Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)


  • Publius_Scipio
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    All the people crying about macroing/whatever when theres a global cooldown which can NOT be circumvented - priceless

    You can't write and fire off a macro to reproduce an animation cancel of a couple of attacks?

    To explain where the disconnect is:

    You cannot simultaneously cast crushing shock and hardened ward. There must be time in between the use of skills. A macro can be used so that you press a button (for simplicity, 1) and have the keystrokes read as pressing one, left click and 4 (your shield) in sequence. Note, I said in sequence. You could, of course, set macros to spam your one and 4 key together, but it would not cast both at once.

    Macros can't rewrite code. It just won't work that way.

    And then there are some people that think it can, but can never seem to replicate it.

    So you can't write a macro to account for the small gap in time necessary? The sequence you spoke of. So in theory all you need to do is press one key and you pull off a small attack combo.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Are you asking if I can press one key and have it activate ten attacks? Sure can: not at once, which is what people think it does.

    I hold left click I can chain a million heavy attacks back to back. Exact same situation.

    Can a macro be written, taking in account the global cool down, which would essentially make an animation canceling combo, block casting, etc, essentially a 100% guaranteed success?

    The same way players can "manually" animation cancel, can't a macro be written to do the same thing without the possibility of error because all it requires is one key press?

    In a lag free environment, yes! Just remember you have to program the timing of your macro. As others said, if your ping drops you lose out to manual input, if it raises your macro won't work right. That, and if you take the example I gave (CS, LA, ward combo) and activate it when your shields are full, you wasted a bunch of magicka.

    The short answer to your question: yes, if your ping is stable over the course of your entire play period, it will be better than manual input on timing alone.

    Ok. But the reality is players can properly program a macro to unload an animation cancel combo of their choice and only have to press one key. Taking away the inherent possibility of human error in having to manually successfully animation cancel.

    Players used to say get good learn to animation cancel. Macros, as you seem to confirm, make that a moot point.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Funny how sounds like lag is the go to answer for some

    It's the go to response because it is one of three possible causes of being able to fire 3 force pulses in a second.

    1. Lag is the issue. Basically, the player fires three skills over three seconds, the server hicups, and they happen all at once. Annoying, but not the fault of the other player. Not something that you can control.
    2. There is actually a cheat engine (outside software) being used. In which case, it has nothing to do with the class or any game mechancis. It's just cheating and permabans should fly if it can be proved.
    3. The OP didnt actually see what he thought he saw.

    There is no option 4. Macro'ing cant make you fire 3 of the same skill in 1 second.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on July 6, 2017 5:22PM
  • JamieAubrey
    Derra wrote: »


    I lay dead and watched a Sorc do his rotation and CLEARLY he was managing to get off skills at such a fast pace its impossible to do any other way

    Crushing Shock, takes me at least 2-3 seconds to fire off 2 , not this guy, 3 IN A SECOND - EXPLAIN

    I normally dont care but enough is enough

    @JamieAubrey i love you vex.

    Love you too Derra
  • Magıc
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    All the people crying about macroing/whatever when theres a global cooldown which can NOT be circumvented - priceless

    You can't write and fire off a macro to reproduce an animation cancel of a couple of attacks?

    To explain where the disconnect is:

    You cannot simultaneously cast crushing shock and hardened ward. There must be time in between the use of skills. A macro can be used so that you press a button (for simplicity, 1) and have the keystrokes read as pressing one, left click and 4 (your shield) in sequence. Note, I said in sequence. You could, of course, set macros to spam your one and 4 key together, but it would not cast both at once.

    Macros can't rewrite code. It just won't work that way.

    And then there are some people that think it can, but can never seem to replicate it.

    So you can't write a macro to account for the small gap in time necessary? The sequence you spoke of. So in theory all you need to do is press one key and you pull off a small attack combo.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Are you asking if I can press one key and have it activate ten attacks? Sure can: not at once, which is what people think it does.

    I hold left click I can chain a million heavy attacks back to back. Exact same situation.

