Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Maintenance Every Night

  • Magdalina
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    service the servers separately... problem solved. Why is that impossible for a company as large as ZOS?

    All that money and they can't even do *that* ??

    Give me a break. Give me. a. break.

    Here on the west coast we are getting screwed by the scheduling of the maintenance.
    Based on the old maintenance windows, the NA servers would be going down basically at this time anyway, while the EU maint was performed late night/early morning for EU.

    As an Aussie being affected by this, I'm still going to admit that despite your claims of 'tons of people' being online now, it's actually the least populated timeslot of the game.

    So I will say this for the NA SERVER , here in NA aka the U.S. we have PST and EDT which are 3 hours apart from eachother. Of course we have other time zones, such as central but no time zone is more than 3 hours apart from another... besides Hawaii... which nobody cares. It's an island with very few people

    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.

    The optimal time for maintenance for NA (Not talking about EU, they should have their own schedule because their time zones are drastically different), would be somewhere closer to 6:00 AM Pacific. If you do 6:00 AM PST you are doing it when everyone is at work. I have to say that would be better for everyone.

    So you basically think ZOS should base their entire schedule on you and your own personal needs because it's most convenient for you? Disregarding every single person in NA who does not play at night(it's actually low time on NA btw. All my guilds have less people, my friendlist has least people, PvP is emptiest and it takes forever to find groups for dungeons. So Idk about you but for most people your night is obviously not the best time to play) and every single person who is not from NA but plays on NA(which is a lot btw).

    This is not how a multi-thousand people service works. Well, unless you're the main sponsor. If you give ZOS enough money to outshine thousands and thousands of players who do not find this time "best" then we might be onto something. But something makes me think this is not the case...
  • Aluiries
    Blanco wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    service the servers separately... problem solved. Why is that impossible for a company as large as ZOS?

    All that money and they can't even do *that* ??

    Give me a break. Give me. a. break.

    Here on the west coast we are getting screwed by the scheduling of the maintenance.
    Based on the old maintenance windows, the NA servers would be going down basically at this time anyway, while the EU maint was performed late night/early morning for EU.

    As an Aussie being affected by this, I'm still going to admit that despite your claims of 'tons of people' being online now, it's actually the least populated timeslot of the game.

    So I will say this for the NA SERVER , here in NA aka the U.S. we have PST and EDT which are 3 hours apart from eachother. Of course we have other time zones, such as central but no time zone is more than 3 hours apart from another... besides Hawaii... which nobody cares. It's an island with very few people

    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.

    The optimal time for maintenance for NA (Not talking about EU, they should have their own schedule because their time zones are drastically different), would be somewhere closer to 6:00 AM Pacific. If you do 6:00 AM PST you are doing it when everyone is at work. I have to say that would be better for everyone.
    Did you stop to remember that ZOS is on the East Coast and it might be done at times which are beneficial to their staff?


    This did not factor into my thinking because it's not a factor.

    We're the customer. We pay the money. They work for us. Not the other way around. lol

    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    Actually I'll have you know that this is a patch. Meaning that if they do NA and EU at different times, Let say NA first, that means the client would update so you can play... However! Because the client was updated, I wouldn't be able to log onto the EU server because it hasn't been updated yet.

    IE. The downtime has to be the same for BOTH NA and EU, as they use the sames files. Stop trying to sound smart and think of a better excuse for this sadly pathetic thread.
    Roleplay Character - Caylee Vesari

    'It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror. Any moment now... He's a-comin'
  • drakhan2002_ESO
    You do realize they post the maintenance schedule on the front page of the forums - this announcement was made yesterday that there would be downtime today - did you not read the notice? ...it should not come as a surprise to you when a new Chapter (expansion) or DLC comes out the may need to fine tune the rollout on the servers. This is part of online gaming.

    Over time these short maintenance windows will make your gaming experience more stable. While I do understand your frustration at not getting your gaming "fix", I assure you that the game will be playable soon...
    Edited by drakhan2002_ESO on May 24, 2017 11:00AM
  • Reverb
    I've decided that OP is a troll, here to entertain us all during the maintenance.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Smaxx
    If you think about it, the time frame is the perfect maintenance time, because if things go wrong, they've got all their regular staff coming in to work, able to look into things and get it fixed ASAP. if they'd pick a different schedule, they might have to call in people during the night or (worse) keep the server down for half a day or even longer.

