MaddPowered wrote: »You don't need a tank for most any vet dungeons. You can even get away with doing vDSA with no tank if you have competent players. L2RollDodge
If they wipe. They need to have a look at themselves rather than blame the lack of a tank. Bar the odd dungeon. Its much EASIER to do dungeons with all DDs or 3 and a bit of a healer.MaddPowered wrote: »MaddPowered wrote: »Most base game vet dungeons can be easily done with 3 DD as long as the healer is good. Sorry but you were the ****** here and not that guy who wanted to have fun and clear the dungeon fast. DLC dungeons are a different story.
Tell that to all the teams that wipe without a tank to hold aggro and keep the box still...
You don't need a tank for most any vet dungeons. You can even get away with doing vDSA with no tank if you have competent players. L2RollDodge
Again, tell that to all the teams that wipe without a tank, and see what they have to say.
I'll tell the teams who wipe without a tank to quit being baddies. Lmao.
And if you had your way, those "baddies" shouldn't be allowed to use the dungeon finder tool right?
They're certainly wasting my time though, like a fake tank. I'd rather a fake tank instead of a bad DPS, because as many have said, a real tank isn't needed most of the time.
rotaugen454 wrote: »Everyone defending the fake tank does it too.
It is very annoying when I que for 40 mins as dps like I'm supposed to and then end up with 3 more dps after all that time....I need a healer and a tank, not 2 more dps. And usually the fake tank/healer isn't even that great of a dps, they make it harder on everyone because they're selfish. IMO to que as tank you should be required to have a taunt on your bar, same with healers and having a heal barred. I don't usually initiate a kick on anybody because I think its scrubby, but I'm gonna start with people in these fake roles. And I'm a dps myself, but I actually que as a DPS....its unfair to everyone else!
I can solo vet dungeon. I can finish vMA - as a matter of fact, I comfortably farm vMA. But do I do those things with the same build I use in group content? Hell no.
starkerealm wrote: »I can solo vet dungeon. I can finish vMA - as a matter of fact, I comfortably farm vMA. But do I do those things with the same build I use in group content? Hell no.
Yeah, this is a very good point that gets lost. Especially when we're dealing with people who learned how to play by watching build videos on youtube without learning the mechanics.
The majority of the 4mans can be done without tanks or healers. So who really cares?
Im confussed by all the salt.
1st, Who actually uses group finder? I simply ask my guildies, spots filled up in minutes and then we do the dungeon. No que and no crying needed.
2nd, depending on your level, if you're doing base game dungeons you can 4 dps them in most cases, so no need for a tank or healer (dlc dungeons are harder and may need atleast one of these rolls if not both). If new/lower cp, refer to the first statement. Ask mates, not pugs. Problem solved, happy gaming.
Im confussed by all the salt.
1st, Who actually uses group finder? I simply ask my guildies, spots filled up in minutes and then we do the dungeon. No que and no crying needed.
2nd, depending on your level, if you're doing base game dungeons you can 4 dps them in most cases, so no need for a tank or healer (dlc dungeons are harder and may need atleast one of these rolls if not both). If new/lower cp, refer to the first statement. Ask mates, not pugs. Problem solved, happy gaming.
But question still unanswered, why use group finder and not your guilds? You have 5 guild spots, so there is a high percentage of people actually willing to help and explain mechanics and teach you?
Personally i hardly use group finder (unless i want to practice self sustain/survivablity of a new build) i dont know must be blessed to have a great guild thats always helpful filling these spots, so there is no time wasted and help out new members if the need dungeons explained and getting their first monster helm.
So personally believe OP can be more of a guild issue as much as a "group finder" issue. Plus where is the incentive to be a healer or tank in this game where the focus is all about dps? Sorta why it feels like the group finder is broke, its not broke if there just aint the numbers there to fill the roles
ForsakenSin wrote: »yhea i get what OP is saying if you choose to be a tank you should be able to fulfill that roll same for healer ect however even then things can go wrong ....
I had a cp 630 tank with 55k health .. who DID NOT TAUNT ALL THE TIME... and when he did guess what he done? RUN AROUND the room so all of the AoE was wasted and the ult ... worst tank ive came across ...actually .. there was a tank with with 45k health with double bar bow... which.. nobody understood ....
and then again i had a sorc Tank and DPS with 16k health and guess what ? it was amazing he was doing dps and taunting the bosses in one place and managed to pull of a heal or two if needed
Sometimes for easier vet dungeons i select dps and heals as i can do both and there was times when tank was really bad i had to change all my gear to and tank instead
so honestly it comes down to players i don't care what you select as long as you know what your doing your good in my books.
ForsakenSin wrote: »Ps i have to agree as well most of the dungeons you can just go with all DPS and ive came across those as well in pugs, and it was a speed run all the time .. easy and quick.
I hear all these horror storys of "ive waited 45 minutes in the dps que" and similar. Would of stopped waiting after 5 minutes asked my guilds (well only ask one in my case) most cases grouped up in 5-10 minutes
But its hard for group finder to work when you have 100 dps and 2 healers and 2 tanks queing. For that same dungeon