    Can a macro be written, taking in account the global cool down, which would essentially make an animation canceling combo, block casting, etc, essentially a 100% guaranteed success?

    The same way players can "manually" animation cancel, can't a macro be written to do the same thing without the possibility of error because all it requires is one key press?

    In a lag free environment, yes! Just remember you have to program the timing of your macro. As others said, if your ping drops you lose out to manual input, if it raises your macro won't work right. That, and if you take the example I gave (CS, LA, ward combo) and activate it when your shields are full, you wasted a bunch of magicka.

    The short answer to your question: yes, if your ping is stable over the course of your entire play period, it will be better than manual input on timing alone.

    Ok. But the reality is players can properly program a macro to unload an animation cancel combo of their choice and only have to press one key. Taking away the inherent possibility of human error in having to manually successfully animation cancel.

    Players used to say get good learn to animation cancel. Macros, as you seem to confirm, make that a moot point.

    Unless people have problems with their fingers, manually ani cancelling is more useful (and successful) than macroing it because of the ping issues this game has.
  • Malamar1229
    Biro123 wrote: »
    I hope i dont get into trouble for posting this, but there ARE several youtube videos demonstrating how to macro.
    I personally have a mechanical keyboard with 6 G keys that allow programming. I dont know how to do it though.


    I cant watch vids on my work computer, but I think this is the one to which I was referring earlier.

    That's fine.. He's not breaking any GCD's.. just macroing a barswap/cast/barswap.. Its no faster than doing it manually, has no flexibility like if you want to stay on the other bar rather than swap back, and I can see it getting screwy when its laggy.. you can compensate for that manually but not with a macro using set delay intervals.

    I don't macro in ESO, I don't see the point.. I can easily reach and use all my skills/abilities without having to take my hand away from WASD.. Other games I have... older MMO's which have 3-5 bars full of 10 skills each, many with cooldowns... and you use them all... there's a definite advantage to macro's there.. but not here though.

    Yeah but the point was, people are saying "LOLZ GIT GUD U CANT MACRO IN ESO" and I am simply saying Yes you can. Whether it does you any good, that's another debate.
  • kevlarto_ESO
    Report away, nothing will happen, the is Exploits online, there are many exploits in this game and those that use them blame everything from lag to the sun was in your eyes LOL
  • Malamar1229
    Magıc wrote: »

    Unless people have problems with their fingers, manually ani cancelling is more useful (and successful) than macroing it because of the ping issues this game has.

    which is impossible to do right now with the lag issues, ddos attack or whatever the EFFF is going on right now.
  • Publius_Scipio
    Everyone is discussing macros when I have heard (and it doesn't sound impossible) that as ZOS updates and changes things in order to combat things such as Cheat Engine, someone goes and updates Cheat Engine to keep it working.

    Can anyone honestly say CE use has been eradicated from ESO?
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on July 6, 2017 5:31PM
  • Rikkof
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    All the people crying about macroing/whatever when theres a global cooldown which can NOT be circumvented - priceless

    You can't write and fire off a macro to reproduce an animation cancel of a couple of attacks?

    To explain where the disconnect is:

    You cannot simultaneously cast crushing shock and hardened ward. There must be time in between the use of skills. A macro can be used so that you press a button (for simplicity, 1) and have the keystrokes read as pressing one, left click and 4 (your shield) in sequence. Note, I said in sequence. You could, of course, set macros to spam your one and 4 key together, but it would not cast both at once.

    Macros can't rewrite code. It just won't work that way.

    And then there are some people that think it can, but can never seem to replicate it.

    So you can't write a macro to account for the small gap in time necessary? The sequence you spoke of. So in theory all you need to do is press one key and you pull off a small attack combo.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Are you asking if I can press one key and have it activate ten attacks? Sure can: not at once, which is what people think it does.

    I hold left click I can chain a million heavy attacks back to back. Exact same situation.

    Can a macro be written, taking in account the global cool down, which would essentially make an animation canceling combo, block casting, etc, essentially a 100% guaranteed success?

