Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
The Xbox Live™ service interruption has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.

Vet Maw of Lorkhaj - Broken on Xbox One AGAIN!!!!!

  • KingJ
    Well I canceled my sub 2 months ago.Still waiting for a update @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Finn .
  • MrFish024
    @ZOS_GinaBruno 72 days this has been broken. Help us
  • Stopnaggin
    Vuz3 wrote: »
    Tostiee wrote: »
    You can switch to PC. That is an option.

    It is and then grind all the crap again with this horrible rng system? Getting gear is already a pain and to have to go through that hell again?

    Didn't take me long at all. Sharpened moondancer, sharpened vma weapons, BSW, etc.

    *** I can't get a sharp moondancer staff and 1 gold ring
  • KingJ
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno Really wish I could run VMol tonight to help some guild mates get there skins.
  • Sheva I 7 I
    Sheva I 7 I
    Guys everyone calm down, I finally found the solution, tank has to wear "blessed" armor set to blind the boss.
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    Bit off topic but any good Xbox EU guilds here (capable of beating vMoL) willing to give me an invite/trail?

    Pending a DPS test etc.
    (I main mag sorc and have mag DK can get 35k plus on both self buffed on dummy) i I also have tank (and all other class specs), have BiS gear.
    Max CP, with mic.

    I put Vmol on hold but would really love to beat it, please fix ZOS ;)
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • MrFish024
  • KingJ
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Finn Any update on this @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_RichLambert How is this acceptable 73 days with content broken.This is ridiculous
  • KingJ
  • pod88kk
    Please stop spamming how many days it's been, you'll get the thread closed & it'll be swept under the rug
  • Cocorocho
    pod88kk wrote: »
    Please stop spamming how many days it's been, you'll get the thread closed & it'll be swept under the rug

    yeah it will be swept under the rug and they will start ignoring this topic... oh wait...
  • Vaoh
    Any luck towards fixing this issue?
  • Teuton67
    A question I have about this @ZOS_JessicaFolsom is whether the tools that ZOS applied for logging will also help address the lag and disconnects outside of MoL. VMA and DSA are both horrible as well. I hope whatever fix comes out will affect those as well. I am finding it extremely difficult to support a game when all of the content I enjoy is currently broken.
  • Sheva I 7 I
    Sheva I 7 I
    Bump to the top
  • DPShiro
    So nice to have the whole weekend free and to play vMoL with my team over and over!!

    ....oh wait.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • Vaoh
    DPShiro wrote: »
    So nice to have the whole weekend free and to play vMoL with my team over and over!!

    ....oh wait.

    Stop complaining!

    ....Only 5 members of my raid team crashed on the add poll outside Zhaj'hassa's room. :trollface:
  • Lascelly
    It's possible to be done, but not without some hassle. Still not worth the effort over all though. Hope there's an update soon.
    I do stuff, and things happen!

  • Trouble13691
    Vezuls wrote: »
    Please, please, please, fix this, and don't take 3 freaking months like last time. Console players matter. Xbox players matter.

    Rip. You tried.
  • ThyMorningGlory
    How do you honestly expect Xbox players to shell out more cash to see IF thr new trial is even playable. You really better include it in eso plus or something if you expect to save the Xbox player base. Some might come back but at this rate nobody trusts you.
    Butterflyy Wing
  • Orbital
    this has completely broken the trial community on xbox eu
    2 teams, in the whole game
    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • KingJ
    I'm done reaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.
    Edited by KingJ on May 8, 2017 3:26AM
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Izaki
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    If it were doable you'd see way more dodgy people with the skin xD
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Shad0wfire99
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    It's real.

    XBox NA
  • Izaki
    Btw any ETA on a fix @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ? :)
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • KingJ
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    Lets just say we can talk about it in PM.
  • DPShiro
    An exciting new week, will vMoL be the weekly again!?

    Stay tuned, disappointment, neglect are sure to follow.

    Day 80~ ish?
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • DRXHarbinger
    @ZOS_MattFiror can we please for the love of Allah get an update on this. This has been the most *** takingly long wait in the history of this game.

    This issue has killed the game for so many people, out of the 104 people in my friends list that I played the game with almost daily has had just 12 play the game in the past week and yes they are playing games just not this.

    They've all gone to play destiny or mass effect. You are seriously running out of time.

    I bulk messaged 40 odd of them today and they were not planning on bothering with Morrowind at all. This cannot wait another month. Please stop being so neglectful and give us something other than your favorite catch phrase "no eta" or the ZoS signature ".........."
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Orbital
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    If it were doable you'd see way more dodgy people with the skin xD

    i've heard the new exploit is a chest farm again, funny thing is, no dc's lmao
    Proud Member Of Vitality
    Spotless Triumph
    Tick Tock Tormentor
    XB1 EU
    PC EU
  • DRXHarbinger
    Orbital wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    I'm done one player in one of my social guilds just told me you can still glitch Vmol hard mode this is ridiculous the fix you implemented to do this that broke trials is still there.What was the point of breaking trials to keep this glitch ingame.

    Is that for real?

    Then again people do like spreading rumours, surely it's not doable again?

    If it were doable you'd see way more dodgy people with the skin xD

    i've heard the new exploit is a chest farm again, funny thing is, no dc's lmao

    You do DC when chest farming in vmol. Even when solo. Not that often but I've had it by the 1st ogre pit and 1st chest room. Doesn't happen at Rakkhat.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
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