group to tri keeps or 20 ep streaming into bleaks. The only difference is we were both at 3 bars of population. EP also had no issue beginning to zerg back around that map earlier in the night at 2 bars ep to 1 dc. As a side note we also had AD taking our tri keeps, resources and attacking us during the dethrone at BRK.

    I definately felt we were outnumbered while we were at even bars... they are not very reliable. DC fielded several good guilds so maybe it just felt that way and at times and at others it felt like the EP pop seemed to be missing about half. Like at the last emp keep defence. I agree with you that this whole argument of EP/DC/AD did this and this guild did this and blah blah blah is more toxic than anything actually done in the campaign... also no faction has any moral high ground.

    Why can't this just be like the old days... where ppl take off the blinders and just say good fights guys! I mean we all like to win but Let's all stop the petty crap....sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, numbers change and every faction at some point has the advantage. Be it 10v 3 or 100v30. Last night like most had some good fights and some rough losses... but quess what it was an active campaign with good fights.

    Let's put away the E-peens and stop making excuses why we lose. Sure sometimes it because we are vastly outnumbered... but others we are not. There is no way to ensure fights will always be even and crying about is not going to solve that.

    This post is Not directed at you nor anyone in particular other than the first para

    Because ZOS has created such a doubt in their code that almost anything is possible with 3rd party programs. When we all figured out that a lot of the elite players were cheating. The q bug was the worst though because everyone now thinks the other factions are still q exploiting. Long story short the community would probably be much better if the game wasn’t plagued with bugged sets, exploits, and 3rd party software. There wouldn’t be the constant “they are cheating” thing if it wasn’t just so easy to cheat. Get gud ZOS QA department.
    Veldrn-AD Magica Sorc
    Bizarro Veldrn-AD Stam Sorc
    Antiherro-AD Stam DK
    Antihero-AD Magplar
    Aww Crit-AD Magblade
    AD Since PC beta
    On A lag free vacation
    for the near and far future
  • Adenoma
    @Irylia , that's too bad to have happened. I had a couple friends that I know for a fact weren't knowingly exploiting XP in there and we literally just grinding up new characters so they could start bringing them into Kyne to PvP. Come to think of it, I haven't seen them online since and I hope that isn't an issue.

    Hope things sort out for you guys - you're always a challenge to run into.
  • Galalin
    Rickter wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »
    Why can't this just be like the old days... where ppl take off the blinders and just say good fights guys! I mean we all like to win but Let's all stop the petty crap....sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, numbers change and every faction at some point has the advantage. Be it 10v 3 or 100v30. Last night like most had some good fights and some rough losses... but quess what it was an active campaign with good fights.

    Let's put away the E-peens and stop making excuses why we lose. Sure sometimes it because we are vastly outnumbered... but others we are not. There is no way to ensure fights will always be even and crying about is not going to solve that.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this statement Galalin. Prior to like, two months ago, I never had anything against DR. In fact i ALWAYS told my guys we had a friendly rivalry with DR due to the names. The bad blood occurred when I saw Dutch camping DC gate keeps early in the morning which was surprising for me because Ive known her for a long time and she always seemed pro-server health.

    Do you remember this ensemble of awesome people:
    Lyzara Dionysis
    Lily the Succubus
    Wosyet the Flame
    Arinar Silinious
    Sirena Pure-Born
    Sainide/Stabs Like Pro
    Patrick Scott
    Baron Grillz
    Pug Shellshock
    Zane Altise
    I'm Batman lol
    Lisdra Duskbloom
    Kailo von Klotz
    Ebonheart Templar
    Pesa Sextelli

    Thats the DR i remember. Thats the DR i came to respect.

    It made me mad too, in my eyes, see her not practicing what she had preached. Being in a leadership position for your guild, I thought she had the authority to make those kinds of calls, like where to attack and establish standards.

    Then the teabagging started, and it fueled the animosity.

    The entire reason zerging was brought up, since i think a lot of you need a refresher -
    is I made a big stink about TM introducing the proxy/destro/grothdar/permafrost/earthogre meta to Shor. Now for someone who had homed and worked with both other factions to just have fun straight up good fights pvp in the small to medium scale pvp on the campaign, you can most certainly understand why I felt the need to address it, whether others would or not.

    During that discussion, TM asked why they were under fire when EP zerged like crazy (obviously before DR's arrival).

    ever since then, zerging has been under fire.

    My personal opinion about zerging is: I dont like it first and foremost - but i dont mind it as much. I think it provides a place for newcomers or those that dont pvp full time to experience pvp and have casual fun.

