PTS Patch Notes v3.0.2

  • Biro123
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Guys, we understand there are some changes in this patch that you may not agree with, or you feel additional changes are still necessary. We like to leave the PTS patch notes thread open so you can voice your feedback and concerns with us (since we are, after all, still in a testing phase). That said, personal insults or bashing our devs will not be tolerated. Moreover, these posts just aren't constructive or conducive toward making improvements. You can be honest with us, but you need to do so in a constructive manner.

    In addition, keep in mind that even if one particular class or ability hasn't been adjusted, the overall balance is still affected with other changes. As always, we encourage you to hop on the PTS once maintenance is over and try these changes out for yourself in a live environment. Battlegrounds would be the perfect place to do so. ;)

    Interesting. What sacrifices will Stamina Sorcs have to make to have high damage, high tankiness, and high sustain?

    The constitution nerf hit the ability to sark deal regularly as a main source of sustain massively.

    Yeah, now I'll have to invest a few CP into magicka regen...because right now I don't need any CP into regen or cost reduction at all.

    You could do that.. But adding a few % won't do anything when the base as already non-existant. You'd have to start by adding some base mag recovery, which probably means losing some weapon damage, or running a sustain set... Which is probably what zos were aiming for..
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • ofSunhold
    Damn, I feel like it's coming down to a refusal to admit that this whole thing is based on a false premise.

    "A lot of people are pointing out that we're punishing the many for the excesses of a few. But if we admit they have a point, that would make us bad developers, and we're not bad developers, so they must be wrong. BOOM! LOGIC!!"

    "Hm, maybe the best way to solve these problems in endgame is NOT across-the-board cuts to armor and classes that will hit lower-level and undergeared players who are months from endgame harder than everyone else... Nah, let's keep doing that. It'll be fine."
    Classes that don't need any class ability nerfs: Nightblades, Dragonknights, Sorcs, Templars, Wardens.
  • FlamingBeard
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Gan Xing wrote: »
    Change Dark Deal to scale off of player level or revert DK helping hands back to scaling on max stat

    Couldn't agree more. If they are nerfing sustain to scale off player level on pretty much everything else (including racial passives), they should do that with the Sorc

    It already does scale off player level. I wish people would only talk about what they understand.. Especially when yelling for nerfs...

    It does need a nerf. Its scaling is too powerful compared to all other forms of sustain. Sorcerers already have the best sustained damage and mobility. They don't need better resources on top of those.
  • helios777
    The hardest challenge isn't gonna be VMA anymore it's gonna be playing a mDK in cyrodiil.
    Grand Warlord HAXERUS. One of the last OG Mag DKs.
    Mag DK through Thick and Thin.
    Retired from Cyrodiil until they finally decide to fix the performance, which is probably never.
  • Sandman929
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Guys, we understand there are some changes in this patch that you may not agree with, or you feel additional changes are still necessary. We like to leave the PTS patch notes thread open so you can voice your feedback and concerns with us (since we are, after all, still in a testing phase). That said, personal insults or bashing our devs will not be tolerated. Moreover, these posts just aren't constructive or conducive toward making improvements. You can be honest with us, but you need to do so in a constructive manner.

    In addition, keep in mind that even if one particular class or ability hasn't been adjusted, the overall balance is still affected with other changes. As always, we encourage you to hop on the PTS once maintenance is over and try these changes out for yourself in a live environment. Battlegrounds would be the perfect place to do so. ;)

    Interesting. What sacrifices will Stamina Sorcs have to make to have high damage, high tankiness, and high sustain?

    The constitution nerf hit the ability to sark deal regularly as a main source of sustain massively.

    Yeah, now I'll have to invest a few CP into magicka regen...because right now I don't need any CP into regen or cost reduction at all.

    You could do that.. But adding a few % won't do anything when the base as already non-existant. You'd have to start by adding some base mag recovery, which probably means losing some weapon damage, or running a sustain set... Which is probably what zos were aiming for..

    I think my mag regen right now is around 500....stam regen around 700....maybe I'm wrong, but I really don't think the Constitution hit is going to be crippling enough to make me consider running a whole different sustain set on a stam sorc.
  • EvilKiwi
    ZOS, start listening to your players or ESO has a bleak future. Stop with the nerfs already :'(
    No Lollygagging.
  • Lore_lai
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @Wrobel @ZOS_RichLambert
    Is the Luminous synergy restore for the casting Templar gone?!