    The same way players can "manually" animation cancel, can't a macro be written to do the same thing without the possibility of error because all it requires is one key press?

    this just shows how much bull....t you are spouting, out from ignorance, and claiming that you hold the truth.
    Macros don't work like that because THIS GAME HAS LATENCY.....you can not reliable macro a ac into a heavy hit into something else, let alone 3-4 skills sequences+ bar swaps DUE TO LATENCY and GLOBVAL COOLDOWN.
    Why do you even speak if you don't have even the 2% knowledge about these things?
    Are you jumping on some sort of hate bandwagon? Take your bull....t elsewhere kiddo, you proved that you are as ignorant as you can get( regarding this macro stuff).The OP is just an I.....t who got spamed hit by lag like most of us did and come to the forums complaining about cheaters....not knowing how ONLINE GGAMES WHOIM ARE LAGGING WORKS.
    Again, why the hell are you even doing these acusations when they are not true at all.
    I will send u a MAMBA Razer...go macro a weave crush sequence of just 2 skills SEE HOW GOOD IT WORKS....
    Hint: it won't, DUE TO LATENCY IN GAME

    nerf nb btw, just because I don't like their faces

  • Publius_Scipio
    Rikkof wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    All the people crying about macroing/whatever when theres a global cooldown which can NOT be circumvented - priceless

    You can't write and fire off a macro to reproduce an animation cancel of a couple of attacks?

    To explain where the disconnect is:

    You cannot simultaneously cast crushing shock and hardened ward. There must be time in between the use of skills. A macro can be used so that you press a button (for simplicity, 1) and have the keystrokes read as pressing one, left click and 4 (your shield) in sequence. Note, I said in sequence. You could, of course, set macros to spam your one and 4 key together, but it would not cast both at once.

    Macros can't rewrite code. It just won't work that way.

    And then there are some people that think it can, but can never seem to replicate it.

    So you can't write a macro to account for the small gap in time necessary? The sequence you spoke of. So in theory all you need to do is press one key and you pull off a small attack combo.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Are you asking if I can press one key and have it activate ten attacks? Sure can: not at once, which is what people think it does.

    I hold left click I can chain a million heavy attacks back to back. Exact same situation.

    Can a macro be written, taking in account the global cool down, which would essentially make an animation canceling combo, block casting, etc, essentially a 100% guaranteed success?

    The same way players can "manually" animation cancel, can't a macro be written to do the same thing without the possibility of error because all it requires is one key press?

    this just shows how much bull....t you are spouting, out from ignorance, and claiming that you hold the truth.
    Macros don't work like that because THIS GAME HAS LATENCY.....you can not reliable macro a ac into a heavy hit into something else, let alone 3-4 skills sequences+ bar swaps DUE TO LATENCY and GLOBVAL COOLDOWN.
    Why do you even speak if you don't have even the 2% knowledge about these things?
    Are you jumping on some sort of hate bandwagon? Take your bull....t elsewhere kiddo, you proved that you are as ignorant as you can get( regarding this macro stuff).The OP is just an I.....t who got spamed hit by lag like most of us did and come to the forums complaining about cheaters....not knowing how ONLINE GGAMES WHOIM ARE LAGGING WORKS.
    Again, why the hell are you even doing these acusations when they are not true at all.
    I will send u a MAMBA Razer...go macro a weave crush sequence of just 2 skills SEE HOW GOOD IT WORKS....
    Hint: it won't, DUE TO LATENCY IN GAME

    nerf nb btw, just because I don't like their faces

    I asked questions.

    Edit: On second read through your laughable post I do just want to say that in fact I do hold the truth.

    Edit 2: You're obviously a very angry individual and quite rude.
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on July 6, 2017 5:37PM
  • Malamar1229
    Everyone is discussing macros when I have heard (and it doesn't sound impossible) that as ZOS updates and changes things in order to combat things such as Cheat Engine, someone goes and updates Cheat Engine to keep it working.

    Can anyone honestly say CE use has been eradicated from ESO?