    Organized zergs have the weight of greater numbers and the coordination of a small man precision unit and they really make things not so fun, but thats more of the competitive side of things imho.

    in any case, I still dont know where exactly i condemned DR for zerging. the pictures Josh linked just showed you guys day capping the map and holding emp during morning hours, which is generally frowned upon but i never really spoke out against that either.

    So yeah im ready to squash this. Shor is not what it was last november. its been entirely different since mid january 2018. maybe sooner but i was gone 2 weeks around christmas so i didnt see what happened at the end of the year.

    I'll stop ragging on DR and anyone else. Shor was my baby in 2017 but its all grown up now and its whatever.

    I know every one of those ppl and i respect where you are coming from but in all fairness lets let this go its not good for either guild image. It started as one incident that has escalated to an unhealthy point for all of us in front of everyone on the forums. So for my part im sorry for any ill will i have caused but I felt the need to defend DR's name because as you stated they are all good ppl as i'm sure you feel the same for your guildies.
  • Galalin
    Galalin wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Grimlok_S wrote: »
    Big congrats to Red Lotus' first official DC emp on Shor last night! After 30 some odd hours of the AP race Bartholomew had the throne.
    Be sure to thank a couple of streamers for the assist zerging stuff down

    EP had comparable numbers last night. So zerging wouldn’t be the right word, and I’m sorry but right now EP has no moral high ground when it comes to zerging. I don’t want to get in the middle of the zerg argument but that much I know for sure. The way you guys felt last night is how it is normally to face off agains the EP population. I’m not saying any one guild or person is responsible, but that’s exactly it whether it’s a few of us on oceanic time getting zerged by a 10 man emp group to tri keeps or 20 ep streaming into bleaks. The only difference is we were both at 3 bars of population. EP also had no issue beginning to zerg back around that map earlier in the night at 2 bars ep to 1 dc. As a side note we also had AD taking our tri keeps, resources and attacking us during the dethrone at BRK.

    I definately felt we were outnumbered while we were at even bars... they are not very reliable. DC fielded several good guilds so maybe it just felt that way and at times and at others it felt like the EP pop seemed to be missing about half. Like at the last emp keep defence. I agree with you that this whole argument of EP/DC/AD did this and this guild did this and blah blah blah is more toxic than anything actually done in the campaign... also no faction has any moral high ground.

    Why can't this just be like the old days... where ppl take off the blinders and just say good fights guys! I mean we all like to win but Let's all stop the petty crap....sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, numbers change and every faction at some point has the advantage. Be it 10v 3 or 100v30. Last night like most had some good fights and some rough losses... but quess what it was an active campaign with good fights.

    Let's put away the E-peens and stop making excuses why we lose. Sure sometimes it because we are vastly outnumbered... but others we are not. There is no way to ensure fights will always be even and crying about is not going to solve that.

    This post is Not directed at you nor anyone in particular other than the first para

    Because ZOS has created such a doubt in their code that almost anything is possible with 3rd party programs. When we all figured out that a lot of the elite players were cheating. The q bug was the worst though because everyone now thinks the other factions are still q exploiting. Long story short the community would probably be much better if the game wasn’t plagued with bugged sets, exploits, and 3rd party software. There wouldn’t be the constant “they are cheating” thing if it wasn’t just so easy to cheat. Get gud ZOS QA department.

    I agree and feel there are still ppl exploiting but its prob not going to get fixed anytime soon and have accepted that. The need to E-peen as the best players drives that and I personally could care less if ppl think im a garbage player. I play to get better but most of all i play to have fun times with long time guildies and friends. So my mindset is let the E-peens have their glory exploiting or not and move on. I am by no way implying that every e-peen exploits. If i didn't look at it this way I would just quit and play some other game or none at all.
  • Rickter
    Galalin wrote: »

    I know every one of those ppl and i respect where you are coming from but in all fairness lets let this go its not good for either guild image. It started as one incident that has escalated to an unhealthy point for all of us in front of everyone on the forums. So for my part im sorry for any ill will i have caused but I felt the need to defend DR's name because as you stated they are all good ppl as i'm sure you feel the same for your guildies.

    agreed. And im sorry as well. lets squash it. Please try and tell your guys to stop the teabagging. im not being facetious here, just that would go a long way in moving on as well.
    Edited by Rickter on March 7, 2018 7:45PM
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • anamenobodyelsehas
    gabriebe wrote: »
    EP put up a good last emp keep defense and then vanished .In primetime. Think the campaign would be more fun if people actually put up a fight for objectives instead of just waiting for things to calm down until they can PvDoor again.

    Just read your sig and saw you're Anita Nurse. My five man AD group ran into you at least three different times last night. I remember this because I kept calling out to my grp to focus "the healer Anita Nurse" :D

    Good fights.

