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Pet Health Regeneration is still bugged since PTS and yet to even be acknowledged

  • Zotami
    Apherius wrote: »
    The pet is not buged at all ! As you can see on these screens .


    Well, at least he can't take damage in those postitions, meaning the health regen bug is no issue. :trollface:

    Thanks for the laugh I needed that badly
    "Out is Up, Up is In, In is Down, and Down is Out"
    "If you are picking a lock on a chest, and you fail? That chest is mine."
  • logarifmik
    Someone besides me have a weird problem with sheathing weapon when entering a zone? Also I can't activate any objects in this state. It appears only when my lovely clannfear (named Chump) is summoned.

    And, yeah, without regeneration I need to heal Chump all the time. Poor thing. :( I though he caught some kind of nasty illness wondering Oblivion wastelands.
    EU PC: @logarifmik | Languages: Русский, English
    Dimitri Frernis | Breton Sorcerer | Damage Dealer | Daggerfall Covenant
    Scales-of-Ice | Argonian Warden | Tank / Healer | Daggerfall Covenant
  • Thrasher91604

    Why hasn't this been fixed yet?
  • Iselin

    Including the PTS now it has been more than 4 weeks without even acknowledging it as a bug.

    I've also noticed recently (maybe only because this thing has forced me to turn on show friendly NPC health that I didn't have turned on before) that this same thing is happening with the occasional quest companion in instanced solo quests like the main quest line, fighter's guild quests, etc.

    Their health is also going down and isn't regenerating except in their case, they never die - they can get their health down to nothing (or maybe 1) and it just stays there.
  • Thrasher91604
    Now this is a real bug needing addressing rather than the OCD *** cases worried about missing a skill point.
  • Omnitek
    Soul Shriven
    Is there any update on this? This bug is beyond annoying and causes unnecessary downtime.
  • liviogc
    No one else accepts pet in trial, is finished the pet era, if the objective was no one to use the pet of the sorcerer anymore. ZOS succeeded. He is uncontrollable. I'm looking for another build to play for sorcerer. It was great to play pet but now there is no way.
  • Magdalina
    Apherius wrote: »
    The pet is not buged at all ! As you can see on these screens .
    <pics of pet standing away>

    Wait, I think you may have this one wrong! This here is in fact a tremendous improvement of the pet's AI that we all have been bashing! The pet has finally realized it's a free daedra and doesn't actually have to fight for us so now it's just chilling in the background, enjoying our struggles as a payback for all the painful fights we've made him go through...
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.
    • Increased a pet's damage reduction to radius attacks to 85% from 75%. This bonus applies to all attacks in Trials.
    • Clannfear pets no longer taunt enemies in Trials.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • CP5
    During this patch I turned on health bars for pets, the number of pets I've seen running around with less than half of their health pool is insane. Them not healing at the end of combat or having healing in combat is just tedious, and the best way to heal your pets is to unsummon them and resummon, and I do not see this change as beneficial at all.
  • DrScott59
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.
    • Increased a pet's damage reduction to radius attacks to 85% from 75%. This bonus applies to all attacks in Trials.
    • Clannfear pets no longer taunt enemies in Trials.

    Un-effing-believable. :-(

    I don't care about the damage reduction or trials nerf. But no healing (even out of combat???) is crazy. That, coupled with the stupid targeting change, means I will be retiring my Clannfear. Provides no value now.
  • Lylith
    another oddity i've noticed:

    bear's health at 98-99 pct, so i throw a heal at it, because i'm ocd sometimes.

    bear's health immediately drops to 90 pct, so i heal him again - bear's health goes to 100 pct.

    this is a consistent thing, but i haven't tested it at lower health levels.

  • Iselin
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.

    If that's the case why is there no out of combat regen? That doesn't make any sense.

    And how about giving them a health bar by default instead of having it buried under an optional setting that defaults to "off" that doesn't even mention pets and instead just says the generic "friendly NPC"?

    Don't you think that a change that forces pets to be actively healed, even out of combat, should provide a default indication that they need it?

    I see thousands of pets in the game in cities with just a sliver of a health bar only because I know what setting to use to be able to see it. All those players are running around oblivious to the fact that their pets will die almost immediately as soon as they go into their next fight for no reason that they can figure out.