    It is gone...why on Earth would you remove that?
  • worsttankever

    • Aedric Spear
      • Blazing Spear (Spear Shards morph): This morph now increases the damage over time by approximately 30% as a morph effect.
      • Luminous Shard (Spear Shards morph): This morph now causes the synergy to always restore Magicka and Stamina. It restores the current value of Magicka or Stamina to your highest maximum, and half of that value to the opposite resource.
      • Spear Shards: This ability and the Luminous Shard morph no longer disorient an enemy. It also now deals moderate additional damage over time after the spear lands.
        Developer Comments:
        There are three main goals behind the changes to Spear Shards and its morphs. First, we want the design of Spear Shards to be more clearly focused – it’s a powerful area of effect damage ability with a prominent synergy. Templars still have crowd control options with other abilities such as Piercing Javelin, Eclipse, and Focused Charge. This also prevents scenarios where the disorient on this ability would be a detriment; since Spear Shards could proc Burning Light, there would frequently be situations where the disorient broke immediately and gave your enemy a “free” crowd control immunity.

        Second, we wanted to lower the damage gap between the Luminous Shards and Blazing Spear morph choices. Blazing Spear is still ideal for raw damage, but it is no longer such a prominent difference; you won’t feel as penalized if you want to sacrifice some damage to have better group utility.

        Finally, we’ve buffed the Luminous Shard synergy to return more resources. While this synergy still shares a cooldown with Necrotic Orb, it allows Templars to have a more distinct version of the synergy without making it mandatory in end-game group content.
      • Piercing Javelin: Increased the knockback range of this ability and its morphs to 8 meters from 5 meters.
        Developer Comments:
        Increasing the knockback distance of these abilities gives them a stronger niche from other crowd control abilities, and also opens up more opportunities for using that knockback with deadly results in areas with treacherous terrain (such as Battlegrounds).
    • Dawn’s Wrath
      • Backlash: Fixed an issue where the final damage dealt by this ability and its morphs was not respecting its damage limit when used against damage shields.
    • Restoring Light
      • Rushed Ceremony: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs would occasionally not display their full animation.

    I'm really happy with the proposed changes to Templar. To me is sounds like you listened to community feedback, addressing the broken luminous shards (disorient being broken by its own burning light passive) and adding more cc functionality to piercing javelin. Also, I appreciate the developer comments in line with the patch notes to explain the reasoning.

    Really looking forward to this release when it comes out on consoles. Good job Gina and team!
    Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.
  • FlamingBeard

    • Aedric Spear
      • Blazing Spear (Spear Shards morph): This morph now increases the damage over time by approximately 30% as a morph effect.
      • Luminous Shard (Spear Shards morph): This morph now causes the synergy to always restore Magicka and Stamina. It restores the current value of Magicka or Stamina to your highest maximum, and half of that value to the opposite resource.
      • Spear Shards: This ability and the Luminous Shard morph no longer disorient an enemy. It also now deals moderate additional damage over time after the spear lands.
        Developer Comments:
        There are three main goals behind the changes to Spear Shards and its morphs. First, we want the design of Spear Shards to be more clearly focused – it’s a powerful area of effect damage ability with a prominent synergy. Templars still have crowd control options with other abilities such as Piercing Javelin, Eclipse, and Focused Charge. This also prevents scenarios where the disorient on this ability would be a detriment; since Spear Shards could proc Burning Light, there would frequently be situations where the disorient broke immediately and gave your enemy a “free” crowd control immunity.

        Second, we wanted to lower the damage gap between the Luminous Shards and Blazing Spear morph choices. Blazing Spear is still ideal for raw damage, but it is no longer such a prominent difference; you won’t feel as penalized if you want to sacrifice some damage to have better group utility.

        Finally, we’ve buffed the Luminous Shard synergy to return more resources. While this synergy still shares a cooldown with Necrotic Orb, it allows Templars to have a more distinct version of the synergy without making it mandatory in end-game group content.
      • Piercing Javelin: Increased the knockback range of this ability and its morphs to 8 meters from 5 meters.
        Developer Comments:
        Increasing the knockback distance of these abilities gives them a stronger niche from other crowd control abilities, and also opens up more opportunities for using that knockback with deadly results in areas with treacherous terrain (such as Battlegrounds).
    • Dawn’s Wrath
      • Backlash: Fixed an issue where the final damage dealt by this ability and its morphs was not respecting its damage limit when used against damage shields.
    • Restoring Light
      • Rushed Ceremony: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs would occasionally not display their full animation.

