Colorblind mode.

  • OrphanHelgen
    I asked two years back about the colors in spindlecluth 2, the spider boss where room change color. That was worse before, and they actually listened to the post and changed those.

    For maelstrom, I couldn't do the poison stage with low graphics, simply because of this reason you mention. The poison color and the ground was too simular. So with high quality settings, I could see poison better. Allthough this is not something everyone can do, since it require a good pc as well.

    Other then that, I struggle abit on twins in vmol ofc, eventhough its black and white, everything with color mechanic is more struggle as a colorblind then people without colorblind.

    There is also different type of colorblind. I have it with every single color in the..... game? world? XD
    But others only have like red and green, which is a dream for us with every color basically. For me, I can't see different color between a grass and the trees. Rainbow never existed for me, it's that bad hehe.

    I'm not sure how much work it would be to make ESO having a colorblind mode, but some info from me is that its not the colors itself thats the main problem actually, it's the light brightness. It's hard to explain, specially since english is not my main language, but if every color has the same type of light brightness, it's the same color as well. Good example here is the lights on a phone charger or something. Green when it's fully charged and red if it's charging. Those type of lights are the worse.
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • TheWiesi
    Speaking of colors: 2nd boss vmol
    It's quite hard to notice the color conversion while grothdarr is active. I do have that red green problem and it's probably the reason for it. And I do know there is that one sentence popping up that indicates the conversion. On ps4 it doesn't pop up most of the time though.
    So I would appreciate an option to choose one of the color blindness types.

    PS i do not understand why anyone tries to suggest it's a l2p issue rather than a simple defect in the eyes :D
    Edited by TheWiesi on March 31, 2017 1:59PM
  • danno8
    Elf_Boy wrote: »
    Would any of the various FX Injectors be able to take care of this for you guys? Until an official fix comes down the line that is.

    While that's a good thought, the problem with FX injectors is that they would end up changing (for example) all the red in the game to a more distinct color blindness tone, since the injector can not tell the difference between a red circle and a red outfit.

    Only ZoS has access to that kind of visual distinction.

    Now with that said there are some LUA addons that will tell you if you are standing in something dangerous such as Miats CC tracker, but this doesn't work with boss AoE's I'm pretty sure.
  • Zyrudin
    Argawarga wrote: »

    Taunt has a visual cue? I had no idea. For serious.

    He meant the Inner Fire / Inner Beast synergy cue.
  • SublimeSparo
    I'm not colour blind but this gets my full support.
    Absolutely ridiculous that a game that prides itself on 'visual cues' for everything doesn't include a colourblind mode or several.
    There are various other combat related cues and visuals that need tweaking, examples being;
    vMol- the armour shatter from savages, the written text rarely appears to inform you
    - conversions at the twins, the text doesn't always appear
    - vSo - magicka bomb- again the text doesn't always appear, nor does the blue glow.
    I believe synergies get priority over the text, but such important cues should probably either the priority or be moved slightly
    PS4 EU CP900. PS4 NA CP600,
    vAA HM ☆ vHRC HM ☆ vSO HM ☆ vMOL
    4th Console vMOL clear,
    vMA cleared on all classes stam & magic

    My Tribe
    High Sparo - Altmer - mSo DD.
    Wood Sparo - Bosmer - sNB DD
    Nord Sparo - Nord -sDK DD/Tank.
    Bubble Girl - Imperial -sTe DD
    Succubus Sue - Breton - mNB Tank.
    Andrana Stormlock - Altmer - mTe Healer/ DD
    Elvali Marvani - Dunmer - mDK DD.
    Venemus Draconem - Redguard - sDK DD
    Jayri Leki - Redguard - sSo DD.
    Miss Jabsalot - Altmer - mTe PvP DD/ Tank
    Mireli Hlaano - Dunmer - mNB DD.
    Ms Shanks - Redguard - sNB DD/ le bank

    Dilemma Dame - Altmer - mDK DD
    Stamsorc Kitty - Redguard - sSor DD
    Aia Draconis - Imperial - sDK Tank
    Decides-Who-Lives - Argonian - mTe Healer
    You wont stop me - Altmer - mSo DD
    Stab in the dark - Khajiit - sNB DD
    Jabjabjab Beambeambeam - Dunmer - mTe DD
    Spatium Auxiliarus - Imperial - hTe Tank&bank
    Spectre - Altmer - mNB DD
    Can't-Main-Tank -Argonian - sDK offTank
  • Katahdin
    I am not colorblind but I've played with people that are and this can be very frustrating for them.

