Colorblind mode.

  • Angel1ne
    My husband loves all the tes games. He has played skyrim 4 times. But he cannot play this game, because of his colorblindness. Please add something to this game so he can game together with me!
    Ps4 EU server AD VR 15
  • Grunim
    Cogo wrote: »

    If you have played RPG since -94, then moving away from damage without sounds, alarms, addons or what not, should be normal to you.

    "The perimeter" is when you stop taking damage. Your target goes out of range when you can not hit it anymore. What does this have to do with colors?

    I think your post is a bit of an attempt at a personal attack, by pointing out information from my signature which should have nothing to do with the topic we are discussing. However, since you appear to be making an assertion that customization was not widely used in the old days, I beg to differ.

    Back in '94, I started on MUDs which are primarily text-only multi player RPGs. Customizing one's interface was ubiquitous even back then, especially because the vast majority of players used MUD clients when playing MUDs rather than playing through a plain telnet interface.

    Here's a link explaining how triggers functioned on one MUD client I was fond of using:

    Being able to customize one's UI to suit one's particular needs is nothing new. It existed in MUDs, it existed in other MMORPGs, etc.
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • CasNation
    Like every time this topic comes up, I am going to go ahead and throw my support in for a colorblind mode. It would be REALLY helpful.

    However, PLEASE allow the players to select the color of the Telegraph with a color wheel or something. Sometimes just a small tweak to one color would really help a player, but none of the preset options are quite right. Colorblindness isn't a straightforward problem, and different people have different degrees of it. Giving the player the power to choose their own color settings would be tremendous.
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  • danno8
    Cogo wrote: »

    The huge fireball flying towards you doesnt give you a hint, huh? Or a bigger weapon then yourself swinging at you?

    Some NPC have instant skills, just like players. I dont understand why colorcoding text would do anything to help you? Would not players that didnt react unless SOMETHING RED IS SCREAMING, have a handicap when this doesnt happen?

    ESO have awesome animations...for everything! Look at your view!

    Hey, I had to learn too. This Screenshot is from...long ago. (Devs, its ME in the pic and I give everyone the right to say whatever they want about it and myself!)

    I would tend to take the word of the color blind individual over yours when it comes to knowing what would be helpful to them. You are coming off as not having a clue what you are talking about. The guy you quoted isn't even talking about text colors, he is talking about circles and other cues.
  • lientier
    Cogo wrote: »

    If you have played RPG since -94, then moving away from damage without sounds, alarms, addons or what not, should be normal to you.

    "The perimeter" is when you stop taking damage. Your target goes out of range when you can not hit it anymore. What does this have to do with colors?

    yeah if some AOE areas weren't instant kill.. (which you could avoid when you see them coming)
    PC-EU @lientier
  • jedtb16_ESO
    First, I hate the word "colorblind" as it tends to evoke the image of someone whole only sees the world in black and white or some kind of sepia tones. My form of color blindness might be better described as a red-green color distinction problem. It's the shades of certain colors that trip me up.

    Second, I TOTALLY agree and understand the OP and the few others who have commented. Fungal Grotto is tough, as is several other instances of red circles on top of AOE snares on top of green grass. I sometimes have issues with the final boss' AOE attack in Tempest Island. To compensate, I look for movement on the ground, rather than for color. However, that isn't really effective.


    Thank you for lurking! I'm not sure what could be done about the situation, but the fact that you took the time to acknowledge the topic means a great deal to me.

    you make a good point about the colourblind thing. i have the red/green thing..... another name for it is daltonism. it is quite common in males of northern european descent 8 to 10% less so in females.
  • Annalyse
    I don't even understand why anyone would be against this. They aren't asking for changes that would affect everyone, just an optional setting for a colorblind mode. They are just asking to be allowed to see the same visual cues that everyone else gets to see. Arguing against this just means you are a rude and small-minded person.

    @ZOS_RichLambert I am glad you are lurking, and hope that you will consider adding this into the game. It would be beneficial to so many people.

  • Enodoc
    ziaodix wrote: »
    I'm hoping I'm not the only one.
    You're certainly not the only one. We've been bringing it up off and on since at least 2015.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • nine9six
    Cogo wrote: »

    If you have played RPG since -94, then moving away from damage without sounds, alarms, addons or what not, should be normal to you.

    "The perimeter" is when you stop taking damage. Your target goes out of range when you can not hit it anymore. What does this have to do with colors?

    You're about to surpass John Edward for Biggest *** in the Universe...
    Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up...
  • Kartalin
    I have a little colorblindness but most things in the game don't bother me too much. The main issue I've had is telling AD controlled resources apart from EP controlled resources on the nav bar in PVP. A couple of times I've ridden into an enemy resource thinking it was a friendly one.
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  • Narthalion
    I'm colorblind. Would really love a colorblind mode as well.