    I'm really happy with the proposed changes to Templar. To me is sounds like you listened to community feedback, addressing the broken luminous shards (disorient being broken by its own burning light passive) and adding more cc functionality to piercing javelin. Also, I appreciate the developer comments in line with the patch notes to explain the reasoning.

    Really looking forward to this release when it comes out on consoles. Good job Gina and team!

    The Templar changes are interesting indeed, but they need to return Dragonknight some of its glory in its resource-returning passives, especially if they're going to leave Sorcerer with their Dark Exchange bull.
  • Artis
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    Artis wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    With 45% uptime of Major Slayer (if You're using soul harvest) nb can be actually in good position after update. Cheap ultimates can be nice especially nb ulti that also gives 20% dmg buff. Also about Grim Focus They said they may tweak it not that they'll tweak it for sure.

    Unlikely. Having to use soul harvest = not using an actual damaging ulti like destro or meteor. And those are a huge chunk of NB's dps. We'll have to test and see the numbers, but I doubt it that trading those ultis for major slayer will be that good.
    There are competitive single-target DPS parses optimizing Soul harvest as a spammable Ultimate only because of damage buff it provides. With the possible Major Slayer ~40-50% uptime it's not impossible to imagine it being quite OP in this particular scenario. Obviously this doesn't apply to any fights involving huge amounts of AoE.

    Highest parses are reached by using expensive ulti and then soul harvest in the end. And you can imagine it being OP all you want, but I just did the math for you. For Major slayier with 40-50% uptime to outDPS a destro ulti or meteor, a destro ulti or meteor have to be 6-7.5% of the DPS. That is not the case and is very far from the situation on live. We will see the numbers in Morrowind of course, with new CP and new sets and all, but if you just added that set right now - it wouldn't be great and would be a DPS loss.

    Or maybe I'm wrong? Do you have any parses where those ultis are below 6-7% of single target DPS? Or how exactly would it be OP? because just saying "major slayer 50% uptime" isn't very convincing.

    Also, let's not forget that it's a 5pc bonus, so where will you put it? Instead of monster sets? Bad idea, especially since the sustain is nerfed and those proc and don't use resources. Instead of BSW? Don't wanna lose that buff.

    In fact, the only hope for NBs is that giving that buff to sorcs will increase the group's DPS more than taking another sorc instead of that soul harvest spamming NB.

  • seedubsrun
    It seems like these updates are 2 different subjects that they're trying to fix all at once. There's the minor balances that require tweaking 'this is too strong, this isn't strong enough etc'. These are important and usually work out in the end regardless of the outcry. One current example is the CP changes. They're great and once they're more widely utilized I think people will agree. The other subject is new player to veteran player balance. This is where I think they often get it wrong. They'll make a thousand changes all at once to the existing game space in an effort to "lower the ceiling, raise the floor".

    I've said it before and I'll say again, there should be a new, harder difficulty added to PvE and CP should be turned off and battle spirit expanded for PvP. This will mostly end the "PvP nerfs ruined PvE" issues a lot of people have. PvP should have a more even playing field that isn't possible with CP. An expanded battle spirit can be used to fine tune the balance further.

    A third, harder PvE difficulty would help to resolve the issue of some players finding current content to be too easy and demanding nerfs to make for more challenging game play while others say the game is already hard and making it harder would ruin things for them. I see both sides, too easy and too hard are both no fun depending on your perspective. A harder difficulty could feature things like, oh, I don't know, lowered resource sustain, higher penetration caps, higher enemy damage, etc. Rewards could include legendary gear, double drops, a modified trait pool that excludes prosperous/training gear or provides a higher chance of getting desired traits (you know they have numbers on this), or exclusive costumes, furnishings, titles, etc. This would give hardened players a new challenge to overcome with rewards worth collecting and Veteran mode could stay somewhat how people currently expect it to while giving those players something new to work towards.

    I think these big updates are seen as something being taken away from the players who love the game, which is one reason there's so much hate going around. I believe the changes I suggested would not only add to the game without taking more away but create balance that's easier for ZOS to manage down the road. Perhaps allowing them to put out more specific and smaller patches that have a more direct and desired impact.

  • Minno
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @Wrobel @ZOS_RichLambert
    Is the Luminous synergy restore for the casting Templar gone?!

    It is gone...why on Earth would you remove that?