    There needs to be a colorblind setting where the aoe circles are a ligher color or even with a white circle around the edge. Something to help
    Edited by Katahdin on March 31, 2017 3:24PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    I didnt want to read the replies because for some reason some people think you can just try harder to see the right colours (aussie spelling) and I didnt want to see any of that..


    I will say this... please put a colour blind mode in this game already... I have a rare kind which means I see almost everything either wrong or right and it changes based on light, shadows etc. I have never done acid but I would assume its pretty similar... either way... I can deal with all things but having "blue" or "purple" circles for poison would make like 99% of the issues go away...
  • Katahdin
    It occurred to me that since the condition of being colorblind can be pretty variable, any kind of colorblind system should allow for different options to adjust to whatever particular color deficiency someone may have.

    Some people are completely colorblind, while others are red/green color deficient, while others may have trouble with blues or some other shades.
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Katahdin wrote: »
    It occurred to me that since the condition of being colorblind can be pretty variable, any kind of colorblind system should allow for different options to adjust to whatever particular color deficiency someone may have.

    Some people are completely colorblind, while others are red/green color deficient, while others may have trouble with blues or some other shades.

    Thats correct. It should be a scale/bar you can set for poison/aoe etc.
  • GDOFWR420
    Would making them orange help, just asking as I know very little about being colorblind
  • Capsaica
    Zyrudin wrote: »

    He meant the Inner Fire / Inner Beast synergy cue.

    No, when you have an enemy taunted, there is a visual cue. There is a dark reddish flame-like haze around the taunted enemy. This is visible for any taunt as far as I have noticed.

  • zeroIndex
    code65536 wrote: »

    Well, that's disappointing. Three quarters later...

    Yeah, I sort of got my hopes up for a little while. I suppose that is my fault. To be fair though, I have not kept up with a lot of their behind the scenes chatter lately since school has been back in full force. Maybe they have been talking about its implementation somewhere, but it does not seem to be the case. Hopefully though, it is at least on the top half of their "honey do" list. It would be amazing, but I cannot hold my breath anymore or I would pass out.

    Elf_Boy wrote: »
    Would any of the various FX Injectors be able to take care of this for you guys? Until an official fix comes down the line that is.

    Maybe, but noty! I use and addon called Raid Notifier and honestly hate that in some cases it is something that I need. There is no way im going to go through the hassle of changing a lot of settings and what not when I feel this is something that ZoS needs to have natively in their game. The solution should not be something that we have to seek out elsewhere for a "fix". Especially since colorblindness is a fairly common problem.

    All that being said, they have made some positive changes and at least responded a while back to a similar post. They have not completely swept us under the rug. It is possible too that most of us are used to dealing with this problem and tend to adapt without bringing up the issue.
  • Caligamy_ESO
    I remember seeing a request like this about 2 years ago and we all clicked agree then too.. but if its any consolation, they make glasses for this now. The company Enchroma for example has some.
    Edited by Caligamy_ESO on March 31, 2017 10:16PM
    love is love
  • zeroIndex
    I remember seeing a request like this about 2 years ago and we all clicked agree then too.. but if its any consolation, they make glasses for this now. The company Enchroma for example has some.