    Not to forget that in some European countries (remember the EU megaserver) you'll have to pay an additional 50% or 100% wages depending on the day and time of the day someone has to work, if it isn't their regular working hour.
  • Aimora
    I think this guy is just bored and trolling now!
    Aimora Gilidhren - 50 Hybrid Sorcerer
    Aimae Gilihdril - 50Templar Healer
    Aimsae Astasia - 50 Templar Tank
    Aimellie Halfpenny - 50 Nightblade spinning DPS
    Sofae Ethelbur - 50 Dragonknight Tank
    Sha'Mash 50 - Nightblade - Former Empress
    Saelenor Wilihfren 50 - Templar No. 3
    Seliene Harbingerin 50 - DK in training
    Aims For Equanimity 10 - Magicka DK

    Circle of the Phoenix - Guild Mistress
    Elysium - Guild 2nd in Command
    Auridon Trading Company - Joint GM

    Looking for a friendly, progress focused guild check us out at thecircleofthephoenix.gamerlaunch.com/

    Check me out at Anook anook.com/aimora
  • AzraelKrieg
    You do realize they post the maintenance schedule on the front page of the forums - this announcement was made yesterday that there would be downtime today - did you not read the notice? ...it should not come as a surprise to you when a new Chapter (expansion) or DLC comes out the may need to fine tune the rollout on the servers? Over time this will make your gaming experience more stable. While I do understand your frustration at not getting your gaming "fix", I assure you that the game will be playable soon...

    You're expecting him to have the ability to read?
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • GnarlyMcGnasty
    Blanco wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    Why is there maintenance seemingly every night now?

    It's unbelievable.

    What about the people who play at night time I think there are a lot of us?

    Why don't you do it during the day when people are at work or better yet, roll out content that is tested so we don't have to be in this constant state of maintenance.

    I barely have any playtime because there is so much maintenance practically every day. And if it isn't maintenance it's a DDoS, or * add in excuse here why the servers are down this time*.

    It's just unbelievable. What's the point of spending all this money on a game and expansions if the servers are always down.

    Definitely not a vet gamer. This is normal after a major update to any game. At least they're putting in a fix within 2 days instead of waiting a week or two, and wait for normal maintenance days. I'm fine giving up a few hours of game time if it means making the game playable. Would you rather have a broken game?

    You don't know what it's like losing a day every day on SUNDAY because of maintenance they do it at night when tons of people are playing, such as myself.

    And then they add in more days like today and I bet there will be more this week.

    Why don't you tell me why I should spend hundreds of dollars on a game that can never be played?

    I assume you play during the day (when most are at work). So you probably aren't affected by the maintenance.

    Technically, you're not losing time on SUNDAY. 4 AM Eastern is 1 AM Pacific. So Monday maintenance is on Monday even if it's 1 AM. In case you didn't notice, there's a post here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/75114/regular-maintenance-days-times#latest that's been there for the last 3 years. So you can't say that you weren't notified before spending your hundreds of dollars.

    I've been playing MMO's since before they were called MMO's (21 years). I've played many games over the years at different times of the day, so don't assume anything about me. I currently get in an hour or so in the early mornings (6-7 AM Eastern and about an hour, or so, in the evenings. So yeah, maintenance affects my game time. But as I said, I'm fine giving up some game time so that the game is playable.
  • Epona222
    Aluiries wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    service the servers separately... problem solved. Why is that impossible for a company as large as ZOS?

    All that money and they can't even do *that* ??

    Give me a break. Give me. a. break.

    Here on the west coast we are getting screwed by the scheduling of the maintenance.
    Based on the old maintenance windows, the NA servers would be going down basically at this time anyway, while the EU maint was performed late night/early morning for EU.

    As an Aussie being affected by this, I'm still going to admit that despite your claims of 'tons of people' being online now, it's actually the least populated timeslot of the game.