    I'd like to add that there are some less crucial aspects of the game than red death circles:
    -- the green for Fine items and the gold for Legendary are hard for me to tell apart. I use the values rather than the label color to figure out what I'm looking at.
    -- while armor dyes are labeled with color names, would be nice if hair and eyes in character creation were as well.

    It's not like we (colorblind people) need the entire game world of art redone, because we don't. It's just the specific points of interaction where color is used that cause us trouble.

    Could be solved by offering everybody an alternate palette. Playing field stays even because everybody can use it if they prefer it.
  • Dalsinthus
    BigBragg wrote: »
    I play with a buddy who runs into this issue with red circles in dungeons as well. Can get frustrating for him and dampens his experience. Would love to see an option added in to help those who see the world a bit differently.

    I have a friend with similar issues. He's a great tank but struggles on some bosses because he cannot see the animations. Blue colors are invisible for him so bosses like the Adjudicator in WGT are a problem (he can't see the fire).

    I don't have any visual impairment but would love to see some support for this added to the game.
  • Argawarga
    Speaking of blind, whoever made the taunted effect red mist in a game full of fire has no idea how eyes work.

    Taunt has a visual cue? I had no idea. For serious.
  • Damianos
    Would also be nice, while they implimented this to add a visual indicator to situations where hearing is half the battle - just as an example: Lock picking, make it so when your navigating the tumbler into place it changes from red, yellow green before it breaks your pick. Even the description of picking locks in the tutorials and the loading screen tips makes it plain as day that such events are discriminatory against deaf people. We game too, you know.

  • Niaver
    I'm not colorblind (at least as far as i know), but sometimes it's increadibly hard to see those AoE-circles.
    We need to do something about it.
    PC EU - Daggerfall Covenant - @Niaver
    Erazar (main) - Khajit DK tank

    Proud owner of Maelstrom Sharpened Bow
  • parkham
    I think it would be awesome to change things like the AOE color and the effects of things like Unstable Wall of Elements for example. Sometimes I can't see an AOE when Unstable Fire is up.
    Edited by parkham on March 30, 2017 7:24PM


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  • Capsaica
    I have a friend who used to play ESO all the time who is colorblind. He would not run trials - pretty much ever - with us because he could not avoid AoEs since he could not see the telegraphed AoE circles. He did not want to slow down the group or cause the group to not be able to complete the dungeon because he died a lot from "standing in stupid." This was back when you only had a limited number of deaths before you had to completely restart the trial. He would do regular dungeons only under pressure from others. He has not been in game that I have seen for over a year now.

    This is a pretty serious accessibility issue which should be well within ZoS's ability to address. A simple toggle to a colorblind mode which changes the colors of various cues in the game to colors which are more easy for colorblind individuals to distinguish. If I remember correctly, that same friend told me that WoW has had a colorblind mode available for a long time - just as an example that this should be within the ability of ZoS to address.

    I sincerely hope that this issue will be looked at by ZoS and a fix implemented. Many people suffer from varying degrees of colorblindness, and it would be a wonderful thing if their game experience could be improved to match everyone else's.

    If you need somewhere to start, there are many graphing and graphics programs out there which have pre-made color palettes intended to be compatible with most variations of colorblindness. I'm also quite certain you could easily identify testers of your fix by simply asking for the help of colorblind ESO players.
    Edited by Capsaica on March 30, 2017 7:54PM
  • usmcjdking
    I concur with this post. This would be a gargantuan QOL improvement for myself and a lot of other players who have sight/hearing issues that make certain mechanics very difficult to deal with since they can typically only be anticipated with the Ilambris/Destro ult lightshow.
    Edited by usmcjdking on March 30, 2017 8:10PM
  • MissBizz
    Just throwing it out there that everyone benefits from this. I do not experience any type of colour distinction issues, but I think this would be a great idea.

    It allows players to player the game as intended (being able to see aoe's).

    It opens up the game to more players (some may not pick up the game because they read there is no mode to help them).

    Everyone is happier when more people stay out of the red.

    As I mentioned, I don't have any colour distinction issues, but I have ran dungeons and such with people who do. This would be a great step forward in helping make the game more accessible and better.
    Edited by MissBizz on March 30, 2017 8:12PM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • drallar
    Cogo wrote: »

    The huge fireball flying towards you doesnt give you a hint, huh? Or a bigger weapon then yourself swinging at you?

    Some NPC have instant skills, just like players. I dont understand why colorcoding text would do anything to help you? Would not players that didnt react unless SOMETHING RED IS SCREAMING, have a handicap when this doesnt happen?

    ESO have awesome animations...for everything! Look at your view!


    Telegraphs are fine for some things but not everything is in your field of view at all times. How many times have you moved out of the way of charging Clanfear etc that are outside of your view - even in third person but you are able to move out of the 'box' because it is there. Now imagine that the box does not exist at all or only exists in some dungeon. Your feedback is true but far from relevant in all situations.
  • code65536
    Cogo wrote: »

    The huge fireball flying towards you doesnt give you a hint, huh? Or a bigger weapon then yourself swinging at you?

