Vilestride wrote: »Drummerx04 wrote: »I'm a bit on the fence about these so called Xv1 skills. Nerfing some of them in the way you suggest makes them kind of useless or at least WAY less potent in a 1v1.
For instance, Curse is one of the only skills sorcs have that can hit a perma dodge stam player (esp NB with force miss cloak). I played sorc back when curse was blockable. It was pretty underwhelming and we had almost nothing that could touch blocking players (this was way before EOTS). Even now, players that dodge everything just eat the curse and are fully healed again in maybe a second.
Fury actually works now... once upon a time, fury had a really nasty delay on the execute explosion. I could knock a target to 5% with fury active on them and they had enough to vigor heal up past the execute explosion while dodge rolling all other attacks that could have finished them. Often on a CC'd target, I had enough time to finish them with crushing shock or something before the explosion even happened.
POTL, is like a templar curse. It's one of the skills that actually makes templar viable in pvp. Nerfing this skill would be like nerfing curse, it's a staple of their burst, and without it just are just spamming jabs or beam.
Making soul assault interruptible really only hurts the ult in small group. With Xv1 play, good luck CCing that in the back of the zerg gunning you down.
Honestly, nerfing something because of Xv1 potential is pretty lame in the first place. When a 40 man KUSH raid jumps off dclaw wall to come kill your little solo self (actually solo, not solo with 50 pugs aronud you), with 8 ultimates, beam spam, shield charge spam, root spam, fossilize spam, single target and AoE spam, do you really think you should be able to do more than laugh as you kite them around a rock for 30 seconds?
I kinda have to agree with all of this, you can't nerf things on the basis that they make it too hard for you to win outnumbered fights. Hypothetically if you are in a 2v1 against 2 of yourself, a perfectly balanced game would never allow you to win that fight.
The only thing that should enable you to win fights as an underdog is a skill gap. That will create a healthier PVP experience.
When you say balanced what do you mean? If the best player in the game can't beat the worst 2 players in the game, it might be mechanically balanced, but by no means it's skilled balanced.
Skill should always prevail any other aspect of a game imo.
thankyourat wrote: »For ef's sake. Stop demanding to survive against 5 opponents without backup.
5 cliffracers? 1 healer can take you through them. You don't even need even numbers, just run a balanced duo and survive any of the above mentioned skills
You people demanding that a lone wolf should be able to survive x opponents attacking together have destroyed this game. You alone.
Finally gtfo and play any other game but please for the love of tiny kittens, just shut up and diaf.
How are solo players ruining the game. Everything in the game is designed to kill us because the developers don't think it's fun if you die when you outnumber your opponents.
Soul_Demon wrote: »Solo and 1vx'ers are simply ESO's failures at group.
Why? Don't know...maybe they are intolerable in TS, maybe they are 'too smart" and know everything. Maybe they are really, really bad with tactics and map management in a war game. No matter what they will tell you they are solo or 1vx "by choice man" In fact they almost NEVER directly contribute to the game the way it was designed.
Lord_Invel wrote: »Rohamad_Ali wrote: »And all that would just contribute to the perma block tanking meta even more . We need some abilities that have no hard counter to shake up the game . Now the gap closer bug does need to be fixed but the rest is working as intended .
no dude. After they fix these changes they can address perma blocking tanks. Make blocking have the exact same effect that streak and dodge roll have. If you spam block for multiple attacks it starts costing 100 percent more or 50 percent more per attack. Not that hard to change up mechanics and not break the skills in game.
Very sick and tired of the small man/1vX BS argument. Take it to the BG's so you can feel important. If you insist on not grouping with anyone, then go duel in Stormhaven till your blue in the face. No one cares. Cyrodiil=Large scale play and massive battles. BG's= small man groups doing objectives. Dueling-=self explanatory.
Very sick and tired of zerglings insisting their way is the only way. Cyrodiil is an open world sandbox that allows for any and all scales of PvP. Just cus you cant comprehend PvP without a raid group, doesn't mean others haven't been achieving and enjoying that play style in cyro since the very beginning.
Small scale is just as much a part of cyrodiil as zerg play.
Soul_Demon wrote: »No. Solo and 1vx'ers are simply ESO's failures at group.....[excessive zergling rant].....
I'm not saying it's the only way. I'm saying stop trying to nerf stuff because it's not "your" way, and your getting killed by higher numbers. Want less deaths? Get people to hang with. That simple. Go solo? Expect to die way more. It's not rocket surgery.
Lord_Invel wrote: »Lol, those are all single target abilities. Why do you think they're Xv1 abilities?
Because if u have 5 sorcs stacking curse on one player its has no counter, endless fury procs off of other peoples damage, power of the light does too also stacking 5 undodgeable cliffracers and soul assaults on one guy is a complete numbers game no counterplay at all.