    It has not.
  • Rikkof
    Everyone is discussing macros when I have heard (and it doesn't sound impossible) that as ZOS updates and changes things in order to combat things such as Cheat Engine, someone goes and updates Cheat Engine to keep it working.

    Can anyone honestly say CE use has been eradicated from ESO?

    you see this, kiddo?

    IT DOES NOT WORK [snip]

    [edited for flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_CoriJ on July 7, 2017 10:56PM
  • KingMagaw
    Everyone is discussing macros when I have heard (and it doesn't sound impossible) that as ZOS updates and changes things in order to combat things such as Cheat Engine, someone goes and updates Cheat Engine to keep it working.

    Can anyone honestly say CE use has been eradicated from ESO?

    It has not.

    Ask @Sheey
  • Feanor
    Rikkof wrote: »
    Everyone is discussing macros when I have heard (and it doesn't sound impossible) that as ZOS updates and changes things in order to combat things such as Cheat Engine, someone goes and updates Cheat Engine to keep it working.

    Can anyone honestly say CE use has been eradicated from ESO?

    you see this, kiddo?


    Trigger level over 9000? Anything is possible in this game. Anything!

    [minor edit for quote]
    Edited by ZOS_CoriJ on July 7, 2017 10:57PM
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • pieratsos
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    All the people crying about macroing/whatever when theres a global cooldown which can NOT be circumvented - priceless

    You can't write and fire off a macro to reproduce an animation cancel of a couple of attacks?

    To explain where the disconnect is:

    You cannot simultaneously cast crushing shock and hardened ward. There must be time in between the use of skills. A macro can be used so that you press a button (for simplicity, 1) and have the keystrokes read as pressing one, left click and 4 (your shield) in sequence. Note, I said in sequence. You could, of course, set macros to spam your one and 4 key together, but it would not cast both at once.

    Macros can't rewrite code. It just won't work that way.

    And then there are some people that think it can, but can never seem to replicate it.

    So you can't write a macro to account for the small gap in time necessary? The sequence you spoke of. So in theory all you need to do is press one key and you pull off a small attack combo.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Are you asking if I can press one key and have it activate ten attacks? Sure can: not at once, which is what people think it does.

    I hold left click I can chain a million heavy attacks back to back. Exact same situation.

    Can a macro be written, taking in account the global cool down, which would essentially make an animation canceling combo, block casting, etc, essentially a 100% guaranteed success?

    The same way players can "manually" animation cancel, can't a macro be written to do the same thing without the possibility of error because all it requires is one key press?

    In a lag free environment, yes! Just remember you have to program the timing of your macro. As others said, if your ping drops you lose out to manual input, if it raises your macro won't work right. That, and if you take the example I gave (CS, LA, ward combo) and activate it when your shields are full, you wasted a bunch of magicka.

    The short answer to your question: yes, if your ping is stable over the course of your entire play period, it will be better than manual input on timing alone.

    Ok. But the reality is players can properly program a macro to unload an animation cancel combo of their choice and only have to press one key. Taking away the inherent possibility of human error in having to manually successfully animation cancel.

    Players used to say get good learn to animation cancel. Macros, as you seem to confirm, make that a moot point.

    Players say get good because whenever some ignorant people die to animation cancelling, they go on a rage rampage in forums calling everyone macroing cheaters that cast 10 abilities at the same time which obviously cant be done by using a macro.

    Yes in theory macro eliminates human error but in actual PVP scenarios, ur ping goes up and down, the fights are never the same requiring you to use different combos, cancel ur rotations mid way and switch from defence to offence all the time, meaning that macroing a long sequence of skills wont help you at all which is why good players dont use macros. There is just no point in using macros in PVP unless you just cant animation cancel manually.

    Not saying that no one is cheating or using macros and that the OP is wrong and the sorc wasnt cheating but most thread like this are usually created by people with the attitude "anyone i kill is a noob, anyone that kills me is a cheater"
    Edited by pieratsos on July 6, 2017 5:54PM
  • KingMagaw
    Personally i cant figure out why people are focusing on Macro's when they still require user input, half automated.