    So I will say this for the NA SERVER , here in NA aka the U.S. we have PST and EDT which are 3 hours apart from eachother. Of course we have other time zones, such as central but no time zone is more than 3 hours apart from another... besides Hawaii... which nobody cares. It's an island with very few people

    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.

    The optimal time for maintenance for NA (Not talking about EU, they should have their own schedule because their time zones are drastically different), would be somewhere closer to 6:00 AM Pacific. If you do 6:00 AM PST you are doing it when everyone is at work. I have to say that would be better for everyone.
    Did you stop to remember that ZOS is on the East Coast and it might be done at times which are beneficial to their staff?


    This did not factor into my thinking because it's not a factor.

    We're the customer. We pay the money. They work for us. Not the other way around. lol

    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    Actually I'll have you know that this is a patch. Meaning that if they do NA and EU at different times, Let say NA first, that means the client would update so you can play... However! Because the client was updated, I wouldn't be able to log onto the EU server because it hasn't been updated yet.

    IE. The downtime has to be the same for BOTH NA and EU, as they use the sames files. Stop trying to sound smart and think of a better excuse for this sadly pathetic thread.

    That is pretty much what I said earlier, worded different (you said it better and more succinctly), so I am going to quote it and give you an awesome - because it seems you are one of the few people who understands that NA and EU work on the same client-side install :D
    Edited by Epona222 on May 24, 2017 11:03AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Turelus
    Aimora wrote: »
    I think this guy is just bored and trolling now!
    Agreed. Just looking to complain or get a rise from people, there are more interesting and intellectual debates to be had.

    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Coggage
    DeadRune wrote: »
    I think at this point he's just trolling. That's like saying you can walk to your local store which only opens at 8am and demand they open at 3am because you want to buy some Mountain Dew to fuel your lack-of-game-induced rage.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Think some of these posts are getting out of hand? Shut it down or snip, mebbeh?

    Yeah, shut it down. Nothing of any value to see in this topic.
  • drakhan2002_ESO
    You do realize they post the maintenance schedule on the front page of the forums - this announcement was made yesterday that there would be downtime today - did you not read the notice? ...it should not come as a surprise to you when a new Chapter (expansion) or DLC comes out the may need to fine tune the rollout on the servers? Over time this will make your gaming experience more stable. While I do understand your frustration at not getting your gaming "fix", I assure you that the game will be playable soon...

    You're expecting him to have the ability to read?

    Honestly, I have stopped expecting anything from my fellow players - it seems like we have the *entire* Bell curve of intelligence, abilities, and love of the game in the ESO community.
  • Ceram
    I'm a casual player and got the game April 1st 2014. I've been playing now and then during the years and always been amazed over the frequent maintenance. Also how many hours it takes each time. And I'm comparing to other online games I've been involved in. I'm afraid it pushes players away from TESO to other online worlds.

    So after have been a beta tester for Morrowind I'm actually a bit surprised they still have to fix a lot. Someone at Zenimax is not doing their homework.

    Hopefully Morrowind will run fine June 6th at release.
  • Betsararie
    Ceram wrote: »
    I'm a casual player and got the game April 1st 2014. I've been playing now and then during the years and always been amazed over the frequent maintenance. Also how many hours it takes each time. And I'm comparing to other online games I've been involved in. I'm afraid it pushes players away from TESO to other online worlds.

    So after have been a beta tester for Morrowind I'm actually a bit surprised they still have to fix a lot. Someone at Zenimax is not doing their homework.

    Hopefully Morrowind will run fine June 6th at release.

    This is probably the only logical person to reply to this thread. :D
  • Aluiries
    Epona222 wrote: »
    Aluiries wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    service the servers separately... problem solved. Why is that impossible for a company as large as ZOS?

    All that money and they can't even do *that* ??

    Give me a break. Give me. a. break.

    Here on the west coast we are getting screwed by the scheduling of the maintenance.
    Based on the old maintenance windows, the NA servers would be going down basically at this time anyway, while the EU maint was performed late night/early morning for EU.