    If you want us to micro-manage pets, give us the tools to do it by default.
  • mesmerizedish
    There is no reason I can imagine by which no out-of-combat health regen for pets makes any sense at all.

    Please revert this.
  • max_only

    Interesting development.

    While this makes me merrily anticipate the fall out once more Sorcs learn of this nerf....

    I want it to be reversed because taking away out-of-combat health regen doesn't make sense.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
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    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.
    • Increased a pet's damage reduction to radius attacks to 85% from 75%. This bonus applies to all attacks in Trials.
    • Clannfear pets no longer taunt enemies in Trials.

    Gina, please ask for and share the developer comments on these changes. I cannot figure out why they were made, and would like to try to understand the absurdity of these decisions.
  • Drummerx04
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.
    • Increased a pet's damage reduction to radius attacks to 85% from 75%. This bonus applies to all attacks in Trials.
    • Clannfear pets no longer taunt enemies in Trials.

    Working as Intended

    Naturally, I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I guess I'll make due.
    PC/NA - Nightfighters, Raid Leader and Officer
    Lilith Arujo - DC sorc tank/dps/healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Grand Warlord
    Lilith Tortorici - DC templar trials healer

    Notable Completions:
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  • NukeAllTheThings
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.
    • Increased a pet's damage reduction to radius attacks to 85% from 75%. This bonus applies to all attacks in Trials.
    • Clannfear pets no longer taunt enemies in Trials.

    So you guys missed informing everyone when this went live, you missed informing everyone after the last you want to inform everyone while it is buried in a week old thread? I can understand "missing" a drastic change for 1 week but this feels like complete deception. It feels like you guys know that the sorc class is one of the most popular in the game and the pet builds are popular within that class and you just buried the nerf as much as possible to reduce heat for the changes. This is a perfect example why you guys get so little trust from your community. We all know changes will be made and that frustrates a lot of people, but you frustrate even more by making undocumented changes that you refuse to acknowledge up front. Sadly, after playing this game for years very few are surprised by your company's actions...or lack thereof
    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • zergbase_ESO
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.
    • Increased a pet's damage reduction to radius attacks to 85% from 75%. This bonus applies to all attacks in Trials.
    • Clannfear pets no longer taunt enemies in Trials.

    So you guys missed informing everyone when this went live, you missed informing everyone after the last you want to inform everyone while it is buried in a week old thread? I can understand "missing" a drastic change for 1 week but this feels like complete deception. It feels like you guys know that the sorc class is one of the most popular in the game and the pet builds are popular within that class and you just buried the nerf as much as possible to reduce heat for the changes. This is a perfect example why you guys get so little trust from your community. We all know changes will be made and that frustrates a lot of people, but you frustrate even more by making undocumented changes that you refuse to acknowledge up front. Sadly, after playing this game for years very few are surprised by your company's actions...or lack thereof

    Dude you'll be fine. the change did not make or break my sorc. Can careless about the change.
  • NukeAllTheThings
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.
    • Increased a pet's damage reduction to radius attacks to 85% from 75%. This bonus applies to all attacks in Trials.
    • Clannfear pets no longer taunt enemies in Trials.

    So you guys missed informing everyone when this went live, you missed informing everyone after the last you want to inform everyone while it is buried in a week old thread? I can understand "missing" a drastic change for 1 week but this feels like complete deception. It feels like you guys know that the sorc class is one of the most popular in the game and the pet builds are popular within that class and you just buried the nerf as much as possible to reduce heat for the changes. This is a perfect example why you guys get so little trust from your community. We all know changes will be made and that frustrates a lot of people, but you frustrate even more by making undocumented changes that you refuse to acknowledge up front. Sadly, after playing this game for years very few are surprised by your company's actions...or lack thereof

    Dude you'll be fine. the change did not make or break my sorc. Can careless about the change.

    My post wasn't about the change itself, I can live with that. It is about this company making big changes and not informing people about it up front. There is no way in hell that these significant changes were a mere oversight in delivering information to the community
    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • ziaodix
    Dude you'll be fine. the change did not make or break my sorc. Can careless about the change.