    Look into addons that preform these functions automatically without any user input. Auto Cleanse is one of the more basic.

    Miats was being used a long time before the sheep got it. plenty of addons in use that definitely bend ToS.
  • DisgracefulMind
    Was this sorc using a lightning staff? I use a lightning staff often and sometimes my character will freeze up even if I'm using skills and as soon as I weapon swap or something they all fire off at once. It's really irritating /:

    Not saying this is what you saw, but it has a high chance of being what you did. It's caused by lag.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    People see bot trains running all the time but somehow believe macros don't work . Macros work fine and so do bots here . It's a little goofy to try to cover that up anymore don't you think .
  • Turelus
    KingMagaw wrote: »
    Turelus - I cant see why your continually encouraging players to squander there playtime. Maybe best encouraging ZOS (The company getting paid to 'make' the game) to test the content before releasing it.
    I'm encouraging the community to come together and post good quality reports which help ZOS deal with issues.
    I make a point of posting how they can do so with the most success, give examples of how I was successful in giving ZOS information which lead to fixes.

    In essence what you see as squandering playtime I see as investing in a better game for everyone.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • rotaugen454
    I made a macro for some emotes, and even those don't always work. I'm not going to count on a complicated rotation working, and I often adjust my rotation on the fly due to what is currently happening.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Ep1kMalware
    press button rapidly for crushing shock, then RAPIDLY press the block and release block and press block and release, can do 2 to 3 crushing shocks per 1 to 2 sec. Well at least for me on the PS4, we have no macros and stuff like that.
    ^^ this is still considered low firing rate by some, I'm still learning and some skills, animation cancel others perfectly while some can not be animation cancelled at all.

    Stop right there.

    1: block cancelling does not affect gcd of skills
    2: gcd affects crushing shock, too.
    3: client side gcd allows 1 crushing shock per 1 second. Period. No exceptions

    Clearly, you can recieve the damage without cooldown, however you cannot cast 3 skills in 1 second, you would need 3rd party software, or ofcourse some lag in the only cp campaign on a holiday weekend.

    The only thing block cancelling does for you is halt your resource recovery for 2 seconds. Stop spreading blatant lies.
  • Drummerx04


    I lay dead and watched a Sorc do his rotation and CLEARLY he was managing to get off skills at such a fast pace its impossible to do any other way

    Crushing Shock, takes me at least 2-3 seconds to fire off 2 , not this guy, 3 IN A SECOND - EXPLAIN

    I normally dont care but enough is enough

    For the shield stack back bar, you can barswap cancel the second shield. In good latency, this means you only need to spend around a second on your back bar if you are lucky (and don't need any other buff skills casted).

    On your front bar you can take advantage of the instant travel time of crushing to produce burst. Curse is a delayed undodgeable/unblockable skill, frags have a pretty hefty travel time, and crushing shock is instant. Given this you can time pretty significant burst if all skills connect at the same time on an unguarded target.

    There is also an interesting possibility with crushing shock given it's instant travel time. The damage beam normally comes out near the end of the animation (skill pressed > 0.6 second animation delay > damage comes out > 0.2 seconds left on gcd). However you can take advantage of animation cancelling to artificially create burst with a second crushing shock (skill pressed > 0.2 second animation cancel damages opponent > 0.6 second gcd). Notice in both cases, the gcd is 0.8 seconds (around what it is in the live game), but where the damage comes out in the cooldown is different, and by putting two back to back, you can push the damage phases closer giving very short term rapid fire... aka 2 rapid shots.

    I cannot definitively state that your adversary is not LITERALLY cheating or exploiting or not using macros.

    As a general rule, macros aren't THAT useful in eso given the limited number of actions you can actually take as well as latency heavily affecting how effective a macro can be.

    Animation cancelling may seem unfair, but like it or not it is a modicum of skillful play. If you don't think the crushing double shot cancel is more skillful than simply pushing the skill twice, then you have issues I can't discuss here.