    Some NPC have instant skills, just like players. I dont understand why colorcoding text would do anything to help you? Would not players that didnt react unless SOMETHING RED IS SCREAMING, have a handicap when this doesnt happen?

    ESO have awesome animations...for everything! Look at your view!

    Hey, I had to learn too. This Screenshot is from...long ago. (Devs, its ME in the pic and I give everyone the right to say whatever they want about it and myself!)


    You clearly have never done DSA.

    On stage 3 of DSA, there are poison clouds. The poison is green. The ground is green grass. You tell that the poison is on the ground by the expanding red circle that accompanies the green gas over the green grass. And for people who have red-green color blindness, that red circle is not easily visible. Furthermore, on round 4 of stage 3, the poison clouds are so numerous and cover so much area that you often only have tiny slivers of safe ground to stand on, as you will be in a poison cloud if you literally just take one step to your left or right. And in the vet version of DSA (which is this week's weekly trial on PC/NA), the poison hits so hard that you have just a split second to get out before you die.

    This isn't about a fireball shooting at you (these things don't have telegraphs to begin with) or someone swinging a sword at you (which also doesn't have a telegraph). But a key mechanic of the content where the primary indicator of the mechanic is something that blends in with the background.

    So... maybe next time, you should get know your subject matter before getting on your soapbox and making a pompous fool of yourself?
    Edited by code65536 on March 30, 2017 11:02PM
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • Ackwalan
    I have poor color vision, most times there is very little affect in game for me. But for some reason, the treasure chest in IC glow so brightly, I can see them from Craglorn. So if you can, please help out those with colorblindness, just don't change the IC chest part.
  • Artis
    Yeah ZOS, please do that :)

    Even if some people will be like "Uh I'm not paying sub for that, I'm paying so you can give me new content" like that guy in a thread about honoring a player who passed.

    It's good to do the right thing :smile:
  • zeroIndex
    This topic has been covered before: [Edit]: The dev comment is #44

    Being a colorblind player just means that audio cues and animations are that much more important. I feel it forces us to become better players... maybe different players, but we struggle harder at the start due to the issue. And the key word here is forces. We currently do not have a choice.

    I hope they implement something that would help with the impossible and frustrating circles. We visually impaired folks would actually be able to listen to music while farming some gear or not have to double check things to make sure they are what we think they are :) I would also like to point out that if we have learned to play the game in a different way and this actually becomes a reality, we would have a one up on all those normal eyed people.

    I think Cogo is just a troll. Either that or he/she really does not understand what it actually means to be colorblind and the impact that it has on the player. Putting the names of colors on a can of paint does not change the actual paint. It just ensures that we will not get yelled at for buying the wrong color.
    Edited by zeroIndex on March 30, 2017 10:54PM
  • ziaodix
    I definitely want to clarify a few things, that others have already brought up before me.

    First and foremost, I'm not looking for any kind of advantage. I don't expect anything special, specifically targeted at people who have the same issues. Like has been stated, a game setting that would allow everyone - not just people with colorblindness - to adjust colors in the game would be a very acceptable addition.

    Secondly, and this one also ties into the first, but with a setting such as mentioned, it would actually allow me to play the game that everyone else is playing.

    I know my limitations. I know which dungeons and trials will give me the most issues. I'm also a well balanced player, who uses other methods - like sounds - to help with some instances, but my point here is I shouldn't have to. We shouldn't have to.

    I love this game. I have poured many hours into it. (My wife can attest to it.) I've subbed from the beginning. Whether this gets added or not won't change that. I will still play. I will still sub. I'm just hopeful that ZoS cares enough for their customers (I'm not alone, this isn't one individual's problem) enough to implement this change.

    PS Thanks to everyone that has shown their support for this. Perhaps if our voices get loud enough, change will occur.
    Edited by ziaodix on March 30, 2017 10:59PM
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  • Arthmoor
    code65536 wrote: »
    Green poison animation, in a red circle, on green grass. And then throw in all the various DPS ground effects. The poison can be hard to spot even if you're not color blind.

    This. I'm not color blind but I very often run into issues where I die, but have no idea what killed me because there's so much going on I couldn't see the red circle I was apparently standing in. There are a lot of ground based effects that will blot out the circle entirely and you only notice when your health nosedives and the healer hasn't caught you yet.

    Fortunately nobody has ever yelled at me for it, but I think that's because they all know this is too common a thing.
  • cabbageub17_ESO
    How hard could it be to have a setting that changes the red circle to a few other select colors? What's the difference?
  • code65536
    zeroIndex wrote: »

    Well, that's disappointing. Three quarters later...
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • Elf_Boy
    Would any of the various FX Injectors be able to take care of this for you guys? Until an official fix comes down the line that is.
    ** Asus Crosshair VI Hero, Ryzen 1800x, 64GB DDR4 @ 3000, GTX 1080 ti, 4K Samsung 3d Display m.2 Sata 3 Boot Drive, m.2 x4 nvme Game Drive **
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