    As an Aussie being affected by this, I'm still going to admit that despite your claims of 'tons of people' being online now, it's actually the least populated timeslot of the game.

    So I will say this for the NA SERVER , here in NA aka the U.S. we have PST and EDT which are 3 hours apart from eachother. Of course we have other time zones, such as central but no time zone is more than 3 hours apart from another... besides Hawaii... which nobody cares. It's an island with very few people

    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.

    The optimal time for maintenance for NA (Not talking about EU, they should have their own schedule because their time zones are drastically different), would be somewhere closer to 6:00 AM Pacific. If you do 6:00 AM PST you are doing it when everyone is at work. I have to say that would be better for everyone.
    Did you stop to remember that ZOS is on the East Coast and it might be done at times which are beneficial to their staff?


    This did not factor into my thinking because it's not a factor.

    We're the customer. We pay the money. They work for us. Not the other way around. lol

    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    Actually I'll have you know that this is a patch. Meaning that if they do NA and EU at different times, Let say NA first, that means the client would update so you can play... However! Because the client was updated, I wouldn't be able to log onto the EU server because it hasn't been updated yet.

    IE. The downtime has to be the same for BOTH NA and EU, as they use the sames files. Stop trying to sound smart and think of a better excuse for this sadly pathetic thread.

    That is pretty much what I said earlier, worded different (you said it better and more succinctly), so I am going to quote it and give you an awesome - because it seems you are one of the few people who understands that NA and EU work on the same client-side install :D

    Thank you! ^_^ You're too kind. Your explanation was good in itself. But perhaps OP missed it, or simply decided to merely ignore it. That said kudos to you for the good insight on the topic. ^_^
    Roleplay Character - Caylee Vesari

    'It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror. Any moment now... He's a-comin'
  • Seri
    Blanco wrote: »
    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.
    Blanco wrote: »
    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    How can you say you objectively provided a better timeslot when all you have is the subjective anecdotal viewpoint that you feel that 3am pacific has more people online than other times. ZOS have population figures. They would know how many people are affected by a 6a-9a EDT maint slot vs a 9a-12p EDT slot.
    EP CP160+ Templar, Sorc, NB
    DC CP160+ Templar, Sorc, DK
  • Betsararie
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.
    Blanco wrote: »
    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    How can you say you objectively provided a better timeslot when all you have is the subjective anecdotal viewpoint that you feel that 3am pacific has more people online than other times. ZOS have population figures. They would know how many people are affected by a 6a-9a EDT maint slot vs a 9a-12p EDT slot.

    That may be true but it is really shocking to me. I'm surprised so many people are able to play during the afternoon. How do you get money without a job? lol

    trust me if I could play video games all day without having to work I'd probably take it. Many of you must be living 'the life' then.
    Edited by Betsararie on May 24, 2017 11:10AM
  • Moiskormoimi
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    my point is please change it to during the day when people are at work

    But in Europe, people ARE at work.

    And in the US, you folks should either be sleeping or getting up for work/school.

    Only ones that get screwed are Aussies but thats par the course.

    What if I told you not everyone works a basic 9-5?

    /3rd shift
    Edited by Moiskormoimi on May 24, 2017 11:48AM
  • Yarlenzey
    This will contain several improvements for the current issue where you’re unable to queue for a Battleground while in a group. We expect this maintenance to last approximately 3 hours.

    Where is this battleground?
    Why can't this wait until next Sunday?
    Why can't these players go without? We are...

    Aussies getting screwed is nothing new. We're used to it by now :smiley:
    I'm not.

    I got suspenders for saying "Testicular Mass" instead of "Balls". like, rilly.

  • Tintaglia72
    Blanco wrote: »
    my point is please change it to during the day when people are at work

    It is during the day for the majority of players. It is only for Asia Pacific (Australia) - us that it is peak time
  • Seri
    Ceram wrote: »
    I'm a casual player and got the game April 1st 2014. I've been playing now and then during the years and always been amazed over the frequent maintenance. Also how many hours it takes each time. And I'm comparing to other online games I've been involved in. I'm afraid it pushes players away from TESO to other online worlds.