    Yes, those were fun fights. Saber was back for a visit, so we fielded a small PUGz group (with Anita Nurse keeping us alive; thanks @gabriebe ) and had ourselves a good time.
  • Galalin
    Rickter wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »

    I know every one of those ppl and i respect where you are coming from but in all fairness lets let this go its not good for either guild image. It started as one incident that has escalated to an unhealthy point for all of us in front of everyone on the forums. So for my part im sorry for any ill will i have caused but I felt the need to defend DR's name because as you stated they are all good ppl as i'm sure you feel the same for your guildies.

    agreed. And im sorry as well. lets squash it. Please try and tell your guys to stop the teabagging. im not being facetious here, just that would go a long way in moving on as well.

    I don't really have control over it but I can say I won't. I agree if its a sore spot that hopefully ppl will respect it... ITbag from time to time but its not usually to insult...if that makes any sense
  • Vapirko
    Galalin wrote: »
    Rickter wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »

    I know every one of those ppl and i respect where you are coming from but in all fairness lets let this go its not good for either guild image. It started as one incident that has escalated to an unhealthy point for all of us in front of everyone on the forums. So for my part im sorry for any ill will i have caused but I felt the need to defend DR's name because as you stated they are all good ppl as i'm sure you feel the same for your guildies.

    agreed. And im sorry as well. lets squash it. Please try and tell your guys to stop the teabagging. im not being facetious here, just that would go a long way in moving on as well.

    I don't really have control over it but I can say I won't. I agree if its a sore spot that hopefully ppl will respect it... ITbag from time to time but its not usually to insult...if that makes any sense

    I try to relegate tbags to failed ganks and people who have previously bagged me for no reason particularly after an Xv1. But not always. Trying to be better and go through phases. However I will, without fail, bag someone who bags me after Xv1 or a laggy 1v1 or whatever and then tries to say its a waste of time to duel cause they just beat me and then blocks. They will get bagged mercilessly. It’s like who are you fooling? If someone challenges you to a duel and then you say some trash and block them it only means one thing, you can’t beat them and you know it.
  • Vilestride
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »
    Rickter wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »

    I know every one of those ppl and i respect where you are coming from but in all fairness lets let this go its not good for either guild image. It started as one incident that has escalated to an unhealthy point for all of us in front of everyone on the forums. So for my part im sorry for any ill will i have caused but I felt the need to defend DR's name because as you stated they are all good ppl as i'm sure you feel the same for your guildies.

    agreed. And im sorry as well. lets squash it. Please try and tell your guys to stop the teabagging. im not being facetious here, just that would go a long way in moving on as well.

    I don't really have control over it but I can say I won't. I agree if its a sore spot that hopefully ppl will respect it... ITbag from time to time but its not usually to insult...if that makes any sense

    I try to relegate tbags to failed ganks and people who have previously bagged me for no reason particularly after an Xv1. But not always. Trying to be better and go through phases. However I will, without fail, bag someone who bags me after Xv1 or a laggy 1v1 or whatever and then tries to say its a waste of time to duel cause they just beat me and then blocks. They will get bagged mercilessly. It’s like who are you fooling? If someone challenges you to a duel and then you say some trash and block them it only means one thing, you can’t beat them and you know it.

    Because duels are a measure of worth....
    Edited by Vilestride on March 8, 2018 1:12AM
  • Vapirko
    Vilestride wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »
    Rickter wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »

    I know every one of those ppl and i respect where you are coming from but in all fairness lets let this go its not good for either guild image. It started as one incident that has escalated to an unhealthy point for all of us in front of everyone on the forums. So for my part im sorry for any ill will i have caused but I felt the need to defend DR's name because as you stated they are all good ppl as i'm sure you feel the same for your guildies.

    agreed. And im sorry as well. lets squash it. Please try and tell your guys to stop the teabagging. im not being facetious here, just that would go a long way in moving on as well.

    I don't really have control over it but I can say I won't. I agree if its a sore spot that hopefully ppl will respect it... ITbag from time to time but its not usually to insult...if that makes any sense

    I try to relegate tbags to failed ganks and people who have previously bagged me for no reason particularly after an Xv1. But not always. Trying to be better and go through phases. However I will, without fail, bag someone who bags me after Xv1 or a laggy 1v1 or whatever and then tries to say its a waste of time to duel cause they just beat me and then blocks. They will get bagged mercilessly. It’s like who are you fooling? If someone challenges you to a duel and then you say some trash and block them it only means one thing, you can’t beat them and you know it.

    Because duels are a measure of worth....

