Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
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The Xbox Live™ service interruption has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.

Vet Maw of Lorkhaj - Broken on Xbox One AGAIN!!!!!

  • pod88kk
    Lol wow, why would you even put that here. Will you send me your stuff before you get banned? :D
  • angellee94
    Soul Shriven
    Anyone else having issues with VSO? Block mechanics are not working, as well as half the team is not getting block animation. XB NA. Takes forever to get past the Manti when those don't work.
  • DjMuscleboy02
    angellee94 wrote: »
    Anyone else having issues with VSO? Block mechanics are not working, as well as half the team is not getting block animation. XB NA. Takes forever to get past the Manti when those don't work.
    Yeah, you just have to block earlier. I guess it's not registering quickly? Not sure. It definitely works if everyone is blocking though, so if you're still having issues then it's people just not blocking.

    Brodor - PC NA - ESO's only pure bodybuilding guild
    Hodor, but stronger
  • KingJ
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    If it were doable you'd see way more dodgy people with the skin xD
    You don't do it for the skin they do it for the loot.Faster way to farm for gear with 7 chest to loot from and the last boss farming it is easier.
  • Shad0wfire99
    Orbital wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    If it were doable you'd see way more dodgy people with the skin xD

    i've heard the new exploit is a chest farm again, funny thing is, no dc's lmao

    Lol. If it's currently the only way to participate in the content, I actually don't care about an exploit this time.

    XBox NA
  • DRXHarbinger
    pod88kk wrote: »
    Lol wow, why would you even put that here. Will you send me your stuff before you get banned? :D

    Not the 1st time I've put that on here. In case you haven't noticed. ..zos doesn't pay attention.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
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  • Orbital
    Orbital wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    If it were doable you'd see way more dodgy people with the skin xD

    i've heard the new exploit is a chest farm again, funny thing is, no dc's lmao

    You do DC when chest farming in vmol. Even when solo. Not that often but I've had it by the 1st ogre pit and 1st chest room. Doesn't happen at Rakkhat.

    i havent done it so i dunno, just going of what i've been told!
    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • Sheva I 7 I
    Sheva I 7 I
    wasn't me who told you

    Edited by Sheva I 7 I on May 10, 2017 2:18PM
  • Orbital
    So we got to twins now with almost no dcs, had a pug group so didnt beat them (got to 1% lol)
    steps to try:
    Everyone swaps to 720p resolution
    everyone hard resets their xboxs
    Sorc does streak glitch and activates the whole trial (all spawn animations)
    everyone wears skeleton polymorphs (not sure if really matters)

    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • johu31
    KingJ wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    If it were doable you'd see way more dodgy people with the skin xD
    You don't do it for the skin they do it for the loot.Faster way to farm for gear with 7 chest to loot from and the last boss farming it is easier.

    They must've opened it back up so the Xbox community can get their gear :smile:
  • DRXHarbinger
    KingJ wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    If it were doable you'd see way more dodgy people with the skin xD
    You don't do it for the skin they do it for the loot.Faster way to farm for gear with 7 chest to loot from and the last boss farming it is easier.

    You also don't get the skin unless you kill the twins. You cannot glitch to the twin rooms and if you can kill them you can smash the trial anyway. Mute point. Chest farm is for farming only. Far quicker and more efficient to just farm back out and back in and at it again that killing bosses with 12 sorcs.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
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  • DjMuscleboy02
    So the streaking sorc was an intended mechanic all along, nice play, Zos, you sly ***.
    Brodor - PC NA - ESO's only pure bodybuilding guild
    Hodor, but stronger
  • DRXHarbinger
    So the streaking sorc was an intended mechanic all along, nice play, Zos, you sly ***.

    Lol not intended. It seems when we have a patch (this became doable again after the data logging patch) hot fixes are in some way removed. Being that zos evidently employ competent staff hot fixes get overlooked with it comes to "incremental patches"
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
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    Down With BOP!
  • Tostiee
    So any updates on the problem and a possible fix? Would be nice to have a proper update on the situation after a few weeks of hearing nothing. Keeping people in the dark is not helping anyone, it is just making it worse and our faith and patience is running out especially as this is paid content.. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Xbox One EU
    CP 1000+
    vAA HM - vHRC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM - vHoF HM - vAS +2 Immortal Redeemer - vCR +3 - vDSA - vBRP - vMA
    High Elf Sorcerer AD (DD)
    Breton Templar AD (Healer main)
    Redguard Templar AD (PvP)
    Breton Nightblade AD (DD)
    Redguard Dragonknight AD (Tank)
    Redguard Templar EP (PvP)
    Breton Warden EP (Healer)
    Dark Elf Dragonknight DC (PvP)
  • jkolb2030
    angellee94 wrote: »
    Anyone else having issues with VSO? Block mechanics are not working, as well as half the team is not getting block animation. XB NA. Takes forever to get past the Manti when those don't work.
    Yeah, you just have to block earlier. I guess it's not registering quickly? Not sure. It definitely works if everyone is blocking though, so if you're still having issues then it's people just not blocking.

    Yeah, you have to block earlier - there has been crazy latency recently, especially with block, since the last minor update..

    Sorry for de-railing thread...