    Please don't lump exploiters in as all sorcs. People get so triggered by not being able to damage the "actual health bars" while conveniently ignoring all the other classes and stam builds healing their heavily armored characters from 10% health to full health instantly while dodging 70% of all attacks thrown at them.
    PC/NA - Nightfighters, Raid Leader and Officer
    Lilith Arujo - DC sorc tank/dps/healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Grand Warlord
    Lilith Tortorici - DC templar trials healer

    Notable Completions:
    vAS (72k), vMoL HM (160k), vAA HM (135k), vHRC HM, vSO HM (141k), vHoF HM (168k), vCR+3(129k), vDSA 45k, vMA 591k

    Original Addons:
    Lilith's Group Manager
    Lilith's Lazy Hacks - Auto Recharge/Repair
    Bot Scanner 2000
    Lilith's Command History
    Maintained Addons:
    Kill Counter
    Just sounds like he knows how to play his character well.
    PC NA - GreggsSausageRoll
    Xbox NA - CinnamonRoll266
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    I haven't played in a while but a lot of the death descriptions sound like weapon swap health de-synchs, like what cliff racer was doing during beta (might still be doing, don't know), could be crushing shock can be weapon swapped mid cast you don't see yourself taking damage till the server works out that you are actually dead, though your client never got any damage messages.
    -Unknown American
  • idk
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    All the people crying about macroing/whatever when theres a global cooldown which can NOT be circumvented - priceless

    You can't write and fire off a macro to reproduce an animation cancel of a couple of attacks?

    To explain where the disconnect is:

    You cannot simultaneously cast crushing shock and hardened ward. There must be time in between the use of skills. A macro can be used so that you press a button (for simplicity, 1) and have the keystrokes read as pressing one, left click and 4 (your shield) in sequence. Note, I said in sequence. You could, of course, set macros to spam your one and 4 key together, but it would not cast both at once.

    Macros can't rewrite code. It just won't work that way.

    And then there are some people that think it can, but can never seem to replicate it.

    So you can't write a macro to account for the small gap in time necessary? The sequence you spoke of. So in theory all you need to do is press one key and you pull off a small attack combo.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Are you asking if I can press one key and have it activate ten attacks? Sure can: not at once, which is what people think it does.

    I hold left click I can chain a million heavy attacks back to back. Exact same situation.

    Can a macro be written, taking in account the global cool down, which would essentially make an animation canceling combo, block casting, etc, essentially a 100% guaranteed success?

    The same way players can "manually" animation cancel, can't a macro be written to do the same thing without the possibility of error because all it requires is one key press?

    In a lag free environment, yes! Just remember you have to program the timing of your macro. As others said, if your ping drops you lose out to manual input, if it raises your macro won't work right. That, and if you take the example I gave (CS, LA, ward combo) and activate it when your shields are full, you wasted a bunch of magicka.

    The short answer to your question: yes, if your ping is stable over the course of your entire play period, it will be better than manual input on timing alone.

    Ok. But the reality is players can properly program a macro to unload an animation cancel combo of their choice and only have to press one key. Taking away the inherent possibility of human error in having to manually successfully animation cancel.

    Players used to say get good learn to animation cancel. Macros, as you seem to confirm, make that a moot point.

    Macros increase the possibility of human error. If the the target does something unexpected and a a skill cannot fire its more challenging to recover.

    A skilled player can outplay macros.
  • Emma_Overload
    I hope i dont get into trouble for posting this, but there ARE several youtube videos demonstrating how to macro.
    I personally have a mechanical keyboard with 6 G keys that allow programming. I dont know how to do it though.


    I cant watch vids on my work computer, but I think this is the one to which I was referring earlier.

    Of course you can make macros.. what you CAN'T do is use the macro to circumvent the global ability cooldown.
  • Emma_Overload
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Asgari wrote: »
    There is an internal global cooldown on skills of 1 second. even if you macro a animation cancel you cant beat the cooldown lol ..

    So many people wrong in here. There is no maco 5 attacks. you probably got hit bu a crushing shock that is 3x attacks + an enchant + a proc and a light attack or something that landed the same time.