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »Lord_Invel wrote: »Lol, those are all single target abilities. Why do you think they're Xv1 abilities?
Because if u have 5 sorcs stacking curse on one player its has no counter, endless fury procs off of other peoples damage, power of the light does too also stacking 5 undodgeable cliffracers and soul assaults on one guy is a complete numbers game no counterplay at all.
Well, if you have 5 -6 people attacking at the same time, odds are you're going to die from it. What you want to nerf every skill that's killed you and you want to be able to perma block everything else. We did that before, it failed, PvP still hasn't recovered from that fiasco.
Lord_Invel wrote: »Lol, those are all single target abilities. Why do you think they're Xv1 abilities?
Because if u have 5 sorcs stacking curse on one player its has no counter, endless fury procs off of other peoples damage, power of the light does too also stacking 5 undodgeable cliffracers and soul assaults on one guy is a complete numbers game no counterplay at all.
If your getting hit by 5 cliffracers, your obviously in the wrong PvP format. You should be dueling or in BG's where you can 1v4 (tops) or 1v1 with much better odds. Don't even try to get stuff nerfed because you lack the insight of running with more than just yourself. Going into Cyrodiil solo and getting stomped because you put your nose where it got shot off, isn't a reason to nerf all kinds of skills. That's on you. Not on ZoS.
Very sick and tired of the small man/1vX BS argument. Take it to the BG's so you can feel important. If you insist on not grouping with anyone, then go duel in Stormhaven till your blue in the face. No one cares. Cyrodiil=Large scale play and massive battles. BG's= small man groups doing objectives. Dueling-=self explanatory.
Vilestride wrote: »Drummerx04 wrote: »I'm a bit on the fence about these so called Xv1 skills. Nerfing some of them in the way you suggest makes them kind of useless or at least WAY less potent in a 1v1.
For instance, Curse is one of the only skills sorcs have that can hit a perma dodge stam player (esp NB with force miss cloak). I played sorc back when curse was blockable. It was pretty underwhelming and we had almost nothing that could touch blocking players (this was way before EOTS). Even now, players that dodge everything just eat the curse and are fully healed again in maybe a second.
Fury actually works now... once upon a time, fury had a really nasty delay on the execute explosion. I could knock a target to 5% with fury active on them and they had enough to vigor heal up past the execute explosion while dodge rolling all other attacks that could have finished them. Often on a CC'd target, I had enough time to finish them with crushing shock or something before the explosion even happened.
POTL, is like a templar curse. It's one of the skills that actually makes templar viable in pvp. Nerfing this skill would be like nerfing curse, it's a staple of their burst, and without it just are just spamming jabs or beam.
Making soul assault interruptible really only hurts the ult in small group. With Xv1 play, good luck CCing that in the back of the zerg gunning you down.
Honestly, nerfing something because of Xv1 potential is pretty lame in the first place. When a 40 man KUSH raid jumps off dclaw wall to come kill your little solo self (actually solo, not solo with 50 pugs aronud you), with 8 ultimates, beam spam, shield charge spam, root spam, fossilize spam, single target and AoE spam, do you really think you should be able to do more than laugh as you kite them around a rock for 30 seconds?
I kinda have to agree with all of this, you can't nerf things on the basis that they make it too hard for you to win outnumbered fights. Hypothetically if you are in a 2v1 against 2 of yourself, a perfectly balanced game would never allow you to win that fight.
The only thing that should enable you to win fights as an underdog is a skill gap. That will create a healthier PVP experience.
When you say balanced what do you mean? If the best player in the game can't beat the worst 2 players in the game, it might be mechanically balanced, but by no means it's skilled balanced.
Skill should always prevail any other aspect of a game imo.
WaltherCarraway wrote: »BTW don't rage whisper me in game next time. Time to relearn the class if you got killed by empowering chain while streaking sway LOLOLOLOL
WaltherCarraway wrote: »(I chased him down with empowering chain and Deadlyheals by my side before...)
WaltherCarraway wrote: »BTW don't rage whisper me in game next time. Time to relearn the class if you got killed by empowering chain while streaking sway LOLOLOLOL
Lord_Invel wrote: »This game would thrive like how it used to if zos actually listened to its community. Solo 1vx pvp and small scale pvp were the number one most viewed content on twitch streams and youtube. If zos cant see that solo pvp and small scale pvp is what attracts people to this game for the long run then they have failed the game already.
Anyone who can succeed solo can succeed in a large raid, but the opposite is not necessarily true. Don't get it twisted. Literally anyone can zerg well. What you can't seem to comprehend however, is that to some people, playing the map is boring. To us, it's the actual fights that are fun.
