If you have played RPG since -94, then moving away from damage without sounds, alarms, addons or what not, should be normal to you.
"The perimeter" is when you stop taking damage. Your target goes out of range when you can not hit it anymore. What does this have to do with colors?
The huge fireball flying towards you doesnt give you a hint, huh? Or a bigger weapon then yourself swinging at you?
Some NPC have instant skills, just like players. I dont understand why colorcoding text would do anything to help you? Would not players that didnt react unless SOMETHING RED IS SCREAMING, have a handicap when this doesnt happen?
ESO have awesome animations...for everything! Look at your view!
Hey, I had to learn too. This Screenshot is from...long ago. (Devs, its ME in the pic and I give everyone the right to say whatever they want about it and myself!)
If you have played RPG since -94, then moving away from damage without sounds, alarms, addons or what not, should be normal to you.
"The perimeter" is when you stop taking damage. Your target goes out of range when you can not hit it anymore. What does this have to do with colors?
The_Patriarch wrote: »First, I hate the word "colorblind" as it tends to evoke the image of someone whole only sees the world in black and white or some kind of sepia tones. My form of color blindness might be better described as a red-green color distinction problem. It's the shades of certain colors that trip me up.
Second, I TOTALLY agree and understand the OP and the few others who have commented. Fungal Grotto is tough, as is several other instances of red circles on top of AOE snares on top of green grass. I sometimes have issues with the final boss' AOE attack in Tempest Island. To compensate, I look for movement on the ground, rather than for color. However, that isn't really effective.
Thank you for lurking! I'm not sure what could be done about the situation, but the fact that you took the time to acknowledge the topic means a great deal to me.
You're certainly not the only one. We've been bringing it up off and on since at least 2015.I'm hoping I'm not the only one.
If you have played RPG since -94, then moving away from damage without sounds, alarms, addons or what not, should be normal to you.
"The perimeter" is when you stop taking damage. Your target goes out of range when you can not hit it anymore. What does this have to do with colors?
I play with a buddy who runs into this issue with red circles in dungeons as well. Can get frustrating for him and dampens his experience. Would love to see an option added in to help those who see the world a bit differently.
WalksonGraves wrote: »Speaking of blind, whoever made the taunted effect red mist in a game full of fire has no idea how eyes work.
The huge fireball flying towards you doesnt give you a hint, huh? Or a bigger weapon then yourself swinging at you?
Some NPC have instant skills, just like players. I dont understand why colorcoding text would do anything to help you? Would not players that didnt react unless SOMETHING RED IS SCREAMING, have a handicap when this doesnt happen?
ESO have awesome animations...for everything! Look at your view!
The huge fireball flying towards you doesnt give you a hint, huh? Or a bigger weapon then yourself swinging at you?
Some NPC have instant skills, just like players. I dont understand why colorcoding text would do anything to help you? Would not players that didnt react unless SOMETHING RED IS SCREAMING, have a handicap when this doesnt happen?
ESO have awesome animations...for everything! Look at your view!
Hey, I had to learn too. This Screenshot is from...long ago. (Devs, its ME in the pic and I give everyone the right to say whatever they want about it and myself!)
Green poison animation, in a red circle, on green grass. And then throw in all the various DPS ground effects. The poison can be hard to spot even if you're not color blind.
This topic has been covered before: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/270312/does-this-game-not-have-a-colorblind-mode/p1 [Edit]: The dev comment is #44