    So it just does dmg on strike?
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • FrancisCrawford
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Prive wrote: »

    • Dark Magic
      • Crystal Fragments (Crystal Shard morph): Reduced the damage bonus of this morph’s instant-cast proc to 10% from 20%.
        Developer Comments:
        Sorcerer’s sustained damage in PvE and burst damage in PvP is currently too high, so reducing the damage bonus from Crystal Fragments brings them down slightly in both areas without being too punishing to the overall damage kit.

    If you would play your own game, you would know that there will be 0 sorcs running crystal frags in PVE

    Still every sorc will run it in PvE. Now it can hit even for 50k so You're saying everyone will unslot it because it'll hit max ~45k ?... Also crystal is skill from dark magic and provides 3% spell crit buff to whole group for 20 seconds from passive.

    Actually, the theorycrafting is going on now. Pet(s)/DoTs/heavy attacks is also under consideration. Indeed, my current GUESS is that the best PvE options will be:
    • None of Force Pulse, Frags or Overload (among the best players, who can reliably execute a tight rotation, who can count on teammates to cover all non-damage needs, and who chug the very best potions)
    • All of Force Pulse, Frags and Overload (among the rest of us, who play more loosely, and who find it prudent to slot some heals and/or utility ourselves)

    That's because Overload in a planned rotation helps both with skill bar space and sustain.
  • Bowser

    [*]Magister Makes a Move: Florinna Avau will now actually stay rescued once you rescue her.

    According to Princess Peach, that is not how this works.

    World First DK Tank Execute on Rakkhat HM
    Play how you want - no meta allowed!
  • Lore_lai
    Minno wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @Wrobel @ZOS_RichLambert
    Is the Luminous synergy restore for the casting Templar gone?!

    It is gone...why on Earth would you remove that?

    So it just does dmg on strike?

    On strike and it has a very weak dot.
    It no longer restores resource for the casting Templar when someone synergizes the shard, like they had it in previous iterations of PTS. :/
  • Phinix1
    Orbital wrote: »
    Tri Focus: This passive’s splash damage with Lightning Staves is no longer increased by damage modifiers.
    Developer Comments:

    Area of Effect damage with Lightning Staff Heavy Attacks is currently too high, due to how the splash damage from Tri Focus “double dips” in damage modifiers; the damage modifier would first multiply the Heavy Attack damage, then also multiply the Tri Focus splash damage. This resulted in the splash damage being higher than the damage on the initial target, instead of the intended 100%.



    Because it was clearly a bug.

    Stop relying on exploits to built your "meta?"
  • Minno
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @Wrobel @ZOS_RichLambert
    Is the Luminous synergy restore for the casting Templar gone?!

    It is gone...why on Earth would you remove that?

    So it just does dmg on strike?

    On strike and it has a very weak dot.
    It no longer restores resource for the casting Templar when someone synergizes the shard, like they had it in previous iterations of PTS. :/

    So it's a spell that's worse than solar barrage? I didn't think that was possible lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    lmao heavy attack nerf, seen that one coming. such a joke


  • Phinix1
    cheemers wrote: »
    Good steps in the right direction. I swear people pre-type their negative responses before they even read the notes.

    I mostly agree. The Templar changes are mainly positive as well which is refreshing.

    I am curious if the Siphoning attack return will work like Rally from 2H, where you can cancel it early to get a percent of that big return. If so will there be a cut-off point (say 50% duration) where casting it again will give you more than the cost to cast it back?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno any info on this? It would be nice if this new behavior rewarded people for refreshing the ability often, so long as it wasn't TOO often. ;)
  • Xsorus
    Crystal Frags is still going to hit for more now on PTS then it does on live currently thanks to the CP Changes.

    Anyway, its pretty obvious Wrobel is still intent on ruining the games first expansion launch with some really bad ideas..

    I mean all that needed to be done was just remove the CP cost reduction tree, That was it...the ONLY THING REQUIRED..

    but nope....Gotta take Machine Gun to a Deer Hunt.

    Number one reason Devs screw their game.....Overkill

    Edited by Xsorus on May 2, 2017 7:41PM
  • Minno
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    cheemers wrote: »
    Good steps in the right direction. I swear people pre-type their negative responses before they even read the notes.

    I mostly agree. The Templar changes are mainly positive as well which is refreshing.

    I am curious if the Siphoning attack return will work like Rally from 2H, where you can cancel it early to get a percent of that big return. If so will there be a cut-off point (say 50% duration) where casting it again will give you more than the cost to cast it back?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno any info on this? It would be nice if this new behavior rewarded people for refreshing the ability often, so long as it wasn't TOO often. ;)

    There's a thread that confirms it doesn't work like rally. So basically you guys got less Stam restore with a mechanic that requires perfection to return 2k Stam.