    So after have been a beta tester for Morrowind I'm actually a bit surprised they still have to fix a lot. Someone at Zenimax is not doing their homework.
    To be honest, if you've played on and off since 2014, I'm surprised you're still surprised that things are awfully broken after a PTS cycle and new update.
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.
    Blanco wrote: »
    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    How can you say you objectively provided a better timeslot when all you have is the subjective anecdotal viewpoint that you feel that 3am pacific has more people online than other times. ZOS have population figures. They would know how many people are affected by a 6a-9a EDT maint slot vs a 9a-12p EDT slot.

    That may be true but it is really shocking to me. I'm surprised so many people are able to play during the afternoon. How do you get money without a job? lol
    I'd ask the same of you if you can game until 3-4am every night, then sleep 3 hours, up at 7 to be at work by 8-9am. That little sleep isn't healthy :P
    EP CP160+ Templar, Sorc, NB
    DC CP160+ Templar, Sorc, DK
  • Epona222
    Ceram wrote: »
    I'm a casual player and got the game April 1st 2014. I've been playing now and then during the years and always been amazed over the frequent maintenance. Also how many hours it takes each time. And I'm comparing to other online games I've been involved in. I'm afraid it pushes players away from TESO to other online worlds.

    So after have been a beta tester for Morrowind I'm actually a bit surprised they still have to fix a lot. Someone at Zenimax is not doing their homework.

    Hopefully Morrowind will run fine June 6th at release.

    If you can be pushed away to another game by a few hours of maintenance a week, you're probably not that into it anyway. Yes, I do get frustrated sometimes by buggy patches and the occasional off-schedule maintenance to sort out whatever got ballsed up in the scheduled maintenance, but if in those few hours I got lured off into another game, then maybe this wasn't the right place for me to start with.

    I'm not someone who has any particular love for Zeni, but although a lot of people often talk about these other games that they go off and play, I don't see anything that I'd like as much. I'd rather wait a few hours for ESO server to come back online :)
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • stewhead2ub17_ESO
    This one she understands this was originally planned to be a hotfix that would not make Tamriel go to sleep.

    However complications etc ...

    This has been a very big week and much has gone very smoothly. Much more so than many they expected yes.

    These things they happen. Read a book, take a nap or chase some yarn.

    All will be well and you will be travelling again soon.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    lol Santie you are my absolute favorite on these forums. Able to punch up even the lamest or most dismal post!
  • Lieblingsjunge
    Aluiries wrote: »
    Epona222 wrote: »
    Aluiries wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    service the servers separately... problem solved. Why is that impossible for a company as large as ZOS?

    All that money and they can't even do *that* ??

    Give me a break. Give me. a. break.

    Here on the west coast we are getting screwed by the scheduling of the maintenance.
    Based on the old maintenance windows, the NA servers would be going down basically at this time anyway, while the EU maint was performed late night/early morning for EU.

    As an Aussie being affected by this, I'm still going to admit that despite your claims of 'tons of people' being online now, it's actually the least populated timeslot of the game.

    So I will say this for the NA SERVER , here in NA aka the U.S. we have PST and EDT which are 3 hours apart from eachother. Of course we have other time zones, such as central but no time zone is more than 3 hours apart from another... besides Hawaii... which nobody cares. It's an island with very few people

    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.

    The optimal time for maintenance for NA (Not talking about EU, they should have their own schedule because their time zones are drastically different), would be somewhere closer to 6:00 AM Pacific. If you do 6:00 AM PST you are doing it when everyone is at work. I have to say that would be better for everyone.
    Did you stop to remember that ZOS is on the East Coast and it might be done at times which are beneficial to their staff?


    This did not factor into my thinking because it's not a factor.

    We're the customer. We pay the money. They work for us. Not the other way around. lol

    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    Actually I'll have you know that this is a patch. Meaning that if they do NA and EU at different times, Let say NA first, that means the client would update so you can play... However! Because the client was updated, I wouldn't be able to log onto the EU server because it hasn't been updated yet.