    This is a very ignorant comment. Not only is it inaccurate - the correct statement is "couldn't care less" - but it also points out that you didn't even take the time to read the comment you replied to. It wasn't that they made the changes, but the main issue here is that they failed to notify anyone of the changes until after it was pointed out on the forums, and even then it's clearly been far too long of a time for something like this to have gone unmentioned.
    NA CP Rank: 1073 | EU CP Rank: ---
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    ziaodix the necromantia - Lvl 50: Breton Necromancer
    ziaodix the orcromancer - Lvl 30: Orsimer Necromancer
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    EU Server
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    ziaodix the shadow - Lvl 17: Breton Nightblade
    ziaodix the cauterizer - Lvl 3: Dunmer Dragonknight
    ziaodix the storm - Lvl 50: Altmer Sorcerer
    ziaodix the lightbringer - Lvl 50: Argonian Templar
  • Easily_Lost
    Not surprising, a lot of people said that Sorcs were over powered. So instead of nerfing the characters they nerfed the pets.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • Hayato
    Lylith wrote: »
    another oddity i've noticed:

    bear's health at 98-99 pct, so i throw a heal at it, because i'm ocd sometimes.

    bear's health immediately drops to 90 pct, so i heal him again - bear's health goes to 100 pct.

    this is a consistent thing, but i haven't tested it at lower health levels.

    @Lylith That's quite normal and intended. Healing your bear triggers the Maturation Green Balance's Passive which increases the health of your bear by 10% (Minor Toughness). It's a standard behaviour of ESO to drop the missing health after the max health increased.
  • zaria
    Did some testing on this, with surge, it was no issue for scamp or I would die faster :)
    Without he died fast against dolmen boss.

    Not sure how it would work for overland questing where I don't bother with surge, will the scamp slowly loose health and die?
    The bear don't and my warden don't use self heals outside of harder fights.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Domander
    Not a good change, the self healing was a little at a time.

    Also, how many other notes were "missed"?
  • Rewws
    Iselin wrote: »
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.

    If that's the case why is there no out of combat regen? That doesn't make any sense.

    And how about giving them a health bar by default instead of having it buried under an optional setting that defaults to "off" that doesn't even mention pets and instead just says the generic "friendly NPC"?

    Don't you think that a change that forces pets to be actively healed, even out of combat, should provide a default indication that they need it?

    I see thousands of pets in the game in cities with just a sliver of a health bar only because I know what setting to use to be able to see it. All those players are running around oblivious to the fact that their pets will die almost immediately as soon as they go into their next fight for no reason that they can figure out.

    If you want us to micro-manage pets, give us the tools to do it by default.

    Upvoted and agree!
  • Tasear
    dpencil1 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Thank you for responding! Can you please check about pet threat generation as well? Before Homestead, solo sorcs could have their pets tank bosses, but this doesn't work any more. Bosses will attack the player now instead. This change was not called out in the patch notes then and I have been trying to get an answer to whether this change was intended since Homestead was released.

    So I belive who hardly this was an accident . Twlights and the scamp should of never been able to hold aggro as long as they were before. At last though the real tank pet still holds aggro, in fact you can target it to hold many enemies, I tested it on 3. The enemies never came to me as long as pet clannfer was alive.
  • Moloch1514
    Wow. Just wow.
  • Sakiri
    Probably so the bear reincarnation is worth taking.
  • Transairion
    Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior. There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:
    • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.
    • Increased a pet's damage reduction to radius attacks to 85% from 75%. This bonus applies to all attacks in Trials.
    • Clannfear pets no longer taunt enemies in Trials.

    .... I at least appreciate you tracking this down for us, but I'm sort of left speechless this is intended. So all the negative feedback about this "bug" was ignored and not addressed on PTS because.... why? One Meta Sorc build was overperforming (which you then nerfed anyway)? Because you didn't want to the Warden Bear to regenerate health outside combat as an Ultimate?

    Sorry, but this is a massive nerf to all Sorceror summons... and to me it looks like it was done just to keep the Warden Ultimate "balanced" because it functions the same as the rest of the toggled pets.

    You've basically undone all the years of slow buffs to Daedric Summoning and made it ESO's joke skill line again.
    Edited by Transairion on June 2, 2017 6:42AM
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