    Maybe we should just quit the pts till they are finished lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    lmao heavy attack nerf, seen that one coming. such a joke


    Agreed... this is ignorant.

    "We've changed the core design of how much of the mechanics of the game work. This will have the effect of forcing every single player into weaving multiple Heavy attacks into their combat rotations, but we have confidence that you guys will be able to adapt to Heavy Attacks Online."

    One week later.

    "Remember those Heavy Attacks that have become the core pillar of our new, game-wide combat mechanics? Yeah, we nerfed those down to uselessness. But be assured, we've left those mechanics changes in place to ensure that you'll STILL have to use those Heavy attacks more than any other type of attack just to make sure you have a modicum of resources!"
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Doctordarkspawn
    bubbygink wrote: »
    I don't hate it actually. As a PvPer I am quite happy with the direction ZoS is going because the unlimited sustain + tanky + still high burst damage builds are annoying. There is currently no trade-off. These changes should force players to make hard choices about what they want their builds to achieve. If you want to sustain you will have to be in light/medium and may not burst as well, if you want to be tanky you'll want to be in heavy but your sustain and burst will be lower, etc.

    That being said, I am disappointing with some of the class specific changes. The one that really jumps out to be is Dark Deal. I really cannot fathom why this skill hasn't been nerfed along with all the other class sustain skills. Additionally, as a Magblade, I appreciate ZoS listening to our complaints about how Siphoning Attacks was practically unslotable with the original PTS changes. I'm glad it has been changed and actually think it sounds pretty interesting - a resource restoring rally type skill (literally like rally because it heals now too). However, I implore ZoS to revert the duel magicka + stamina restore on the skill - it is core to Magblade play.

    One last point I'd like to make is that I think proc sets need to be further nerfed. Otherwise they will allow the exact high sustain + tankiness + bursty builds I discussed above to remain. Right now in Azuras procs are already king because it is a way to build up burst without having to build max stats and because many are in light/medium and can be instantly "proced" down. I hope ZoS takes a look at these as I believe they will over perform in battlegrounds in particular.

    Then balance the two seperate.

    PVE will not function in a few patches at the rate this is going, at least not in any way anyone with half a brain would want to play.
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    Orbital wrote: »
    Tri Focus: This passive’s splash damage with Lightning Staves is no longer increased by damage modifiers.
    Developer Comments:

    Area of Effect damage with Lightning Staff Heavy Attacks is currently too high, due to how the splash damage from Tri Focus “double dips” in damage modifiers; the damage modifier would first multiply the Heavy Attack damage, then also multiply the Tri Focus splash damage. This resulted in the splash damage being higher than the damage on the initial target, instead of the intended 100%.



    Because it was clearly a bug.

    Stop relying on exploits to built your "meta?"

    Then maybe the devs should stop forcing us into a position where exploits are necessary.
  • ophi321
    Soul Shriven
    Dark Magic
    Crystal Fragments (Crystal Shard morph): Reduced the damage bonus of this morph’s instant-cast proc to 10% from 20%.
    Developer Comments:
    Sorcerer’s sustained damage in PvE and burst damage in PvP is currently too high, so reducing the damage bonus from Crystal Fragments brings them down slightly in both areas without being too punishing to the overall damage kit.

    That's a start, but I think we all still think the damage is high. I would like to see it even lower. Also, where is change to dark exchange? The return sorcs get from it is to high for Morrowind. Cutting the return (magicka or sta) in half seems appropriate.
  • Gan Xing
    Gan Xing
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    lmao heavy attack nerf, seen that one coming. such a joke



    Did you actually read the patch notes? they fixed a bug that was with the Lightning staff heavy attack. Heavy attack in general has not been nerfed
    Gan Xing - Crafting Nightblade
    Elrana Tinuviel - Hybrid Dragonknight
    Elentári Peregrine - Sorcerer "bank"
    Rán Xīng - Hybrid Templar
    Laurïsil Imlachwen - Stamina Templar
    Helotë Tinuviel - Hybrid/Magicka Warden
    Odin banker - obv banker
    Yan of the Red Mountain - lvl 3 DK - not sure when I will work on em

    Seeks the unusual and unique playstyles...
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    lmao heavy attack nerf, seen that one coming. such a joke


    Agreed... this is ignorant.