People who look to the performance of their faction or guild for validation do so because their personal ability is oh so mediocre. Not much different from dumb nationalists that rally around the flag of a country because their individual achievement is so low.
Lord_Invel wrote: »ZOS! If you want a healthy pvp game environment only for me take these words seriously. Make power of light dodgeable, make cliffracer dodgeable, make curse blockable again make endless fury dodgeagble, and also make soul assault either interuptable or at least let us cc our opponents while they cast soul assault. Come on zos its not that hard to see what skills hinder the games pvp environment. Also gap closers from stealth are still not fixed. The bug is still being exploited are we going to wait another 6 months before the fix arrives ?
@Wrobel @ZOS_GinaBruno
Fixed for you.
Btw are you DK or NB ? ... Maybe DK no ? you want a nerf of everything except for your own class ,this is why your comment is what i call " selfish " and not to make the PVP "an healthy game environment"
if you nerf NB even more, specifically Mag NB, you literally might as well just delete the entire class form the game, theres literally NOTHING left to nerf
Not sure whether to laugh or cry at some of the replies in here.
Lord_Invel wrote: »Lord_Invel wrote: »Lol, those are all single target abilities. Why do you think they're Xv1 abilities?
Because if u have 5 sorcs stacking curse on one player its has no counter, endless fury procs off of other peoples damage, power of the light does too also stacking 5 undodgeable cliffracers and soul assaults on one guy is a complete numbers game no counterplay at all.
If your getting hit by 5 cliffracers, your obviously in the wrong PvP format. You should be dueling or in BG's where you can 1v4 (tops) or 1v1 with much better odds. Don't even try to get stuff nerfed because you lack the insight of running with more than just yourself. Going into Cyrodiil solo and getting stomped because you put your nose where it got shot off, isn't a reason to nerf all kinds of skills. That's on you. Not on ZoS.
Very sick and tired of the small man/1vX BS argument. Take it to the BG's so you can feel important. If you insist on not grouping with anyone, then go duel in Stormhaven till your blue in the face. No one cares. Cyrodiil=Large scale play and massive battles. BG's= small man groups doing objectives. Dueling-=self explanatory.
Lol you say I'm going to die no matter what even if 5 people spam cliff racers at me. Hey I have an idea how about making those cliff racers dodgeable so I can turn around and nuke the 5 people spamming the skill. Do you understand what my argument is. I'm saying abilities and skills need to have counterplay. Numbers shouldn't always win in a fight. If I perform better with my reactions and timing and burst alignment over 5 other people that don't know the difference between up from down or left from right ..... I should win.
Lord_Invel wrote: »Lord_Invel wrote: »Lol, those are all single target abilities. Why do you think they're Xv1 abilities?
Because if u have 5 sorcs stacking curse on one player its has no counter, endless fury procs off of other peoples damage, power of the light does too also stacking 5 undodgeable cliffracers and soul assaults on one guy is a complete numbers game no counterplay at all.
If your getting hit by 5 cliffracers, your obviously in the wrong PvP format. You should be dueling or in BG's where you can 1v4 (tops) or 1v1 with much better odds. Don't even try to get stuff nerfed because you lack the insight of running with more than just yourself. Going into Cyrodiil solo and getting stomped because you put your nose where it got shot off, isn't a reason to nerf all kinds of skills. That's on you. Not on ZoS.
Very sick and tired of the small man/1vX BS argument. Take it to the BG's so you can feel important. If you insist on not grouping with anyone, then go duel in Stormhaven till your blue in the face. No one cares. Cyrodiil=Large scale play and massive battles. BG's= small man groups doing objectives. Dueling-=self explanatory.
Lol you say I'm going to die no matter what even if 5 people spam cliff racers at me. Hey I have an idea how about making those cliff racers dodgeable so I can turn around and nuke the 5 people spamming the skill. Do you understand what my argument is. I'm saying abilities and skills need to have counterplay. Numbers shouldn't always win in a fight. If I perform better with my reactions and timing and burst alignment over 5 other people that don't know the difference between up from down or left from right ..... I should win.
ZoS explained before the cliffracers even came out, that they would not be dodgeable because of the casting and animation delays. But I digress. It's like you want to go toe to toe in a gunfight with a knife against 5 people and cry because the guns don't shoot cotton candy. Sorry pal, it just don't work that way.
The only true way to make this game based on skill is to give us all template gear and skills for each class. Nothing else. No proc sets, no CP, no PvE gear at all. Except this game would be so utterly boring, there would be no one left to fight. I'm betting you'd still get rolled by the 5 people your fighting though, because no one would have advantage except by numbers. It's simple physics. A 2oz. hummingbird can't fight a 30lbs. eagle.