    If they include a $500 pair of glasses with my eso+ then I'm happy with that solution :P Honestly, we should not have to look elsewhere for the solution.
    We dont matter. They jus like 2 laugh n pity us. The worst is when we die to something we can c. Like lingering static and the non purifying healer exclaims "oh he's colourblind". Keep your colours idc, keep us from being left handed idc. Now i can escape intolerance in my homestead so we all g. Thats jus me tho. Fr colourblind fools r getting murked in these streets.
  • ziaodix
    We dont matter. They jus like 2 laugh n pity us. The worst is when we die to something we can c. Like lingering static and the non purifying healer exclaims "oh he's colourblind". Keep your colours idc, keep us from being left handed idc. Now i can escape intolerance in my homestead so we all g. Thats jus me tho. Fr colourblind fools r getting murked in these streets.

    This poor grammar and spelling is triggering me.
    NA CP Rank: 1073 | EU CP Rank: ---
    GuildsKeep Moving ForwardNightfighters
    Accomplishments • vMA • vDSA (43238) • vAA HM • vHRC HM • vSO HM • vMoL HM • vHoF HM • vAS+2 •

    NA Server
    ziaodix - Lvl 50: Breton Templar <Healer> MAIN Master Angler | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    ziaodix the artisan - Lvl 50: Argonian Templar
    ziaodix the lightbringer - Lvl 50: Imperial Templar
    ziaodix the shadow - Lvl 50: Breton Nightblade Flawless Conqueror
    ziaodix the fleet-footed - Lvl 50: Bosmer Nightblade
    ziaodix the necromantia - Lvl 50: Breton Necromancer
    ziaodix the orcromancer - Lvl 30: Orsimer Necromancer
    ziaodix the dryskin - Lvl 50: Argonian Warden
    ziaodix the shaman - Lvl 50: Breton Warden
    ziaodix the hellspawn - Lvl 50: Khajiit Warden
    ziaodix the wardenstein - Lvl 50: Redguard Warden
    ziaodix the titan - Lvl 50: Nord Dragonknight
    ziaodix the toxic - Lvl 50: Redguard Dragonknight
    ziaodix the hellfire - Lvl 50: Dunmer Dragonknight
    ziaodix the cauterizer - Lvl 50: Breton Dragonknight
    ziaodix the incinerator - Lvl 50: Dunmer Dragonknight
    ziaodix the sylph - Lvl 50: Redguard Sorcerer
    ziaodix the storm - Lvl 50: Altmer Sorcerer

    EU Server
    ziaodix - Lvl 7: Orsimer Necromancer
    ziaodix the necromantia - Lvl 3: Breton Necromancer
    ziaodix the shaman - Lvl 3: Breton Warden
    ziaodix the shadow - Lvl 17: Breton Nightblade
    ziaodix the cauterizer - Lvl 3: Dunmer Dragonknight
    ziaodix the storm - Lvl 50: Altmer Sorcerer
    ziaodix the lightbringer - Lvl 50: Argonian Templar
  • Midori_Oku
    Cogo wrote: »
    Um, you need colors to tell you that...YOU ARE STANDING IN FIRE?

    Your health-bar is the best tool you have to know when you get damaged. Color or not..if its going down, move...

    Yes, because watching your HP for something that instantly kills you really helps. You do realize that many AOE's that are hard for some to see are one-shots to most, right? Kra'gh, Chokethorne, etc.....

    Anyway, it would be nice to see something implemented. I have a friend who has difficulty seeing them because of this. I try to call it out for him as much as possible, but that doesn't always work.
    Midori Oku - Female High Elf - Magicka Sorcerer
    Allesse Nightvale - Female Wood Elf - Stamina Dragonknight
    Raelette Velaoche - Female Breton - Magicka Templar
  • Dragonking06
    I may not suffer from colorblindness, but I can definitely understand how frustrating it can be to try avoid the danger zones in dungeons. Seriously ZoS, this shouldn't even be an issue in this day and age, most if not all MMO's have a colorblind setting. If you want more voices to warrant adding this feature in then you can officially add mine to the growing tumult of this thread.