    IE. The downtime has to be the same for BOTH NA and EU, as they use the sames files. Stop trying to sound smart and think of a better excuse for this sadly pathetic thread.

    That is pretty much what I said earlier, worded different (you said it better and more succinctly), so I am going to quote it and give you an awesome - because it seems you are one of the few people who understands that NA and EU work on the same client-side install :D

    Thank you! ^_^ You're too kind. Your explanation was good in itself. But perhaps OP missed it, or simply decided to merely ignore it. That said kudos to you for the good insight on the topic. ^_^

    Every post that's against OP's personal(!!) view or against his personal opinion, gets ignored. Sadly.
    Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny.
    PC - EU.
    Lieblingsjunge(AD) - Racechanged Argonian :< | AR 50 - No double AP or Bleakers involved |
    Sits-On-Cacti(DC) - Problem?
    Fail-With-Tail(AD) - Healing Springs-spammer :<
    Tiny Liebs(EP) - Very Tiny. Also heals.
    Lieblingsmädchen(DC) - Magplar is love.
    The Dominàtrix(AD) - Chains, whip, whip, whip.
    Fluffy Furball Kitten(DC) - Kittycat, meow.
    Your Face(EP) - People make bad jokes about my name =(
    Liebs-With-Trees(AD) - Male argo with a big tail :>

    Officer/Sandwitch of Zerg Squad
    My title: The Maneater, Destroyer of Maneuvers, Bane of Potatoes, she who devours them, The Black Hole, the humorless, first of her name.
  • Tintaglia72
    This one she understands this was originally planned to be a hotfix that would not make Tamriel go to sleep.

    However complications etc ...

    This has been a very big week and much has gone very smoothly. Much more so than many they expected yes.

    These things they happen. Read a book, take a nap or chase some yarn.

    All will be well and you will be travelling again soon.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    I have litterally just spent about 20 hours over 2 days reading as I have had to do a full reinstall as the patch failed. I got to read the book I have been waiting 25 years to be written and it was perfect. Now I have all weekend to play.

    (It took so long to download cause I work from home so had to stop it for 9 hours during the day)
  • Betsararie
    Seri wrote: »
    Ceram wrote: »
    I'm a casual player and got the game April 1st 2014. I've been playing now and then during the years and always been amazed over the frequent maintenance. Also how many hours it takes each time. And I'm comparing to other online games I've been involved in. I'm afraid it pushes players away from TESO to other online worlds.

    So after have been a beta tester for Morrowind I'm actually a bit surprised they still have to fix a lot. Someone at Zenimax is not doing their homework.
    To be honest, if you've played on and off since 2014, I'm surprised you're still surprised that things are awfully broken after a PTS cycle and new update.
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.
    Blanco wrote: »
    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    How can you say you objectively provided a better timeslot when all you have is the subjective anecdotal viewpoint that you feel that 3am pacific has more people online than other times. ZOS have population figures. They would know how many people are affected by a 6a-9a EDT maint slot vs a 9a-12p EDT slot.

    That may be true but it is really shocking to me. I'm surprised so many people are able to play during the afternoon. How do you get money without a job? lol
    I'd ask the same of you if you can game until 3-4am every night, then sleep 3 hours, up at 7 to be at work by 8-9am. That little sleep isn't healthy :P

    For some of us things are just starting to get good at 1:00 AM.

    If you ask me this is the best time to play. Right now. But unfortunately that is not always possible.

    Which is why this thread had to be made .
  • Aluiries
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Ceram wrote: »
    I'm a casual player and got the game April 1st 2014. I've been playing now and then during the years and always been amazed over the frequent maintenance. Also how many hours it takes each time. And I'm comparing to other online games I've been involved in. I'm afraid it pushes players away from TESO to other online worlds.

    So after have been a beta tester for Morrowind I'm actually a bit surprised they still have to fix a lot. Someone at Zenimax is not doing their homework.
    To be honest, if you've played on and off since 2014, I'm surprised you're still surprised that things are awfully broken after a PTS cycle and new update.
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.
    Blanco wrote: »
    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    How can you say you objectively provided a better timeslot when all you have is the subjective anecdotal viewpoint that you feel that 3am pacific has more people online than other times. ZOS have population figures. They would know how many people are affected by a 6a-9a EDT maint slot vs a 9a-12p EDT slot.