    Irl worth? No. In game worth, kinda. But look if you’re gonna Xv1 and bag someone you should be prepared to back it up. By doing so you’re going out of your way to say hey look I just kicked your ass, but if you can’t back it up and actually do so then you’re just a try hard. And blocking after talking trash and saying you don’t need to 1v1 cause it’s a waste of time is a giant red flag that means you can’t. I know, I’ve been on both sides of that exchange lol.
  • Joshlenoir
    Vilestride wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »
    Rickter wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »

    I know every one of those ppl and i respect where you are coming from but in all fairness lets let this go its not good for either guild image. It started as one incident that has escalated to an unhealthy point for all of us in front of everyone on the forums. So for my part im sorry for any ill will i have caused but I felt the need to defend DR's name because as you stated they are all good ppl as i'm sure you feel the same for your guildies.

    agreed. And im sorry as well. lets squash it. Please try and tell your guys to stop the teabagging. im not being facetious here, just that would go a long way in moving on as well.

    I don't really have control over it but I can say I won't. I agree if its a sore spot that hopefully ppl will respect it... ITbag from time to time but its not usually to insult...if that makes any sense

    I try to relegate tbags to failed ganks and people who have previously bagged me for no reason particularly after an Xv1. But not always. Trying to be better and go through phases. However I will, without fail, bag someone who bags me after Xv1 or a laggy 1v1 or whatever and then tries to say its a waste of time to duel cause they just beat me and then blocks. They will get bagged mercilessly. It’s like who are you fooling? If someone challenges you to a duel and then you say some trash and block them it only means one thing, you can’t beat them and you know it.

    Because duels are a measure of worth....

    Besides people that crutch on cheese setups duels are probably the fastest way to teach people how to play their own class on an individual level, to be fair. This doesn't take into account healers or exclusively group builds.
  • Rickter
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Vilestride wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »
    Rickter wrote: »
    Galalin wrote: »

    I know every one of those ppl and i respect where you are coming from but in all fairness lets let this go its not good for either guild image. It started as one incident that has escalated to an unhealthy point for all of us in front of everyone on the forums. So for my part im sorry for any ill will i have caused but I felt the need to defend DR's name because as you stated they are all good ppl as i'm sure you feel the same for your guildies.

    agreed. And im sorry as well. lets squash it. Please try and tell your guys to stop the teabagging. im not being facetious here, just that would go a long way in moving on as well.

    I don't really have control over it but I can say I won't. I agree if its a sore spot that hopefully ppl will respect it... ITbag from time to time but its not usually to insult...if that makes any sense

    I try to relegate tbags to failed ganks and people who have previously bagged me for no reason particularly after an Xv1. But not always. Trying to be better and go through phases. However I will, without fail, bag someone who bags me after Xv1 or a laggy 1v1 or whatever and then tries to say its a waste of time to duel cause they just beat me and then blocks. They will get bagged mercilessly. It’s like who are you fooling? If someone challenges you to a duel and then you say some trash and block them it only means one thing, you can’t beat them and you know it.

    Because duels are a measure of worth....

    Besides people that crutch on cheese setups duels are probably the fastest way to teach people how to play their own class on an individual level, to be fair. This doesn't take into account healers or exclusively group builds.

    I agree with this. In a duel, its just you. But there are cheese builds on top of the fact that eso is so unbalanced its practically rock paper scissors.

    Before i take a new build into open world, i try to get a few duels in or a lot to buikd the muscle memory and reflexes

    Edited by Rickter on March 8, 2018 3:59PM
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • DeadlyRecluse
    I measure my worth via duels. I'm pretty worthless.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Adenoma
    I measure my self worth relative to my performance cross-faction dancing on resource towers with @kynseon .
  • Kartalin
    Don’t sleep on the interpretive dance meta
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Adenoma
    I start off with /danceredguard, but /danceargonian is my finisher.
  • King_Thelon
    I danced in the morning when the world was begun,
    I danced with the moon and the stars and the sun.
    I came from the mountain and I danced on the earth,
    As a soul shriven mortal I had my birth.

    Dance then wherever you may be,
    For I am THE KING of the dance said he.
    And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
    And I'll lead you all in the dance said he.

    I danced for the zergling and the Pharisee,
    But they would not dance and they wouldn't follow me.
    So I danced for soloist and played this song,
    They came with me and the dance went on.

    Dance then wherever you may be,
    For I am THE KING of the dance said he.
    And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
    And I'll lead you all in the dance said he.

    I Solo'd the Manti the only one in the game,
    The plebs and the devs cried 'O what a shame.'
    So they nerfed and they nerfed and they hung sorc to dry,
    For they'd rather C U suffer and die.

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