    I remember reading a news article online, possibly a couple of years back, about a player who enjoyed another online MMO but struggled because of there not being a colorblind setting. They posted ONCE on their forums about it. The devs saw it, and implemented the new setting, LITERALLY OVERNIGHT.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom, hope you guys are taking note of this. Please make this happen.
    PC - NA Server
    Nora Wolf-bane - Nord - Knight of Alkosh, Tank
    "We both looked into the Abyss. But when it looked back... You blinked."
  • Nyghthowler
    I don't see why it would be hard to implement a feature to change the color of telegraphed attacks. We have the ability to change the color of chat text.
    No, I'm not a programmer so I could be totally wrong about the difficulty in doing so. Yes, I am also color blind sight impaired and support this thread.
    I'm not prejudiced; I hate everyone equally !
  • MakoFore
    im not color blind but i have trouble seeing the circles on the stages u mentioned. hope they listen
  • Appleblade
    At least the discussion here is civil. On other gaming sites, I've had people tell me to not breed or even kill myself for being red-green colorblind.

    Borderlands 2 implemented a system that targeted multiple types of colorblindness.

    What I'd like is, in the character designer, to see what the hair and eye colors are. Maybe just toss out the RGB values next to the slider.
  • Dread_Viking
    I agree thy need to do something
    Don't worry girl I'm a Sorcerer, i got my Hardened Ward for protection
  • RouDeR
    I am colorblind too ,playing on ps4 and have problems seeing the red circles in final bossez of Fungel groto 1 and elden hollow 1 , it will be great if we can change the color of those circles aoes.
  • Sintao
    Edit: @ziaodix @Liam12548 @ZOS_RichLambert Please see below, specifically regarding Visolve at end of this post /edit

    I completely support some settings in ESO that will improve life for the various forms of common colour vision deficiency. (It would also be cool if the game received an honourable mention as a result by some of the groups that work towards equity and access for the vision (colour) impaired).

    GNOME is a desktop environment that runs on LINUX and most versions of BSD systems. It allows various changes in colour filters so users can compensate for their specific colour vision deficiency. I only mention this as the libraries and so on may be open source...

    My brother has a rather severe red-blind colour deficiency. I have worked with him to help set up his PC a few times over the years.

    I am not sure if ESO uses system colours or its own, but calibrating the monitor differently may help in some cases I am thinking. On my windows 10 system I do the following:
    • Right-click the desktop and choose Display Settings; that opens the 'Customise Your Display' setting.
    • Click 'Advanced Display Settings' link shown on the right.
    • Now click 'Color Calibration'; which spawns a new window (wizard) and allows you to step through things.

    That can help add some extra discrimination for colour blind folks. Maybe not a lot, YMMV. It can take a long while to work through it. Fiddling with the Colour Management can also help. In theory a profile can be made to assist to shift certain colours, I think (Not sure!); but certain built in profiles (and monitor settings!) may be better than others.

    I think it may be well worth while looking at Visolve for Windows and Mac OS X. "Visolve is the software tool that transforms colors of the computer display into the discriminable colors for various people including people with color vision deficiency, commonly called color blindness. In addition to the color conversion, it also has color filtering and hatching capabilities."

    The software's home page has a 'try on web' link too. Visolve will always work best when you have a good professional diagnosis of the type of colour deficiency you have. Visolve can be found here, and I'd love to know if anyone is using it and if it works with ESO and other games.

    I would LOVE for the devs to try Visolve as well, and confirm if it works!

    (From their homepage: Visolve for Windows, Visolve for Mac OS X are free for personal and non-commercial use. However, the copyright is owned by Ryobi System Solutions. You may not copy, modify, or distribute the software without permission from Ryobi System Solutions.)

    From About Visolve on their website:
    Visolve is the software that transforms colors of the computer display into the discriminable colors for various people including people with color vision deficiency, commonly called color blindness. In addition to distinguishing colors and finding a specific color, it aims to help people with color blindness:
    to guess a normal color, and
    to feel the color gradations in natural scenery etc. by their visual information.

    Visolve can execute the following three types of color transformation, filtering, and hatching:
    Red-Green transform -- transforms redder colors to brighter, and greener colors to darker,
    Blue-Yellow transform -- transforms bluer colors to brighter, and yellower colors to darker,
    Saturation increase -- increases the saturation of all colors,
    Filtering -- darkens all colors other than the specified color, and
    Hatching -- draws different hatch patterns depending on color.