    That may be true but it is really shocking to me. I'm surprised so many people are able to play during the afternoon. How do you get money without a job? lol
    I'd ask the same of you if you can game until 3-4am every night, then sleep 3 hours, up at 7 to be at work by 8-9am. That little sleep isn't healthy :P

    For some of us things are just starting to get good at 1:00 AM.

    If you ask me this is the best time to play. Right now. But unfortunately that is not always possible.

    Which is why this thread had to be made .

    That's for SOME of you. What about the rest? I hate to break it you, but you're not the sun. Life doesn't revolve around you.
    Roleplay Character - Caylee Vesari

    'It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror. Any moment now... He's a-comin'
  • Epona222
    Blanco wrote: »
    Seri wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    I have not done research on which time truly has the least amount of people on in NA, but I would be surprised if it was night time because, that is the best time to play. At night.
    Blanco wrote: »
    I assume you're mad because I proved the haters wrong by coming up with an OBJECTIVELY better maintenance time for the NA server of 6:00 AM PST / 9:00 AM EDT. The perfect time.

    How can you say you objectively provided a better timeslot when all you have is the subjective anecdotal viewpoint that you feel that 3am pacific has more people online than other times. ZOS have population figures. They would know how many people are affected by a 6a-9a EDT maint slot vs a 9a-12p EDT slot.

    That may be true but it is really shocking to me. I'm surprised so many people are able to play during the afternoon. How do you get money without a job? lol

    trust me if I could play video games all day without having to work I'd probably take it. Many of you must be living 'the life' then.

    Just completely mindblown - if you are ever in hospital in the middle of the night, who do you think would be caring for you? Robots? Or perhaps people who do a very valuable job but just happen to get home at lunchtime after a 12 hour shift and think the perfectly human thought "hmm, maybe after a long shift at work I will fire up a game and crack open a beer and kick back for 2 hours before I have to be in bed ready for my next 12 hour night shift of caring for people who don't value me because I am not at work in the afternoons?"
    Edited by Epona222 on May 24, 2017 11:23AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Magdalina
    Yarlenzey wrote: »
    This will contain several improvements for the current issue where you’re unable to queue for a Battleground while in a group. We expect this maintenance to last approximately 3 hours.

    Where is this battleground?
    Why can't this wait until next Sunday?
    Why can't these players go without? We are...

    Aussies getting screwed is nothing new. We're used to it by now :smiley:
    I'm not.

    This battlegrounds are in Vvardenfell. It cannot wait until next Sunday because it's one of the main selling points of this expansion/dlc/whatever and it's awfully broken right now.

    These players can't go without because many of them actually bought Morrowind solely for Battlegrounds.

    Fixes now>>>fixes later. And I haven't even tried Battlegrounds yet btw, nor am I sure I will try them any time soon. Fixes are still good.

    And yes, unfortunately their maint is at Aus prime time(the usual Monday maint). It sucks but it is what it is.
  • Yarlenzey
    This one she understands this was originally planned to be a hotfix that would not make Tamriel go to sleep.

    However complications etc ...

    This has been a very big week and much has gone very smoothly. Much more so than many they expected yes.

    These things they happen. Read a book, take a nap or chase some yarn.

    All will be well and you will be travelling again soon.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Smoothly, you say?
    I didn't buy Morrowind or acquire it any other way. Yet Morrowind has borked my gameplay and cost me three nights lost time (I spent last night re-installing after realising that I have the strength of a limp lettuce).

    I also doesn't get released until 1 June.

    So I am still somewhat confused by how, a game that hasn't been released and that I won't be buying, can impact so severely on the game that I paid over $700 for. Yes, I buy Crown Crates and actively contribute to the MAINTENANCE FUND. perhaps if everyone did, we'd all be complaining.

    I got suspenders for saying "Testicular Mass" instead of "Balls". like, rilly.

This discussion has been closed.