    Back to fix for vMoL!!!
  • MrFish024
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ETA on fix? Help us out here
  • OGNZ3
    Woaw. Got no words to describe that incompetent communication. Oh yeah, there is NO communication at all since more than 1 month.
    That's so GREAT !!
    Edited by OGNZ3 on May 9, 2017 4:51PM
    Xbox One - EU
    Nephilims PvE Guild
    AR 50

    PC - EU
  • LadyLavina
    DrSweetazz wrote: »

    I have no idea how you guys think that this is gonna go well for you zos

    Edited by LadyLavina on May 9, 2017 5:02PM
    PC - NA @LadyLavina 1800+ CP PvP Tank and PvP Healer
  • Tkap420
    @Sheva I 7 I even When you do that you still get dcs in the gauntlet room before Rahhkat and then at rahhkat atleast 5 dcs once you start the fight....
  • idk

    Zos communicated what was going on in the last ESO Live which I think was last Friday. Maybe the Friday before that. Basically 11 days ago at the most. Check it out.
  • Sheva I 7 I
    Sheva I 7 I
    Tkap420 wrote: »
    @Sheva I 7 I even When you do that you still get dcs in the gauntlet room before Rahhkat and then at rahhkat atleast 5 dcs once you start the fight....

    welp at least you can get there haha, and glitch kill last boss. LOOOOL
  • DRXHarbinger
    13 weeks and no fix. 91 days ffs. Give us an update zos.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
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  • OGNZ3

    Zos communicated what was going on in the last ESO Live which I think was last Friday. Maybe the Friday before that. Basically 11 days ago at the most. Check it out.
    Oh sorry, totally forgotten that everybody must watch the ESO live to get informations when you have an official forum with dedicated threads and paid communities manager to inform us.
    Thanks you so much for this tips.
    Xbox One - EU
    Nephilims PvE Guild
    AR 50

    PC - EU
  • DjMuscleboy02
    Tkap420 wrote: »
    @Sheva I 7 I even When you do that you still get dcs in the gauntlet room before Rahhkat and then at rahhkat atleast 5 dcs once you start the fight....

    First boss can still be rough, we got through two days ago with no dcs on first boss and only 1 on Rakkhat. Yesterday was horrible, I think we basically had a DSA squad +1 for almost every ad pull except the hallway before Rakkhat. Healer dced on pad 1 so that was cool.
    Brodor - PC NA - ESO's only pure bodybuilding guild
    Hodor, but stronger
  • DRXHarbinger
    This thread is also the most viewed on the forum. By almost double lol.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
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  • MrFish024
    @ZOS_GinaBruno take a look at Xbox for once. Everybody is glitching vmol instead actually learning the trial. Nobody reports it anymore bc the trial is not playable any way. When will zos ever do something about this? People are paying to be carried through the twins bc you can glitch the last boss. how much longer can you just ingnore these issues and the hundreds/ thousands that have viewed and commented in this thread?
  • Feanor
    Glitching sounds tedious. I mean it's 86 million HP and you're all alone.
    Edited by Feanor on May 10, 2017 2:22PM
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Marabornwingrion
    MrFish024 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno take a look at Xbox for once. Everybody is glitching vmol instead actually learning the trial. Nobody reports it anymore bc the trial is not playable any way. When will zos ever do something about this? People are paying to be carried through the twins bc you can glitch the last boss. how much longer can you just ingnore these issues and the hundreds/ thousands that have viewed and commented in this thread?

    vMoL exploit was fixed 2 times already, how is this possible that they are still doing this on xbox? I haven't heard on PC about gliching it since the last time ZOS fixed it.
  • Tostiee
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    MrFish024 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno take a look at Xbox for once. Everybody is glitching vmol instead actually learning the trial. Nobody reports it anymore bc the trial is not playable any way. When will zos ever do something about this? People are paying to be carried through the twins bc you can glitch the last boss. how much longer can you just ingnore these issues and the hundreds/ thousands that have viewed and commented in this thread?

    vMoL exploit was fixed 2 times already, how is this possible that they are still doing this on xbox? I haven't heard on PC about gliching it since the last time ZOS fixed it.

    One reason probably because people on console were trying to find other ways to get the gear/weapons and succeeded. As console can't do it the normal way and still want the BiS gear/weapons to be competitive. I think people are also doing it because ZoS is to incompetent to actually fix the trials on xbox so people are finding other ways to get stuff done and tbf I dont blame them.
    Edited by Tostiee on May 10, 2017 2:51PM
    Xbox One EU
    CP 1000+
    vAA HM - vHRC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM - vHoF HM - vAS +2 Immortal Redeemer - vCR +3 - vDSA - vBRP - vMA
    High Elf Sorcerer AD (DD)
    Breton Templar AD (Healer main)
    Redguard Templar AD (PvP)
    Breton Nightblade AD (DD)
    Redguard Dragonknight AD (Tank)
    Redguard Templar EP (PvP)
    Breton Warden EP (Healer)
    Dark Elf Dragonknight DC (PvP)
  • OGNZ3
    I have unfortunately to disagree with some says : vMoL is actually doable for teams that have already done with it, but absolutely not for teams that don't know mechanics / that haven't try hard on it.

    But don't say that "everybody s glitching it on XBL" : all the guys that you can see in the vMoL leaderboard have done it by theirselves, WITH all the DCs and the freezes.
    Please don't call us glitchers
    Xbox One - EU
    Nephilims PvE Guild
    AR 50

    PC - EU
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