    When people with color blindness apply, for example, Red-Green transform, if they keep the above transformation rule in mind and see color changes, they could guess a normal color. Moreover, Red-Green transform reflects the degree of color saturation into its brightness regularly. So they could know not only the difference between red and green but also the difference between two reds, i.e., the degrees of red.

    We hope that color vision universal design will be incorporated into every digital device with a screen. Furthermore, we can help to make your website more accessible.
    Edited by Sintao on April 3, 2017 12:19PM
  • Azurulia
    While I am not colorblind or have any visual handicaps, (such an awful word. But if the shoe fits.) I think this is something that should be addressed for those who do have these problems.

    Everyone should be able to enjoy the game to it's fullest without having to worry if they are standing in the fire or not. :smile:
    Edited by Azurulia on April 3, 2017 9:59AM
    Criminal Scum:
    50 Breton Templar Healer: Olivine Azshara | 42 Orc Dragonknight Tank: Olivine Claremont | 50 Kahjiit Safe Cracker: Cracks-The-Safes | 50 Kahjiit Serial Killer: Cereal-The-Killer <Current Bounty: 1,231,318 gold>

    "Whoever said crime doesn't pay clearly hasn't met Azu." -@Sloris
  • Enodoc
    I don't have a good example screenshot of red AoE on green, but if anyone does have one, post it here and anyone who's interested in seeing what it looks like under different colour-blindnesses can upload it at
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • StevieKingslayer
    Enodoc wrote: »
    I don't have a good example screenshot of red AoE on green, but if anyone does have one, post it here and anyone who's interested in seeing what it looks like under different colour-blindnesses can upload it at

    Oh wow...That's insane...I can't imagine having to deal with that on a daily basis.

    I am 100% in support of ZOS offering a solution to this, even if it means rejigging the entire graphics and making everyone do a colour selection and having to re learn new AOE colours - Anything that helps fellow players be able to play and feel like they are on the same level as others. I have played with one colour blind person before, and I had no clue until they told me afterwards and I felt terrible for being frustrated at them because I really would have been calling out the AOE's if I knew. I have a friend currently who's ping get's so bad in dungeons I have to call AOE's so he can respond in time as he can't see the AOE'S circles on his screen in time.

    Im curious though, how many of you have trouble in PVP as well with things like caltrop circles? Is that orange enough to help or is it still a shade too red? Do you see siege engine circles? I honestly just didn't realize how much of an impact this had, although it seems obvious now - But people rarely speak out about it in game. I'd hate to think that I'm shooting a fire ballista at someone and they can't see it so they don't even have a chance of avoiding the damage :( It feels unfair.
    I am demanding better customer service from Zenimax Studios.
    I am demanding better and more open communication between the devs & the playerbase.
    Majin Stevie || Iothane || Nymphetamine
    PVP || PVE
    Player since beta.
  • Dragonking06
    I can't even begin to imagine how frustrating it would be to do PvP like that. :[ ZoS, really, you'd be earning yourself some serious kudos for implementing some simple settings that would make players with colorblindness feel included just as much as everyone else.
    Edited by Dragonking06 on April 3, 2017 4:55PM
    PC - NA Server
    Nora Wolf-bane - Nord - Knight of Alkosh, Tank
    "We both looked into the Abyss. But when it looked back... You blinked."
  • drallar
    I remember seeing a request like this about 2 years ago and we all clicked agree then too.. but if its any consolation, they make glasses for this now. The company Enchroma for example has some.

    I actually own a pair of those Enchroma glasses - they are amazing sun glasses but mine do not work indoors, only outside in sunlight not at a computer screen.
  • React
    Zos please I had another flawless run in vMA aside from the 3 deaths on round 7 because of red circles on top of green grass with green poison clouds above them..

    @ZOS_RichLambert pls... just add a slider color wheel for AOE indicators..
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
This discussion has been closed.