    "We've changed the core design of how much of the mechanics of the game work. This will have the effect of forcing every single player into weaving multiple Heavy attacks into their combat rotations, but we have confidence that you guys will be able to adapt to Heavy Attacks Online."

    One week later.

    "Remember those Heavy Attacks that have become the core pillar of our new, game-wide combat mechanics? Yeah, we nerfed those down to uselessness. But be assured, we've left those mechanics changes in place to ensure that you'll STILL have to use those Heavy attacks more than any other type of attack just to make sure you have a modicum of resources!"

    And it's consistant. We can point it out in multiple instances, Blocking for tanks, slowly erroded with the changes to blocking, then the dark brotherhood patch where we outright had to redo most of our gear thanks to the loss of a passive FOR THE SAKE OF PVP MIND YOU.

    Now the sustain changes. Now this. THIS ISN'T GOOD GAME DESIGN. It's like one person has a vision and everybody hates that guy, so they keep doing the opposite of what he says. And not in the good way. Someone on this balance team needs fired if not all of them, and until that happens, this game has no freakin' hope.

    I've resolved to stay far the *** away from this game if this is the balance direction they are going in. heavy attack meta isn't fun. You have taken a game with the potential for so much originality and -maimed- it, Zeni. And you've made it clear you wont lisen.
  • KlempoKC
    Vivec’s loin cloth is now better behaved. Oh my!
    After all these years, the Ashlanders have finally learned that trying to eat while wearing facemasks is a bad idea.

    I'm laughing! :D
    The appearance used by the War Maiden set will not be available as a motif with Morrowind.

    Now I'm crying! :'(
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Gan Xing wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    lmao heavy attack nerf, seen that one coming. such a joke



    Did you actually read the patch notes? they fixed a bug that was with the Lightning staff heavy attack. Heavy attack in general has not been nerfed

    I refer you to the earlier comment I made, when someone pointed out it was an exploit. When the first thought of people is to -hunt- for the exploits as a matter of course, something this game has trained people to do, it's your own damn fault for encouraging it.
  • Gan Xing
    Gan Xing
    bubbygink wrote: »
    I don't hate it actually. As a PvPer I am quite happy with the direction ZoS is going because the unlimited sustain + tanky + still high burst damage builds are annoying. There is currently no trade-off. These changes should force players to make hard choices about what they want their builds to achieve. If you want to sustain you will have to be in light/medium and may not burst as well, if you want to be tanky you'll want to be in heavy but your sustain and burst will be lower, etc.

    That being said, I am disappointing with some of the class specific changes. The one that really jumps out to be is Dark Deal. I really cannot fathom why this skill hasn't been nerfed along with all the other class sustain skills. Additionally, as a Magblade, I appreciate ZoS listening to our complaints about how Siphoning Attacks was practically unslotable with the original PTS changes. I'm glad it has been changed and actually think it sounds pretty interesting - a resource restoring rally type skill (literally like rally because it heals now too). However, I implore ZoS to revert the duel magicka + stamina restore on the skill - it is core to Magblade play.

    One last point I'd like to make is that I think proc sets need to be further nerfed. Otherwise they will allow the exact high sustain + tankiness + bursty builds I discussed above to remain. Right now in Azuras procs are already king because it is a way to build up burst without having to build max stats and because many are in light/medium and can be instantly "proced" down. I hope ZoS takes a look at these as I believe they will over perform in battlegrounds in particular.

    Then balance the two seperate.

    PVE will not function in a few patches at the rate this is going, at least not in any way anyone with half a brain would want to play.

    According the the Devs in the ESO Live, they don't want to balance the two separate as that will cause us to *** and whine about having to change our setups too often switching from PVP to PVE (as if some don't in some way already, I personally don't).

    Current Meta, I was able to (almost) solo a world boss on my Hybrid DK (yess I am one of those guys). I will test in PTS how she does. (also i said almost cause someone came in when I had boss at 2% health and helped me finish it off)

    In PTS, I was able to solo a world boss on a magicka warden, probably can do again. Could not do on Stam Warden...

    Given that, I probably can't solo a lot of world bosses.
    Gan Xing - Crafting Nightblade
    Elrana Tinuviel - Hybrid Dragonknight
    Elentári Peregrine - Sorcerer "bank"
    Rán Xīng - Hybrid Templar
    Laurïsil Imlachwen - Stamina Templar
    Helotë Tinuviel - Hybrid/Magicka Warden
    Odin banker - obv banker
    Yan of the Red Mountain - lvl 3 DK - not sure when I will work on em

    Seeks the unusual and unique playstyles...
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