    Chill out.
    Learn the mechanics.
    Git Gud.

    You remind me of those people who swore out that it was just naturally high ultimate regeneration when those videos started popping of people casting Meteor 8 to 10 times back after back. Lmao. You keep believing that there is no foul play at hand. :D

    That was an actual bug that was addressed by ZOS, and as you said, there were PLENTY of videos to prove it.
  • Emma_Overload
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    All the people crying about macroing/whatever when theres a global cooldown which can NOT be circumvented - priceless

    You can't write and fire off a macro to reproduce an animation cancel of a couple of attacks?

    To explain where the disconnect is:

    You cannot simultaneously cast crushing shock and hardened ward. There must be time in between the use of skills. A macro can be used so that you press a button (for simplicity, 1) and have the keystrokes read as pressing one, left click and 4 (your shield) in sequence. Note, I said in sequence. You could, of course, set macros to spam your one and 4 key together, but it would not cast both at once.

    Macros can't rewrite code. It just won't work that way.

    And then there are some people that think it can, but can never seem to replicate it.

    So you can't write a macro to account for the small gap in time necessary? The sequence you spoke of. So in theory all you need to do is press one key and you pull off a small attack combo.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Are you asking if I can press one key and have it activate ten attacks? Sure can: not at once, which is what people think it does.

    I hold left click I can chain a million heavy attacks back to back. Exact same situation.

    Can a macro be written, taking in account the global cool down, which would essentially make an animation canceling combo, block casting, etc, essentially a 100% guaranteed success?

    The same way players can "manually" animation cancel, can't a macro be written to do the same thing without the possibility of error because all it requires is one key press?

    Yes. You can write a macro to execute perfect animation canceling. It won't help you cast more abilities in a given amount of time, however, than a human could with reasonably fast fingers.
  • usmcjdking
    Was this sorc using a lightning staff? I use a lightning staff often and sometimes my character will freeze up even if I'm using skills and as soon as I weapon swap or something they all fire off at once. It's really irritating /:

    Not saying this is what you saw, but it has a high chance of being what you did. It's caused by lag.

    It's not really a lag issue, it's an animation issue. When this happens (as well as macroslice), skills are read and effects are distributed as necessary when time-appropriate but animations do not play out in an appropriate fashion or at all. When visual feedback no longer provides a confident account of what is occuring, it can be a bit hard to pinpoint the issue.

    There have been times when I hit someone with 2-3 Dizzy's and 1 Executioner and all I ever saw was an exceptionally long Heavy Attack animation and the executioner. Time-wise, I did the same damage I should have done in that time frame, but with no visual feedback, the opponent had no idea he was being clobbered.

    This happens when any skill has an associated backswing - basically a total uninterrupted cast time of (re: non-animation cancelled) > 1 second. The longer the backswing, the higher chance of animation desync.
    Edited by usmcjdking on July 6, 2017 6:28PM
  • DisgracefulMind
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    Was this sorc using a lightning staff? I use a lightning staff often and sometimes my character will freeze up even if I'm using skills and as soon as I weapon swap or something they all fire off at once. It's really irritating /:

    Not saying this is what you saw, but it has a high chance of being what you did. It's caused by lag.

    It's not really a lag issue, it's an animation issue. When this happens (as well as macroslice), skills are read and effects are distributed as necessary when time-appropriate but animations do not play out in an appropriate fashion or at all. When visual feedback no longer provides a confident account of what is occuring, it can be a bit hard to pinpoint the issue.

    There have been times when I hit someone with 2-3 Dizzy's and 1 Executioner and all I ever saw was an exceptionally long Heavy Attack animation and the executioner. Time-wise, I did the same damage I should have done in that time frame, but with no visual feedback, the opponent had no idea he was being clobbered.

    Well, I only face this issue when I heal trials. The things I am casting DO NOT go off until I weapon swap and then it all goes off at once. This happens to many other people in trials as well. So whatever the problem is, could definitely be related to Lighting staves, as I hear of this problem often when people have them on.
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